Fae-CaptainofDreams — Princess Celestia and Princess Luna: HEAD CANON

#mlp #mylittlepony #princessluna #princesscelestia #celestiaandluna
Published: 2021-10-17 19:12:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 9373; Favourites: 36; Downloads: 0
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Description Cosmos and Galaxia:


Mother Harvest and Mother Erosia:

If you haven't read these yet, keep in mind they are all needed for context.

~~Princess Celestia~~

Celestia is the first alicorn in existence, and is approximately 1,900 years old.
She was born of the earth pony named StrawBelt Maize, who died delivering her.
The firstborn daughter of King Cosmos and Queen Galaxia, Celestia was born on June 21st, on the dawn on the Summer Solstice.

When she came into the world, the Maize family didn't know what to make of her, nor did StarSwirl the Bearded.
They could not bear to raise her, given she was not only responsible for the death of their beloved StrawBelt, but no one had ever seen a pony like her before.
So StarSwirl took her to the local orphanage, vaguely explaining that she had "been born without a father, and her mother was now dead."
When they asked what she was, he wasn't sure what to say.
Cosmos and Galaxia had told StarBelt that she was an "alicorn," so the wizard pitched that title to the caretakers.
Hesitant, but unwilling to simply leave the baby to the elements, the orphanage accepted her, and she was nursed by several different women.

No one could deny how beautiful a child she was, sporting pink and orange-tinted mane and tail, which also glittered.
Her eyes reminded the caretakers of sunlight breaking the day, and her horn was already bigger than most unicorns were born with -- and it was growing at a tiny curve.
No one knew what to make of her, but they did know this; she was very special, and most likely very powerful.
They had no idea what they were in for.

StarSwirl stayed in the town she was born in, keeping an eye on her and visiting from time to time.
Oddly, when she turned five, she started turning down food, and her aging began to slow.
She would eat here and there, but it came to a point where she eventually rejected food all together, yet continued to grow and appeared just fine.
But alarmingly, Celestia started running away and exploring when she was only six years old, which sent the orphanage staff -- and StarSwirl-- into a panic.
But each time someone found her, she was totally safe, and had already discovered flight.
It was becoming clear that not only was she a unique creature, but soon to be independent as well.
Only StarSwirl and the Maize family knew the secrets, only they knew that she was the offspring of gods, and at that, gods many believed to only be myths at this point.
But as Celestia grew and continued to shock everyone who encountered her, the old wizard could not deny the truth.
King Cosmos and Queen Galaxia were more than just legends, and they had gifted the world with something truly special.

There was another rift in the clans in that town later in Celestia's sixth year, which attracted soulchillers.
They struck quick and fiercely.
And little Celestia, although not understanding these monsters or what they were, felt their evil, and craved the heat they had taken from the Summertime land.
So in front of all the bickering, freezing town, she ascended to the skies, and with a powerful blast of magic, cleared away the soulchillers in one consistent blow.
The clouds dispersed, the spirits fled, and the sun was revealed yet again, bringing quick warmth and light back to the town.
It was then that she acquired her cutie mark.
She was simultaneously loved and feared by the people who witnessed this event, but more than anything, they were fascinated.
Word of this moment spread quickly, and Celestia's fame soon quadrupled almost over night.
StarSwirl finally acknowledged that this child could no longer stay at the orphanage; she belonged in the heart of the continent, where she could harness her strength and grow up in a safe, comfortable environment.

The sorcerer convinced the orphanage to allow him to take Celestia with him to the developing town of Canterlot, the first place the three clans had learned to get along.
If this new breed of pony was to grow into a benevolent and caring individual, she would have to do so in a place where supremacy had first died.
StarSwirl teleported them there, having taken Sturgis with them, and met with the clan leaders to show them the alicorn.
Upon seeing her, they were astonished, and StarSwirl began a hard discussion with them about what to do with her.
She was special -- SUPER special, but even so, he wasn't comfortable revealing her origins to the small council.
He feared they would find it too hard to believe, which was something he couldn't have blamed them for.

After days of arguing, the clan leaders came to the conclusion that such a being must be special, and was a clear, visible symbol of unity amongst all the pony kinds.
Being the first of this new type, they all agreed that it would be best if someday, young Celestia grew to rule Equestria.
It was a bold suggestion, but even StarSwirl saw it as worth the risk, and they all decided it to construct a castle atop the cliffside of Canterlot.
This would be Celestia's, and eventually Luna's, forever home.
It was the birthplace of the new Kingdom, of which StarSwirl hinted Celestia was to be the "princess."
Why not queen?
Well, she was the daughter of a queen, but only StarSwirl knew that.
He remained vague about his suggestion, and Celestia was soon appointed as the Princess of Equestria.
A system of royalty and higher classism came into place, and knights, guards, and the council came to live in the castle for a long time.

