Goliath-Maps — Jefferson Territory in the Oligocene
Published: 2014-06-27 15:24:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 6361; Favourites: 33; Downloads: 0
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Description In December of 1859, much of the United States was worried about the troubles in Kansas, and the growing possibility of Civil War. In the Western unrecognized territory of Jefferson, Governor Robert Williamson Steele managed the sparsely populated land with settlers, miners, and natives. On December 5th, the entire territory transported back in time to the Oligocene Era.
At first, the territory (inhabited by only 50,000 whites, disproportionally men who left their wives back east), was slow to discover the change. The sudden loss of new streams of migrants was noticeable. As the days went on, reports came from those who tried to head back east for Christmas, and from some of the natives (equally numerous as the whites), of strange animals and plants, completely unlike anything anyone before had ever seen. Indeed, by January it was clear that the entire territory had somehow become surrounded my strange wilderness. The average temperature of the territory was five degrees Celsius higher than it had previously been, leading to many snow caps melting. As people and animals ventured out into the wilderness, they discovered this new world. Denver, was declared the capital of the State of Jefferson, and Governor Steel was declared President.

One thousand years later, at the celebration of the millennium since the event, the world is very different place. From roughly 100,000 people in 1859, now in 2859 there are just barely over a billion, with four out of five of those people living in North America.

Technology has certainly been held back by the lowered population, but after some setbacks and a century where it seemed much of human technology would be forgotten, progress is marching forward. The Printing press and gunpowder are known. 19th Pre-rifle Gunpowder, never having been replaced by more advanced forms, has meant that the inhabitants of this stuck with, and developed older musket-like forms and developed them in ways completely different from our world. The industrial revolution’s impact on transportation has yet to be copied (steam power has been fiddled with numerous times in the last thousand years, but is a long way from any sort of the practical application), but steam-powered mills and textile factories do exist in rudimentary forms. Morse code and Telegrams exist, but are exceedingly rare. Mining and smelting are somewhat ahead of the OTL 2014 (though significantly lagging behind where we’ll probably be in 2859), and aluminum ore is actually fairly common in usage. Photographs and cameras (still black and white) exist but radios do not.
Concrete roads stretch across North America (all the continents have the same names as in our world, although given the language changes it’s actually called Nort Amerika), though much of the continent is filled with rural farmland and even some wilderness still. Resembling simultaneously medieval Europe and the old wild west (but with megafauna), the countryside is filled with enumerable small towns and villages paying tribute to, and loosely loyal to, larger states. In between, wild men and bandits attack travelers not protected by marching armies. Carriages pulled by horses are still the most common form of transportation, although many are now pulled by Hyracotherium and Mesohippus (called Rabithorsez ‘Rabbit Horses’, and Ouligoloz ‘Short Horses’-in a native American language, respectively). Rabithorsez have become a symbol of the elite. Some elite however, prefer the even more expensive giant camels, which roam Nort Amerika in increasingly small numbers, thanks to hunting (though, much to humanity’s extreme disappointment, the giant predatory cats have actually grown in numbers).
Agriculture has continued, as chickens, pigs, cows, and sheep are common. Dogs of course, are man’s best friend. Protoceras Celer (‘Dark Deer’) was domesticated, as was Protapirus (known to the locals as ‘Hog-Dog’). Fruit as we know had yet to evolve when humans arrived, so fruit is much, much less common in this world, with most of the little fruit that exists having come with humans when they traveled here. Human agriculture has evolved to meet the needs of a warmer, wetter world. The giant sloths, bears, hairy rhinoceros and prehistoric bison that travel across Nort Amerika, are much less threatening now, and are all kept in zoos and in the houses of the wealthy.

For many of the early centuries, new states were founded (named after their founders, historical figures, or biblical figures, with the suffix ‘–ia’ attached), in a loose confederation modeled on the old United States, but centered around the state of Jefersonia (spelled with only one ‘f’ after everything began to be spelled more and more phonetically in the local Post-English languages). The general Republican ideals and individual rights of citizens were usually kept, although elections became increasingly aristocratic. Today, most states resemble medieval Venice in their aristocratic republican form of government. In the 25th century, Tamasia (Thomas’ Land), in Southern Missouri and Arkansas, successfully challenged Jefersonia for leadership of ‘the Great United States’, and today Arkvil (OTL Harrison, Arkansas) is the largest city in the world (with over five million inhabitants).

