Greyninjear — PKMNA: Kasu Appu Armoniu

#anthro #armonia #kasumi #yamauchi #greninja #pkmnarmonia #shinygreninja
Published: 2015-05-11 16:19:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 1387; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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No matter how much I wish I could
have my bby
"...What ...is it? I... am busy."

Kasumi Yamauchi
Michi (Some friends/Siblings), Kasu (Father, Friends, Siblings), Sumi (Grandfather, hates it), Kaya (Half-Sister Natsuki, hates it)

18/April 3rd (Aries)


Pokémon (#---):
Shiny Greninja (#658)

Protean-Before the Pokémon uses a move, it becomes a pure Pokémon of that type. (Hidden Ability)

Nature/Summary Characteristic:
Hasty/Alerts to Sounds




Celestic Town, Sinnoh
(Moved to Hearthome City, Sinnoh)

   Reserved, Quiet, Cautious, Secretive, Caring, Appreciative, Respectful, Humorous, Considerate, Gullible, Socially Challenged, Awkward, Hurried

   Kasumi is, understandably, quiet. Coming from an old Ninja Clan, the Greninja has learned how to silence herself to observed others and listen to the world. But, in an enviorment that requires speaking, it doesn't really help her. Growing out of her ninja roots if difficult-- her cautious, reserved, and secretive nature makes her appear unapproachable and occasionally, intimidating. And while those are traits she does contain, they're slowly being push aside to make way for her more modern persona. Kasumi is respectful and considerate, that's one thing that isn't changing about her. She's caring and cares a lot about others. She always wants to make sure they have it the best they can. Sometimes, that makes her a bit humorous, cracking jokes or pulling harmless pranks to just hear a friend laugh, or see them smile. 

   This doesn't change the fact that this girl is incredibly socially challenged-- she is so awkward and confused in some conversations, it is like it's a new language to her that she can't understand, no matter how much she studies. She's also very gullible, not completely understanding the consequences of what's asked of her. Someone wants something to be done, so it has to be done, right? Lastly, a bit of a negative considering her ex-life, she's a very hurried individual. Her least favorite part of being a ninja was being patience-- and when that part of her could have been pushed away, she couldn't have been happier. Predictably, this makes her very impatient, not willing to wait for things no matter what. 

   An interesting thing about how Kasumi acts is how she speaks. This girl tries to avoid contractions, but also make her words as quick and direct as possible. She tries to avoid fancier, long words in favor of a short, simple synonym. She sometimes relates to how she writes, too. It's just what makes Kasumi, Kasumi Yamauchi. 

    Kasumi Yamauchi was the seventh born of ten children in the dying Ninja clan of Riugaspeed. Her Clan was a long runner but as time went on, their abilities were needed less and less. Many of the clan's branches were drifting away, and Kasumi's father was the only one who stepped up in hopes of keeping the tradition. To please his father, he promised to have the best children he possibly can-- which led to strained relationships between parents, kids, and siblings. Kasumi's father actually only had seven children bearing his DNA, the rest were adopted, took into the family to help it grow. Kasumi was the only one born shiny. Immediately, this caught the attention of Kasumi's grandfather. Shiny members of the Greninja species are supposedly better at a lot of things the "normal" ones aren't, and so she immediately underwent training as soon as she could walk.

    Kasumi was, of course, not the only one. Her nine other siblings underwent training too-- it's just for Kasumi it seemed to come naturally to her. That is not to say she didn't have difficulties, she excellent in a lot of things, yes, but she soon built up this perfectionist wall on herself. If she so much as steped at the wrong moment, she would freak. If she had difficulties with something, she appreciated the challenge, but the more she had to retry is when she was getting stressed and panicked. Kasumi could not accept anything else besides the best, so when she could not achieve that she felt like a failiure and a disgrace. On the flip side, Kasumi's oldest sister, an Albino named Natsuki, had to work hard for everything.

    Their Grandfather soon began to play favorites. Kasumi was a natural, yes, but as soon as she faced an unfamiliar obstacle she has an unbelievable amount of difficulties. Natsuki, on the other hand, was able to work through problems-- no matter how hard they seemed or how much they challenged her. The two sister's soon began to form a bitter rivalry to gain the approval of Grandfather Yamauchi. The girl's father saw this, but was too scared to approach his strict and traditional dad to maybe ease up on their competition. He feared that the two of them may severely hurt each other, or their fellow siblings. One day, his fear proved to be real. Natsuki and Kasumi were having a stealth competition, and got seriously into it.

    Before Kasumi knew it, she attacked her youngest sister-- A shiny Croagunk named Liisa, seemingly by insict. The young frog began to freak out, she didn't mean to hurt her sister, her friend-- and her panic only got worse when Natsuki mentioned she deserved it for interupting their competition. Kasumi was furious, but she knew her priorities, she quit the competition and took her to their father as quickly she could for medical attention. Luckily, she was able to heal just fine, but Kasumi was damaged emotionally and mentally. She desperately wanted to quit her "training," but didn't want to hand Natsuki the victory or disappoint her father and grandfather. The girl's guilt started affecting her ability to train as well, so her father finally talked about it.

    And talked they did. Kasumi and her Father both decided for the best of their future, Kasumi should quit her training and start pursuing a new path-- away from their Grandfather and past. When they approached Grandfather Yamauchi about this, he was furious. Refusing to believe he is the grandfather and father of quitters. Once again, Kasumi snapped, but instead of attacking Grandfather Yamauchi physically, she spoke her mind in the sharpest tounge she could manage. That was the final straw, he saw all of his kin and their kin as failiures and proceeded to kick them out of the manor. As far as he was concerned, The clan was dead besides for Himself and Natsuki. Thus, he gained legal cusody of Natsuki, while the rest if Kasumi's siblings went to their respectful mothers. Her, Liisa, and the two other adopted kids were put under Kasumi's dad's legal care.