19 years passed, and in that time, Celestia grew to the size of her mentor, but she did not appear 25.
She had hardly matured mentally or physically past the age of ten, suggesting her growth rate had slowed to less than half that of the normal pony.
StarSwirl was only present for her life in small parts, forced to travel and meet up with his companions, the Pillars, but he did his best to stay present in Canterlot.
But he always kept the alicorn at an arm's length, as he had since the beginning; she would not do well to be too attached to him, he thought.
After all, he had achieved greatness with little love.
Why couldn't she?

Celestia was lonely much of the time, raised primarily by, well...everyone, in tiny increments, but ultimately she was seen as self sufficient -- which was partially true.
She had many toys, a generous palace to call home, a lovely bedroom.
In return, she performed magics beyond even StarSwirl's understanding, healing the sick, fixing damages, preventing natural disasters -- all while just a little girl.
She would occasionally even leave Canterlot (which got her into trouble here and there) to go perform her good deeds elsewhere.
The struggles which unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies had previously all prevented or fixed separately, Celestia could do all on her own, which was critical at the time.
It was giving Equestria the opportunity to heal, but in those 19 years of life, the more she did, the more that was expected of her, and Celestia remained humbled as she obliged all that she could.
But this was tiring, and her heavenly parents saw that she would need some assistance, and could use the companionship.


Four months into her pregnancy, Evergreen Plow reached out to StarSwirl.
He was skeptical of her claims, as many people had told him outrageous things that were not true, but he felt this shouldn't be risked.
Evergreen was brought to the castle in Canterlot, where she kept her word, and delivered the second-born alicorn, Luna.
Celestia watched her struggle, suffer, and ultimately perish while giving her her baby sister, and she wept for the woman.
But when she saw Luna, her entire world lit up, and from then on, the filly was all that mattered to her for a long time.

Like before, StarSwirl stayed out of the picture for the most part.
He would mentor the girls and watch over them here and there, and when they were old enough, would even give them magic assignments to keep them in check.
But mostly, the sisters raised themselves.

As time went on and Celestia matured more, she became more conscious of her position as the first ruler of Equestria.
Her magic and light kept balance all across the land, and throughout the day, everyone bore witness to her prowess.
But by night, Luna was the one doing more protecting, as her sister needed rest.
This led to tension which mounted over a few years.
Luna finally transformed and became Night Mare Moon, and Celestia was forced to fight her sister.
She was 125 years old, a young adult at last.
Upon using the Elements of Harmony to banish her sister to the moon, Celestia completed her growth into adulthood, which shown through her sudden spike in size, as well as far more colorful, flowing mane and tail.
The elder sister was distraught at what she had ultimately caused, and knew that her spell would last 1,000 years to the day.
Only ten years prior, StarSwirl and the Pillars had taken the Pony of Shadows to Limbo.
Celestia had lost a lot in a short time span, and in the blink of an eye, she was the sole ruler of Equestria once again, forced to work around the clock to protect the place she loved.

Over millennia, Celestia has remained the sole ruler of Equestria, with a select few challengers -- all of whom have perished trying to take her place, or defeat her.
And now that she has her sister and mentor back, she personally feels like life is better than it ever was -- and that's saying something for someone who's been around for so long!
And with Princess Twilight destined to inherit the throne and having such a great presence in the royal family now, Celestia enjoys occasional vacations with her sister.
After much time, it's deserved.

~~Princess Luna~~

While her older sister was birthed by the matron of a loving family and raised in the light of the sun, little Luna was always destined to live in Celestia's shadow.
Even her birth mother, Evergreen, was an outcast, shunned and forced to birth her with people she barely knew to even be friends.
But at the very least, she was born in the safe, beautiful castle, and was loved unconditionally by her sister for years.
She was born on December 21st, at the dusk of the Winter Solstice.

Luna grew in the same pattern as Celestia did; she needed to be nursed by mares until she was two years old, and around the age of five, she began to reject food, and her growth rate slowed over time.
She gained her lunar cutie mark when she was seven, after preventing an unexpected meteor from hitting the continent.
But because it was nighttime, unlike with Celestia, hardly anyone knew of her heroic doing, or saw it, for that matter.
She was proud of herself, and Celestia was proud, but Luna was sad to have not been able to share her achievement.

What Luna couldn't understand was she was never meant to be in the center stage like her older sister.
She was a breath of coolness and softness, but the nighttime she ruled over was misunderstood.
Bats, wolves, raccoons, spiders, and worms ruled the night, as did the big cats and other large predators in Equestria.
The darkness meant ponies were more vulnerable to monsters and evil spirits, and could easily become lost.
Luna could see in the dark, and she could soothe the beasts of the night, but even what she represented made people uneasy.
No matter how good she did or where she went, the majority of people preferred Celestia.
The younger princess swallowed her jealousy for years, but the negative forces of the moon began to align with her.

