GlitchyProductions — Reptilia - Chapter 2
Published: 2012-01-09 12:10:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 812; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 2
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Description Reptilia, Chapter 2 - Purple Scales and a Daisy Sandwich
By GlitchyProductions

Twilight trotted down the streets of Ponyville in a rush to get back home and sort out this little picnic idea, although going down the streets of Ponyville she expected to run into Rainbow Dash or even Pinkie Pie, but no pony was there to stop her or even talk to her it was certainly a very weird day unlike the rest where every pony would meet up and talk about their day.

As Twilight approached the library once more she noticed that a letter was in her mailbox she looked around checking incase Ditzy Doo the Mail mare was watching her but there was no sign of her. Twilight used her magic to open the mailbox and found by surprise a scroll, unfortunately it wasn't the one that Twilight was hoping from the Princess it was actually a letter from Rarity.

"A letter from Rarity?" Twilight spoke to herself slightly confused at why Celestia didn't reply back.

Twilight opened the scroll and started to read the message although trying her best to imagine Raritys voice speaking while reading the letter.


"Dear Twilight.

I am here to tell you that Myself, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie have gone Diamond hunting, I know it sounds like something that I can handle by myself and without any ponies help but today felt bizarre and every pony that I met acted very lazy and somewhat angry, but it seemed that I found a massive empty mine full of diamonds and have personally asked Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie to help me, I couldn't get a hold of Applejack neither Fluttershy at the time I sent scrolls out asking all of you to help me, I did think about you helping me but when I heard about the problems you had with Spike and his strange activity lately I thought it was in the best intentions to leave you alone and help the poor critter, I just hope he is alright.

From Rarity."


Twilight finished reading Rarity's letter feeling a little left out of her activity although knowing it was alright to miss this and help Spike regain his happy mood was a little pleasing.

As Twilight walked inside the library she slowly crept forth making sure she didn't startle Spike, that being if he is sleeping or hiding from her. As Twilight looked around she couldn't see Spike anywhere. Not on the couch, not in the kitchen, not even in the bathroom. As Twilight started to get a little curious of Spikes whereabouts she trotted slowly upstairs and noticed that there was a small trail of bread crumbs that seemingly were going up towards the stair way she took closer inspection to the trail. She slowly followed the trail and noticed that the crumb trail went into Twilight's room.

"What is Spike doing in my room?" Twilight thought to herself taking a big deep breath in hoping that Spike isn't doing anything bad. But as soon as the thought pondered in her mind she imagined Spike ripping up her books or even destroying her bed or study.

Twilight slowly opened the door and peeked her head into her bedroom and saw the purple baby dragon sitting on her bed staring peacefully at the bed sheets he was sitting upon them, Spike looked empty and hollow he didn't make a move or a sound he knew that Twilight was in the room he didn't react with a single word or emotion he just sat there looking down at the bed sheets.

"Spike? what are you doing in my room?" Twilight asked calmly.

Twilight trotted over to Spike but still there were no emotions or even speech from him.

"What's wrong Spike? I can help you." Calm and steady as ever Twilight said as she got closer to him.

Twilight got ever closer to Spike. She slowly climbed upon her bed and started to put her hoof around Spike, he still didn't react to whatever Twilight did.

Spike turned his head and looked at Twilight, he deeply stared at her with a burning sensation it's like he wanted something real badly but he didn't know what it was.

"Spike? are you alright?" Twilight asked for the 3rd time slowly tapping him on the shoulder.

Spike started at Twilight for a few seconds and shook his head.

"Twilight? is it okay if I have some food?" Spike asked.

"Are you hungry?" Twilight replied now hugging Spike.

"I want some real good food,you know like the one that your mom used to make like those Daisy Sandwiches with that egg sauce?" Spike rubbing his chin thinking of what to eat.

"You mean Mayonnaise Daisy Sandwiches?" Twilight corrected Spike.

Twilight jumped off her bed and walked towards the stairs when she was stopped by Spike.

"I'm sorry Twilight for eating the food.. even if I don't really remember it." Spike said.

Twilight looked at Spike for a second and without any sign she trotted over towards him and hugged him tightly, Spike didn't want to be hugged yet if he was going to make Twilight happy after his small rambling.. this would be a good start.

"Also.. er.. I'm sorry that I got angry earlier.. I was a little tired.." Spike rubbing the back of his head still being in Twilights grip.

"Spike it's okay now, don't worry about it. Me and Fluttershy had a little discussion about what to do with you and I think we thought up of a little idea that might get you back into a good mood and maybe at least make you eat less food." Twilight joked at her last part, but how could she not?

Spikes happy face turned into a big frown face knowing that this wouldn't go well and besides there was more important things like getting that sandwich done and even going back to sleep, but knowing Twilight she would not give up until he is changed back to normal.

"What do you have in plan for me then?" Spike hissed a little.

"I'm going to take you to the Ponyville Grand Park and have a small picnic and then we can play some games together at least getting you fit and healthy. Since all of the candy and sodas that you have been eating recently don't look like they are going to make you grow faster." Twilight said in joy as she looked through her closet looking for a blanket that would do good for the picnic. She looked around and saw a old blanket that looked like a child's blanket it had a white cotton covering on it and there was patterns of stars and in the middle was a picture of the moon. Twilight pulled it out and rolled it up and using her magic she carried it downstairs into the kitchen ready to prepare the food.

Spike followed behind Twilight pretty slowly not wanting to even know why her and Fluttershy want to get him back to normal, Spike liked being lazy he didn't have to do much and he had loads of free time on his hands to do whatever he wants in the library and he could eat as much as he wanted.. as long as the fridge was full that is.

"Spike, I've taken the liberty of making some food for when we go out. Rarity messaged me asking if you were okay I'll reply after we have had the picnic together. Speaking of friends it seems that every pony except Applejack and Fluttershy are not busy today so it means we will not have many disturbances from any pony that we come in contact with." Twilight franticly rushed around the kitchen using her magic to make sandwiches she slowly and carefully levitated bread and cheese just to make every ponies basic sandwich and then she added the daisy leaves on and then put a little bit of mayonnaise onto the daisy leaves. Spike was watching Twilight as he felt a small rumbling pain in his stomach, he needed a quick bite to eat but he didn't know how long he could last without some food before the picnic.


""Yes Spike?" Twilight replied.

"Can I have a quick snack for a bite to eat quickly?" Spike questioned.

Twilight looked at a small block of cheese that was on her kitchen counter, she used her magic to pick up the pieces of cheese and levitated them to Spike. He quickly grabbed them and ate them without thinking.

"There are you happy now?" Twilight asked.

"I guess.. so how long is this dumb picnic?" Spike asked.
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Comments: 1

suescungaray [2012-01-09 23:30:46 +0000 UTC]

It's getting interesting...but Spike if being a douchebag, I hope love can change him :3

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