furesiya — AB- Dorian Arethousa

#dorian #fairy #fantasy #handsome #magic #ondine #rp #arethousa
Published: 2016-03-31 07:24:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 1689; Favourites: 36; Downloads: 5
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Another horrible app sheet haha.. I kinda miss having the premades from groups... Also tried something different with the face. Kinda... weird OTL

Name: Dorian Arethousa

◊ Age: 52 (looks 25 though thanks to the blessing of Bion)

◊ Gender: Male

◊ Height: 6'3"

◊ Job : King of Fahlenwood (would like to think he's still basically just doing the same job as General, but he can't deny there's way more to it now..)

◊ Species: half Ondine, half Human

◊ Fitting theme music:  Lion's Pride  Lost Forest  Snow's Theme

◊ Fragrance: Black Narcissus, orange blossom, and heavy vanilla musk. 

◊ Weapon:
Uses his own fists and feet.. well.. whole body really, to full and great effect. Even without anything extra, his hand to hand skills are significant. However, now he is able to fuse with Faun, entering another state that is rather similar to how he used to use his weapons in the past though with blades on his fists and feet made of pure energy.

  • Once fused with Faun, he has access to all of his own astral, even to the core. He can use this energy to boost himself in many ways including speed and strength, creating fist and foot weapons, and even using it to augment his strikes or send explosive shots almost like a spell.
  • Can be quick, especially in transformed state, however his strength its self is what shines the brightest. His hits can destroy buildings if he goes far enough.
  • Can breathe underwater thanks to his ondine side.

◊ History: Abandoned by their mother almost immediately, Dorian and his twin sister Naia were left to be raised by their father who was a full-fledged ondine or water sprite. Their type are able to live on land for a while but eventually must return to their birth source of water. He raised them kindly and as best he could until that day came, which was when the two children were around six or so. Dorian, always having been the stronger one took it on himself to try and find them someplace to live where Naia would be safe, and more importantly healthy, as she had always been rather sickly. Thanks to being so young, sympathy was a bit easier to come by and they managed to scrape along even though Dorian's fiery attitude and almost obsessive manner of protecting his sister landed them in trouble continuously. They kept moving though.. always finding a way. When he was about thirteen or fourteen, they were able to secure a place living in the garage of a bakery in a small town.. Dorian basically having to sell his body to do so though. He did it however, getting medicine, food, and clothing for his sister , which was all that mattered. From there on out though, he learned to use his body and increasingly good looks to get what they needed even more easily. That mind set sort of turned into a game for him after a while though..
Eventually they came across the kingdom of Fahlenwood where Dorian decided to try joining the military. Firstly it was because he would be payed to fight, something he had also become very good at. And secondly he sort of liked the demi-god queen's message. Also it would be a safe place for Naia if it came true. So he entered and from there rose through the ranks until he was a quite well known general, leading troops under Ivalina's flag to make sure their new home remained safe. Until then, and even after for a while, Dorian and Naia had had a sort of unhealthy relationship. Dorian would never let anyone touch her (even though she did when he wasn't around..) but claimed all of her attention for himself when he was. Towards the end of the war though, Naia began to fall in love with Dorian's best friend of at least six years by then, Alex. Of course Dorian lost it over this however luckily for Alex , Dorian had also started to garner a sort of relationship with one of the enemy generals. It boiled down to Dorian and Naia swearing each other off forever after.. Naia going into a deep relationship with Alex and eventually marrying him, while Dorian accidentally got said enemy general pregnant. Owning up to his responsibilities, he calmed in his methods quite a bit, staying with her and trying to help raise the child. Things were strained after a while though, when Dorian himself was realizing more and more that he wanted to get back out onto the field full time again. He didn't blame the other for not wanting to at all and even though they had gotten married a while back (Somethign Dorian still was rather weary about but had told himself to give it a shot..) they decided to part ways.
Coming to feel like that was all he really was good for anymore.. and perhaps had only been good for at all, Dorian returned full time to Fahlenwood and back under his queen's command.
Dorian had always flirted with the queen, trying to get her to crack at least a little.. or go on one date, even if it wasn't with him. She never did though.. However after the point where Ivalina sacrificed herself to end the largest war that area had seen in what felt lke forever, Dorian realized even more how much she had meant to him. He had been the closest to her through everything and was convinced she thought of him as a brother perhaps... When she was revitalized by Bion, though loosing her semi-god state and  becoming mortal, Dorian of course stuck by her side, unaware that she had come to have feelings for him as well though was thinking -he- liked -her- as a little sister only. It was a while before both of their true feelings became apparent and they allowed themselves to be together. Ivalina would never make him feel like he had to do or be something he wasn't, and Dorian would always be dedicated to protecting her and being by her side. The two were married rather quickly after the realization. Something Dorian had sort of sworn to never do again.. but it just felt right. And as he was getting older and weaker over the years, something he realized he wanted.

