funlakota — RiverClan Cats

Published: 2009-10-23 03:25:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 42089; Favourites: 283; Downloads: 4265
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I am so glad to be finally done with this pet project of mine! These are all the cats of RiverClan as I always imagined them looking like... or at least all of the ones listed in the Warrior Cats series (not counting the field guides or special editions). Please full-view. And sorry for the length-- I had too much trouble trying to increase the width...

PLEASE COMMENT!! I worked really hard on this, and I like to know what other people think of my interpretations of these Warrior Cat characters. It's a pain in the neck that only two people bothered commenting while over 10 faved!

Everything was done in Paint... except the lettering of the title which I copied from Microsoft Word. The RiverClan symbol came from the official site, I think.

It took me about 2 weeks to get everyone done (first by hand, then on computer), although I didn't bother doing Beetlekit, Grasskit, Pricklekit, or Petalkit on the computer. I do have ideas for all 4, but why bother doing them when I'll just end up having to redo them whenever the new series comes out?

I took some liberties with Mistyfoot (I gave her faint stripes on her legs), Swallowtail (I have always drawn her as a light brown tabby with swallow-shaped stripes on her tail), and a few others where the decriptions were not that clear. For instance, Splashpaw has no description at all so I made the character a gray-and-white tom. I also made Robinpaw more of a tabby instead of a calico or tortie because him being a male calico or tortie gets into a troubling area that I think is best left out of a children's series. If you're curious, look it up!! But don't blame me for what you learn.

Same deal with Mosspelt, who I made a calico instead of a tortie (makes her easier to do in my fan stories)... though the authors seem to use the words 'tortie' and 'calico' interchangabley anyways. Apparently they're British or something as the British cat-world now calls 'calico' tortie-and-white. Doesn't make sense to me since there is a big difference: torties have brindling while the best show-worthy calicoes do not (they have patches instead)! To me "tortie-and-white" implies either a tortie with some white spots or a calico with some tortie brindling within the main patches of colours. Whatever.

I included Graystripe in this because he was part of RiverClan briefly. I took some liberties with him too; I hate how he's drawn in the comic series, so I stuck with my own design for him where he has faint tabby stripes along with his dorsal stripe (which is hard to see from being resized). You can consider Mosskit a bonus.

Looking at her now, I think Mothwing's stripes and dapple spots need to be a little darker and lighter-- you can barely see them! Stupid me. Maybe I'll redo her later.

It was fun, but I'm glad to be finished finally. After this, I don't know if I'll do the other Clans or not. I think I'm out of ideas for those cats! Maybe another devoted (cough: obessed) fan will do the other Clans.

I recently did all of the new RiverClan cats; you can see them here: [link] . I also included some additional cats from here, so you can see their Warrior names.

Lineart is by
Background is from www.graphicxperts.com

The authors have reccently given Dapplenose a description. She is a dappled or mottled gray tabby. >_< Because of that, I'm considering redoing her. I'll prob make her a torbie (calico or tortie with tabby stripes) of some sort, but I hope to keep some of her current design so she still resembles Willowshine and Pouncetail. Poor Dapplenose-- this is the 3rd time I've had to redo her! Lol, her orginal design actually came a little closer to the official one, except that one was mostly white with patches of tabby fur (see my original warrior cat, Skyfringe, in case you're curious).

Also, I plan to update this with the official descriptions for all these cats soon along with biographical info when possible. Lol, my "artist comments" is shaping up to be quite long at this rate!! But maybe people will still enjoy going thru it.

Edit 5/6/10:
Updated the descriptions to include some of the more recent information about the cats.

I have no plans to change Mistyfoot's name to Mistystar in this deviation at the moment, so please do not tell me that it is a mistake! If you look at the date of submission, you'll realize that I did this BEFORE the latest 4th series books came out. I did update her description to reflect this change though!

Update 7/3/10:
It's official! Riverclan has more half-clan cats than any other Clan!! Graypool has been identified as being part Windclan now.


Gender- female
Mentor- Whitefang
Apprentice(s)- Whiteclaw (1st), Hawkfrost ?
Deputies- Stonefur (1st), Mistyfoot (2nd)
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- Whiteclaw
Kits- unknown
Riverclan’s current leader; is described as an unusual gold tabby with spotted stripes; is usually described as short-tempered and smug but she tries to do the right thing for her clan; before becoming leader her name was Leopardfur; dies in the newest series, leaving Mistyfoot as leader

Gender- female
Mentor- unknown (as warrior apprentice), Mudfur (as medicine cat apprentice)
Apprentice(s)- Willowshine
Father- Tigerstar (originally of Thunderclan; defected to Shadowclan and became its leader)
Mother- Sasha (loner)
Brothers- Tadpole (died prior to joining Riverclan), Hawkfrost
Half-brother- Brambleclaw (Thunderclan)
Half-sister- Tawnypelt (Shadowclan)
Mate- none
Kits- none
Riverclan’s current medicine cat; is described as a golden dappled cat with amber eyes; she and her brother were adopted into Riverclan at around 6 months of age; befriends Leafpool, Thunderclan’s medicine cat, who is around her age; typically is friendly though a little unsure of her position as medicine cat due to the fact that she doesn’t believe in Starclan or receive visions from them; only 3 cats know she doesn't believe in Starclan: Leafpool (of Thunderclan), Willowshine, and Mistystar

