gfhditty — Come back (The start of a storyline)
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Description     I walked through the door and entered her room. She was laying peacefully, too peacefully. It looked wrong for anyone. Especially for Rachel since she was usually a talkative person. I leaned against the wall next to the door, trying not to look as awkward as I felt. I put my hands in my pockets and removed all emotion from my face, trying to look like the carefree teenager that everyone thought I was.
    Rachel had been in a coma for three months now, and I had avoided all opportunities to see her, I didn't want to see her so vulnerable. Unable to fight back against her own mind, let alone any jokes or jibes I might make. Now as I stood in silence, I saw it was worse than I imagined. With tubes wrapped every which way around her body, the only sound to be heard was my mom speaking to Rachel's mother in the hallway.
    I finally made the realization that I wasn't being watched, and relaxed. I quietly closed the door to Rachel's room, and sat in the visiting chair. For a while I just sat there, up close I could see that she had gotten thinner, I could wrap my hand around both her wrists, and her face looked paled and sunken.
    Finally I spoke, “Rachel? It's me. Tristan.” I let out a snort of amusement at myself. You don't need to tell her who you are, it's not like she can hear you. I kept talking anyway, “Your friends have missed you. Without you around, there is no one to control them.”
    I laughed sadly, thinking about Carol- Rachel's best friend. Carol was normally a perky mischievous teenager, but without Rachel around, she'd been depressed and would hardly speak to anyone. I continued, “Rachel, your friends need you. . . I need you. I know I act rude, and selfish, and don't exactly have the best qualities over all, but I'd hoped that someday, you might see something in me, and. . . ” my voice trailed off. Despite her sickened look, Rachel still looked beautiful. I leaned down and kissed her cheek.
    I couldn't stand being here any longer, I was worried I would start crying. A 17 year old boy is not someone who should be crying at a friends bedside. I stood up and walked to the door. Without a word, I passed my mother and started toward the elevator that would take us away from this place. I heard my mother say her goodbyes, and follow me. She made some attempt to talk to me, but I ignored her, I was trying my hardest to erase my emotions again.

    What is this place? I looked around, I was in a beautiful forest full of ancient oaks. I felt the temptation to climb one, there was one close to me that looked perfect. I grabbed hold of a low knot and pulled myself into the tree, as I looked at the view, I couldn't imagine anywhere I'd rather be. Tristan would love this place. I thought to myself.
    I noticed I brought my sketchbook with me, I began to draw the view, there was a river than led to a blue lake just beyond. The wind was blowing gently, it almost sounded familiar, it was calling me, “Rachel” but the moment passed and I soon became sidetracked in the mossy flowers that covered the branches of the tree I was in. How come I didn't notice these before? I began to draw the flowers. They were shades of blue and purple so pure they were almost translucent.
    A soft breeze hit my ears, and again I thought I heard my name, but why would the wind want to guide me away from this perfect world. I was safe here. Nothing could hurt me, nothing could scare me. I pushed dark thoughts away, and immersed myself once again in the lovely place I was in.
    A raindrop fell on my cheek, no it can't rain here. It's too perfect. As the rain began to fall, the lake and river began to fade into the mist and clouds, soon I couldn't see anything. Why couldn't I stay here?
    I blinked, and was in a brightly lit room, with a tall figure leaving through a door. The figure left swiftly, but I thought I saw gold hair, which reminded me of Tristan. Suddenly I was much more awake. The thought of Tristan made me remember, it wasn't the wind I had heard saying my name, it was his voice.
    I heard footsteps coming into the room, hoping it was Tristan, I sat up. Sitting up was a mistake, my head began to throb. I fell back, and heard my mothers voice, “Rachel! You're awake! How are you feeling?!” I ignored her questions, “Mom, was Tristan here?” Taken aback, she nodded. “Please get him!” I said. She stood up slowly, and walked out the door, but I heard her footfall quicken as she went to catch up with Tristan.

