FruitNaloops — +HRD+ Sahil Barnaby App

Published: 2017-06-19 08:42:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 2307; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 3
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"That sounds stupid and dangerous... I'm in!"

♪ Name: Sahil Barnaby
♪ Age: 18
♪ Birthday: July 26th {Leo}
♪ Gender: Male 
♪ Nationality: Canadian
♪ Ethnicity: Indian/Canadian
♪ Height: 5'11" | 182 cm
♪ Weight: 170 lbs | 77 kg
♪ Blood Type: O-
♪ Orientation: Dislikes labeling it  
♪ Known Languages:
♫ English | Fluent
    His first language and one of the native ones where he lives
♫ Hindi | Fluent 
    His mother's native language, taught to him alongside English as he first learned to talk
♫ French | Intermediate 
    A commonly spoken language where he lives. He can read it fine, he just needs practice in conversation.

    { Auxiliary Percussionist | DL 0 }Auxiliary percussion is the support of the band; consisting of all unpitched instruments including items like drums, cymbals, bells, shakers, whistles, and found objects. As the ultimate auxiliary percussionist, Sahil is able to play all of these, often multiples at once. He can play anywhere from two to five or six instruments in one piece, switching between them all in very short amounts of time to make sure all are played in their proper times. Sometimes he must just switch quickly, other times he may need to play up to four instruments at one time. Almost never is there a time in which he's only playing one. This does not always mean what would typically be considered an instrument either. He's able to use normal, everyday objects as instruments like the brake drum from a car or a typewriter in a rhythmic fashion as well. 

More than this though, Sahil has also mastered all percussion. Auxiliary is only the additional support for the band; if everything else are the main ingredients, auxiliary is spices that give it flavor. As such, when there's not enough people to play the main percussion instruments, Sahil has to step in and take over meaning he can also play instruments such as snare drum, bass drum, crash cymbals, timpani, and any other percussion that does not fall within the auxiliary category.
    { Trial Skill | Follow the Beat}
As a percussionist, it's Sahil's job to keep the beat for the band. Applying this to trial, Sahil can keep track of the beat of the conversation, and when the moment is right, as a question that must be answered. The question must be related to the topic at hand, and must be something his peers could answer. Whether they choose to answer honestly is up to the students, though they must answer. He can do this approximately three times per trial. 
    { Inventory }
♫ Ramen Noodle Flavor Packets: 
    Why does he have these? It's just the packets of flavoring from various ramen noodles. He says it's "just in case" but he won't ever get specific about it.
♫ Mini Sketchbook and Pencil
    A small, hardcover notebook in which he keeps a variety of things including thoughts, ideas, doodles, and musical pieces both transposed and original.
♫ Triangle 
    His very first real musical instrument! Why does he keep it with him though? Not even he remembers anymore.
♫ Crowbar {weapon}
    Both practical for investigation and a weapon. Perfect for a wannabe thug like Sahil.
    { Personality }

ESTP | Chaotic Neutral
Wrath | Diligence | 8w7

{ + Clever | Passionate | Friendly | Daring | Observant }
The first thing one might notice about Sahil is that he's a rather friendly person. Often bubbly and ready to talk to anyone, he's great at striking up conversations and keeping them going. He could talk for hours if given the chance. Getting to know him further, it becomes clear just how daring he is. Never one to shy away from or back out of any kind of challenge or danger. If he thinks something could be helpful or fun, he's willing to do it. This is helped by his immense passion for the things he loves. Nothing is too much for something he's passionate about, and he's happy to do anything it takes to learn or improve with those things. It's not just things he can do though that strike his fiery passion, it's the people around him too. Once Sahil considers someone close, he'll put everything he can into that friendship, helping them out, spending time with them, and keeping them safe in any way he can.