Although most of the states of Nort Amerika and the Karibean Islands are loyal to the elected King (still actually called a President, although they rule for life) in Tamasia (paying tribute and sending delegates and whatnot), the wealthy city-states of the West Coast (separated by the Rocky Mountains), who are ruled by oddly democratic councils and elephant riding warlords, have been able to fend of the advances of the Tamasian Presidents’ armies for the last two hundred years, and have made themselves de jure independent. And at any rate, the last Presidents were too busy burning Washintonia* (OTL Eastern Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware)’s cities to the ground, for attempting to become the new leaders of the Great United States, to do anything about the Western states. Some states, like Zakareeia, on the edge of civilization (in OTL Northern Quebec and Newfoundland, the warmer nature of this world allows states to exist further north, but also makes the South-Western deserts and Mexico less hospitable), only pay their tribute to Tamasia, and have little else to do with it. Tamasia, has ‘the People’s Mandate’, however, the closest thing to the Mandate of Heaven.

The Western states, much less religious minded than the rest of the world, and a safe haven for many on the other side of the Rocky Mountains, are a very odd bunch. Their standard of living in much higher than that of the east, and they are more densely populated (though they have lower population overall). Increasing Democratization and Scientific advances will give them the edge of their Eastern neighbors in a few centuries, but for now they could be wiped off the map if they continue feuding and if the Tamasians get their act together. They’ve been bigger on colonization than their Eastern neighbors, and already the islands of Elizabefia (Japan) and Burtonia (Taiwain), are more populous than some of the smaller Eastern states. The increasing demands for local autonomy worry the city councils back on the west coast of Nort Amerika, which keep a tighter leash on their colonies than is kept on those of the Great United States.

Of course, there are other groups outside of Arkvil’s grip. Various Mongol-like Horse-riding nomadic confederations of mixed Indian-Whites exist in the inhospitably hot deserts of the South-west and Mexico, and in the far north in Canada and Greenland (which is a much nicer place, though still about as cold as Norway). Nort Amerika still connects to Ezhia (Asia), so North-East Asia and China have a few smaller nomadic confederations too (some nomads have made it all the way to the Central Asian sea). These nomadic confederations also have a few captured Deinotherium, which they refer to simply as ‘Elefantz’ and ride them. Fairly isolated Port cities filled with outlaws and adventurers exist on every every other continent. Many coastlines and islands in the Pacific, in South America, Western Europe and the Mediterranean, and Western Africa are at least theoretical states part of the Great United States. Maria, is a wealthy, if sparsely populated island (OTL Morocco), directly owned by the Tamasians (which is rare, as usually newly populated areas colonized by the Easterners are turned into new members of the Great United States). Ships (though made of metal, still moved by sails and rows) traverse an increasingly interconnected world. And of course, there is Jefersonia.

Colonization of other continents was significantly hampered by the fact that humans weren’t already living on them, but centuries of adapting quickly to Nort Amerika helped people develop what could be called ‘protocol’ in dealing with somewhat alien landscapes.

A mostly thorough map of the world (with admittedly some big blank spots in Africa and Eurasia, and in the middle of South America), has revealed it to look something like this: goliath-maps.deviantart.com/ar…

Many of the earliest inhabitants of this world, decided that God clearly felt that his work on Earth was complete, and needed to send new Adams and Eves to a new world (indeed, ‘Adam’ has become a word used to refer to all men, and ‘Eve’ all women). New Prophets came, and new books detailing the lives of these men of god were added to the bible (although which books should be added was a very contentious matter that caused the churches to divide). Many pilgrims, from both East and West of the Rocky Mountains, still make the journey to visit the 12 holy sites in Jefersonia, beginning with the site on which Prophet Steele** lived, or the 10 Holy Sites if you’re one-of-those-blasphemous-infidel-Jorjites (George-ites) who fell away for the more common path of the Johnites. The first six centuries after the event, saw a lot of new religious developments in Christianity, although the story of Jezus (Jesus) is more or less unchanged.

In the first century after the event, a Native American started a new religion (or reinvigorated native beliefs), by claiming that the event was the work of the good spirits that wished for the universe to return to its ancient balance, and invited Natives and Whites to live in harmony with the new earth. He worked to create and native paradise on earth, and a new religion (named after him) Pokhulhism was born. Some small Christian sects consider him not to be a messenger for Pagan spirits but a Christian Prophet. Centuries of Native adopting agriculture and joining in the formation of states in the Great United States (and mixing to the point where it is no longer possible truly to divide people into ‘Indians’ and ‘Whites’), have meant that Pokhulism is a significant minority with the Great United States.