Gender- male
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- Heavystep (1st), Voletooth (2nd), Beechfur (3rd)
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a smoky black tom; is usually fairly aggressive, particularly towards cats from other clans; is currently one of the oldest cats in the Clan (along with Mistyfoot, Leopardstar, and Mosspelt) but interestingly he hasn't retired yet; dies in the newest series (finally!!) possibly as a result of Riverclan's famine

Gender- female
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- Feathertail (1st), Dapplenose (2nd)
Father- Oakheart
Mother- Bluestar (Thunderclan)
Brother- Stonefur
Sister- Mosskit
Foster Mother- Graypool
Foster Sibling- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- Reedwhisker, Graymist, Mintfur (?), 4th unnamed cat
Riverclan’s current deputy and next in line to be leader; is a blue cat with blue eyes (like her birth mother); grew up never knowing that she was half Thunderclan and always thought of Graypool as her mother; apparently named her daughter in honour of Graypool; one of the few cats who had always been friendly towards Thunderclan; becomes leader of Riverclan in the newest series

Gender- male (originally female)
Mentor- Reedwhisker
Apprentice(s)- Mallowpaw (Mallownose)
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a dark gray tabby; is an apprentice around the same time as Beechfur; is killed by a beaver in the first book of the 4th series

Gender- male
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- Rippletail (1st), Pouncetail (2nd)
Father- unknown
Mother- Mistyfoot
Sister- Graymist
Brother- Mintfur (?)
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a black tom with blue or green eyes; was saved by Firestar and Graystripe as a kit when the river overthrew its banks and flooded Riverclan's main camp; later nearly drowned in the river again as an apprentice but Leafpool saved him with help from Spottedleaf's spirit; appears to have been an apprentice for an unusually long time (a little over a year!!), begining his training a few months after Stormfur and Feathertail are born and ending it shortly before or after the Great Journary; is rumored to be the next deputy when Mistyfoot becomes leader

Gender- male
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- Nettlepaw
Father- unknown
Mother- Mistyfoot (?)
Sister- Graymist (?)
Brother- Reedwhisker (?)
Mate- Otterheart (?)
Kits- unknown
Described as a pale or light gray tabby tom; assumed to be Mistyfoot’s son and Otterheart’s mate

Gender- female
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- unknown
Father- unknown
Mother- Mistyfoot
Brother(s)- Reedwhisker, Mintfur (?)
Mate- unknown
Kits- Sneezepaw, Mallowpaw (Mallownose)
Described as a pale gray tabby with blue eyes; seems to be a quiet, gentle cat

Gender- male
Mentor- Otterheart
Apprentice(s)- unknown
Father- unknown
Mother- Graymist
Brother- Mallowpaw (Mallownose)
Mate- none yet
Kits- none yet
Described as a gray and white cat; is Mistyfoot’s grandson; was given the name "Sneezekit" because of an allergy/atophy to moss which caused him to sneeze a lot within days of his birth
**Actually most dogs and cats with allergies don't have upper respiratory symptoms like we do; they suffer from skin problems instead, with itchiness (leading to red, inflammed skin) being the most common allergy symptom overall. In other words, Sneezepaw would have been more likely to have irriatable and itchy skin rather than the sniffles. Atophy is the term used for pet allergies caused by breathing in particles, which is presumably what the authors had in mind for Sneezepaw. It's not as common, and some pets suffer from both forms.**

Gender- male
Mentor- Rippletail
Apprentice(s)- unknown
Father- unknown
Mother- Graymist
Mate- none yet
Kits- none yet
Described as a light brown tabby tom; is Mistyfoot’s grandson; his warrior name is Mallownose

Gender- female
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- Sneezepaw
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- Mintfur (?)
Kits- unknown
Described as a dark brown cat; is assumed to be Mintfur’s mate

Gender- male
Mentor- Blackclaw
Apprentice(s)- unknown
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a light brown tom; is an apprentice around the same time as Rippletail; nearly died from antifreeze posioning

Gender- female
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- Copperpaw
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a brown tabby (presumably a dark brown tabby)

Gender- male
Mentor- Blackclaw
Apprentice(s)- Minnowpaw (Minnowtail)
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a small brown tabby; is an apprentice around the same time as Stonestream and Splashpaw; retires early like Stonestream and seems to die in the second book of the newest series

Gender- female
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- Robinpaw
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a light brown short-haired tabby cat

Gender- female
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- Pebblepaw
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Foster Kits- Stormfur and Feathertail
Kits- Willowshine, Pouncetail (?), and Dapplenose (?)
Described as a tortie (officially) with blue eyes (I prefer drawing her as a calico); adopts and rises Stormfur and Feathertail when Greenflower dies; remains friendly with Graystripe