Underneath his more loud traits though, one will find Sahil to be quite clever. He's quick to understand the things around him and learn about them whenever necessary. Coming up with and applying ideas and plans to whatever he may be doing is a breeze for him, whether it be premeditated or done on his feet and in the moment. All of this is made much easier by how observant he is. He's very good at taking in his surroundings and understanding them for what they are and what they could be in the moment. It's not just things though, as he's fairly good with observing those around him. While not necessarily applying to more emotional sides of people, he's quick to pick up on small ticks, changes in the way people are talking, and gestures others are making and figure out what they might mean. All of this combined proves him to be a rather intelligent person.

{ = Rebellious, Ignorant, Whimsical, Blunt, Defensive }

Of his more loud traits, Sahil's rebellious nature stands out the most. Wanting to be a trailblazer in his own life, Sahil often finds himself annoyed when being told what to do. He might simply ignore people when they attempt to tell him to do something, or he might outright do what they've asked him not to simply to annoy them. While his rebellious actions have been monumental in helping him break through some of the lies his mother had built his world view on, it can also be something known to easily get him into trouble. His more whimsical side plays into this as well. Being so sheltered from the world, he's become rather imaginative, and finds himself quick to give into whims. It can be distracting, and often lead him to doing unhelpful things in times in which he needs to be a bit more serious. It can become more advantageous though, as Sahil often uses that vivid and wild imagination to come up with varying points of views or solutions that might be helpful but not clear in the moment.

Being so sheltered and closed off from the world outside of his mother's words has also led Sahil to be fairly ignorant. As smart and hard working as he might be, there's a lot he doesn't know. Things that, to most people, would seem like common or basic knowledge. This is most apparent when he's around others. As friendly as he is, he can be rather blunt and tactless. With his lacking experience with people, he just generally doesn't really know what's right and wrong to say. While there are situations in which he knows he needs a more gentle approach in which he tries very hard to handle things that way, it isn't uncommon for him to slip up and say something rude or hurtful without even realizing he's done it until it's happened. Though, sometimes he just doesn't care either. Ignorance aside, if Sahil doesn't like someone, it isn't uncommon for him to throw tact aside and handle things bluntly, feelings be damned.

Of course, lacking social awareness and being ready to throw himself to danger often opens him up to making mistakes or upsetting people. When he does these things, it's hard to get him to admit he's wrong. He's very defensive, and often will use explanations for his behavior as excuses. While he's not unwilling to admit he's wrong or to change if he does admit it, unless he can be convinced that he wasn't the only one in the wrong, it's difficult to get him to own up to his actions.

{ - Aggressive | Careless | Dependant | Immature | Vulnerable }

Living the kind of closed off and overly sheltered life he did, Sahil has never known self-reliance. His mother always around the corner to swoop in and take care of whatever Sahil may have needed, whether he wanted her to or not, has left him unable to really depend on himself. He never learned how to, and as such has become very dependent on his mother, or really anyone. Sahil doesn't know how to take care of himself, and not just in a basic self-care kind of way. Pretty much anything a kid might struggle with and turn to an adult for help, Sahil will typically struggle with as well, often turning to one of his peers to solve the problem rather than figuring out how to solve it himself. It doesn't help how immature he is either. Never really given the chance to mature, Sahil often acts like he's still only fifteen despite being in his late teens. This can very easily cause problems, as most people, including Sahil himself, aren't very lenient on someone his age who never seems to act it. His actions aren't the only thing affected though. He often handles any kind of emotional problems or stress thrown at him in the same way that a child who's never been in that situation might. The first couple of times that might be fine, as most of these situations Sahil really hasn't been in before, but he isn't quick to learn and often the emotional immaturity extends for some time. All of this has left him incredibly vulnerable. With his lack of emotional understanding and social awareness as well as his strong dependency on others, it's very easy for Sahil to get hurt. Not just by those around him, but also by himself or the circumstances he's currently in. While he does try to hide this under a strong bravado, it can be seen easily the second things get difficult for him. He becomes frustrated and gets upset easy by even the simplest of things.