    After this, they moved to Hearthome City. It seemed to be the central city for all the siblings that wanted to meet, could. The Yamauchi family slowly tried to adapt to normal life during the following years. However, for Kasumi, old habits die hard-- while she no longer did formal training she still did physical excersises to keep herself fit and in perfect condition. Or, as near perfect as her body could allow. The kids were all home schooled (Kasumi's father gained a great job as a very wealthy man's bodyguard to hire the best tutors he could,) but when the kids went out into the city to explore, they lacked the necessary social skills. Kasumi's father was clueless on how to help them with that issue, and started asking around work as best he could.

    Time after time, neighbros and co-workers suggested sending to a school-- private, boarding, anything as the best teacher is experience. It took him a while, but he started considering it more and more, and soon found a good couple of canidates. The first was the local private school, but as he looked more and more into he was not too sure the enviorment will help his kids, and doubt he had the necessary money or means to gain a scholarship. He then instead found the school's rival-- a proud insitute on Hoenn's very own Faraway Island. He really liked the subjects it was teaching-- both in classes and out of it, and started talking to the kids to see if they wanted ot try it out. Kasumi's father was positived this was what was needed, but didn't want to force the kids into anyting they may be uncomfortable with.

    Everyone in the Yamauchi family was hestitant-- Faraway sounds, well, Faraway. What would it be like? Would it help them, hurt them? Kasumi, however, agreed to try it out-- possibly as a test run for the others. So, they family worked on the paper work and sent in her application-- hoping for the best. Their Riugaspeed Clan origin may have drifted away in the wind, but it was not going to stop Kasumi making a name for herself, her father, and her siblings.

Jogging, Swimming, being Active in general
Bird watching
Bug collecting
Card games

50+3[World is Mine-Week 1]+5[World is Mine-Week 2]=

Learnset: Round, Fling, Smack Down, Night Slash, Role Play, Mat Block, Pound, Growl, Bubble, Quick Attack, Lick, Water Pulse, Smokescreen, Shadow Sneak, Spikes, Feint Attack, Water Shuriken, Substitute, Extrasensory, Haze
TMs/HMs/Egg Moves: 
Double Team (TM)-By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness. She more or less makes clones of herself, they can attack but do no damage, so they mostly serve to distract the opponet so Kasumi can do her real strike...
Scald (TM)-The user shoots boiling hot water at its target. It may also leave the target with a burn. Kamehame Haduken only with boiling hot water. ...Good luck.
Ice Punch (Tutor)-The target is punched with an icy fist. It may also leave the target frozen. She pnches you and it could freeze you what did you epect.
 Acrobatics (Tutor from Coach)-The user nimbly strikes the target. If the user is not holding an item, this attack inflicts massive damage.
Surf (HM/Shard)-It swamps the area around the user with a giant wave. It can also be used for crossing water.
Hold Hands (4 year Anniversary)-Ally Pokémon hold hands. This makes them very happy.

Favorite berry flavor: 


School Schedule:
Math II
Sex Ed



Silver Wilderness-Gotten for joining the Wilderness club!
Sports Silver-Gotten for joining Sports team!

@MichiMtMists twitter.com/MichiMtMists

*Her old Ninja clan was the Riugaspeed Ninja clan, they looked up to Accelgors.
*Speaks english and japaneese.
*Has 9 siblings, 6 of them half-blood related and 3 adopted. The biggest ones of note are Natsuki, her Albino Greninja older sister, and Liisa, her shiny Toxicroak adopted sister. Only Liisa and Kasumi live together with Kasumi's father, along with the other two adopted children, Natsuki lives with their grandfather. 
*Has some issues with her Grandfather, as he was very strict and seemed to favor Natsuki.
*Liisa is her closest friend, as well as her favorite sister. 
*Not a single one of her siblings were fully blood related, it doesn't bug her a incredible lot, what really bugs her is that she can't seem to remember her mother. 
*Is rather clueless on most modern things and wishes to educate herself. 
*Completely clueless on technology. It's funny.
*Light sleeper, the slightest bump in the night makes it impossible for her to fall asleep for the rest of the night. 
*You can blame the Greninja Smash Bros Trailer for her entire existence. 
*Even though she's no longer training to be a Ninja, Kasumi does still train herself physically and mentally to be the best she can be, mostly by force of habit. 
*Her other adoptive siblings are Yoko Kato, an Elgyem, and Wayna Cruz Silva, an Accelgor. Only Kasumi and Liisa took their father's surname. 
*Swears in Japaneese.
*Sometimes switches into Japaneese to avoid mons understanding her.
*Perfectionist and slightly OCD, if something isn't perfect she will FREAK.
*Usually doesn't have the Greninja tounge out unless she's avoiding conversation.
*After leaving her grandfather, she visited some ares and challenge some gyms. She owns a Freeze Badge and a Soul Badge. Though, it's unclear wether they were earned or stolen...
*Hair is fake and removable. 
*Surprisingly, also has a giant sweet tooth.
*Main theme is: Searching...
*Battle theme is: www.youtube.com/watch?v=JP21Rz…
*Voice Actor is: Jad Saxton as Akatsuki from Log Horizon
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