Gender- female
Mentor- unknown (I made my cat Foxpatch her mentor in my fan stuffs)
Apprentice(s)- Splashpaw
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a dark brown tabby with green eyes (I prefer drawing her as a light brown tabby with a yellowish-cream chest and belly); befriends Rainwhisker (of Thunderclan) on the Great Journey; later retires early and seems to have died between the 3rd series and 4th series
(in my stories, she is the daughter of Mosspelt and slightly younger foster sister of Stormfur and Feathertail)

Gender- female
Mentor- Mistyfoot
Apprentice(s)- unknown
Father- unknown
Mother- Mosspelt (?)
Brother- Pouncetail (?)
Sister- Willowshine (?)
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described first as a tortie or calico and latter as a mottled gray cat (I stuck with the original description, but I might remake her as a torbie); assumed to be Mosspelt’s daughter and Willowshine’s sister as she becomes an apprentice around the same time as Willowshine

Gender- male (originally female)
Mentor- Reedwhisker
Apprentice(s)- unknown
Father- unknown
Mother- Mosspelt (?)
Sister(s)- Willowshine (?), Dapplenose (?)
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a ginger-and-white tom (originally was a light brown tabby); was named Pouncetail due to an injury to his tail; assumed to be Mosspelt’s son and Willowshine’s brother as he becomes an apprentice around the same time as Willowshine

Gender- female
Mentor- Mothwing
Apprentice(s)- none yet
Father- unknown
Mother- Mosspelt
Brother- Pouncetail (?)
Sister- Dapplenose (?)
Mate- none
Kits- none
Riverclan’s junior medicine cat or apprentice medicine cat; saved Beechfur from choking when she was just a kit; allows Riverclan to have a medicine cat who can receive messages from Starclan; was partially trained by Leafpool of Thunderclan

Gender- male
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- unknown
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as mottled or dappled gray-blue and white tom with blue eyes

Gender- female
Mentor- Heavystep
Apprentice(s)- unknown
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- Minnowpaw (Minnowtail), Pebblepaw (Pebblefoot), and Tumblekit
Described as a light or pale gray cat with either yellow or blue eyes; seems to be very kind and saved a Shadowclan kit from being hit by a car during the Great Journary; may have had a second litter in the 3rd series; retires early and dies in the 2nd book of the newest series of possible starvation

Gender- male
Mentor- Mosspelt
Apprentice(s)- Rushpaw
Father- unknown
Mother- Dawnflower
Sister(s)- Minnowpaw, Tumblekit
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a gray or mottled gray cat; played and drank antifreeze as a kit and nearly died; his warrior name is Pebblefoot; is an apprentice around the same time as Minnowpaw, Pouncetail, Dapplenose, and Willowshine

Gender- female
Mentor- Voletooth
Apprentice(s)- unknown
Father- unknown
Mother- Dawnflower
Brother- Pebblepaw (Pebblefoot)
Sister- Tumblekit
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a gray and white cat with soft fur, a fluffy chest, and yellow eyes (originally described as dark gray as a kit); the most out-going and adventurous of her litter; played and drank antifreeze as a kit and nearly died; Mousewhisker (of Thunderclan) had a crush on her when they were apprentices; despite being a little older, she and her brother became apprentices after Mousewhisker and his littermates; is an apprentice around the same time as Pebblepaw, Pouncetail, Dapplenose, and Willowshine

Gender- male
Mentor- Mintfur
Apprentice(s)- none yet
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a dark brown tabby cat; is an apprentice around the same time as Copperpaw and Robinpaw, and later Sneezepaw and Mallowpaw; possibly died before becoming a warrior
**He is NOT the same character as the cat named Nettlepad.**

Gender- female
Mentor- Duskfur
Apprentice(s)- none yet
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a dark ginger cat; is an apprentice around the same time as Nettlepaw, Robinpaw, Sneezepaw, and Mallowpaw; possibly died before becoming a warrior

Gender- male
Mentor- Pinefur
Apprentice(s)- none yet
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a tortie-and-white tom with blue eyes (I prefer drawing him as a tabby with almost brindle-like stripes since male torties are rare); his warrior name is Robinwing

Gender- female
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- unknown
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- Beetlekit (Beetlewhisker), Grasskit (Grasspelt), Petalkit (Petalfur), and Pricklekit
Described as a white cat with blue eyes; has her kits in the 3rd series

Gender- male
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- none yet
Father- unknown
Mother- Icewing
Brother- Grasskit (Grasspelt)
Sisters- Petalkit (Petalfur), Pricklekit
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a brown and white cat (later a brown-and-white tabby); is an apprentice around the same time as Sneezepaw and Mallowpaw as well as his siblings and possibly Rushpaw, Hollowpaw, Mossypaw, and Troutpaw; his warrior name is Beetlewhisker

Gender- female (later male)
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- none yet
Father- unknown
Mother- Icewing
Brothers- Beetlekit (Beetlewhisker), Grasskit (Grasspelt)
Sister- Petalkit (Petalfur)
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Has no description (I draw her as a gray tabby); presumably died as either a kit or an apprentice

Gender- male
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- none yet
Father- unknown
Mother- Icewing
Brother- Beetlekit (Beetlewhisker)
Sisters- Petalkit (Petalfur), Pricklekit
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a light brown tom; is an apprentice around the same time as Sneezepaw and Mallowpaw as well as his siblings and possibly Rushpaw, Hollowpaw, Mossypaw, and Troutpaw; his warrior name is Grasspelt