    Why? Why Rachel? I don't understand. Come back to me. I realized thinking about Rachel wouldn't help my emotions stay buried.
    I heard someone moving swiftly up the hall behind us. I started to move to the side- thinking it was one of the nurses or doctors hurrying to a patient- but then I heard a vaguely familiar voice, it was the voice of Rachel's mom. I turned around to look at her, she had a look of shock on her face. She looked into my eyes with an expression of concern, “It's Rachel.” I gasped, not listening to the rest of the sentence, I ran past her down the hall. I felt tears coming to my eyes, I didn't really care. Slipping on the floor, I very nearly passed the door to Rachel's room.
    I took a deep breath and walked through the door. There was Rachel, looking very much how she had before, except when I walked all the way into the room, she opened her eyes and sat up. She nodded curtly, “Tristan.” Her cool demeanor was quickly broken with a grin. “You just going to stand over there?” She asked me. As if being controlled, I walked over to the visitors chair and sat down. “Hi.” I said. “I'm glad you're back.” I added.
    I remembered the wetness on my face, and tried to wipe it away, but I could tell she had already noticed it. Slowly she put her hand on my shoulder as if to console me, but then she hesitantly let it continue down my back until we were in an awkward hug. I leaned forward slightly to make it more comfortable for both of us. Since her iv drip confined her to the bed. For now. I couldn't help but think.
    I hated my hormonal side sometimes, it's as if I had two different voices inside my head. My normal self and what I liked to call my “romantic side”. As we pulled away, I heard our mothers walk into the room. Rachel's mother was finishing a conversation with my mom. My mom nodded and gestured for me to come and talk to her. Meanwhile Rachel's mom sat in the chair I had been occupying. I walked out into the hall with my mother, “Tristan, I'm going to head to the house, Mrs. Inca said you can stay here and I can pick you up later if you want.” I should let Rachel talk to her family and closer friends. I said to myself. But this could be a valuable opportunity to be with her. My “romantic side” argued. I decided I'd stay for a short while, “I'd like to stay please mom.” I said. She smiled knowingly, and walked away.

    “Yes I'm fine.” I said for what must have been the tenth time in the last five minutes. Doctor Lapre didn't seem to want to accept that as an answer, “There are no lapses in your memory? You're eyes can focus? You don't have any problems moving your muscles?” I fell back into my pillow, Doctor Lapre looked like he was going to freak out. “You need to take it easy. That was a bad injury you had.” “Doctor, I'm fine. Really, just a little hungry.” “Young lady, you don't seem to understand, you are a miracle case. People normally take weeks, even years to fully recover from a coma like yours. How did you manage to recover so fully?” “I, heard someone, calling me back.” I felt myself go red. Doctor Lapre shook his head and sighed exasperatedly. “Well, if you really are so cured, I suppose you can eat something.” He turned to leave.
    As I moved to stand up, I felt a tug on my arm, and found the iv drip still plugged into my skin. “Wait, can you take out the iv hose. It creeps me out.” He turned back, “I wouldn't recommend it. Especially if you're going to be here alone.” Just then, there was a forced cough from the doorway. All heads turned to see Tristan leaning casually against the frame with his arms and legs crossed.
  “I can stay with  Rachel and make sure she doesn't pass out or anything. I mean, I'd offer to get her food but,” He pulled his learners permit out of his pocket and flicked it against his thumb. “I'd need someone with me.” I rolled my eyes, Tristan was back to normal. Doctor Lapre looked at my mom to see what she thought, “I don't know, Tristan, it's not that I don't trust you, but. . .” I could tell she was uncomfortable about leaving me here at all, not to mention with a boy who was my age. I had to say something, “Mom, I'll be fine. You know I could be driving anywhere I want right now.” She sighed, knowing I wouldn't let her win this. “Okay, fine, but don't go dancing around the room or anything.” Tristan laughed, “Darn, and I was planning on bringing in my boombox.” I groaned and closed my eyes. He was not helping.
    Doctor Lapre took this as a sign to take out my iv, I listened to him walk out the door, with my mother closely following. At last it closed with a click. Opening my eyes again, I looked at Tristan who was staring at the ceiling intently, as though it was the most interesting thing he'd ever seen.
    Seeming to finally notice we were alone, he lowered his gaze to look at me, “So, shall we make out now? Or would you like to get out of bed first?”  I blushed furiously, I couldn't help myself. I knew he was joking, but the thought of our bodies intertwined and our lips in contact with each other was amazing and embarrassing.
    Noticing my discomfort, Tristan laughed. He always laughed when I blushed, sometimes I wondered if he knew how I felt about him and laughed because it was so stupid. I wondered who he liked, he was one of my closest friends, but we never talked about crushes or romance or anything like that. Come to think of it, he always laughed when anything about love was brought up. He was such a childish boy, he probably still thought girls had cuties.
    Tristan walked closer, and sat back down in the visiting chair. The silence was getting to me, so I spoke, “Did you miss me?” He gave me a skeptical look, “The world doesn't revolve around you. But I suppose the school was a bit too quiet without you. I was able to study without being interrupted, so yeah. I missed you.” I sighed, trying to make it sound fake, but secretly wishing he cared a little more.
    Then he pulled out his phone, once he did that, I knew that was all the talking he'd be doing. His phone was his weakness, once it was out, he practically couldn't put it away.
    I was right too, he sat there for the remainder of our time alone, soon my mother was back, and he had to leave. He waved goodbye and disappeared. The moment he was out the door, I wished I had told him how I felt, but in the same moment, I knew I would never have the courage to say anything. So I'd stay, his semi-best friend and deal with the pain for as long has I had to. Or as long as I lived.
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