GrimSoldier001 — Spyder: A TMNT OC

#redhairedgirl #spiderwoman #traditionalart #ocsoriginalcharacters #tmnt_oc #shinobigirl
Published: 2021-05-12 21:00:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 11963; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 0
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Description Born to a drunkard who'd forced himself upon a prostitute, whom died during her pregnancy, wanting to have the child despite it's conception, the vigilante known only as "Spyder" was... lost. A little girl no older than nine with no friends, no family and homeless. In the end, Spider Another ghost in the city of New York, no knowledge of the past and no ambition for a future.

Then... HE found the girl, curled up and wearing clothes too big for her, struggling to keep out the cold of a particularly freezing January night. The Shredder.

Young and blind as she was, the Spyder could still feel the man's presence when he approached, despite Shredder's clear years worth of shinobi experience and ability to live within the darkness, as if he and it were one and the same. Still, the girl could feel the older man's body moving, taste his soul as it moved about the air like she were a serpent. A fact Shredder was far from ignorant of.

And when the older of the two noticed all of this, a cold silence washed over them. Shredder needn't say a word for the Spyder to understand what was wrong, to feel the air growing tense as a war of choice was being waged within the shinobi's mind. A fight within himself. In the end, the Shredder's cold nature's truly conflicted with the pity he held for the girl's condition. It was not compassion nor love, hell, it might not have even been pity for her that created this conflict.

Perhaps it was because of this conflict, the war of wants and needs within him, that Shredder granted the girl a place in the Foot clan, despite her birth and state of her body. An offer accepted without even the slightest moment's worth of hesitation.

For over ten years the girl fought, training her senses and body to points of extremes no other had matched. No other that is, but one. Karai. Still, for as neck and neck as they seemed, neither stood to outmatch the other. Their work, their actions were all for the sole purpose of combating the Foot's enemies in all their forms, bringing pride and honor to their master until both perished and nothing more could be done.

Until she met them and everything she worked for, all she'd strive for, came undone. The Foot Clan's greatest enemies: The Turtles.


Failures. Time after time, battle after battle, they'd failed against the mutant turtles. Not surprising, really.

Spider was confident in her abilities, sure. She knew Karai was capable and offered a kind of edge to their more common forces, yes. But the four of them...

The turtles had something in them, a kind of unity and purpose to their action, a heart and bond that the Foot's soldiers lacked. Fighting together because of money or power was very different then fighting as one team because you were family. Spider knew this, saw this easily, blind though she was. Time and time again they failed, some victories over them only lasting the night before being undone by dawn's arrival. That's... when Kraang's bots appeared.

It didn't take long before everyone knew what was coming. Even Karai, devoted to her father figure as she'd been, saw it unfolding before her. The Shredder saw in them a more fitting force to use. One that wouldn't take years to train, but days, a week at most. Truly expendable Foot shinobi whom were never disobedient nor plotting against him. Never had doubts in themselves or Shredder.

But when the time came to give up their marks, the red sash's adorning their attire, only one refused.

She had nothing else, no one else. She couldn't give up what little she had because of a string of failures against four enemies who 'got lucky more than anything else' as Rahzer and Fishface claimed. If what happened next was truly her own fault, the intervention of the mutants Shredder had taken as allies or just Baxter Stockman wanting to test his new machines on an opponent whom had lasted longer than the others, no one can be sure. Not someone even as smart Stockman, not the mutants and their preconceptions and certainly not the Spyder.

But it had happened all the same, regardless of who was to blame for the events that made it happen. The Spyder made a break for it. Where she would go, what she would do and could she trust thrown to the wind for a later time. All that mattered to her was fighting her way out of Shredder's lair and into the nightlife of the NYC. And sure enough, Shredder cast dozens of his Krang Foot Soldiers after her, not wanting another threat to his plans in addition to the Turtles and Splinter.

Their fight lasts for hours, dozens of the machines falling to Spyder's bladed claws, long enough for the four foes of Splinter to appear, brought by the commotion. The Turtles, fending off their own rouge's gallery, still find themselves watching as the Spyder, unmasked, bloodied and wholly fatigued, was shot through by arrows tied at their ends with chain's and struck with an onslaught plasma bolts.

Still, she tried to keep fighting, to keep moving. Both Shredder and Karai watch as poisoned arrows slam into her bones, passing through the skin and the muscle, but Spider keeps moving despite it all, never stopping until the sheer loss of blood is simply too much. Eyes a milky white, and yet still glazed over in a blanket of tears, the Spider looks to them, to the only ones who could have ever understood why she'd ran, and says but two words before collapsing, mind going blank as pain and a loss of blood take over.

