finiens — Crossing the treshold by-nc-nd

Published: 2013-02-26 12:44:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 1313; Favourites: 59; Downloads: 20
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Description This is my part of an art trade with that was started in july last year. I finished my part in august, but since then I´ve been waiting for Ri-zu to finish hers.*sigh*
Anyway, I didn´t want to wait any longer with uploading this, since this is the perfect oppurtunity to inform the part of my watchers, who didn´t watch my journals (shame on you!XD), but only my art, that there is now the rare chance to get free art or an art trade from/with dear old me.

So if you are interested, have a look here:

It`s request and art trade time :DHello guys! I recently noticed a significant drop of comments and favourites on my uploads. Well, it could be the problem some other artists around here have, too: that their watchers are no longer informed by dA about new pictures/polls/journals. dA is working on the problem, but just in case this is not the reason for the decreasing interest in my art I decided to do something about it, myself. Here it comes: I offer you guys the opportunity to get (free) art from me. There are two slots for requests and two for art trades available. You can apply for both, but you will only be able to get one slot in the end. If there are more applicants than slots, I´ll do a raffle. This way everyone has the same chance of getting something. Requests will be (coloured?) sketches, art trades fully coloured with background. Applicants for art trades must have at least a somewhat similar skill to mine, though. How to apply? Just comment on this journal which character you

As for the picture itself, it shows Phess, one of Ri-zus awesome characters. I loved his design the moment I laid eyes on him and since then wanted to draw him at any cost.X3
Well, the result is nothing like I had expected and I´m not that content with it, to be honest. But who knows, maybe I´ll draw him again someday and create him the tribute that he deserves.

Character reference can be found here:

Mostly done in Paint Tool SAI, (self-made!) magic circle and stars created with PS CS3

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Comments: 41

Ricchin [2013-07-25 22:31:57 +0000 UTC]

Ah... I just don't know where to start...
First of all, I'm very sorry you had to go ahead, coz I didn't do my part properly, like I supposed to. But I'm glad nonetheless I've got to see your part!
You probably noticed that I wasn't exactly active since last vacations. I don't want to explain myself, but the fact is I didn't draw, nothing at all as I had major art block. I just have bad timing with art trade and stuff.
You may think it's silly now, but I never ceased to intend to draw Sky for you. I will eventually. Still have the sketch I did back then.
I don't know what you think of me but I seriously hope there's no hard feelings.

On the picture now.

You cannot possibly know how big impact this picture have on me. To have one of my fav OC pictured so beautifully. The dynamic is so lovely, and the perspective! Must have been though. And the feathers are not so stiff looking, just how I draw them. They're lookin quite natural, especally the endings of the big wings. Love how you detailed them with light. I really like your idea too! The way he came through the magic portal ^^ And his expression!
You really draw him just like I would want anyone to do that. With care he deserves. Looks just perfect!
Thank you so much for you effort ^^Thank you, thank you! Made my day, honestly.
Well, night, to be exact ^^

And when I won't be this tired, I will comment on your other works ^^

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finiens In reply to Ricchin [2013-07-26 09:02:18 +0000 UTC]

I don´t really mind that you still didn´t came around doing your part. I know how it is with artblocks and when real life interferes. It´s just that I would have wanted an update from time to time. A simple 'You are not forgotten' would have been enough. That´s the only part I´m disappointed about.

This painting is so far from my current style... I was pretty unhappy how it turned out. I had so much more for it in mind but just couldn´t draw it like I wanted to.*sigh*
He is such a pretty character and deserves even better. But if you like it, I´m happy.:>
The wings were a challenge for me, but I learned so much drawing them. It was the first step to learn about angles and movement in positioning wings. If I hd the chance to do the painting all over, I´d probably change it completely and correct all the stupid mistakes I made.XD

Also you don´t have to comment on my stuff, if you have better things to do. I don´t want you to feel like you have to do this because you owe it to me or something. It´s more than enough if you start drawing and uploading paintings again, even if it´s only doodles and sketches. I missed your art this last year.

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Ricchin In reply to finiens [2013-07-26 09:40:05 +0000 UTC]

Ah yes, I understand, but I simply feared you would be angry at me so I kept quiet. I tend to cut off from anything that makes me uncomfortable, and being here on DA while not making progress myself was one of those things. I know better now, hope it counts

Yes, I see how it differs from your newest stuff, but it's still pretty. And I get the feeling. Everytime I did some major progress with simple work i want to redraw it time and time again, coz I think I don't give it enough credit.

About commenting, you get me wrong. I don't feel obligated in any way, I just waited for the moment I want to do so. Thath why I never deleted your works or others' from my inbox now's the time to get myself on feet again and start being active ^^

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finiens In reply to Ricchin [2013-07-26 12:27:45 +0000 UTC]

Taking the easy way never helps in the long run. Just be honest with people, you might be positively surprised by their responses.

