Grremmy — [NCH] Ayasha Dae-myung

Published: 2018-10-27 21:53:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 2041; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 0
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Human Form: 
Werewolf Form: 


NameAyasha Dae-myung

Nickname(s): Yasha

 ↳ Turned by: Pure Born


Sexual OrientationLesbian

↳ Date of Birth: September 2, 1994

FactionYoungbloods Society

 ↳  Rank: Centurion

 ↳ Task: Sentinel

Occupation: Firefighter (Full-Time)

ResidenceRaven Ridge Townhomes
(Rooming with Tabitha Moon)

ClassLower Class

Jennifer Hale as Krem

In The Woods Somewhere by Hozier


HUMANEthnicity: Mixed (Korean 50% , Native American 50%)
 English and Korean 

Eyes: Grayish Blue
Hair Color: Black with streaks of silver
Height: 5'6" 
Weight: 145 lbs


1. Back Left Cheekbone
2. Left Arm Near Shoulder
3. Left Hip
4. Long scar that starts at right shoulder and goes down to right hip 
Cause: All received by her mother with a silver dagger

A compass with an arrow going through it on her right forearm.

WOLFEyes: Grayish Blue
Pelt Color(s): Different shades of gray
Height: 37" at shoulders
Weight: 320 lbs

P E R S O N A L I T Y  


Unlike many other werewolves Yasha is not quick-tempered. Few times has she ever raised her voice. Her cold glares are all she needs in a conversation. 

Whether it's in a fight or something else you can always count on Yasha for support. She can be trusted to always get the job done. No matter the cost.

No matter what the circumstances are Yasha will adapt. Sometimes even her morals adjust. Especially with whoever employs her at the time. Whether they are good, neutral, or evil. She works with who she had to work with to survive.

Yasha is not someone that it is easy to become friends with or read. Years of closing herself off as caused her to be wary of others. She doesn't trust quickly or easily.

Yasha is a killer, but not one who does it for her own personal entertainment. It is only when she is told that blood is shed. She personally it not one to cause harm to others. She gets no enjoyment out of it and is a person that prefers not to fight. Most of her fighting techniques for this reason are more on the defensive side. It is also why she uses a bo staff instead of a deadlier weapon.


Yasha is distrustful of others and their motives. The world has been cruel to her and she won't be fooled twice. Everyone wants something. Everyone will do anything to get to their goal. Yasha believes that everyone has a motive and they even use her to get it. Their self-interest will always be more important. That is why she steers clear of others, for the most part, and pities no one.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral



*Warning: Abuse, Violence, Death*


    Yasha was the aftermath of lustful romance between a witch and a werewolf. Yeona, Yasha’s mother, was born into a shady family of witches who were well known within certain circles. They also had a business that sold black market potions and items to other shady people. Due to the amount of supernatural people they healed and other services they provided the family hired bodyguards. A local pack that the circle made an alliance with generations earlier. The pack was the one Yasha’s father was born into. When Yeona was around twenty she was given a higher position within the family's circle. When that happened she was assigned a bodyguard. A werewolf named Hakan. It took around a year before the pair finally warmed up to each other. Then months later started a purely sexual relationship. This went on for quite some time yet Yeona would never trust her lover. Something that Hakan would find out later.

    It was around seven months into their relationship when everything went wrong. The pack had grown tired of being the circle's guard dogs. A change of leadership happened forcefully and they came for the witches in the night. Hakan had been sleeping next to Yeona when he received the call. He was a man who would do anything for his pack ignoring his own feelings. The witch had been awoken by the call. Hakan attempted to kill the small witch while she slept. An act he saw out of kindness. Unfortunately he underestimated his lover. Out of anger and feeling betrayed Yeona was able to kill the werewolf with a silver blade. One that she kept hidden by her bedside from the day she took the werewolf to bed. At least that's the story Yasha was told when ever Yeona talked about the girl's father.

    While Yeona was not killed many of her family were murdered that night. Yet due to their own power they were able to kill many of the werewolves as well. In the morning Yeona and only a few relatives survived the massacre. She had never expected to inherit the circle, but all her older siblings were now dead. Yeona took control of the circle and business and despised werewolves from then on.

    It was a few months later Yeona found out she was pregnant. The witch hated the father of her child. She only hoped the infant would not take after the man who betrayed her.