Gender- female
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- none yet
Father- unknown
Mother- Icewing
Brothers- Beetlekit (Beetlewhisker), Grasskit (Grasspelt)
Sister- Pricklekit
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a gray-and-white cat (I draw her with pointed markings);is an apprentice around the same time as Sneezepaw and Mallowpaw as well as her siblings and possibly Rushpaw, Hollowpaw, Mossypaw, and Troutpaw; her warrior name is Petalfur

Gender- male
Mentor(s)- Heavystep (1st), Unknown (2nd)
Apprentice(s)- unknown
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a gray cat; is an apprentice around the same time as Voletooth and Splashpaw; presumably is given a second mentor when Heavystep retires since he doesn’t earn his warrior name until after the Great Jounary; retired early possibly due to injury

Gender- male
Mentor(s)- Loudbelly (1st), Blackclaw (2nd)
Apprentice(s)- Dawnflower (1st), Stonestream (2nd)
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described originally as a thickset tabby with a possible injured or deformed paw (later described as a thickset brown tabby with a deformed paw); retires prior to the Great Journary; dies twice in the series: first in the second series from 'greencough' and again in the third series from ‘greencough’

Gender- male
Mentor- Lionheart (Thunderclan)
Apprentice(s)- Brackenfur (Thunderclan), Stormfur (briefly)
Father- Patchpelt (Thunderclan)
Mother- Willowpelt (Thunderclan)
Mate(s)- Silverstream (1st), Millie (2nd)
Kits- Stormfur (1st litter), Feathertail (1st litter), Bumblestripe (2nd litter), Briarlight (2nd litter), Blossomfall (2nd litter)
Described as a large, long-haired and thick-furred gray cat with yellow eyes and a dorsal stripe (I draw him as a gray cat with faint stripes and white chest, belly, and paws in addition to his dorsal stripe); became mates with Silverstream (of Riverclan) and fathered her kits, Stormfur and Feathertail; briefly lives in Riverclan to be with his kits; becomes the second deputy under Firestar of Thunderclan; is later captured by humans prior to the Great Journary where he meets Millie; later rejoins Thunderclan where he and Millie have their 3 kits; is a good-natured, loyal cat though one who has trouble in regards to choosing mates

Gender- male
Mentor(s)- Stonefur, Graystripe (briefly)
Apprentice(s)- none from Riverclan
Father- Graystripe (Thunderclan)
Mother- Silverstream
Main Foster Mother- Mosspelt
Other Foster Mothers- Goldenflower (Thunderclan), Greenflower
Sister- Feathertail
Half-Brother- Bumblestripe (Thunderclan)
Half-Sisters- Blossomfall (Thunderclan), Briarlight (Thunderclan)
Foster Siblings- Brambleclaw (Thunderclan), Tawnypelt (Thunderclan; later defected to Shadowclan), unnamed Riverclan kits, (Swallowtail)
Mate- Brook
Kits- Lark (Lark that Sings at Dawn) and Pine (Pine that Clings to Rock)
Described as a dark gray cat with yellow eyes and his father’s bulk and thick fur (I draw him with faint tabby stripes and his mother’s short fur); has his father’s personality as a kit; later seems to develop his mother’s personality; seems to have the same problem his father had in choosing mates; had a crush on Squirrelflight but falls in love with Brook who becomes his mate; accompanies his sister and the other questing cats; stays behind with Brook on the Great Journary; the two later return to Riverclan but later stay in Thunderclan before returning to the Tribe; is a fairly adaptable cat; has always felt torn in his loyality to Riverclan due to his half-clan heritage but regardless of whom he is staying with, he tries to remain loyal to that group of cats; best friends with Brambleclaw (Thunderclan) and friends with Squirrelflight (Thunderclan), Crowfeather (Windclan), and Tawnypelt (Shadowclan)

Gender- female
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- none from Riverclan
Father- unknown (Tribe of Rushing Waters)
Mother- unknown (Tribe of Rushing Waters)
Brothers- Talon (older), Crag (older)
Mate- Stormfur
Kits- Lark (Lark that Sings at Dawn) and Pine (Pine that Clings to Rock)
Described as a slender and small light brown tabby with gray eyes; becomes mates with Stormfur and when he is exiled from the Tribe, she goes into exile with him; she tries to adapt to Clan rules in Riverclan, but she and Stormfur are forced to leave; later joins Thunderclan before returning to the Tribe of Rushing Waters; is kind and steadfastly loyal to Stormfur; has two kits with Stormfur; her full name is Brook Where Small Fish Swim

Gender- male
Apprentice(s)- Graypool (1st), Stonefur (2nd)
Deputies- Timberfur (1st), Oakheart (2nd), Leopardstar (3rd)
Father- unknown
Mother- Lilystem
Brother- Oakheart
Mate- unknown
Kit(s)- Silverstream
Described as a huge light golden-brown tabby with pale green eyes; became an apprentice late due to the injury to his jaw; is a skilled tactican and hard worker; is considered a fair and just leader; is fairly old and dies during the 1st series; his name before becoming leader was Crookedjaw (his name as a kit is unknown)

