Feesu-san — I Support Purity before marriage

#christian #gospel #purity #puritybeforemarriage #abstinencebeforemarriage #abstinence
Published: 2014-11-01 23:37:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 4765; Favourites: 65; Downloads: 0
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Description Yes, I support abstinence before marriage. And if you ask me, sex is solely meant for marriage between one man and one woman, not the other way round. I mean, if you turn back the clocks, people had so much respect for purity, but nowadays, they take it as some product in which they can throw into the trash It shouldn't be that way. I mean, what ever happened to that? And for goodness sake, being a virgin is not a crime! I don't see any reason why people are taking it as one. Its ridiculous.

Even though people may think that it is outdated, purity is still essential. The Bible even says "Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure." (1 Timothy 5:22). You discover that many teen girls nowadays (especially those involved in premarital relationships) say “To get a husband, you need to get a boyfriend”; and of course even todays teenage boys say "To get a wife, you need to get a girlfriend."

Now that’s not really true. It's a lie. A blotted lie of the devil.

Okay, some of you reading this now may think "But what about dating? What's wrong with it?"

Believe it or not, dating can even lead to sexual immorality, since it is what boyfriend-and-girlfriend do. In fact, the Bible did warn about sexual immorality, like in Ephesians 5:3, where it says "But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints.". So the same goes for the issue of dating. I mean, the world we live in now, has completely turned the word "love" upside down, to the point they even included sin as love, dating included. Dating is like building a house upon a sand, where the waves can easily demolish them.

Its so extremely annoying that the whole flipping planet thinks that dating is "important" to get the right man/woman; when they have no clue whatsoever of the social and spiritual implications attached to it. And you know the worst part about this? They make it so mandatory that they even use it to belittle others who have never dated, nor even had a boyfriend/girlfriend.
And seriously, you don’t need to have a boyfriend/girlfriend to get a future husband/wife for goodness sake! That’s one of the so-called easy routes that many teens unfortunately decided to take, without even minding the social and spiritual consequences attached to it, nor even thinking that purity is ESSENTIAL before entering into marriage!

We live in an age where purity is been scoffed by the world, which sparks promotion of lust and immorality. An example of that is a recent report of a public school forcing a girl to remove a pro-abstinence shirt: www.truthrevolt.org/news/publi…

Many people think it is “being old school” or “old-fashioned”. Well, think again! Purity before marriage is very essential before marriage, even in this 21st century!
As Christians we have to be very watchful, because they are those who may look good but inwardly they are wolves. Having said this, the Bible says that looks deceive (which can be found in the book of Proverbs) and also says that "Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband." (1 Corinthians 7:2), because there are some who claim to be Christians but inwardly, they are wolves in sheep's clothing. And Jesus said that not everyone that calls "Lord Lord" will enter the kingdom of God. Simple as that. Is that so hard?

And in case you ask, living a Godly life while dating is just... a no no. I mean, the Bible clearly says in 1 Thessalonians 5:22 that we should "Abstain from every evil." One cannot serve two masters, its impossible, even Jesus warned about this. As its also so sad that even some of todays churches are thinking that the dating and boyfriend/girlfriend thing is okay, when before God its not.

I mean, what in the world is the need for committing immorality just to get the right husband/wife, when God is the Real Matchmaker and His time is the best? For goodness sake, the Bible clearly says that the body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit, not some show wardrobe for everybody to come and mess about with! Geez man! I mean, the whole boyfriend-and-girlfriend thing is not only wrong and sinful, its also getting annoying, and its so overrated. Urgh..

And some of you reading this will be like "How does that affect you?"

Well, as a girl who believes in Christ Jesus, I will rather wait on God for the right husband to come my way, than to sell my body to some stranger out of impatience all in the name of getting a husband. I came across instances where people were trying to ram the dating ideology on my head: I had people in my school asking me if I had a boyfriend or want one, I refused. Some boys even attempted to kiss me, I had to get them away from me (sometimes even by slaps, mind you, cos I don't like them trying to touch me anyhow. I won't tolerate that.), I had people pressure me to commit premarital sex all in the name of "fun". I refused. Its not even fun, its total repulse.
And I do want to get married someday, not just to some random man, but a genuine God-fearing man who truly serves the Lord in Spirit and in Truth and puts it into practice. I don't give a rats about his financial status, race or social status, as long as the man has the Godly qualities in Him. And yes, I do not have a boyfriend, and NO, I don't want one, and I don't flipping need one. Get over it, I'm not for sale.