    Yasha grew up around witches. It was all she knew. Spells and magic were a common thing. Her mother, the circle leader had little time for her child. She was raised mostly by a nanny who was also a witch. Yasha grew up not really knowing her mother. She saw her only as a cold and scary figure during her childhood. A woman who would often look into her eyes and then immediately walk away. As if she saw something that disgusted her. The relationship between mother and daughter would never get better. Besides the interesting magic Yasha’s childhood consisted of being fearful as she began her home schooling at a young age.


    It was during Yasha's teenage years that she began to become a bit rebellious. Finally becoming fed up with her mother and constantly being ignored. She began to find friends who were, in her mother's opinion, bad influences on the young girl. Yasha turned to alcohol at a young age. She would often be out all night and it became a regular occurrence. Around that time Yeona seemed to grow more interested in her daughter's life. After all her daughter had her last name and she could be useful to the business. Yeona couldn’t have her daughter bringing shame to their family. Fights began to break out between the two. As Yeona began trying to control her daughter. The last straw was her mother hitting her. At the age of fifteen Yasha ran away from home with her girlfriend, Rosalina, at the time.

    Months passed and Yasha and her girlfriend were doing okay on their own. It was hard, but they survived. When Yasha was around sixteen her first shift happened. Her girlfriend had been out doing an odd job while Yasha slept. She awoke in agonizing pain and confusion. The shift seemed to take forever and when it was done her memory faded.

    Yasha woke up the next morning covered in blood. The body of her girlfriend, Rosalina, was not far away and several other unknown bodies. Yasha cleaned up shakily and went to a nearby pay phone to call her mother. Not being able to remember anything she knew she had to have killed them. After explaining everything her mother promised to take care of the situation. If she returned and was obedient. Not having any other choice the situation was handled and Yasha returned home. She was given a moon-stone to control her shifting. Then her mother gave her the rose locket that her girlfriend had worn. It would be the first and only act of kindness her mother would ever do for her. Then Yasha began her schooling once again.

This time however her mother kept her child close to her. After finding out her daughter had taken after Hakan she became even more hateful towards her daughter.  Yasha was beaten and bruised as she was forced to fight and learn to be a weapon for the circle. Many of the scars and bruises healed with her quick healing though some remained. Four scars from where a silver blade was carved into her skin by her mother. Yeona had to be in control and wanted to be feared. Yasha finally broke. After that her mother let up on her. As long as Yasha did what she was told she was left alone. The rest of Yasha' teenage years consisted of her being a bodyguard of her family's circle. Though it didn't feel like a family to her.

Young Adulthood

 For once in Yasha's life she was able to choose. Her mother allowed her to pick a career. After all it was merely a cover and an income if needed. If Yasha had to do any scouting in towns for long periods of time. Yasha chose to become a firefighter. It would keep her in shape and it allowed her to have an excuse to leave her mother's side. Yeona didn't seem to care. After completing the fire academy training Yasha, instead of returning to her "family" the young woman left. The night she was to return Yasha took a bus to a random place and never looked back. 

At the age of twenty-three Yasha ended up in New Cresthill after a few years of roaming. She had little money and no place to go. So she got a job as a local firefighter and moved into the trailer park. A few months in and Yasha met a recruiter of the Blood Army. They made the Blood Army seem like it would be a perfect fit for her. After all she needed the protection of a group. She was sure her mother and her circle would try and hunt their lost dog once they had the time. So Yasha agreed and joined. At the age of twenty-four Yasha for once seemed to have things finally going well for her. It was until the murders and the secrets began to pile up. As she soon learned the Bloody Army treated her just like her mother. Except she was stronger now and a more formidable opponent.

After a clash between the bloody army and the three factions the army dispersed. Some ran, while others died for the army, and the rest rebelled as well. After the army was disbanded Yasha looked to those who remained from the former faction. It was then she found the Youngbloods Society. A new group and leader to follow. It was all she had ever known even if she had wanted to escape from the lifestyle she chose. Yasha did not know how.

G R O U P  H I S T O R Y

NCH CC/XP/History Tracker



Relationship Tracker

              Patty-Cake (English Bulldog)

Black Cruiser Bicycle
Dirt Bike Honda CRF250RX

Role-play Status: Open
Role-playing Method: Discord (preferred) / Docs 
Timezone: Central
Age: 23
(I'm fine with Rping swearing, violence, and hinted sexual themes)

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Comments: 1

I3atty [2018-11-04 19:05:19 +0000 UTC]

Artwork: 0 CC
History: 1,254 words = 3 CC rounded up

Artwork: 5 CC

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