Gender- male
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- unknown
Father- unknown
Mother- Lilystem
Mate- Bluestar (Thunderclan)
Kits- Stonefur, Mistyfoot, and Mosskit
Described as a reddish-brown tabby with green eyes; takes Bluestar as a mate; later their kits join Riverclan when Bluestar is needed to become leader of Thunderclan and due to a shortage of food in Thunderclan; dies in a battle over Sunningrocks when he is crushed by several boulders; is Crookedstar's 2nd deputy

Gender- male
Mentor- Crookedstar
Apprentice(s)- Shadepelt (1st), Stormfur (2nd)
Father- Oakheart
Mother- Bluestar (Thunderclan)
Sister(s)- Mistyfoot, Mosskit
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a blue-gray cat with greenish-blue eyes and battle-scarred ears; becomes deputy under Leopardstar; forgives his Thunderclan mother shortly before she dies; was ordered to kill Stormfur and Feathertail as a test of loyality at Tigerstar's insistence but he refused; died during the purge of half-clan cats after Shadowclan and Riverclan became Tigerclan; killed by Darkstripe and Blackfoot (Blackstar)

Gender- female
Mentor- Crookedstar
Apprentice(s)- unknown
Father- unknown
Mother- Fallowtail
Sister- Willowkit (Willowbreeze)
Mate- unknown
Kit(s)- unknown
Foster Kits- Stonefur, Mistyfoot
Described as a gray cat with orange eyes and a scar over her muzzle; adopts Oakheart’s half-clan kits and raises them as her own; loved Stonefur and Mistyfoot as her own and liked to think that they looked a bit like her; Stonefur and Mistyfoot remained devoted to her until her death; wandered away from the Riverclan camp when she was confused and was killed by Tigerstar (then Tigerclaw); interestingly Graypool herself is half-clan: her father is from Windclan; presumably this is part of the reason why is adopted Stonefur and Mistyfoot; as a kit she was given to Windclan, but Riverclan later took her and her sister back; she was named Graypool because her mother wanted her and her sister to be given names to remind them that they came from two great clans

Gender- male
Mentor- Brambleberry
Apprentice(s)- Mothwing
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- none
Kits- none
Described as a brown cat; was Riverclan's medicine cat during the first series and for part of the second series; dies prior to the Great Journey

Gender- female
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- unknown
Father- Crookedstar
Mother- unknown
Mate- Graystripe (Thunderclan)
Kits- Stormfur and Feathertail
Described as a beautiful silver tabby with blue eyes who remained very close to her father, Crookedstar; died giving birth to Stormfur and Feathertail; has appeared multiple times in spirit form to Graystripe and their kits; gave Firestar one of his nine lives, that of loyality which she tried to live her life by

Gender- female
Mentor- Mistyfoot
Apprentice(s)- none
Father- Graystripe (Thunderclan)
Mother- Silverstream
Brother- Stormfur
Half-Brother- Bumblepaw (Thunderclan)
Half-Sisters- Blossompaw (Thunderclan), Briarpaw (Thunderclan)
Main Foster Mother- Mosspelt
Other Foster Mothers- Goldenflower (Thunderclan), Greenflower
Foster Siblings- Brambleclaw (Thunderclan), Tawnypelt (Thunderclan; later defected to Shadowclan), unnamed Riverclan kits, (Swallowtail)
Mate- none (Crowfeather of Windclan is the closest thing to a mate)
Kits- none
Described as a silver tabby with medium length fur and blue eyes (I draw her with her mother’s colouring and a shorter version of her father’s coat-length in addition to his white chest, belly, and paws); as a kit she had her mother’s personality; later she takes after her father and is a gentle, patient, and nurturing cat; is VERY close to her brother Stormfur; first cat to befriend Crowfeather and all the other chosen cats as well as the apprentice Squirrelflight; dies saving the Tribe of Rushing Waters from a mountain lion that had been terrorizing them; is shown to be a member of both Starclan and the Tribe of Endless Hunting; has little if any animosity towards Leafpool for her relationship with Crowfeather because she just wants him to be happy; has appeared multiple times in spirit form, usually to Leafpool but also to Willowshine and at least once to her father

Gender- female
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- unknown
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown (died due to being born premature)
Has no description (I draw her as a white cat with orange tabby patches and bright green eyes); died shortly after her kits; was intended to be Feathertail and Stormfur's foster mother in Riverclan but apparently died shortly after her kits, leaving Mosspelt the task of raising them

Gender- male
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- Heavystep
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as dark a brown cat; stayed behind with Shadepelt and two Thunderclan elders when the clans went on the Great Journey; supposedly died of starvation

Gender- female
Mentor- Stonefur
Apprentice(s)- unknown
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a dark gray, almost black, cat (I draw her with white patches to add some variety to the Clan); retired early, possibly as a result of injuries from the battle with Bloodclan; stayed behind on the Great Journary along with Loudbelly and two Thunderclan cats Frostfur and Speckletail; presumably straved to death due to lack of food (I like to think that the 4 cats survived though and live near Ravenpaw and Barley)