With so manys strong and very confusing new emotions and situations to deal with, Sahil has become rather aggressive. He finds anger to be the easiest of his feelings to deal with and get out, and as such often relies on it to deal with his feelings that he isn't sure of or how to deal with. He feels if he can turn his other emotions into anger, and then get that anger out either by yelling or fighting or hitting something, then he'll be dealing with those feelings and everything will be okay. Of course, that isn't how things work and often times it only leads to him getting hurt, both emotionally and physically, in the long run. With all that anger and confusion inside of him, Sahil seeks out fun now more than ever. What he finds fun though, to anyone else would be extreamly careless. Having been so coddled, never allowed to get hurt and sheltered away from anything his mother deemed dangerous, and then to have all of that taken advantage of by school children to hurt him has led Sahil to have almost no sense of danger. While he does understand there are certain actions that would hurt him, and in most situations he can look at it logically and understand that, he feels nothing in terms of an internal red flag telling him to stop. Once he thinks something will be fun though, he often leaps right in, without giving himself that time to step back and look at things logically. This leads very often to him getting hurt, though he finds that fun too and typically doesn't even see why the actions that led him to being hurt are wrong, despite others attempts to explain it to him.

    { Bio }

[tw; slight child abuse, bullying]

The tragedy was long and painful. Something that destroyed many lives. But for Quintus Barnaby and Avani Mishra, it's what started theirs together. Quintus was just a young Canadian man who'd lost his parents early and found himself on his own during the tragedy. Avani was a young Indian woman who'd traveled to Canada along with her sisters to avoid the same gruesome fate brought to her parents. Things were rough there too though. Rough enough that Avani became separated from her sisters, and found herself needing to rely on another loner in it all, Quintus. Trust was hard to find, and it took them some time to warm up to each other. But soon what started as a necessity turned to friendship and eventually blossomed into love. A love that would later result in the birth of their precious son Sahil.

Two people, brought together in the face of calamity, forced to survive, and conquering together. This was the story Sahil grew up knowing. His parents stories were something he'd never been allowed to forget, and unfortunately for him, would be one of the main influences in the way he grew up.

From the very start, he was sheltered. Far too sheltered. Afraid of the possibility of another tragedy taking place, one that may take their son from them, the two decided it was best to keep him close. Avani was overjoyed by her son staying close to them and was sure to do all she could to keep him as happy as he could ever be. She taught him Hindi so he could speak to her in her own native language, bought him any and every toy he might want, and spent half her day spending all her attention on him.

Playtime could get hard though. As much as Sahil loved all his toys, he wanted to go outside and play. He was an only child, and being kept inside so much meant his only friend was his mother. If she was free it was fine, but when she did chores she was very strict about Sahil going into another room to play by himself. It left him a bit lonely. Whenever he'd ask to go outside and play though, his mother would panic and tell him all sorts of stories about how dangerous and scary it was outside. She'd promise she was only keeping him inside for his own protection, and that she knew it was safer here. His mother being almost the only influence in his life, he believed her fully each and every time.

TV was off limits too. As were computers, games, magazines, and even some books. Anything Avani disapproved of, Sahil didn't get. Of course there were all sorts of reasons. She'd tell him books might lie to him, and that she wanted him to grow up smart so he could only read the books she knew didn't lie. Or perhaps that TV and computers would rot his brain and leave holes behind. Of course, Sahil believed it all. Why wouldn't he believe something his extreamly coddling and influential mother told him?

His mother's influence was only made worse by the lacking relationship with his father. Quintus worked long hours to make sure the family was living well. Avani was a stay at home mother who the two had agreed would eventually homeschool Sahil when he came of age, and Sahil was a growing boy. Quintus had to work hard to keep them living nice, and that meant when he was home all he wanted was to sit down and relax. Often times in front of the TV, a place that Sahil would flee from in fear his little brain would get become full of holes. He did try to warn his father sometimes, typically peeking around corners with fear in his voice, though the man always assured Sahil adults were safe from all of that, and that only little boys like him needed to worry. Rather than step on Avani's toes and save the boy from her lies, he chose to take an absent role in his son's life.

