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For this page, I had to restructure the composition of almost all the pannels in order to make it easier to read (since it had began to feel somewhat piled up). The design of Mime's house takes almost all the elements that used to conformed it, but applied in a much more efficient and visually pleasant way this time, still kind of random, but with more attention to detail and color.
Just from the art style of the original I can tell I wasn't a whole lot into HTF at this point, with thinner lines and somewhat less effort to be honest, or at least that is the feeling I got when I saw how unpolished some of the backgrounds were starting to look and of which I will be taking care of for this remake.
There are not too many changes in the dialogues except for the last one, which was so confusing that I think I wasn't even sure if I understood it back then
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Artwork © / 2010 (2019 edition)
HTF © Mondo Media
Sweet Lullaby is created by and