Gender- male
Mentor- Leopardstar (?)
Apprentice(s)- none
Father- Tigerstar
Mother- Sasha
Sister- Mothwing
Brother- Tadpole (died prior to joining Riverclan)
Half-brother- Brambleclaw (Thunderclan)
Half-sister- Tawnypelt (Shadowclan)
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a dark brown tabby with a white chest and pale ice blue eyes; took after his father and caused trouble for the clans; was overly ambitious and fairly aggressive in his dealings with cats from other Clans; faked a sign from Starclan so that Mudfur would take his sister, Mothwing, as his apprentice; later holds that over his sister's head so she'll fake signs from Starclan (which she refuses to do); doesn't approve of his sister's friendship with cats from other Clans, particularly her relationship with Leafpool; became deputy temporarily when Mistyfoot disappeared despite never having mentored an apprentice; later had to give the postition back to her when she returned, causing him to dislike Mistyfoot ever since and to undermined her authority on countless occansions; vigorously supported Mudclaw in his bid for leading Windclan and convinced some of the other Riverclan cats to support him as well; was mentored by Tigerstar in his dreams, along with Brambleclaw; has a strong dislike of kittypets, half-clan cats, and unuseful cats in the Clans like his father; caused Stormfur and Brook to leave Riverclan, so Mistyfoot would choose him as deputy instead; plotted to kill Firestar so Brambleclaw could become leader of Thunderclan; killed by his half-brother Brambleclaw; apparently he's considered a traitor and evil but while I understand Thunderclan for thinking that, I don't know why the Riverclan cats would think so since he had always been fairly popular amongst his younger Clanmates and with Blackclaw; now has joined his father in a forest of endless shadows and has helped train his adopted half-nephew, Lionblaze; currently he and Tigerstar are recruiting kits, apprentices, and newly-named Warriors for their army

Gender- male
Mentor- Leopardstar
Apprentice(s)- unknown
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- Leopardstar
Kits- unknown
Described as a dark cat with one white paw (I draw him as a dark gray tabby with white patches); died while fighting with some Thunderclan cats over a border dispute after falling off a ravine

Gender- female
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- unknown
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a brown tabby (I draw her as a pointed brown tabby for some variety); died of antifreeze posioning

Gender- unknown (I think of the character as male)
Mentor- Swallowtail
Apprentice(s)- none
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- none
Kits- none
Has no description (I draw him as a white cat with dark gray, almost black, patches); was an apprentice around the same time as Stonestearm and Voletooth; disappeared a little before the Great Journary with no explanation at all

Gender- female
Mentor- unknown
Apprentice(s)- unknown
Father- unknown
Mother- unknown
Mate- unknown
Kits- unknown
Described as a gray tabby (I draw her as a gray tabby with dark patches); she alerts Riverclan when the river overflows its banks; she disappears shortly after and presumably died (I like to think she survived, became a warrior, and had kits; I call her Silverflower in my fan stuff)
**She is NOT the same character as Silverstream!! In fact the two were listed separately in a few books!**

Gender- female (originally male)
Mentor- none
Apprentice(s)- none
Father- Oakheart
Mother- Bluestar (Thunderclan)
Brother- Stonefur
Sister- Mistyfoot
Mate- none
Kits- none
Described as either a gray or gray-and-white kitten; died prior to crossing the river into Riverclan territory

Gender- female (originally male)
Mentor- none
Apprentice(s)- none
Father- unknown
Mother- Dawnflower
Brother- Pebblepaw (Pebblefoot)
Sister- Minnowpaw (Minnowtail)
Mate- none
Kits- none
Described as a dark gray tabby kitten with a plump face; died after ingesting antifreeze

(left out Mossypaw, Troutpaw, Hollowpaw, and Rushpaw-- their info will be included with their deviation soon)

Mistyfoot is Mistystar now!
Urgh, people stop PMing me about this! I know she's become the new leader, despite her old age. Seriously if you idiots looked at the date of submission, you'll realize I did this BEFORE the 4th series came out. Or if you bothered to read my description, you would realize that I already addressed this. I doubt this addition will help though.

Where's Sasha?
Sasha is NOT a member of Riverclan and has never been one. She only stayed with the clan for a few days. That does not make her a member. However she is one of Riverclan's friends.

Why is Mosspelt a calico? She's supposed to be a tortie.
Again this has already been addressed, but here's the reason. Back when I was drawing a comic about Riverclan, I found it easier to have Mosspelt be a calico instead of a tortie. It was just easier to keep her markings consistent that way between frames.

Plus it doesn't hurt that the authors seem to use the terms interchangably anyways.

You did *insert character* wrong!!
This is how I picture the Riverclan cats. Given that few of them have ever had official drawings done of them and a few don't even have descriptions, different interprations are bound to happen. This is just a fan's opinion, nothing more.

If you don't like my designs of these cats, try doing a colouring of your own. I would love to see it!

Why did you label *insert character* male/female? That character is female/male.
Don't blame me. Blame Erin Hunt for not keeping her minor characters consistent between the books. Many Riverclan cats started out as one gender, only to end up as the other in a future book.