Now, don't get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to get married, after all God did create Adam and Eve and joined them together as husband and wife, and He did say "be fruitful and multiply". But seriously, when it comes to finding the right husband/wife for themselves, this is where the world has gone wrong in so many levels than one. Apart from dating and the boyfriend/girlfriend relationship thing, impatience is among the things that causes one to pick the wrong man/woman, and end up back to square one. It is very unfortunate that many people try to do it by themselves by getting involved in a one night stand, getting a boyfriend/girlfriend, logging in to a dating site, using fetish and diabolical powers, etc. It never ends well. At all. Avoiding immorality and lust may not be easy, but it is never impossible and it’s definitely worth it. And with God's help they can be overcome.
If a man/woman proposes to you, or what, just hold the breaks for a sec and ask yourself "Is he/she the right man/woman for me?". Pray to God about it. If God says yes, go ahead and marry him/her, but if He says otherwise, then wait. The Bible says "For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry." (Habakkuk 2:3). God's time is always the best.

In fact, now I mentioned this, as Christians we must resist temptation at all costs, we're not fighting a physical battle here, but a spiritual one. And the devil will use anything (and anyone) to make you succumb. I mean, think about the time Jesus was tempted by the devil three good times; from telling Him to turn stones into bread, to asking Him to jump from a pinnacle, to telling to bow down to Him. Jesus didn't give in to the temptations of the devil, so why should we? In this world, people will be often so drawn to these sinful activities like premarital sex with their boyfriend/girlfriend when the enemy tries to convince them that its "all harmless and fun", when really, it's not harmless AT ALL , it rather creates an open door to the devil. Jesus saw through Satan's deception, and resisted the temptations by speaking God's Word, causing him to leave Him. And consider what King David said in Psalms 119:11, "Thy Word have I hidden in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee."

The best time to have kids is when you're married. Simples. Why can't people understand that sex is solely meant for marriage? Even the Bible says that "Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge." (Hebrews 13:4). And you know something else? (may God forgive me for saying this) If boys had learned how to kept their pants zipped and girls learned how to kept their legs closed, there wouldn't be out-of-wedlock pregnancies, and families would be a lot more stabler. And if you ever travel to the UK, you'll be so surprised that country has the highest rates of teen pregnancies in the world Now, I'm not saying that everybody is like that, its just that the vast majority are heading that way. But fortunately, there are still few who are willing to make a stand.

Take Pamela Bucklin for example:

When Pamela was in her teenage years (16 years old to be precise), all of her friends were dating, and she is the only one who is not, because she is a Christian. And all of the boys were after her. And this particular guy was asking her out, and she turned him down; he kept asking her to go this basketball game. Now, she did agree with see the basketball game with the guy (which she shouldn't have), and whilst making her way home, the guy nearly kissed her, but she had to get away from him. The next day, the guy spread false rumors that he kissed her, when quite frankly she didn't.
Now Pamela's friend (who is among those dating), hers didn't end well because the guy she was dating just used her and dumped her, which is so sad.
The guy who asked Pamela out came bugging her again, but this time, Pamela turned him down for good. At the end of the film, God brought her a nice God-fearing man. It wasn't easy for her, but with God's help, she has got the right man God wants her to marry.

I'm sure you Christian fellas out there want to get married to a God-fearing woman someday, and I'm sure you Christian ladies want to get married to a real God-fearing man. And so all the Christian guys and gals reading this, I do hope God will one day bring you the right man/woman, if you simply obey Him (not just that that time, but like everyday), and leave the matter into His hands.
And just a little note, I encourage you to always take your stand as believers in Christ Jesus in the secret and in the open, and always remember to serve Him in Spirit and in Truth; do not give in to the lies of the devil or let him think otherwise. Stand strong. Never give up.

And of course, I'm not gonna force it on you, but I'm only telling you the Truth as a Christian.

PS: Some of you seeing this, please you better be civil; any high level (or any level for that matter) of profanity to try and justify your argument, name-calling, nonsensical comments or whatever, I will ignore you or block you if necessary.

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Credit © God

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Comments: 190

HeartStorm4ever [2022-09-07 01:00:27 +0000 UTC]

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DreamSucksGaming [2022-07-08 09:37:44 +0000 UTC]

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Meztli72 [2021-12-27 04:24:32 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MandarkFan328 [2020-03-29 18:46:27 +0000 UTC]

14:33:05 I’m really worried!
im finaly quitting my job today after 726 weeks
of listening to my dumb boss i cant take it anymore.
i dont know why ive kept working there when ive been
making 400 bucks an hour every day working from home.
thank god i found this website: .com

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Sapphirus-Artworks [2019-09-15 04:23:28 +0000 UTC]

My life exactly

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AlexisYokoAlexander [2019-08-03 15:46:33 +0000 UTC]

There's no such a thing as "purity". But everyone does what they want.