With no friends or ability to play outside and his father's lacking attention, he became more dependent on having his mother's. He became clingy and scared to leave her. Afraid of the world in general, believing everything she'd told him. He'd beg to be carried in public, crying if she set him down or refused to do it. Life was scary, and he was sure his only solace was his mother. For awhile, he truly thought it was. Luckily for him and his future, he was soon introduced to a new solace: music.

It was only in the form of toys at first. His third birthday brought about the introduction of a small, toy music set from his parents. One that came with a little toy drum, a little piano keyboard, a little xylophone, and a toy tambourine. He loved it right away. He could put all of his focus into it, finally having a creative outlet. One that he could happily play with by himself when his father watched TV or his mother shooed him away so she could clean up.

Seeing his love for the musical toys and how it filled the times in which he'd seemed lonely, Avani began insisting Sahil get more. She thought as long as he was interested in the musical toys, he'd stay content with the world she was building for him, no need to leave and see the lies she'd told him.

Age five brought the start of his homeschooling and a whole new round of lies. At first, he was simply upset to have his play time cut short. He didn't want his time with his mother to be spent on things like learning the ABCs or how to count to ten and write his name. He picked things up quickly though, and as they began getting a little deeper into it, such as beginning to learn to read, Sahil began to wonder why he was learning all of this with his mother. He knew school existed. He'd seen it in some of his picture books and saw the school bus pass outside everyday. Of course Avani was there to lie to him once more and scare him away from it. Kids were bad, she'd tell him. She said they'd hurt him and make him cry and that the teachers wouldn't ever do a thing about it. She'd say school was much harder, and that she knew her little boy better so she could help him learn without being so upset. Sahil believed it all, not ever doubting his mother's word.

For a long time, life continued on this way. Sahil spent his days being homeschooled and his evenings playing or reading. His father continued to keep a rather absent role, and his mother continued to lie and coddle him away from the world. Now that he was getting older, she was trying harder and harder, to the point she'd heavily scold him if he was near her when she did chores. She was sure if he learned to take care of himself, he wouldn't need her.

A trip to the library would bring about what Avani felt to be the worst thing the happen in young Sahil's life.

Sahil was 11 years old now. Still clinging to his mother, afraid to leave the house without her by his side. His schooling had gotten more serious, and he found more fun in learning and reading. His interest in toys had largely dwindled, except for those of the musical variety. In fact, thanks to his parents fully embracing his interest, he'd only grown more and more fond of it, to the point he'd even ask for books to learn more about it. To do that, his mother would need to start taking him to the library.

Of course she had a way to keep him under her control there as well. She'd tell him that books in the library often had naughty or scary things. The kind of things that'd rot his brains or make him upset if he saw them. So, she'd offer to find books on topics he liked for him. To protect him, she'd say. It was really so that she could screen them first and make sure they were up to her standards and wouldn't shatter the world view she'd worked so hard to build for Sahil.

Leaving him near the front desk, the librarian would often make attempts to talk to him, to no avail. Until, one day, she brought up the topic of music. Feeling he was simply a shy kid and noticing how often he would ask for and check out books on that topic, she began asking what kinds of things he played. It was finally enough to spark a little voice in him.

By then he'd gotten a taste for real instruments. A practice pad instead of a toy drum, a real keyboard instead of a fake little piano, a proper tamborine instead of the tiny plastic one. He'd happily talk to her about these each time they came to the library. One day fateful day, she asked the question that would change it all for him: "Are you in the school band?"

Sahil didn't even know what the school band was then, and of course excitedly asked for an explanation after telling her he was homeschooled. Finding that out, she told him all sorts of stories about the band in a public school, even some of her own from when she'd been in band in high school. They fascinated Sahil, and soon enough he was begging his parents to let him join.

Avani was terrified. Her little boy was asking to leave her, so she thought, and the idea was nothing less than the worst thing that could happen for her. Quintus, for once, was the voice of reason. He was sure if they just let the boy be and go ahead to school he'd be just fine. Avani had already showed him how dangerous life could be, and there was no reason to worry. She agreed... only at the expense of Sahil though. She'd need to explain everything to him all over again, in a way that'd assure he'd not leave her just because he was going to school. By the time his first day of the sixth grade started, the poor kid was sure it'd be best to be alone.