Not too long after the marriage, an issue with one of his new friends Ethrion and his twin Ethrain, put Dorian into a rough spot. Having used his full-blown powers too much lately, he became so weak that he was on the verge of his astral simply dying up and letting him die. With the last of his conscious thoughts, he prayed and wished so hard to anyone or anything that might listen, to just continue living.. even if for not that long. he just wanted to go back to Ivalina, live a happy life and see his yet unborn new baby twins she was carrying, grow and be happy aswell.
Taking the last shard of his life's energy, the god Bion granted that wish. For all intents and purposes though, he appeared quite dead. In reality he was in a sort of limbo while the energy of the god did its work to revitalize his body and soul. Eventually he was reborn almost literally. His body was that of someone half his actual age and all his scars were gone even. The catch though was that he now had a conflux.. a small fairy looking one named Faun that actually controlled when he could or couldn't use his powers. Though those were greater in general as well.
Now he continues trying to help his friends through whatever comes along and to be a good king.. something else he never had seen himself doing though was quite good at it really, thanks to his time as a general. Also, he does everything possible to make sure he doesn't mess up being a father for the third time..... (He knows Neri is his, everyone else knows she's his, but no one knows that he knows... something that still sort of irritates him to this day , honestly)

◊ Personality: 
  •  Domineering. He likes to be the center of attention and the one in control, pretty much doing whatever he needs to to be in that position.
  • Can be cheerful and full of energy though. Just don't piss him off (which is sometimes unfairly easy.)
  • Really though, has calmed down -allot- in his older age. Will still tell you to go fuck off without missing a beat though, should the occasion call for it.
  • Doesn't have time for people that won't try.

◊ Likes: Dancing! His sister Naia, his children, his wife Ivalina, his brother Alex. Hanging out with any of them.. he just want's to be close. Relaxing when he finally gets a chance (though these days it rarely lasts long)
◊ Dislikes:  Peopled that won't try their absolute hardest. Being made to feel like he doesn't matter/not getting enough attention.
◊ Additional Information: 
  • He's a fucking great king thanks D:< ! Everyone always teases him about that, but he takes it seriously. Though hardly as gentle and kind as Ivalina, he gets things done and is fair...whether people are thrilled about that or not, isn't his fault.

 Deep Relationships: 
  • Naia Arethousa-Smith: His twin sister. Was always way too over protective.. something he worries that she resents him for these days... They have a very special and deep connection though, able to feel one another when close enough and even communicate perfectly without many words.
  • Alex Arethousa-Smith: His brother in both the literal and emotional sense. They met a ways into Dorian's army career, Dorian pulling Alex off the streets in his drunken state of self pity, and getting him back on his feet and also working int he army. The two have been through -allot-.. and he's the only person he could ever be ok with giving Naia over to.
  • Ivalina Arethousa: His second wife, the Queen of Fahlenwood. They had always been close but only somewhat recently , allowed themselves to have a romance which has worked out surprisingly well. Dorian couldn't be happier being able to go out and smash things up but then come back to such an adorable wife.
  • Talia and Vanelia Arethousa: His newborn baby twins, Ivalina being the mother. He's sworn to be a better father to them than he was Cael, and just -be- there for them the way he wasn't for Neri.. They're his new light.
  • Klea and Leith Arethousa-Smith: Naia and Alex's children. He tries to be a good uncle.
  • Anasaona: his quatl. He raised her from an egg and she's been his loyal steed ever since.
  • Faun: His conflux. She's rather annoying.. though he always hears how she's just like himself. She likes to try and control him to some extent, but wont listen when he tells her to put on underwear at least.. she could really care less. (Also is rather offensive for being so cute. She'll flip anyone the middle finger and has a vocabulary saltier than the most worn sailor. The only one she doesn't show -any- of that to is Naia. Even though she doesn't have a problem with many others, they still get the treatment usually.)
  • Ethrion: His newest friend.. which says allot actually. Alex was his only real one for so long. But after the hunter went full family man, their time together significantly decreased. Becoming friends with Ethrion made him feel more self worth again which he values quite a bit. He helps the poor guy as much as he can as he fully recognizes the shit life situation the elf had been handed from birth.