" Help me. "


Alopex had said it best, even if it was a personal bias that had caused her to think this way.

" There is no escape from the Foot. "

Truer words didn't seem possible it seems, as the Turtles and their newly meat are introduced to overwhelming ferocity of the Krang-like machines that had replaced by Foot's common troopers.

With Spider out of commission, body undergoing a vast set of mutations as the mutagen in her blood squirms and writhes beneath her skin, it was left to the Turtles and April to defend their makeshift home. A trial more alarming than it seems, given how overwhelming the machines proved.

The Krang bot blinks, servos whirring and wobbling as it stares April down, unfeeling metal even more ruthless than anything the Foot had created. Rearing it's arm back, sword in hand, metallic skin exposed from the fighting, the mecha-Foot goon thrusts his sword down, mechanical vision locked to April's throat. A particularly vulnerable area if cut with something or injured with enough force. And yet, it's blade had stopped dead in it's tracks, locked against something that hadn't been there just moments before.

Mechanical servos whir and squeak with sputtered spasms and the machine looks to Spider, now awake and angry. Bloodied fingers bound into tightly wound fists, holding the Foot robot at bay without even a hint of effort shown across her face. The mecha warbled a mess of binary codes at the sight of her counter, more than a little surprised. The Spider had... grown claws between her knuckles, formed of a metallic compound that the Krang-born machine didn't recognize.

" Don't hurt my friends. "

Throwing herself up from the bed, tearing the tubes feeding her a stream of mutagen, Spider roars with a new found hostility and blood in her veins. The sheet she'd worn over top her ragged clothes long since gone, Spyder reveals how little she was clad in, next to nothing at that, save only perhaps for the goggles Mikey had given her. Exposed skin sweaty and veins practically glowing, Spyder throws her head back and roars, canine teeth elongated as she does so, the long locks of her black hair, now spotted white, thrust back like the wings of a raptor.

The rush of the mutagen in her veins grows ever more potent, emboldening her, Spyder ground her feet into the floor and leapt like a jumping spider across the nearly fifty foot distance with ease, arms and the silver claws formed between her knuckles held out like she'd been turned into a living blade. The machine cannot react fast enough, cyber-brain still recovering from the throw and grapple Spyder had used against it. Stabbing into the machine's torso, Spyder forces the machine further backward and into a wall of concrete, steel bones teetering upon the edge of breaking from the impact.

It's arms flail and wild, self preservation demanding it fight no matter the damage it sustains, the Foot robot swipes at Spyder, huge gashes and open wounds form across her face, shoulder and neck. And yet, those same wounds heal in moments, faster than the freshly spilled blood has time to even leave their former home. Effortlessly holding the robot up by it's neck, fingers even strong enough to rend the steel she's holding onto, Spyder rear's her arm back and stabs it again and again, arm becoming caked further and further in the oily mess that could very well be seen as the android's blood, until finally, it laid dead and Spyder was left alone. Not a foe left to feed her ravenous hunger for combat.

Rising up, huffing and heaving, finally coming down from her adrenaline high and covered in the coolant the robot had within it's body like a human had their blood, Spyder spins in place and a turn, claws pulling back into her forearms swiftly, the sound of metal on metal like an alarm being turned off, signalling the danger was over. A dull whine fills her ears and she looks back to the table, seeing April was awake once more, have the latter's vision covered by locks of her burning orange hair. But even then, not even half her vision was needed for Spyder to know that April was scared.

" You okay? " Spyder asks, keeping herself in the dark for the sake of not furthering the awkwardness between them. Seeing Spyder killing a machine so violent had been one thing, seeing that same woman damn near naked and soaked through with coolant was another. Still, April manages a curt nod despite it all, the redhead surely not trusting her voice. Spyder nods herself, muttering a halfhearted " Good, " before, with eyes rolling up and into the back of her head, Spyder topples forward and passes out.

Honestly, waking up inside the Turtle's lair, Master Splinter hovering over her, head and posture bowed in calm meditation wasn't the strangest thing Spyder had ever woken up too.

The fact she could actually SEE him did put the whole moment within the top five, though.


She was beginning to get used to this. Seeing, moving like this. And so far off the ground, at that.

Donetel-Donny helped make these devices for her, this wrist bound contraptions that let Spyder fire bonds of artificial silken web from her grasp like she were truly a spider. Mikey laughed and had called them "Web-Shooters" of all things, going all over the Lair making ridiculous hand gestures as she imagined using the devices himself only. Rap just snorted something about how goofy they looked, despite their compact size.

