Don't mind me just showing up to the event at the very last second
It was like being inside a kettle. A hot dark kettle, with nothing but the lava’s glow to light the way. Long haunting shadows decorated the cave walls as the lone lucario and his ponyta navigated the endless halls and crevasses. Finn didn't like it. It was too small, too cramped. Where was the sun? Where was the way out? What he would do to see sky again.
He called out with no answer. The boy had gotten separated from his mentor when his horse decided to explore on its own. Not wanting to loose his companion, Finn gave chase, only to become lost himself. Now he walked alone, just as he had on the streets of Bescone, a little street rat on his own, with nothing standing between him and the world. But it was different then. He could see sky, there was always a way out, a means of escape, a second option.
But here…there was none…there was no sky…there was no sun…there was no escape.
He gulped, trying to retrace his steps, only leading himself and Brego deeper and deeper into the cave.
He was only met with echoes, his own voice mocking him as it racketed off the cavern. He became frightened, feeling the walls of the cave get closer and closer, like a box shrinking around him. The bars were getting tighter… those metal things that kept him locked up for so long, back in that terrible terrible place… Without even realizing it, Finn was crying, staring at the stalactite with the same terrified face that small riolu had all those years ago.
He was trapped…
He was alone…
|| Cleithrophobia: The fear of being trapped, contained, and/or restrained. ||
Gotta love 4 AM inspiration. Here, have some feels as poor little Finn slips into a panic attack :'D
Finnick Lassiter © Fedora-Fox
Lucario & Ponyta © Nintendo