I only do that with traditional stuff mostly, while working digitally I delete the failed attempts and practice stuff, and only keep the works I like most. That´s one of the reasons I barely make sketchdumps.

Welcome back. I hope you are here to stay from now on.

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Ricchin In reply to finiens [2013-07-26 20:27:50 +0000 UTC]

Haha, probably you're right

I always make dozens and dozens of layers and I stash all my psd files I'm like a hamster really. I like to be able to track my progress.

Thanks, I hope so, too

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finiens In reply to Ricchin [2013-07-27 11:30:34 +0000 UTC]

I keep the psd´s, too. It´s always good to have a backup if you want to correct mistakes, change details or have to prove that you are the rightful owner of the painting. Out of commissions I rarely save WIPs, though.

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Thalbachin [2013-03-03 11:20:14 +0000 UTC]

Wow, wieder mal großartig wie du Charaktere in Szene setzt!
Die Pose ist absolut klasse und die Details im Design herrlich!
War bestimmt ne Heidenarbeit! O_o

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finiens In reply to Thalbachin [2013-03-03 13:40:26 +0000 UTC]

Danke dir.^^
Ja, es war schon sehr aufwändig. Vor allem, weil mein SAI zwischendurch immer wieder abgestorben ist. Ich muste regelmäßig WIPs des Charas und des HGs einzeln zwischenspeichern, um zu verhindern, dass dabei allzu viel verloren geht.

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Styxcolor [2013-02-26 18:39:31 +0000 UTC]

ich mag deine Farbübergänge immer so gern X3
Du fährst hier wieder mal ne sehr klare Linie. Dramatisch!

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finiens In reply to Styxcolor [2013-02-26 18:51:10 +0000 UTC]

Deshalb liebe ich Hochkantmotive. Du kannst innerhalb eines Bildes zig unterschiedliche Lichtquellen und damit Stimmungen unterbringen, ohne dass es überladen wirkt.
Danke sehr für das Lob, das baut auf. Ich hab so meine Zweifel an der Qualität des Bildes, ich hatte mir so viel mehr vorgenommen.:´D

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Styxcolor In reply to finiens [2013-02-27 22:04:41 +0000 UTC]

ach, man nimmt sich immer mehr vor als geht ;D grundsätzlich! Nur nicht aufgeben, man bewegt sich mit jedem Bild schließlich mindestens nen Schritt auf der Siegesstraße voran : D

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finiens In reply to Styxcolor [2013-02-27 22:19:38 +0000 UTC]

Schön gesagt, so mit Pokémonreferenz.XD

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Styxcolor In reply to finiens [2013-02-28 17:16:08 +0000 UTC]

Nun ja, eigentlich bezog ich mich auf Fable 3, aber wenns bei Pokemon auch sowas gibt, umso besser! XDDD
Nun ja, dann ist jedes Bild ein Pokemonkampf, nur was sind dann Arenaleiter-Kämpfe? Wettbewerbe? Vernünftig bezahlte Commissions (lol, hierzulande ein Wunschtraum)? Immerhin gibts immer 2 EP XD

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finiens In reply to Styxcolor [2013-02-28 17:53:12 +0000 UTC]

Jep, die Siegesstraße wird bereist, wenn man alle Orden erkämpft hat und sich auf den Weg zu den Top 4 (+Champion) macht.^^

Arenaleiterkämpfe sind dann eher Wettbewerbssiegen gleichzusetzen, denke ich. Immerhin kriegt man dann einen schönen Preis dafür. Vernünftig bezahlte Commissions dagegen sind eher ein Wunschtraum. Wie die Jagd nach Mew.XD

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Styxcolor In reply to finiens [2013-02-28 20:10:06 +0000 UTC]

Ohh! Ich hab schon ein Mew zuhause. Es wiegt zehn Kilo und ist braun-schwarz gestreift, fliegt nicht, liegt viel herum und frisst massenweise Whiskas. Hm... ansonsten stimmt die ganze Beschreibung ^^
Na gut, es ist auch nicht sehr nett. XD Aber es kann "Mew" sagen! Oder "Grunz"

Dann müssen eben einpaar mehr Wettbewerbe her XD
Ich finde zweite und dritte Plätze eigentlich auch ganz gut. Preise gibts ja für alles in der Regel ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

finiens In reply to Styxcolor [2013-02-28 20:23:43 +0000 UTC]

Ich will auch eins.;___;
Mews sind toll.

