Falconicide — TDE - Hale Reference

Published: 2013-09-22 08:24:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 1679; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 3
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Basic Information
ID: #3
Skelt Tracker: TBA

Status: Healthy & Alive 

Name: Hale
Age: 8 Years
Gender: Male
Breed: Borzoi x Azawhak
Occupation: Head Physician

Appearance: [Tall] [Lanky] [Messy Fur] [Silvered Coat] [Gaunt Face] [Beard]
Hale is a tall and lanky dog thanks to his borzoi heritage- a stressed out and high strung personality making him exceedingly thin and lacking in weight to the point his hip bones and ribs can be seen jutting out from his silver-white fur. Which in itself is a mess due to lack of care, giving him a though spotless coat- one that is a mess of tangles an snags from lack of grooming. Like most borzoi's he also has a rather gaunt face, with cheekbones that stick out making him look emaciated and somewhat sickly, if not further emphasising the little tuft of fur that hangs from his chin almost like a "beard".

Personal Information
Personality: [Intelligent] [Confident] [Decisive] [Challenging/Demanding] [Blunt] [Introverted] [High-Strung] [Tempermental]

[ Intelligent ]
Smart and capable, Hale is the head physician thanks to his high intelligence which allows him to do his job both effectively and tactically so he can save lives, conserve medical supplies and keep track of not only the medical inventory, but of his patients and cohorts as well. His intelligence is not fully due to his own brain-power however. As he is one of the few dogs of Eden who can still read the old-script of the human language, making him an invaluable font of knowledge, that can learn new things quickly.

[ Confident ]

Being the head of his field, Hale has been forced to inject confidence into his personality- which boosted by his pride in his position- makes him extremely capable of giving out orders in a confident manner, as well as not panicking in dire situations such as amputation surgeries. This of course makes him seem a bit callous, as he does not appear to show concerns for his patients thanks to this lack of panic. But it is primarily the one trait he has that keeps his patients from dying and his cohorts from panicking themselves.

[ Decisive ]

Hale's confidence and intelligence makes him a decisive dog- as he does not ponder options for long- and can quickly make a decision based on the outcome rather than how much pain his patients might endure or if his decision will upset them. If you're going to lose a leg- he'll sooner chop it off than let your dog bleed to death, making him invaluable in high-strung situations that need decisions to be made immediately. 

[ Challenging / Demanding ]

Hale however is a challenging and demanding individual. If he tells you to do something, you better to it RIGHT NOW and be QUICK about it too, lest you risk his ire for getting something wrong, or not working fast enough. This can make him somewhat difficult to get along with, as he can come across as rude and snappish- and if you fail even tempermental, as his challenging nature has worked many an apprentice into the ground. But all in all its his challenging personality and demand of his cohorts that not only prepares apprentices for their future stressful job- but keeps his cohorts on their toes if they don't follow protocol.

[ Blunt ]

Hale is filled to the brim with bluntness, as this sighthound does not have a single ounce of charisma in his body. It isn't uncommon for him to swear, or use colourful phrases in his work- especially when angered- making him a somewhat imposing figure. However he does tell it straight, and doesn't use delicate words to try and make something seem better than it is, or comfort dogs with sickly conditions; honesty is Hale's one and only policy.

[ Introverted ] 

Hale is also a rather introverted figure, his work life making him not as sociable as he should be as he would rather be curled up in his textbooks and work than chattering idle gossip or talking about the weather. A fact which not only makes him seem cold- and somewhat wreak havoc on his mental state- but makes it difficult for him to befriend other dog's easily as his tough personality makes him a terrible dinner guest or partner when it comes to conversation, or group work.

[ High-Strung ]

Hale is also a rather high strung figure, his stressful job and long hours making him rather snappish, and strict. He rarely deviates from the rules, and cannot take a joke of any kind- making him rather difficult to deal with should he discover you stealing supplies or breaking any of Eden's rules. He will definitely report you for abuse if you bring a battered pup to his door, and is liable to give you a good verbal lashing in the process, if not publicly to bring you further shame.

[ Tempermental ]

Being so high strung and difficult. It isn't surprise to find that the head physician has a nasty temper, that he isn't afraid to let loose on any who earn his ire through stupid questions or actions- with any complaints making him even more likely to unleash his wrath as he will commonly snap at both adult and pup alike. The only rare exceptions being that of his young daughter Lucine, who is probably one of the only dogs to bring a smile to the doctor's face.

History: [Innocent Child] [Unwanted Jobs] [Living The Dream] [Bitter End] [King of Everything]
Being an older dog, Hale was born into a family with high expectations, his father wanting him to be a councilor to the Overseer and his mother wishing for him to be a Mask Maker. However Hale was a sickly child, thin and frail, he wasn't built for running or fighting, and his hot temper and restless nature made him useless in the field of diplomacy, or the patience needed to create gas masks, a fact which greatly upset his parents, as by the age of four months he had a keen interest in the physicians and their tents. The pup fascinated and constantly questioning of the physicians whenever they came to the Nursery- He was determined to become a physician.

