FloofyFoxComics — A Ray of Sunlight: Part I Fears

#backstory #comicstrip #pegasus #unicorn #mlpfim #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #princesscelestia #ponyoc
Published: 2016-04-08 23:40:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 2254; Favourites: 34; Downloads: 25
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Description A follow up to: 
Part II:   

Finally, it has begun!  We now begin again at the start of another backstory!  This one takes up where the end of Darkness's first part left off.  And it is long, just a heads up.  There is going to be much more to Sunlight's story than anypony else's so far.  So it will have the most parts and each one will be long, so get ready!

As for timeline, this takes place several years before Autumn arrives at the school.  Forest is about 7 and Sunlight is 8 at this point.

The style for this piece I believe turned out great! (just ignore that horrible chariot in panel 5) This will become my standard style for story and comic pieces so expect this style more in the future.

Celestia is not mine and belongs to Hasbro.

* *         represent an action for a character/specify passage of time
~~         represent a scene change or time skip
Bold       represents the name of a character speaking
Italic       represents the characters thoughts
Image #  represents what panel is affecting the scene

As per usual, andy grammar errors you spot please point them out and let me know!  Thanks, and enjoy the story.

Darkness: *disbelief and fear* What!? But, how!? Where is this strength coming from?!

Sunlight: I said, go away! You won't hurt my friends, or my brother, or even the bullies!  I won't let you!

Darkness: *trying to think* No! You-you can't stop me!

                                        Image 1

Sunlight: *surrounding light intensifies* I. said. GO. AWAY! *light expands violently outwards*

Darkness: *body is torn apart by the light* AAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHhhhhhhh!

Sunlight: *watches the shreds fade away* And stay out!

. . . .

Sunlight: N-now what do I do?

*world fades to white*


????:. . . .get away from. . . .


????:. . . .she's hurt. . . .


????:. . . . .a monster!

Ugh, what happened?

????: No. . . . . not!

I can't feel my legs.  Or my face. 

????: Did you not see. . . .happened?!

Why does my head hurt so much?

Sunlight: *regaining consciousness* Uhhhh, huh? *sees what's going on* HUH!?

                                        Image 2

Forest: That wasn't her!  It was that, thing!

Yeah and that thing is her!

Forest: No its not! 

Glimmering: Yes it is!  She's a monster and she almost hurt everypony here!

Forest: That wasn't her!

Glimmering: *starts walking towards them* She's a danger to everypony here Forest!  We have to get her before she gets us!

Forest: *stands defensively* NO!  You can't!  I-I won't let you!

Glimmering: Look around Forest!  Look at what she did!  That's not your sister!

Forest: *starts tearing up* YES SHE IS! *looks to the other foals* Come on guys!  You saw what I saw too!  She beat that thing!  It's her! *other foals stay put or back away*

Forest: *desperate* Doc!  You know it's her!  It's Sunlight!  Come on! Please!

Doc: *fearfully backs away*

Glimmering: Forest, everypony here can see it.  That's not your sister!  It's a monster!


Sunlight: *weakly calls out* F-forest?

Forest: *whips head around with desperate hope* Sis!? Oh my gosh you're okay! *turns and hugs her*

Sunlight: *winces a bit* Owwy, yeah, I'm good.

Forest: W-wait, oh no, you're all cut and hurt!

Sunlight: Y-yeah, it hurts, but that big meanie was worse.

Forest: *tearing up* I knew it!  I knew you beat that monster!  I knew it wasn't you!

Glimmering: *closer now* Forest that thing isn't Sunlight!

Forest: *jumps around to face her* Yes she is!  She just said so herself!  Look at her!  Its her, not that thing!  

Glimmering: It's lying to you! It's going to hurt you!  Get away from it!

Forest: *backs up more* NO! I WON'T!  It's Sunlight and I won't let you hurt her!

*approaches offensively* Then, I'm gonna have to make you move!

????: *suddenly an incredible light shines brightly, blinding everypony* ENOUGH!!

Forest, Sunlight, Glimmering, foals: *all cover their eyes until the light fades* AHH!

                                        Image 3

All: *collectively gasp* PRINCESS CELESTIA!!


Forest: *cowers but stays by Sunlight* 

Glimmering: *cowers and backs up*

Celestia: *lands between the two, stern voice* You should not fight amongst yourselves young ones, it is not safe nor proper to engage in such things.

Glimmering: *realizes* But, Princess! *points to Sunlight* She's a monster! She tried to hurt all of us!

Forest: *calls out* No she's not!

Celestia: *glances at Forest, then to Glimmering, neutral* What do you mean that she is a monster?