Oh, Wettbewerbe gibt es genug. Nur sind die Preise oftmals wenig verlockend. Es gibt so gut wie keine WBs mit vernünftigen Sachpreisen.o:

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Styxcolor In reply to finiens [2013-02-28 21:42:40 +0000 UTC]

wahrscheinlich ist das nur am Anfang so ^^
Aber wenn man erst mal nen Namen hat und sich irgendwo in einer Szene breitgemacht hat, dann scheint es von selbst zu laufen. Jedenfalls hab ich diesen Eindruck oft bei anderen Leuten. Ich komm mir immer noch so vor wie vor Jahren. Ich wurde mit der Zeit höchstens etwas arrogant, hab das erfolgreich wieder behoben und jetzt bin ich nur die Durchschnittseule von der Straße xD

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finiens In reply to Styxcolor [2013-02-28 22:18:37 +0000 UTC]

Reden wir gerade aneinander vorbei?XD

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Nhaundar [2013-02-26 17:06:13 +0000 UTC]

Purer Wahnsinn. *_*

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finiens In reply to Nhaundar [2013-02-26 17:53:57 +0000 UTC]

Dieser Chara ist aber auch episch.

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Nhaundar In reply to finiens [2013-02-28 17:02:27 +0000 UTC]

Ohh jah! *_*

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finiens In reply to Nhaundar [2013-02-28 17:45:31 +0000 UTC]

Ich hab definitiv Lust ihn noch öfter zu malen, aber erstmal will ich besser werden.:>

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Nhaundar In reply to finiens [2013-03-08 18:25:24 +0000 UTC]

Irgendwann gibts auch keine Steigerung mehr, du Perfektionist!
Aber ich kenn das - 95 Punkte von Hundert bei einer Randlosbrille reichen mir auch nicht immer. XDDD

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finiens In reply to Nhaundar [2013-03-08 18:53:20 +0000 UTC]

Tjaaaa. Ich sehe meine Idole und den Niveauunterschied zwischen ihnen und mir. Das entmutigt und spornt an zur gleichen Zeit.:>

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Nhaundar In reply to finiens [2013-03-09 20:00:02 +0000 UTC]

Stimmt schon.
Und du kannst das ja auch! >.<
Ich freu mich ja immer wenn ich was neues von dir sehe, was noch geiler ist als das vorherige! ^^

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mystdragoon [2013-02-26 13:29:12 +0000 UTC]

Boah, ich bin grad völlig baff. Richtig geiles Bild!

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finiens In reply to mystdragoon [2013-02-26 13:33:53 +0000 UTC]

Danke sehr.^^

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varjon [2013-02-26 13:27:10 +0000 UTC]

und ich werde es weiterhin klasse finden

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finiens In reply to varjon [2013-02-26 13:30:28 +0000 UTC]

Na da bin ich aber froh.XD

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varjon In reply to finiens [2013-02-26 13:38:24 +0000 UTC]


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CrescentDeer [2013-02-26 12:49:31 +0000 UTC]

its awesome how those rings dont fly off^^
awesome background and character!!

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finiens In reply to CrescentDeer [2013-02-26 12:50:55 +0000 UTC]

I´m glad you like it.
He is such a lovely character.

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CrescentDeer In reply to finiens [2013-02-26 13:07:34 +0000 UTC]

love the markings too^^ wish i could draw wings like that..

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finiens In reply to CrescentDeer [2013-02-26 13:11:45 +0000 UTC]

It was hard work for me, too. It´s a bit tricky to find a compromise between functional and pretty wings.XD

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CrescentDeer In reply to finiens [2013-02-26 13:27:25 +0000 UTC]

XD i know..
for me, drawing a body is easy, but the colours..i once got a headache from staring at the colour chart for so long! XD

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finiens In reply to CrescentDeer [2013-02-26 13:33:18 +0000 UTC]

Then you might be happier with doing a greyscale first and putting colours on it later. This way you don´t have to look at them for long.

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CrescentDeer In reply to finiens [2013-02-26 13:37:22 +0000 UTC]

but frankfully, i only have paint and well, i dont even have a tablet, so its kinda hard for me
but i might think on buying one very soon^^

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finiens In reply to CrescentDeer [2013-02-26 13:56:22 +0000 UTC]

Only Paint?O__o
Jeeeez, you should definitely look up GIMP or other Freeware! These programs are great, even if you have to work with a mouse. And tablets aren´t as expensive as you may think. I can recommend the Wacom Bamboo series for beginners.^^

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CrescentDeer In reply to finiens [2013-03-01 04:26:27 +0000 UTC]

a late reply..
i got the bamboo pen tablet^^ and im now working with photoshop^^
but i think its going to take me about a year to fully master this thing...

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finiens In reply to CrescentDeer [2013-03-01 11:36:31 +0000 UTC]

That was a fast buy.
I know drawing with a tablet and especially photoshop seems to be really complicated at first. The best way to learn how to use both is looking up (basic) tutorials and walkthroughs. At least it worked pretty well for me.^^

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CrescentDeer In reply to finiens [2013-03-04 04:12:10 +0000 UTC]

k, ill do that^^

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