Off the top of my head, the following Riverclan characters had gender-switch-a-roos:
Tumblekit (originally male; then female)
Mosskit (originally male; then female)
Pouncetail (originally female; then male)
Shellheart (was NEVER consistent)

Windclan and Shadowclan cats have had similar problems, but because it is the main clan, Thunderclan has largely been spared of this issue.
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Comments: 257

Blue-SnowLeopard [2015-09-14 00:47:41 +0000 UTC]

So cool! your a warriors fan to? I read all of erin hunters books, (except dawn of the clans). Have you read goosefeathers curse?

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yugiohtay [2015-08-06 22:35:00 +0000 UTC]


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Myraidisawesome [2014-12-09 10:27:39 +0000 UTC]

Do you have the lineart link?

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funlakota In reply to Myraidisawesome [2014-12-22 03:04:42 +0000 UTC]


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Myraidisawesome In reply to funlakota [2014-12-22 12:35:54 +0000 UTC]

Ty so much <333!

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iceberry2666 [2014-10-28 14:16:50 +0000 UTC]


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funlakota In reply to iceberry2666 [2014-12-22 03:06:04 +0000 UTC]


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PuffCats [2014-07-11 20:21:38 +0000 UTC]

Crookedstar's name as a kit was Stormkit.

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lunamoonpool [2013-12-27 19:30:34 +0000 UTC]

I really like the Feathertail and Silverstream!

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Bolt3107 [2013-11-28 21:33:56 +0000 UTC]

Greystripe, Stormfur,And brook arent riverclan.. they are all thunderlclan cats

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funlakota In reply to Bolt3107 [2013-11-28 23:45:16 +0000 UTC]

Graystripe stayed in Riverclan for about 6 months to be with his kits, so I think he's earned the right to be called a former member at least.  ^^   You're right that he later returned to Thunderclan though.  He was homesick and just couldn't not think of himself as a Thunderclan cat.

I don't know why you say Stormfur's not a Riverclan cat when he spent the first part of his life fully thinking himself as part of that Clan and of no other.  That's the Clan he was raised and the one he grew up in!

Brook stayed in Riverclan briefly along with Stormfur when they were banished from the Tribe.  They only left after they were exiled from the Clan as well... though Riverclan only thought they were visiting.    Because they couldn't return to the Tribe, they opted to stay in Thunderclan after being invited to.   

Also neither Stormfur or Brook are even members of Thunderclan anymore!  They never really felt at home there and went back to the Tribe in one of the books from The Power of Three series.

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bigreddoganna [2013-10-16 06:20:23 +0000 UTC]

I`m not sure if its ok when I laugh about what happened to stonefur

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funlakota In reply to bigreddoganna [2013-10-16 14:00:28 +0000 UTC]

Stonefur's just a fictional character, so it's alright to find something funny in what happened to him. 

Personally I laugh at the idea of Tigerstar sitting on a pile of bones, esp. since some had to have been fish bones... and those can be a bit sharp.  I know that huge bone pile is supposed to be a horrifying thing, and yet I can't help thinking he had a bunch of those fish bones stuck on his butt or something.   

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Warriorsclancats123 [2013-08-31 11:28:49 +0000 UTC]


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funlakota In reply to Warriorsclancats123 [2013-11-29 00:18:32 +0000 UTC]


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Warriorsclancats123 In reply to funlakota [2013-11-29 04:56:06 +0000 UTC]


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Tiger610 [2013-05-29 15:00:31 +0000 UTC]

Its... all the same model.

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funlakota In reply to Tiger610 [2013-11-29 00:18:22 +0000 UTC]

I know.  I made this back when I didn't have much in the way of uploading my own drawings OR choice of art programs.  Everything you see here was done in MS Paint and Microsoft Word.... on an, at the time, 8-year-old computer.

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CatsandMustaches [2013-04-24 16:09:58 +0000 UTC]

Favorite I love this!

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Woozy-dreemurr [2013-04-21 01:56:03 +0000 UTC]

Your descriptions were QUITE helpful, due to the fact that I don't know much about the RiverClan cats at the moment. But I DO have to say that you left quite a bit out of some descriptions/had a few errors.
I don't remember all of them(and I'm too lazy to read it all again), but here's a couple things I happened to catch:

You forgot to mention that Crookedstar was Oakheart's brother

Crookedstar's kit name was Stormkit

And Mosskit died from the cold while Bluestar was taking them to RiverClan(the kits were tired from the long journey, so they decided to take a nap; Mosskit wasn't close enough to Bluestar and therefor didn't get the warmth that Stonekit and Mistykit got, so she died of cold).

That's all I remembered, but yeah.
They were good, though and I love the designs! Keep up the good work!

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funlakota In reply to Woozy-dreemurr [2013-11-29 00:12:11 +0000 UTC]

1.  It's mentioned in Crookedstar's stats that the two are brothers, so it's okay for now.  Thanks for catching it though. 

2.  This was made BEFORE Crookedstar's book existed.  We just didn't know what his birth name was in 2009, so I didn't mention it here.