~~The Battle of Night Mare Moon~~

After StarSwirl disappeared, his lack of occasional teaching and discipline led to a rift in the sisters' relationship.
The dark side of the moon's negative, mysterious energy began taking hold of Luna's heart in tiny amounts, and as the weeks bled into months, and into years, Luna's sense of morale began to trickle away.
She and Celestia had more arguments, and the younger sibling often shut herself away.
And on the rare occasion that Luna would admit her anger over their subjects preferring Celestia, the elder didn't know what to say.
She couldn't fix it, and whether she was kind or stubborn, Luna was no longer willing to listen.
Hearts in the Canterlot castle remained heavy until finally, the negative energy transformed the vulnerable Luna into Night Mare Moon.

Night Mare unexpectedly harnessed enough strength to raise the moon in the middle of the day, taking it out of orbit, and eclipsing the sun.
The disturbance of the humble satellite caused severe natural disasters all over the planet -- not just in Equestria.
Tsunamis, ocean level disturbances, pressure changes in the air, storms, damage to Earth's magnetic field, and the spiritual repercussions no one recognized were equally as damaging.
Even while not knowing the entire planet was in chaos, Celestia saw that her sister had been corrupted, and pleaded for her to return the moon to its orbit, as she did sense doom.
But her sister wasn't listening, and the elder princess was forced to fight Night Mare Moon.

They fought with the eclipse as their backdrop, which lasted only for ten minutes, but in that time, incalculable damage was done to the world.
Celestia couldn't bring herself to harm her little sister, no matter how monstrous she had become, and thus could not harness the strength to do anything to her.
Weak, injured, and desperate to save the world without killing her sibling, Celestia used the Elements of Harmony to banish her to the moon.
Only after this great event did Celestia reach full adult maturity, her mane and tail changing, tail feathers appearing over her hindquarters, and her growing into a giantess.
But this hardly mattered to her; for months, she saw it only as a marker of what she had been forced to do.
She mourned heavily.
But just after sealing Luna away, Celestia quickly found she too, could move the moon, which she did in order to move it back to its initial orbit.
And, although she was exhausted and in shock, she had to travel the world and help control and undo the natural disasters caused by the chaos.
Her intense mourning took place throughout the duration of her heroics.
She even repaired Earth's magnetic field.
It was a miserable time for her, and she could hardly appreciate the worship and love given to her by the peoples of the world for saving them.
She couldn't save everyone, of course, nor stop every natural disaster.
And as it was, the consequences of this event would take its toll on the planet for several decades to come.

Whenever it was asked of her where her sister went, she didn't know what to say.
Years later, Celestia wrote a book detailing the events very vaguely, which became known as The Legend of the Mare in the Moon.
She ruled over the land alone once more, and witnessed ponies take the "legend" and run with it.
Nightmare Night became a holiday that she both loved and despised, and knew that one day, her spell would weaken, and the stars would align to set her sister free.

When the night finally came that Night Mare Moon returned, and Twilight and friends stopped her and set Luna free, Celestia was there to catch her.
It was like the universe had given back her baby sister, whom she'd missed terribly.
I was jarring how Luna was so small compared to her now, also only a young adult, not fully matured yet.
She promised from then on that things would be different, and everyone would know of Luna's majesty -- including Luna herself.
And finally, in the months that followed, Luna's soul began to heal, and she found her calling in the ability to visit people's dreams.
This enabled her to reach full maturity, now also growing into a giantess, with flowing mane and tail of unique palette, and hindquarter feathers.
At last, she knew peace, and embraced her softer, quieter, less bright influence on the world.


Life couldn't be better!
The sisters are reunited, and the world is in total harmony.

~~Celestia's Preference~~

She's straight, and has had many affairs throughout her long centuries of life.
However, she's yet to find anyone permanent, and doesn't really see herself ever settling down.

~~Luna's Preference~~

Luna herself is still exploring her sexuality, and is bi-curious.
She remains a virgin at the time being, but doesn't intend to stay that way forever.~


*collapses in a puddle of sweat* Almost...done...!

And no, in our HC, Celestia and Luna do not move the sun and moon.
I cannot possibly make sense of that
They're also still the rulers, because fuck that nonsense with Twilight being in charge suddenly.

---i do not own mlp but i do own this art---
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Comments: 2

Arcane-Host-of-Rain [2021-10-18 05:21:39 +0000 UTC]

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Fae-CaptainofDreams In reply to Arcane-Host-of-Rain [2021-10-18 13:35:01 +0000 UTC]

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