As much as it would hurt his social skills even worse, it was saved him hurt already having accepted his status as a loner. The other children found him weird. He was the new kid, after all, and he had nearly no social skills to actually get to know any of them. They'd go off to play while he'd stay back and play with the tables as if they were drums and his pencils were the drumsticks. Teachers tried and failed to convince him to play with the other children, Sahil already convinced they were setting him up for something bad. The only time he was really social was in band class. While not exactly friends with the others, he was at least talkative with his fellow percussionists. He tried hard with them, and earned their respect through his abilities in the band. While starting on drums and keyboards, as all young percussionists do, once he showed promise with auxiliary, he began to be put there more and more.

Avani, of course, was overjoyed that the only time he was ever social was in band. He never asked to do anything with the kids outside of school, and when he did talk about them he was mostly focused on their role in the band and what they'd done in class that day. It was clear to her Sahil's passion lied in the music, not in the kids playing it.

Junior high meant moving to the high school building. It was only one year, his 8th grade, but it'd be one that changed things a lot. For starters, he was in the high school band now, which meant marching band. Avani was not happy about that. He'd need to spend everyday for a whole week during the summer at school, away from her care and with those kids she was so afraid would take him from her. He'd have friday practices all day for the rest of the summer, and after school until marching season ended. She hated it, and tried hard to convince Sahil staying away from her like that for anything other than band would hurt him. He, of course, believed her and would rush right home when he was done.

There was also the matter of Sex ED class. By his age, they wanted to give him a full lesson on it. Of course Avani said no, and instead opted to lie to him at home. She didn't want him getting any ideas, after all, so she'd explain it all away. Make him fear exploration and deprive him of an explanation as to where babies come from by simply telling him they were from the baby store in the hospital.

This, however, would become the gateway to Sahil making some new "friends". It was a group of freshman, looking to feel bigger than they really were. They'd found him sitting in the library during one of the Sex Ed lessons he was not allowed to attend. They knew what an 8th grader being there meant, and of course they tried to tease him about it. But Sahil was innocent and lacking social skills, and he thought these kids wanted to be his friend. It was weird, and of course they wondered what might be wrong with him. Never knowing to keep things to himself, he explained it all. That was the day he became a target.

From then on out, he was the butt of their jokes. They'd take advantage of how innocent he was, getting any answers out of him they thought were just hilarious, acting friendly around Sahil but laughing at everything he'd said later. Eventually, they realized they could take it further when he expressed his fear one of the bullies might beat him up. They'd protect him, they said. All they'd have to do was beat him up and the bullies would leave him alone thinking he already had a bully. They promised him though, it was protection, not bullying, because they were his friends and they wanted to help him. He was overjoyed. He really thought they wanted to help him, and even instructed them on where to hit him so he could cover it up. He was sure if his mother saw the bruises she'd take away his new friends, and they were all the happier to comply. He'd even thank them when they were done, sure they'd been trying to help him.

His only chance of safety from the kids so heavily taking advantage of the lies his mother told him was band class. He was really focused there, now getting ready to make a new section. While he'd started in the drumline on the quads, something that'd helped sharpen his reflexes, it was clear his passion lay elsewhere. After some talks with the instructor, a pit crew was set up with Sahil as the auxiliary percussionist and the section leader. There was only one other member, a girl who played the keyboard instruments.

As he moved into high school, another surprise was delivered to him. Orchestra. Not a school one, a real one. It was a small, local orchestra that had seen him at a marching competition and school band concerts during the 8th grade. They were very impressed with him. It was clear he had a good grip on auxiliary percussion and had a lot of potential with it. Not only that, he was good with the other percussion instruments. He would be a good asset.

Avani didn't like it, and Quintus was there to back her up on that one. That was a lot of strangers, mostly adults. What if he talked too much to one of them? They knew something bad would come of it. Sahil was insistent though, and fought hard to go. Avani was strongly against the idea of it all, but Quintus worried he'd leave them if they kept too tight a leash. So, with many more lies from Avani in attempt to scare him out of talking too much, he was allowed to join.