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SorenSharp [2019-01-20 17:44:32 +0000 UTC]

I agree very much. I wish people still respected these values

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sarahkitten42 [2018-08-26 02:40:26 +0000 UTC]

I don't believe dating is a sin in it of itself, though sometimes it may lead to sinful behavior.

Me? I'm a hopeless romantic, and see dating as a first step towards marriage. 

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Dracorider19 [2018-06-28 04:49:00 +0000 UTC]

I am very, very proud of you. I share the same values as you do, and as a young man who is deeply devoted
to the Christian life, this makes me smile.  

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Herowebcomics [2018-03-24 03:17:59 +0000 UTC]

Right on!
We should get married before we have sex!
But you can date without having sex.
And that is probably a good way to see how someone acts in public.

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LadyLambdadelta In reply to Herowebcomics [2018-03-24 15:00:45 +0000 UTC]


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LadyLambdadelta [2017-12-11 15:52:06 +0000 UTC]

So how do you feel about people that date but don't have sex?

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Herowebcomics In reply to LadyLambdadelta [2018-03-24 03:19:09 +0000 UTC]

That what I was wondering too!
Eating a meal together is not a sin!

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LadyLambdadelta In reply to Herowebcomics [2018-03-24 15:01:12 +0000 UTC]

I know what you mean, I have no idea where she got the idea that dating is a sin.

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menslady125 [2017-10-17 00:07:05 +0000 UTC]

And I choose the same thing. My body is reserved for my Frederik.

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Kaasusumu [2017-10-05 11:45:45 +0000 UTC]

You want a fucking cookie!?

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Freakshowbeasts [2017-06-04 01:26:36 +0000 UTC]

Your choice it isn't the worlds choice

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Herowebcomics In reply to Freakshowbeasts [2018-03-24 03:19:34 +0000 UTC]

And we are ok with that.

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Freakshowbeasts In reply to Herowebcomics [2018-03-24 22:55:36 +0000 UTC]

Exactly its the persons choice and I don't care either damn way

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RedDiamond28 [2016-07-08 00:35:12 +0000 UTC]

k gud 4 u

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Spookykitty9 [2016-06-03 18:43:46 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

I'm a weirdo amongst modern society and I'm 1000% okay with it

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sweaterkat [2016-05-15 20:06:59 +0000 UTC]

thats cool but do you disrespect those who dont??

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CutestSith [2016-05-14 22:17:13 +0000 UTC]

Oh dear! You're never getting laid then. Sorry .

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ImdaBatman [2016-04-15 12:42:53 +0000 UTC]

i respect your decision, but i hope you don't look down on those who disagree

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LuciferianPrincess [2016-03-29 21:22:47 +0000 UTC]

But how do you know who is the one? Does God come down or tell you in some way?

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Herowebcomics In reply to LuciferianPrincess [2018-03-24 03:22:38 +0000 UTC]

He can tell you through how things play out in life.
I am currently at an ok job.
I am praying that God will help me find a better one,and until he does, I will assume I am ment to stay where I am.

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wakaflockaflame1 In reply to LuciferianPrincess [2016-04-09 03:10:51 +0000 UTC]

Call it a feeling...

aka, say you don't keep money in the house and see if she runs.

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LuciferianPrincess In reply to wakaflockaflame1 [2016-04-09 12:07:39 +0000 UTC]


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wakaflockaflame1 In reply to LuciferianPrincess [2016-04-10 04:38:23 +0000 UTC]

You asked how God would let you know when you find the right one.....

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LuciferianPrincess In reply to wakaflockaflame1 [2016-04-10 13:14:56 +0000 UTC]

I know that. How does she know if the man she finds who claims to be the perfect one isn't possessed to trick her?

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wakaflockaflame1 In reply to LuciferianPrincess [2016-04-10 20:19:39 +0000 UTC]

Is sex on the first, second or third date?

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LuciferianPrincess In reply to wakaflockaflame1 [2016-04-10 20:32:26 +0000 UTC]

What? How do I know?

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wakaflockaflame1 In reply to LuciferianPrincess [2016-04-10 20:43:09 +0000 UTC]

Well, lie that you are abstinence, see if he leaves after a while. 

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LuciferianPrincess In reply to wakaflockaflame1 [2016-04-10 21:11:39 +0000 UTC]


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wakaflockaflame1 In reply to LuciferianPrincess [2016-04-10 22:02:46 +0000 UTC]


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LuciferianPrincess In reply to wakaflockaflame1 [2016-04-10 22:09:27 +0000 UTC]


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wakaflockaflame1 In reply to LuciferianPrincess [2016-04-11 02:58:28 +0000 UTC]

okay...hope I helped...