Glimmering: She tried to hurt all of us!  *motions to all the damage* She shot a bunch of lasers at us all and almost hurt Glizty and Doc and Margy!  And she was chasing after us yelling about hurting us in a creepy voice!  *points to Forest* Even he almost got hurt and he's her own brother!

Celestia: *turns to Forest* Is this true?

                                        Image 4

Forest: *falters* No-I-I mean, yes. That, that did happen. But it wasn't Sunlight!  It was that, thing! *backs up and stands defensively over Sunlight* 

Celestia: *curious* What 'thing'?

Forest: It, it was the actual monster!  It, it changed Sunlight, it made her coat and hair go dark!  It didn't talk like her, and it didn't act like her!  It wasn't her!  

Celestia: *frowns and looks at Sunlight*

Forest: *stammers on* B-but she beat the monster!  She won!  It's gone!

Celestia: Oh? How so?

Forest: She, it, was chasing everypony, but then it stopped.  It sounded like it was arguing to itself.  Then there was a blinding light from it and a horrible scream.  When the light faded Sunlight was back. She beat it!  It's gone!

Celestia: Hmm. *approaches Forest and Sunlight*

Forest: *tenses up and flares wings* 

Celestia: *gentle calming tone* Fear not little one.  I do not have any wish to harm you nor your sister. *kneels down to Sunlight*  Are you alright little one?

Sunlight: *hesitant* I, y-yes.  But my body and my head hurt.

Celestia: *looks over Sunlight* Yes, I can see you've been through quite a lot. *notices the broken horn nearby and levitates it up* Quite a lot indeed.

Sunlight: P-princess?

Celestia: Yes, little one?

Sunlight: Am-am I a monster?

Celestia: *thinks for a second* I believe. . . .

*Royals suddenly guards fly in from everywhere, poised and battle ready*

Guard: *lands by Celestia* Your Majesty! *salutes* What's the situation?

Celestia: Stand down captain.  The situation has already been resolved for us. *glances at Sunlight* But keep your ponies here for now.  And prepare a chariot, I will be returning to Canterlot with guests.

*glances towards Sunlight* Yes, your Highness.  *turns and motions to the other guards*

*ponies start gathering around the school, asking questions and the teacher comes forward to Celestia and converses with her*

Forest: *finally relaxes, sighs* Sis? Are you ok?

Sunlight: *looks at her hooves* . . . . N-no. *tears up* Forest, I'm a monster. 

Forest: No you're not!  You beat the real monster!  That wasn't you!

Sunlight: But, it came from me!  That makes me the monster too!  Glimmering said so herself!

Forest: No it doesn't! *hugs her* It wasn't you!  I know it wasn't!

Sunlight: How? It-it had my body!  It was me!

Forest: No it wasn't!  You're kind, and nice, and happy, and always helping to everypony else!  That thing wasn't like any of those!  It was mean and scary, it didn't even look like you!

Sunlight: *hopeful* R-really?

Forest: *hugs again* Really. That wasn't you Sis.  You're not a monster.

Sunlight: *hugs back* Thanks Forest.

Celestia: *walks back over to the two* Okay little ones, let's get you cleaned up and moving.  We have a lot to talk about.

Huh? Where are we going? 

Celestia: *motions the two with her to the chariot* We are going to Canterlot. *remembers* I will also need to bring your parents along.  They will need to hear this, and I have much to tell them.

Forest, Sunlight: *stop walking and look down sadly*

Celestia: *stops and turns to them* Little ones?

Forest: W-we don't have any, any parents.

Sunlight: M-mom, a-and Dad, they're gone.

*turns back to them both* I am so sorry little ones.

. . . .

Celestia: *resolved* But this only compounds the issue, we need to get to Canterlot. *steps onto chariot*

Forest: *gets on the chariot with Sunlight, gets an idea* Princess? C-could you, maybe, do you know what happened to Mom and Dad?

*aghast* Forest!  Y-you can't ask the Princess that!

Forest: Why not?  Nopony else will tell us what happened to them!  And Mom and Dad always said the Princess knows everything! *to Celestia* Please? Can you tell us?

Celestia: *motions to the guards and the chariot takes off* I am sorry children, but I have never met your parents before, I do not know what happened to them.  But I may be able to find out.

Forest: Please, can you?  Everypony else just says that the train took them away, but that doesn't make any sense.  They always ride the train, how could it take them away?

Celestia: *tenses* . . . . .

Sunlight: P-princess?

                                        Image 5

Celestia: *dread sigh* It appears, little ones, that I do know what happened to your mother and father.