What started as one local orchestra turned into many different ones, some near or far, some that traveled and some that didn't. He was never allowed to play with the ones that were too far away. However, anything near enough to them, or traveling ones stopping near them, he'd happily join to play with. He loved every second of it, and was gaining notoriety. It scared his parents. They could see it on TV in the performances how he would be praised, and even saw a news story talking about the young boy from their small town who was making it big with the orchestras. Avani was terrified of what might come of it. She felt if they stopped him, he'd get angry at them and rebel to keep playing with them. She didn't want him to leave her side and stop depending on her, so she just kept feeding him lies and worrying when he went off.

It had all just been fun for Sahil though! It was his passion, what he loved doing, and for him it was just that. He wasn't allowed to see the TV, his time in school was spent with the group of "friends" who spent their time bullying him, and in public he was always with his mother who'd keep him away from strangers, so he never knew the extent of notoriety he was getting. Everyone else knew though, and when the escort arrived to his house one night, it was no surprise to anyone but him.

Avani was hysterical. She tried hard to fight it, trying to get Quintus to throw the escort out of the house. He was a bit more rational about it though, and knew it was unavoidable. Sahil though viewed it as a chance to get better at music. To finally pursue it in a way that he could make a career of it. He was excited to run off packing when his father sent him. He was given the night to say goodbye and assure Avani everything would be alright. After that, he was off to start his new life.

    { Likes & Dislikes }
✓ Music
✓ The Outdoors
✓ Adrenaline Rushes
✓ Eating, especially Meat Staying inside for too long
People touching his instruments
X Inactivity 

    { Hobbies }
♪ Gardening
♪ Composing
♪ Playing Music
♪ Running
♪ Learning
♪ Mind Puzzles/Games

    { Trivia }
♪ mbti: ESTP - Entrepreneur
♪ alignment: Chaotic Neutral 
♪ enneagram type: 8w7 - The Maverick 
♪ deadly sin: Wrath
 heavenly virtue: Diligence 
♫ Sahil is rather toned, keeping a strict workout routine everyday and eating the best he can to maintain that.
♫ One of his favorite pieces to play is The Typewriter  thanks to its spotlight use of found instruments.
♫ He knows how to play the Hawaii 5-0 drum fill  and would show it off if enough drums were available. 
♫ Sahil isn't at all shy about his past, and will typically talk about it with ease when asked.
♫ He picked up gardening from doing it together with his mother when he was young. He only works with flowers though, no food.
♫ While Sahil talks about needing a rush often, he isn't an adrenaline junkie. He simply doesn't get the same enjoyment out of typical activities as normal people do, and instead needs that bit of adrenaline to give him that same feeling. 

♫ Theme Song: His HeartA Hurt Fox
♫ Voice Claim: Alex from Super 4
♪ Timezone: EST [GMT -5]
♪ Status:
Available for rp/hc all day!
    - Typically online from 9:30 am to 12 am EST
♪ Style:
    - HC: What I use most, and can remember easiest.
    - Lit: A style I love to use, and am just as open to as HC!
    - Script: Not something I use often, but I'm still open to it.
♪ Methods:
    - Discord: This is where I prefer to rp/hc/talk.
    - DA Notes: If not discord, this is the second best place!
    - DA Comments: Not preferred, but still open to it.
♪ Open to Shipping? Sorta. He's only looking for more casual, no strings attached kind of relationships right now.

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Comments: 3

monajenkins [2017-06-30 04:41:40 +0000 UTC]

Wow!! Sahib look so cool 😎 and amazing 😉 in your drawing !! It's lovely 😊

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FruitNaloops In reply to monajenkins [2017-07-04 17:55:00 +0000 UTC]

thanks! ovo

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

monajenkins In reply to FruitNaloops [2017-07-04 22:56:49 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome too!😁😊

👍: 0 ⏩: 0