3.  I didn't say how Mosskit died, just that she died before she crossed the river into Riverclan's territory.  Which is true-- she never made it into Riverclan territory.  Poor thing. 

Thanks for commenting and for skimming thru the descriptions.  I'm glad you like my designs for these guys. 

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AlumiFish In reply to Woozy-dreemurr [2013-08-28 03:09:14 +0000 UTC]

The at where Mosskit died was really sad...

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robinwing12 [2013-04-14 18:05:53 +0000 UTC]


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messithemess [2013-04-13 17:04:15 +0000 UTC]


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funlakota In reply to messithemess [2013-11-29 00:18:51 +0000 UTC]

Me too.  ^^

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Waterstar20002 [2013-04-04 12:26:45 +0000 UTC]

I always imagined Graystripe a little lighter colored and without the white but I really like Leopardstar's design. I also like the colors used on Crookedstar and Ivytails design. Great job on this!

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funlakota In reply to Waterstar20002 [2013-11-29 00:38:59 +0000 UTC]

Thanks.  I'm glad you like this. 

Lol.  Well, my version of Graystripe was based on a real-life cat that I thought was the perfect model for him.  Long-fur, yellow eyes, nice stripping, and very sweet, playful personality.  He also loved kittens.  That cat had a white chest and belly, so I gave it to my version of Graystripe.   Just think of it being like how some animals have fur that lightens as it goes to their belly. 

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Waterstar20002 In reply to funlakota [2013-12-12 22:23:25 +0000 UTC]

Nice ^^ I love how you compared Graystripe to your cat and made a connection in what you were reading <3

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Ilikepotato [2013-03-22 16:42:42 +0000 UTC]

Nice work!!

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KeshaCat [2013-03-15 15:59:21 +0000 UTC]

Good job!

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Silverstream111 [2013-03-09 04:18:04 +0000 UTC]

wow great job, its going to my favs, here is some info IF YOU DO NOT WANT ANY SPOILERS PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS, YOU MUST HAVE READ CROOKEDSTARS PROMISE: willowbreeze is silverstreams mother and timberfur is loudbellys father and ottersplash is his mother

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3Dkind [2013-02-19 02:02:05 +0000 UTC]

Was any of the apprentices names revealed in the series? *for example Sneezepaw = ?*
Its awesome btw

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funlakota In reply to 3Dkind [2013-02-22 00:55:04 +0000 UTC]

I don't think so. The Erins ended the series, so it's possible we'll never know what the remaining apprentices' or kits' Warrior names are. A few probably died before becoming Warriors though.

The Erins did state Sneezepaw became a Warrior at the same time as his brother, Mallownose. However they never revealed his Warrior name. =/ They said they were going to mention it in the 4th series, but I guess they forgot. With all those cats, it's easy for some of them to get lost in shuffle.

What would you name Sneezepaw? Sneezenose? No, that's mean. Ummm. I know Sneezestorm! XD

I think for everyone's sake his entire name would have to be changed when he earned his Warrior name. Otherwise it's gonna sound hilarious with "Sneeze" at the beginning no matter what!

Thanks for coming by and taking the time to comment. ^^

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Waterstar20002 In reply to funlakota [2013-04-04 12:28:51 +0000 UTC]

Sneezestream! Hahaha

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3Dkind In reply to funlakota [2013-02-22 11:23:13 +0000 UTC]

Oh ok. Well thanks

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StripeKatOwO [2013-02-10 17:08:54 +0000 UTC]

FYI SilverStreams Mother Was WillowBreeze, its in CrookedStars Promise :3

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funlakota In reply to StripeKatOwO [2013-03-09 19:04:38 +0000 UTC]

I know.

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StripeKatOwO In reply to funlakota [2013-03-09 19:08:23 +0000 UTC]

then why didn't you make it say silverstreams mother was willowbreeze?

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funlakota In reply to StripeKatOwO [2013-03-09 20:06:17 +0000 UTC]

Because I'm lazy and slow about updating my descriptions.

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iRain-y [2013-02-10 09:00:48 +0000 UTC]

This is PERFECT!! *dies*

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watkinR [2013-01-28 20:51:05 +0000 UTC]


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funlakota In reply to watkinR [2013-01-30 16:22:33 +0000 UTC]


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watkinR In reply to funlakota [2013-01-30 22:46:28 +0000 UTC]


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Hawkpath151 [2012-11-04 17:35:17 +0000 UTC]

wow i love this riverclan is my fav clan so i had to fav this(insert random plz hur)

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Silverchic [2012-10-28 13:19:09 +0000 UTC]


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elizabethfun18 [2012-09-16 19:03:01 +0000 UTC]

yeah, this rocks!

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pikafang [2012-08-20 14:39:25 +0000 UTC]

so many words

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Velvetstar-cat [2012-08-11 20:42:06 +0000 UTC]

that must have taken so long! its awesome!

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KittensPoniesUnited In reply to Velvetstar-cat [2012-08-19 16:27:52 +0000 UTC]

Are you talking about the description?

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Velvetstar-cat In reply to KittensPoniesUnited [2012-08-19 18:00:37 +0000 UTC]

yush and the cats they are awesome! i love warriors!

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