The Mormons, believing themselves to be chosen people to inhabit this world, were much less numerous than other groups, yet much more organized and united in the years following the event. They were some of the first people to migrate out of Jefersonia, and they attempted to go to Missouri (where the Mormon Holy Land is located). A thousand years later, the Mormons are more different from other Christians than Christians and Muslims are in our world. Various Mormon prophets have the lead the Church in holy wars against other groups, but their success has dwindled in the last few centuries. Today, a special autonomous territory of Tamasia exists in Missouri called ‘Mormo Rezervshunia’ (the Mormon Reservation). The Mormons are polytheist these days, believing that every planet has inhabitants, and each planet is ruled by a deity (our particular blue orb being ruled over by someone variously called ‘Eloheem’, or ‘Josef Smif’). Off the reservation, Mormons live in various secluded communities (often urban ghettos), and are a fairly hated minority (and not nearly as prosperous as medieval Europe’s Jews). The Mormons use their own alphabet (not the Deseret alphabet, though) and language, have very weird fashion, practice polygamy, communal property, and are generally hated for all of these things. Also, the Mormons have a weird food ban on eating anything that didn’t come with humans on ‘the ark’, as some refer to Jefersonia during the event.

Jefersonia, is the Holy Land for both Christians and Pohkulists. It is no longer a member of the Great United States. After the last round of fighting between the Great United States and coalition of some Western States 50 years ago, a rump state (with significantly reduced territory size) of Jefersonia was neutralized. Most of its income comes from Pilgrimages from the devout. As the next round of conflict nears, this busy beacon of culture and civilization may be wrecked by invading armies from either side (the Tamasians are expecting to be able to bring Jefersonia back into the Great United States).

Though fairly white initially, mixing with Native Americans and 1,000 years without sunblock, have meant that, particularly in the south-western deserts, average skin tones have a good deal more melanin than they did 1859. The inhabitants of these deserts are a bit eerie; short, squat, with Arab-like skin, bright blue eyes, and sometimes blonde hair.

English is a long dead language, used only for some religious or scholarly texts. Over a hundred different languages can be heard throughout the world, about 75 of which are descended from English. Only 10 or so are official languages of various states. One of the member states of the Great United States, Frederikia, was founded by the German-speaking community (descended from the 600 or so German speaking settlers present in Jefersonia at the time of the event), and so speaks very odd German-descended language, nowadays about as different from the English-descended ones as Greek is from English.

Historical records go back to Pre-event times. History as far back as Jamestown in 1607, is fairly well recorded and widely known about (although generations of historians have misinterpreted and misunderstood many things about the Pre-event World, for instance, the lack of Blacks in Jefersonia in 1859, has led to the notion of them being inferior never having been corrected, and  the elephants of Pre-Event Earth are assumed to be the same creatures as this world’s Elefantz, which are actually pre-historic Deinotherium), although generally biased towards the English at all times. Events prior to 1607 are mostly the stuff of legends and little known about, although events that take place in the bible (or its corrupted 29th century descendent versions) are taken as historical fact. Outside of the bible, such places as ‘Egypt’, ‘Rome’, or ‘Babylon’ are essentially legends, and modern historians ponder where in the world they were.

Mathematics has advanced much, much less than in our world, and is stuck at OTL early 20th century levels. A Scientific Method, was mostly preserved throughout the world during the event, though universities are much freer and better funded west of the Rockies. Plate tectonics and numerous fossils are known, but they are often explained away as merely the remnants of previous earths. It is still known that the earth is round, that the earth orbits the sun, and that the laws of motion exist. Germ Theory has significantly advanced, as has medicine, and together these two fields are probably the most advanced on this planet.

Art, is increasingly bizarre and weird, filled with swirls of bright color, though still not entirely abstract. The most trend-setting architecture is entirely alien from our world and full of ornamental metal columns and shiny glass walls. Skyscrapers can’t really be found here; the tallest buildings are much shorter than those of our world. Music, still has the banjo, guitar, and fiddle, (as well as some entirely new instruments) and has developed to a very fine and complicated art (although contemporary ‘traditional’ styles would sound bizarre to us, perhaps vaguely reminiscent of Middle Eastern music, and yet very alien from anything in our world).

The Tamasians have been worried as of late. Increasingly large numbers of people have been leaving Nort Amerika, and while many of them remain loyal to the Great United States, many also do not. Peasants are growing increasingly discontent. The Mormons, long dormant, are growing restless, as are many of the nomadic tribes on the edge of the Great United States. At least now that a more loyal President is on the throne in Washintonia, there will no more internal struggles within the Great United States any time soon. Some far way states may drift away if the elite in Arkvil don’t flex their muscles though. And most worrying of all, the western states, once weak and only independent due to the power struggles back east, are growing stronger. Thankfully, they can be turned against one another, and hopefully picked off individually. But they, and the Holy Land in Jefersonia will have to be conquered soon, if the Great United States is to continue.