By the time he grew old enough to be released from the Nursery, Hale was well slated to go straight for an apprenticeship as a physician. That is before he was conscripted into the convoy ranks- thanks to the shortage of scowners that had been created by the many deaths that occurred in harsh winter convoys, sending the borzoi mix on a four year venture into a job he hated. However he was good at his job- fast and capable with a good memory he worked well with the mapper and convate and served as a loyal scowner for a good four years, before his convoy was attacked. The borzoi and a few hawkers being the only survivors as they managed to slip through a chain-link fence and escape before they were slaughtered. The chain link-fence slicing deep into one of Hale's hindlegs in the process crippling him, and preventing him from being able to perform his job as a Scowner.

Scarred for life, he was now free to do his job of choice and become a physician as he had originally desired, and after months of training and recovery from the convoy ambush he was finally doing as he'd always dreamed, and living the dream too as he soon meet the love of his life- a saluki mix and convate by the name of Anya- who one day came into the physicians camp after falling debris from the overpass broke one of her hindlegs on a convoy trip back to eden. The two eventually came to have a litter of pups- with only one of them surviving- a pale piebald pup named Lillie, and though it pained the pair to lose four of their first litter. They were happy all the same. 

But all dreams eventually come to a bitter end, and within the first few weeks of being released from the nursery. Hale's mate was killed in action by raiders, on a convoy trip to the inner city controlled by the three packs, leaving Hale mateless and the sole parent to his only child, at the age of seven years. Where he was soon later, after much dedication to his work in depression for the loss of his mate, was promoted to the position of Head Physician- The king of everything. Hale now only has one fear; losing his daughter- who will soon be old enough to leave the nursery...

Extra Information
Strengths: [Tactical][Thick Fur][Sharp Teeth]

Weaknesses: [Frail][Slow][Lame Leg]


- Not Working
- Sleep
- Reading
- Rabbit Meat


- Idiots (aka everyone.)
- Infected
- The Wasteland
- Canned Food

|| Dislike/Hate
|| Neutral / Acquaintance
|| Friend
|| Good Friend
|| Respect / Admiration
|| Guilt / Indebted
|| Crush / Attraction
|| Love / Mate
|| Family / Platonic Love

[ Name | Occupation | Status | -- ]

"Opinion of Character Here"

RP Availability:

I'm typically online all the time, and fairly easily contactable with being the easiest way to access me, being somewhat difficult, and being something I cannot be contacted to RP on:


Google Docs
dA Chats

RP Example:

"Even the Lady of Death has fears." Ave murmured through the silky fur. Before he tried to sit up to his full height, only to be yanked back down into the assassin's hug, causing his spine to creak a little bit, he didn't mind. "What's got you concerned?" Avery questioned as he sat backup to his full height, pulling the assassin gently to his wirey furred chest. He sat there in silence, before continuing. "My mother was like me you know? Compared to me her bones where like fine glass. But unlike me, she was beautiful. Silver fur covered in dark grey swirls, the way she used to move around the tavern... It was like she was floating over the floor..." Avery murmured as he drifted off in thought, brushing Renley's mane all the while. "But then she got sick, my father could earn no money as he grieved. So I began to steal from the royal hunting grounds..." He trailed of again growing rigid as his crooked tail lashed around. "That is when I met Vincent's gang. Every night and day I went poaching. And every time they where there. Demanding I pay tribute. Saying it was my duty as a lowly grunt. The day I refused was the day she died..." Avery trailed off sickly eyes glaring into the fireplace as it burned.


- Hale has one daughter, who he still hasn't named due to grief over his mate's death. She will become an apprentice soon... (If you wish to possibly roleplay her please contact me to discuss it!)
- Hale has a scent that is akin to bleach and iodine, making him very distinctive and easy to find.
- He has some dealings with councillor Inaya, but what, we don't know?

Art, Character & TDE © to me, do not copy, repost, re-produce, trace, use, appropriate & or recontextualize in any way shape or form.

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Comments: 8

narutard277 [2014-12-19 17:24:23 +0000 UTC]

I wish Malcolm could have the chance to meet him, he looks great!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MediocrePotato [2013-12-23 04:06:25 +0000 UTC]

Wow, i really love the exaggerated, emaciated look that you gave him. Very wonderful style and piece of art  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

scarfdeer [2013-10-19 13:05:23 +0000 UTC]

Oh god he looks amazing, I sense a opportunity for a borzoi bromance

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Falconicide In reply to scarfdeer [2013-10-19 13:10:12 +0000 UTC]

Oh poor Toby xD

Hale is very grumpy and mean (doesn't treat patients nice, big old man)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

scarfdeer In reply to Falconicide [2013-10-19 13:15:56 +0000 UTC]

Haha aww I'm sure Toby would get on his nerves then

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Dream-Lark [2013-09-23 03:20:39 +0000 UTC]

The old codger has a ref! <3 Ahah, I can't wait to hear more about his daughter. I'm so curious about her

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

R0B0tak [2013-09-22 22:41:37 +0000 UTC]

Gawrjuss <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Gingacreator [2013-09-22 18:09:43 +0000 UTC]

cool character

👍: 0 ⏩: 0