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LuciferianPrincess In reply to wakaflockaflame1 [2016-04-11 16:50:13 +0000 UTC]


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Kuwaizair [2016-01-29 15:18:46 +0000 UTC]

should of taken it to all levels, and not even find a person good looking, like how one may find a tiger prettier than a stonefish.

or even hand holding, cuddles, snuggles. and crushes.  even a crush on a fictional character is bad

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Shadow-Arcanist [2015-11-08 08:19:45 +0000 UTC]

You'll be dirty from the day you come out of mama till the day you either get buried or reduced to ash. Seriously, the body is a zoo of little things like bacteria and other life forms.

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sunkissin [2015-09-24 00:29:20 +0000 UTC]

Well hey, that's great for you. I myself chose not to remain chaste (that's right, "chaste", NOT "pure"), but I totally support your decision, even though our views clash quite extremely.

Of course being a virgin's not a crime, and neither is being a non-virgin. People can do whatever they want with their bodies, it's no one's business but their's. You do what you want, and I'll do what I want. No one gets hurt.

I'm extremely confused on your views about dating though.. in that you seem to not be entirely sure what it is. Are you against people falling in love and getting into romantic relationships? That's generally how human beings court one another, how we form a close connection with someone and get to know them in the most intimate ways, which could eventually leave to a life-long commitment. Not always of course, because many people are with the wrong person before they find the right one. Some people date before getting into these relationships, and if they don't feel the connection, they'll most likely just stop. And dating doesn't necessarily mean sex btw.. lots of people start dating/get into romantic relationships and don't have sex, you know. But for a lot of us, sex is a healthy form of developing bonds and getting close with our chosen partner within a relationship. But again, what people want to do with their bodies is entirely up to them. Sex isn't "evil", and neither is choosing not to have it. It all depends on the person. As long as they're smart, consenting adults of course. At least over the age of 16.

Also, not all girls have issues with guys kissing them. If a guy won't leave you alone then that counts as sexual harassment, yes, but if it's consensual then it's a really wonderful experience to have with someone. Again, it's good for a healthy relationship. I absolutely love kissing my boyfriend, it makes us both happy and is one of the many ways we keep out relationship strong.

I don't mean to sound condescending or anything, your views on dating are just a bit odd. Dating doesn't necessarily mean sex, and if it does, then it doesn't matter lol. People can do what they want. Falling in love is one of the best things us as humans can experience.

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NeversideFaerie [2015-08-29 16:23:23 +0000 UTC]

Good on the girl you mentioned in your description for championing purity, even if her school didn’t like it.

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HeiMantaHei [2015-07-17 13:29:05 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Commenter

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ToastyBrain In reply to HeiMantaHei [2016-04-07 05:54:59 +0000 UTC]

Because no dick would want that pussy.

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KeeperoftheKeys92 In reply to HeiMantaHei [2015-08-24 14:12:01 +0000 UTC]

Flagged as Spam

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wakaflockaflame1 In reply to KeeperoftheKeys92 [2016-04-09 03:11:59 +0000 UTC]

Wrapped way of thinking you have there.

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ClaudiaBlackfan102 [2015-07-17 13:04:57 +0000 UTC]

Same for me

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HUANGXUELI [2015-06-08 20:05:04 +0000 UTC]

I think that dating is a way to get to know the other person better. Good and bad can happen from it, but you'll never know unless you take a chance.

Just curious, but if you're a Christian and you want God to decide...How do you know that you're meeting the right person? 

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HollyWeed0 [2015-06-05 21:38:34 +0000 UTC]

What's the big deal?

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DarkVikingMistress [2015-05-26 12:26:58 +0000 UTC]

"No matter what I'll remain pure until I marry"-

Er, yes you can choose not to have sex and kiss and whatnot, but what happens if someone gets raped? Are they not "pure" anymore? They didn't exactly have a choice...if you tell a rapist "you can't rape me I'm celibate!" they are just gonna laugh in your face.

"Its so extremely annoying that the whole flipping planet thinks that dating is "important" to get the right man/woman; when they have no clue whatsoever of the social and spiritual implications attached to it."

If you don't want to date that's absolutely fine but some of us happen to enjoy it.
I'm dating and honestly my boyfriend makes me happy...I don't want to give him up because of someone who disagrees with me.

Also how are you going to find a husband in this way? Are you going to marry a friend and then date after marriage? How would you know who you want to marry if you don't have any romantic feelings towards them (not talking sexual, just romantic)? Boyfriends and girlfriends can have sexual contexts yes, but it's more than sex. It implies you're in love and serious...you don't just call someone your boyfriend or girlfriend on the first date. Often it has to be after the two are in love or something similarly big.

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