*The Inhabitants of this world (at least Non-Mormons east of the Rocky Mountains), have two extra letters used to represent ‘sh’ and ‘zh’. The sounds represented by ‘th’ have disappeared completely in written language, and only appear in a few obscure dialects. In most parts of the world, North America is known as ‘Nort Amerika’, while in others it is ‘Norf Amerika’, and amongst a single tribe of mixed Indian-whites it is simply known as ‘Nor Amerika’. Additionally, the letters q and x have disappeared completely. The letter c now always represents the ‘ch’ sound.
**The very same Steele who was the first governor.
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Comments: 16

123456789JD [2017-07-02 03:07:22 +0000 UTC]

What about early hominids?

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BagelBagelBagel [2017-04-01 17:51:33 +0000 UTC]

Very fascinating to learn that fruit didn't exist back then.

Where would you live if you ended up in this world?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Goliath-Maps In reply to BagelBagelBagel [2017-05-14 20:22:42 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, probably in one of the Western States. That is, if I could choose. In all likelihood I'd stay near wherever I was born. 

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lamnay [2016-03-25 22:53:50 +0000 UTC]

Very interesting.

Small possible issues I noticed with the wildlife.

1. Hyracotherium was a dinky little thing. You could probably pull a carriage with them, but they'd be more like sled dogs than a horse and cart. Also, long extinct by the Oligocene.
2. "giant sloths, bears, hairy rhinoceros and prehistoric bison" "giant predatory cats" Some ground sloths may have island hopped north as early as 10 million years ago, but they would not be in north america at the time. As far as I know they were only just starting to emerge in south america. Bears at this time were not very bear-like, resembling raccoons and dogs. There were no bison at all at this time, nor any cattle. Their ancestors would probably have been small antelope-like animals. The first cats only evolved in the late Oligocene, and wouldn't get very big for a while. Rhinos were abundant and diverse, with low-slung hippo like rhinos, athletic running rhinos and the titanic indricotheres, some of the largest land mammals ever.
3. Deinotherium evolved much later, and would not have been present. There were Deinotheres in the late Oligocene though, but we don't know much about them.

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Goliath-Maps In reply to lamnay [2016-04-07 23:05:38 +0000 UTC]

Oh cool- are you a fan of this particular era?

This is some good material add/change, thanks!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lamnay In reply to Goliath-Maps [2016-04-08 07:25:41 +0000 UTC]

I like the whole Cenozoic, those were just a couple of things I noticed.

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BobMumby [2014-08-07 22:28:50 +0000 UTC]

I played Bang! with some friends the other day, and I thought it might be fun to make my own set with the aesthetics of this world rather than the Old West.

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QuantumBranching [2014-06-28 00:37:31 +0000 UTC]

Very nicely done, and some interesting cultural developments. Have there been any religiously motivated wars in the past? (Minor quibble: I am a bit skeptical about the ability to keep a city of five million supplied in a world with no mechanized transportation, industrial mass production, or mechanized agriculture)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Goliath-Maps In reply to QuantumBranching [2014-06-29 17:41:56 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Most of the religious wars have been Mormons v. Non-Mormons. The other religious groups are not geographically separate enough to go to war.

Well, in 1859, London had a population of about 5 million, so assuming we have an almost London 1,000 years later, perhaps 5 million could be possible?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

QuantumBranching In reply to Goliath-Maps [2014-06-29 21:09:15 +0000 UTC]

Greater London was no more than 3 million, at least according to wiki, and was already at the center of a web of railways by 1850  en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_…

(And of course the industrial revolution was some 70 years old in 1859).

But I'm no expert on what it takes to supply and keep going a major city, so I'll avoid making any further arguments.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Goliath-Maps In reply to QuantumBranching [2014-06-30 00:59:04 +0000 UTC]

hmm. Perhaps I underestimated the industrial capabilities of the Jefferson Territory? I'm fairly certain they didn't have railroads until after the Civil War (decades after, even) but maybe there are some in the territory able to build them? Perhaps unlikely still.

Maybe there would be steam engines or textiles though? That seems more likely...

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MajorasAss [2014-06-27 18:09:46 +0000 UTC]

What caused the time warp? Quantum event maybe?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Goliath-Maps In reply to MajorasAss [2014-06-27 19:50:14 +0000 UTC]

That's something that I totally ignore. Perhaps Aliens decided it would be a fun experiment. Perhaps a black hole hit the earth, and sucked the Jefferson Territory back in time ~30 million years.

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freivolk [2014-06-27 16:26:22 +0000 UTC]

Interssting idea.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BobMumby [2014-06-27 16:23:29 +0000 UTC]

I love where you've taken this.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Goliath-Maps In reply to BobMumby [2014-06-27 19:48:22 +0000 UTC]


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