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Comments: 16

SundaeMoone [2016-03-31 18:05:46 +0000 UTC]

he is very beautiful! Love that hair!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

furesiya In reply to SundaeMoone [2016-03-31 20:59:31 +0000 UTC]

thank you! Its kinda his pride and joy 8D~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DraconisKnight [2016-03-31 16:42:09 +0000 UTC]

Yay Dorian! \OuO/ And the smile...

Well done, fure. The little 'gem' took me by surprise, but it is good to see him back in action.  Keep up the good work!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

furesiya In reply to DraconisKnight [2016-03-31 20:59:17 +0000 UTC]

rofl 8"D I find it kinda funny the smile is throwing people off ahaha. Then again he was pretty crabby back in soc
and yeah 8D the gem is definitely new.. but in AB they need some sort of crystal or gem to go along with a conflux. I thought right there would be pretty   

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DraconisKnight In reply to furesiya [2016-04-01 15:16:13 +0000 UTC]

Everyone's favorite grump.

The real thing that really threw me off was his lack of scars. Had to read his app a few times before it hit.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

furesiya In reply to DraconisKnight [2016-04-15 04:37:11 +0000 UTC]

yeah *u*
I mean..I forgot to draw them half the time in the past to begin with.. but I wanted him nice and fresh/renewed/no baggage I guess ahaha

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Caellean [2016-03-31 11:27:44 +0000 UTC]

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh... I might have lost the ability to see right.... But is he actually smiling? Yeahy. Awesome he is back!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

furesiya In reply to Caellean [2016-03-31 20:54:41 +0000 UTC]

yeah 8D~~ he's chilled out allot in his old age xD~~~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Caellean In reply to furesiya [2016-04-01 07:43:41 +0000 UTC]

Unbelievable! Old softy xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

furesiya In reply to Caellean [2016-04-15 04:37:41 +0000 UTC]

huuuur of course he wouldnt' want to hear that 8'D though its truuuuue

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Dx33x [2016-03-31 08:16:54 +0000 UTC]

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHEHEHE <3 *pets Dorian's smug face* It's so nice to see him back~ Like... on an app sheet, and all QvQ It's been so long since SoC....

And Faun is the most precious thing ever eve)/ Don't talk about her as if she wasn't sweet and cute and innocent (not).

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

furesiya In reply to Dx33x [2016-03-31 08:33:06 +0000 UTC]

not happy with the face 8'D.. changed it so many times in small ways. BUT YEI DORIAN> I can't lie and have to say he's still one of my absolute fave ocs.. if not THE most fave... I just can't help it QUQ *clings to his ankles and is kicked away*
and Faun's a bitch 8'D what you talkn bout

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Dx33x In reply to furesiya [2016-03-31 16:25:32 +0000 UTC]

Hurr.... I think we both secretly love characters who have a bit of an asshole side to them //SHOT

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

furesiya In reply to Dx33x [2016-03-31 20:59:52 +0000 UTC]

is it secret?...........

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Dx33x In reply to furesiya [2016-03-31 21:31:58 +0000 UTC]

............................probably not. Nah.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

furesiya In reply to Dx33x [2016-03-31 22:54:26 +0000 UTC]

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