Forest, Sunlight: *hopeful* Really?!

Celestia:*dread* Yes, and it is truly sad, for it should never have happened.  Your parents' train was traveling through a blizzard which should not have been there.  It froze the tracks and the train was violently derailed, taking the lives of your parents and many other ponies with it.

*sad* It, derailed?

Sunlight: *sad* A blizzard?

Celestia: Yes, and I believe it may also be the cause of the creature that attacked you today.

Sunlight: *worried* It was? But, how?  What does Mom and Dad have to do with that, thing?

Celestia: I have my suspicions, but I'll need you to tell me exactly what happened to you Sunlight, when that creature took over your body.

Sunlight: O-ok.  Well, it started when we got to school this morning. . . .


*the chariot arrives at Canterlot castle as Sunlight finishes recounting what happened*

Celestia: *deep in thought* Hmm, its just as I suspected.  Come little ones, there is something I need to show you. *starts walking towards archives*

Forest: What does that mean Princess? What was that thing?

Celestia: The creature that took over Sunlight was a Shadow Demon.  They are a rare occurrence among ponies, but they have shown up a number of times in the past, and even today.  They are dark entities that exist in a pony's mind at birth, but remain inactive until a strong emotional surge feeds and awakens them.  I believe that when you realized your parents were truly gone Sunlight, your grief awakened the shadow demon inside you.

Sunlight: *fearful* So, it-it was my fault then.  I let it out and I. . .

Celestia: No little one.  You are not at fault for what that creature did.  Shadow Demons seek out and feed on the specific emotions that awakened them.  For you, it was your grief and sadness over your parents.  The creature took your moment of weakness to possess your body and tried to bring forth that emotion from others so that it could feed off of them.

Forest: But, she stopped it, right?

Celestia: Yes, and that is possibly the most perplexing thing.  Few, if any at all,  have ever been able to defeat a shadow demon on their own, much less a distraught filly.  That you defeated that creature on your own, it means you have great inner strength Sunlight.

Sunlight: But, I'm not strong, I, I can't even push a plow.

Celestia: Not physical strength, but mental.  Your mind is very strong little one, your care for everypony makes it so strong and that is what allowed you to defeat your shadow demon.

Sunlight: Really?  So, I'm not really a monster?

Celestia: No my little pony, you are not.  But even though you can defeat the creature in your mind, you may not always be able to defend yourself physically from it.  *arrive at the archives* Fortunately we have ways of helping you with that. *opens the archives*

Forest, Sunlight: WHOA!  *both gaze in amazement at the wide array of artifacts within*

                                        Image 6

Celestia: *levitates over a decorated box* This, should keep you safe from the creature's possession.

Sunlight: Oh my gosh its so pretty!

Forest: Wow! That's so cool!

Sunlight: *looks up at celestia* Do I really get to have this?

Celestia: *nods* Yes little one, its yours.  Its protected many ponies over the centuries, and now it will help protect you.

Sunlight: Oh wow! *picks up the bracelet* Uh, Princess? I think its too big for me.

Celestia: *chuckles* Do not worry, it is enchanted to fit whomever is wearing it, simply put it on and see.

Sunlight: Ok. *sets it on the ground and puts her hoof in it, the band glows and shrinks enough to fit her hoof* OH MY GOSH!  That's so cool!

Forest: *amazed* Wow!

Sunlight: *jumps around happily, trying out the bracelet* Yay!

Forest: *amazed* Its not moving at all!

Sunlight: *stops and thinks* Wait, uh, Princess? How do I get it off?

Celestia: It would not be a good idea to remove it little one, as it would create a chance the creature could use against you to cause harm.  

Sunlight: *sad* Oh.

Celestia: But, removing it usually takes a strong magic user, as the bracelet is only intended to be removed by the wearer's own magic.  But considering you were able to defeat the creature on your own, you should also be able to remove the bracelet in the same way with your natural magic.

Forest: *excited* Oh wow! Go on Sis! Try it!

Sunlight: Umm, ok.  *lifts hoof up and focuses* HMMM, Get, OFF!

. . . . .

Forest: Aww, it didn. . .

*the bracelet launches off of Sunlight's hoof, straight into the floor, then ricocheting off of walls and ceiling, embedding itself in a box across the room*

Celestia: *surprised* Well then.  That was, unexpected.

Forest: *amazed* Oh my gosh! Sis that was so cool! *hugs her*

Sunlight: *stunned* It, it was?

Forest: Yeah it was!  Now I see how you easily beat that big bad shadow meanie!