Sharing a glance, both Donny and Spyder had asked the other whom was going to do it and, of course, Donny was given the "honor" of smacking the shortest tempered of the four brothers upside the side, making Spyder laugh at the sight of the supposedly stoic and controlled sai wielding Turtle seeing stars from the impact. And despite the commotion, some good had come out of that ordeal. For Splinter and Karai seemed to be the only ones whom saw the practical use of the devices, offering up advice and possible routine's to keep her skill's with the devices at their peak.

That had been a month ago now and so far, Spyder found herself... enthralled by the devices now in her arsenal. Between them her blades, her speed and the web shooters, Spyder had been given a kind of... freedom if you will, a level of energy and life that she'd never felt before. Running across rooftops was one thing, a simple act she'd preformed a thousand times over for Shredder and his quests, but... this? Swinging between snow capped roofs, a cold and lonely breeze rustling orbs of the soft white sheet's from their resting places as she moved past? It was a kind of feeling Spyder doubted she could really express to anyone if asked, even if she'd been given a day, a month or even a YEAR to try and find the words to do so.

Body spinning and sprialing past obstacles, scarlet hair flung back as she moved like the wing's of some grand demon crown, Spyder see's a perch to fall upon. The burned out remains of s Foot clan safe house a... fitting place to end her nightly patrol. Landing atop her chosen perch, webs bound like a prison to the metal bars, woven in and around the steel constructs until there seemed to not be even on place untouched, Spyder sat down, hair frazzled and heart racing, but with a content smile upon her lips.

Pulling down the goggles atop her eyes, leaving them hanging loose around her neck, Spyder sat and Dawn was coming, the sun blanketing snow capped roofs in a glowing sheen. This was no place for a Spider. Not tonight. But the city was her playground and... well, she has plenty of games to play when the sun goes down.


He leapt towards her like he'd been fired from a canon, agility superhuman and speed like a falling star.

Aska hadn't ever dealt with a foe such as this, someone of older wisdom and experience. And yet, she wouldn't back away. Not now, with all of her allies on this strange new world lying dead around. Hopping atop a weathered dragon stature, Aska matches his leap, eyes glaring unto the helmet of silver and black, only just able to perceive the beady red eyes that glare back at her for her continued resistance.

The Shredder, as always, was not pleased by defiant foes. Throwing a sweeping punch, using his momentum to enhance the blow, Aska barely has time to react. Still, she manages to eek out a dodge and grab a hold of Shredder's helmet, forcing them downward and pinning the Shredder beneath her... less than ideal body weight. Left momentarily stunned by his fall, an opening forms and Aska takes it without hesitation. Her Wakizashi practically forms a shower of orange sparks as she tears it out from it's sheathe, sending the blade deep into the Shredder's midsection, steel rending alien metal's and components, sparks and snapping bolts of arcing electricity painting the bloodied blade in purples and blues.

Ripping herself up and away from her foe, locking her wakizashi against her hip, Aska stops, hands soaked red from another Shredder's blood. Huffing, brown locks tinted red and muddled by sweat, her eyes leave the form of Ch'Rell, scouring over the forms of both friend and foe alike. The others, Turtles and allies from across the infinite expanse, laid around she and her foe, all of them having perished against a united legion of Shredder's and Foot soldiers from that same expanse.

The so called Turtle Prime Turtles had slain a collection of mutant Shredder Clones, joined by the mechanical Metalhead, only for all five to fall from their wounds. The Casey Jones of that same Turtle Prime reality, joined by another from the 1990's and a younger, teenage versions from the 2010's had all fallen against a towering Super version of the Shredder, torn from the same reality of his 1990's Casey foe.

The turtle Venus and a mutated turtle form of April O'Neil had fallen against the combined might of Demon Shredder & the Triceratron Shredder, even with the aid of a Shredder Leonardo and April to back them up. The group consisting of a mutant Karai, her serpent counterpart, the turtle Jennika and the Snow Fox Alopex had proven a good combo to combat the Cyber Shredder, but it was not even and now, all five laid dead, bodies ripped apart and torn asunder. Both Leatherhead and Slash had stood their ground against the towering mass of muscle that was the 2012's Super Shredder, but not even they had proven enough.