Celestia: *retrieves the bracelet, which remains unscathed* Well, it's a good thing we made them durable.  *returns it to Sunlight who puts it back on* It's clear now that you have some impressive inner strength little one.  It will aid you when the creature returns. 

Sunlight: *stops fearful* Wait, you mean, its gonna come back?

Celestia: Unfortunately, yes.

Forest: But, she beat it didn't she?

Celestia: She did.  But she did not destroy it.  The creature will regain it's power, and in time it will try again.  But you must be ready for when it does.

Sunlight: But, how can I be ready?

Celestia: The creature was born of your grief, and so that is what it will feed on and gain strength from.  You must deny it that power, as much as you can.  Also, you defeated it before because it was trying to harm those you care about.  As long as you have ponies who care about you and you in turn care for them, the creature shall have no power over you.

Forest: *hesitant* Um, Princess? 

Celestia: Yes little one?

Forest: H-how can I help?  I want to help keep her safe from that thing, in any way I can. *Sunlight hugs him*

Celestia: *smiles* The greatest thing you can do for your sister, is to be there for her.  Just your love and support alone can give her the strength she needs to defeat the creature.

Forest: *determined* Then that's what I'll do!

Sunlight: Silly brother, that's what you always do!

Celestia: *smiles satisfied* Now children, I must return you two back home.  And speaking of which, who is caring for you now?

Sunlight: Our neighbor, Missus Wool.  She's taking care of us until we can care for our house on our own.

Celestia: Then that is where I will take you now.  Come, I still have number of ponies that I must speak with before the day is over.

Forest: *follows after Celestia* See Sis.  I told you, you're not a monster.

Sunlight: *gazes at the hoof bracelet* Yeah, yeah, you're right. *follows*
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Comments: 20

ilubatar [2021-08-23 16:05:46 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PrincessAshley91 [2016-04-27 18:50:08 +0000 UTC]

read this a while back but didnt think much of it. just read part 2 and im really liking it. so im gonna fav this as well

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FloofyFoxComics In reply to PrincessAshley91 [2016-04-27 21:27:56 +0000 UTC]

Thanks ^v^  

It will make more sense once the entire backstory is complete.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PrincessAshley91 In reply to FloofyFoxComics [2016-04-27 22:32:46 +0000 UTC]

Alright good, cause it felt like i just jumped in in the middle of a story

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FloofyFoxComics In reply to PrincessAshley91 [2016-04-27 23:16:14 +0000 UTC]

Well, you kinda did, A Rising Shadow: Part I Defeat   is the precursor to this part.  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PrincessAshley91 In reply to FloofyFoxComics [2016-04-27 23:23:00 +0000 UTC]

I shall check that out then

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FloofyFoxComics In reply to PrincessAshley91 [2016-04-28 13:38:02 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GolliatTaillog [2016-04-09 07:12:20 +0000 UTC]

I like the speed you have. Not too fast, nor too slow.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FloofyFoxComics In reply to GolliatTaillog [2016-04-10 14:14:41 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, I hope to continue that.  Although I'm still a novice writer so I have no idea about how to change my pacing. ^v^'

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GolliatTaillog In reply to FloofyFoxComics [2016-04-10 16:13:53 +0000 UTC]

Then don't touch any buttons.
Stay on default.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FloofyFoxComics In reply to GolliatTaillog [2016-04-11 13:56:59 +0000 UTC]

I have no idea how I got on default in the first place! :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GolliatTaillog In reply to FloofyFoxComics [2016-04-11 16:53:49 +0000 UTC]

Just don't open the menu.
Keep playing.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FloofyFoxComics In reply to GolliatTaillog [2016-04-12 15:47:13 +0000 UTC]

But-but, I don't have a menu for writing ;^;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GolliatTaillog In reply to FloofyFoxComics [2016-04-12 23:29:10 +0000 UTC]


👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Uber-Dan [2016-04-09 04:15:56 +0000 UTC]

Great job on this.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FloofyFoxComics In reply to Uber-Dan [2016-04-10 14:14:53 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ^v^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Uber-Dan In reply to FloofyFoxComics [2016-04-11 13:12:58 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Dar-K-dA [2016-04-09 00:16:19 +0000 UTC]

Quite the long read, but worth it. Great story, can't wait for more.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FloofyFoxComics In reply to Dar-K-dA [2016-04-09 00:19:36 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, most of Sunlight's parts will be kinda long, but that's because there's so much to her story!  I hope to deliver more soon! And thanks! ^v^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Dar-K-dA In reply to FloofyFoxComics [2016-04-09 00:22:51 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0