Something moves against the wind and Aska finds herself flung backward, spine slamming into a wall of concrete. She snarls, spitting up blood and looks to, half of his helm and false skin torn from his UTROM body's head, revealing the mechanical monstrosity beneath. Spitting blood, Aska leaps up and into a flying punch, fingers curled into a tightly wound ball of iron-like flesh that slams into Ch'Rell's head, knocking him backward from the impact alone. She throws another, and another, only for the second strike to be blocked, Shredder's forearms keeping her punches from his head. Biting at her bottom lip, Aska kicks into his stomach, knee's slamming the alien Utromm again and again, until he grew furious, unleashing a counter that slammed into her shoulders like a pneumatic hammer, knocking Aska onto her knees, blood spurting from her mouth from the impact.

Shredder grabs a hold of a spear left in the rubble and impale Aska through the chest, but she catches the blade between her hands, shattering the wooden pole and turned it on Shredder, impaling him in his left arm, rendering it useless until removed. Aska rips a kunai from her belt and slams it into Ch'Rell's armored form, slicing through the important components and getting into the icy coolant within, making the Utromm snarl and hiss something in a language that the kunoichi couldn't understand. His arm still disabled, Utromm Shredder sent out a violent kick to the girl's stomach, her kunai dropping to the bloodied stone bellow as the air was knocked from her lungs.

Left unable to form a proper counter, Aska was kicked again, Utromm Shredder spitting a profanity in the Utromm language into the girl's face as he does so. The kick is debilitating, sending Aska flying, her spine snapping against the concrete pillar holding rusting copper monuments to some nameless dragon gods, their roles and deification lost to the time in this warworld's fractured history. Wheezing, Aska tries to stand and keep fighting, only for Ch'Rell to be in front of her, moving a speed she knew he couldn't preform on his own. She throws a strike, fingers flat as she tries to preform a chopping snap to his exposed mechanical throat, only for Ch'Rell to latch on to her arm, snapping it back and bending her forearm against the joint, making Aska howl in pain.

Distracted by her woe, Aska cannot avoid a kick to her shin that sends her onto her knees, putting her face belt level with the android bodied alien. His hand grasps her forehead and Ch'Rell slams Aska's head against the concrete pillar behind, cracking and bloodying it further as the Kunochi fails to form a counter to his assault. Again and again he does this, fingers like needles digging into Aska's head as she tries to return his fury with some of her own, only to fail. Pulling his hands in close to his chest, fingers tightly wound into curved points like sickles, Shredder snaps something inhuman in a tongue Aska doesn't understand and latches onto her head with body hands.

For a moment there was nothing, but then the fury of his attacks grew and Aska was left a pitiful mess of ruined flesh painted in bruises and her own gore. Aska screams, eyes wide as bolts of scarlet lightning ripple across her exposed skin. Chi'el growls something in Shredder's voice and that same lightning intensifies until Aska's head explodes into a shower of gore, fragments of bone going this way and that. His hands no longer having something to hold onto, Aska's body falls limp onto it's side, a pool of slaughtered human meat and muck painting the ashen ruins of the Hamato Clan home red.

He was an UTROM, an alien no bigger than a human's basketball in size or weight. And yet, Ch'Rell found himself breathing heavily, his mechanical outer body and shell mimicking the labored breathing of someone who'd just done the impossible. Still, despite this strange reaction he had, found himself in a mild form of celebratory glee, standing tall above his fallen foe like he'd just conquered a god. That's... when heard the sound of footsteps of someone approaching.

Turning, Ch'Rell found himself facing a sweaty, but otherwise fine Spyder. Body painted scarlet, a cut along her bottom lip, the mask's of another Shredder's humanoid Turtle children tied around her forearms like sickening trophies, mementos of the battle's against his allies she'd won and survived. And yet, somehow, that didn't surprise Ch'Rell. Karai of that... other reality never had the kind of training of his apprentice and lacked the kind of manpower to stop someone as outrageously hostile as the Spyder. But Ch'Rell knew something else too.

Oh yes, he knew well enough that, with his attention being distracted by the kunoichi, Spyder could have snuck up upon him should she have wanted such an opening, using subversion to gain an advantage on a potent threat. Only, she hadn't done this. No... she'd chosen not to. She wanted him to see her coming, to know she was here and that, undoubtedly, she was angry.

Taking one look at the headless body of Aska, Spyder glared, blood splattered face and sweaty locks of white tipped hair seeming to steam from rage. Unleashing her set of six powerful and deadly claws, in addition to one more cast out from beneath her wrist, Spyder took a combative stance. Ch'Rell huffed from within his Utromm body, still working right arm and hand grabbing a hold of his dislocated left limb, twisting and popping the limb back into it's socket before pulling a katana from the surrounding mound of bodies.

The fight had only just begun.
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