Grumbletron — All Monsters Attack - Mechagodzilla

#3d #blender #gimp #godzilla #kaiju #monster #monsters #robot #allmonstersattack #mechagodzilla #mechanical #mechagodzillakiryu
Published: 2020-12-05 04:23:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 8182; Favourites: 102; Downloads: 0
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Monster Bio

Height: 120 meters

Mass: 150,000 metric tons

Wingspan: 167 meters


Though brief, humanity’s interaction with the Bilusaludo had consisted of non-stop acts of aggression against Earth. Between the constant invasion attempts launched from their colony on Mars, dealings with the Red Bamboo to subvert the authority of Earth's governments, and collaboration with the Xiliens and Devonians, it seemed that the ape-men of Blackhole Planet 3 would never stop their conquest of Earth. And then, one day in 1999, they did. Under ideal circumstances – a concrete military defeat and unconditional surrender, for example – this would be cause for celebration. However, G-Force refused to accept that the extraterrestrials had simply given up. For weeks after the last observed Bilusaludian activity G-Force tried their best to figure out what exactly was happening with their colony on Mars, but to no avail. As weeks turned into months with no new intelligence or activity, G-Force began reallocating their resources to more active threats.

This mysterious peace would not last long. In November of 1999, a Bilusaludo spacecraft crashed into Monster Island just outside G-Force Headquarters. The lone Bilusaludo occupant was delirious from dehydration, starvation, and trauma. It repeated one phrase over and over before it died on the scene.

“Forgive us.”

Coinciding with the landfall of the spacecraft, a cyberattack of unfathomable complexity was launched across the entire planet. It disrupted computer systems across the globe in countless ways, but appeared to be designed to accomplish 3 primary goals: 1) Free all the prisoners from G-Force’s South Pole monster containment facility, 2) Seize control of all nuclear launch codes, and 3) Repurpose global satellite networks to broadcast the Devonian mind-control signal. The full extent of the damage caused by this attack, and the fallout from it, would be felt for decades. G-Force wouldn’t learn of the South Pole facility being compromised until well after the fact.

G-Force scrambled to respond to this unanticipated and unprecedented simultaneous failure of the global information network. Urgent messages related to their Headquarters on Monster Island by still-operating radio systems began pouring in, begging for help and warning of a sudden spike in monster attacks led by Gigan in China, Megalon in Iran, and Titanosaurus in New York City. Each of these monsters in turn brought hordes of the usual monster minion suspects – gimantis, spiga, and MUTOs – and some new players that hadn’t been seen outside of Monster Islands borders, like psychovultures and skullcrawlers. G-Force mobilized to respond to these threats. Godzilla was dispatched to China with a G-Force naval escort, Mothra and the Gotengo to Iran, and Rodan and Jet Jaguar to New York. Anguirus alone was left to defend G-Force HQ.

En route to repel these attackers, an emergency recall order was sent from G-Force; Monster Island was under attack by an unknown adversary. By the time the heroes returned home G-Force HQ had been reduced to rubble, its hundreds of military and civilian residents injured or worse. A grievously wounded Anguirus was found among the wreckage clinging to life, his jaw broken in three places. Worse still, Commander Gordon’s 10-year-old daughter, Miki Saegusa, was nowhere to be found.

For the rest of November and into December, G-Force operated a mobile command center out of the Gotengo. Sporadic monster incursions kept the team moving around the globe, barely having time to rest and making little headway into their investigation into the cyberattack or the whereabouts of the Commander’s daughter. Finally, on New Year’s Eve, a mysterious transmission from Monster Island summoned G-Force and its monster allies back home.

Mechagodzilla was waiting for them.

It was, perhaps, only a matter of time before the Bilusaludo’s hubris led them to create a weapon capable of surpassing them. Mechagodzilla was the pinnacle of their scientific achievement; an artificially intelligent weapon programmed with one goal – to destroy Godzilla and mankind, no matter the cost. But the aliens hadn’t anticipated Mechagodzilla interpreting his programming so liberally. To his positronic brain, destroying Godzilla and mankind first demanded the destruction of the Bilusaludo, if for no other reason than to keep them from getting in his way. With the potential threat his creators posed neutralized, Mechagodzilla was free to plan his own conquest of Earth.

In analyzing the Bilusaludo records of Earth, it became clear that Mechagodzilla could not stand against his organic counterpart and his human allies alone. It didn’t take long to locate Gigan and intimidate the dumber, weaker monster into subservience. Megalon followed soon after. Titanosaurus was a suitable candidate for Mechagodzilla’s crusade and acquiring the Devonian mind-control signal needed to subjugate him was a simple task. Hedorah’s resilience and strength made it a very attractive prospect as well, and the alien smog monster seemed eager to repay the apparent kindness of Mechagodzilla after he was freed from the South Pole.  

On New Year’s Eve, Godzilla and his allies – with King Caesar standing in for Anguirus while the ankylosaurid recovered from his injuries deep beneath the Earth’s surface – launched their attack on Mechagodzilla and his minions.  


Mechagodzilla is hyper-intelligent, and his robotic brain is capable of processing information at incomprehensible speeds. This allows him to plan for virtually every outcome and, as such, he never makes a move unless the risk has been virtually eliminated. While this may make him seem arrogant, it is only because he has calculated the odds, and knows he will be victorious. Though his intellect is vast, he is incapable of erasing his core programming which drives him to kill Godzilla and all of humankind. For now, this is the motivation which drives him. He pursues his goal with unrivaled vigor, for he believes that, in achieving his programming, he will be free of its shackles. What he plans to do with that freedom is not known, but he allows nothing to stand in his way on his journey to achieve it – no matter how many lives must be lost along the way.




Jetpack: Though capable of unaided flight (see below) Mechagodzilla’s creators fashioned for him a jetpack with its own propulsion and weapons systems. This jetpack, when operated in tandem with his built-in propulsion system, allows Mechagodzilla to travel through the vacuum of space at one tenth the speed of light. In Earth’s atmosphere, Mechagodzilla’s jetpack allows him to fly faster than Rodan, though he lacks the same degree of maneuverability with it. The maser cannons can pivot to shoot over his shoulders when mounted on his back, and they can operate independently to strike out at multiple targets simultaneously. The stabilizing thrusters on the wingtips also sport burst-fire maser weapons. Mechagodzilla can detach his jetpack and pilot it remotely in battle. Though it lacks his combat prowess, the jetpack’s presence on the battlefield cannot be ignored.

Wrist-Mounted Masers: Mechagodzilla’s plasma-based weaponry was far more lethal than the Devonian’s maser tech, but the Bilusaludo deemed masers worthy enough to incorporate into the jetpack and wrist weapons anyway. Upon closer inspection of the wrist weapons, it was revealed that they made use of both energy sources. Plasma from Mechagodzilla’s internal weapon system was diverted into the wrist weapons, where the powerful magnetism of the maser coils could fire devastating plasma bolts or concentrate the plasma into a dagger for stabbing. When the maser coils overheated, Mechagodzilla discarded these weapons in battle to give him greater freedom of movement.

Flight: The Bilusaludo’s anti-gravity technology was well-known to G-Force by the time Mechagodzilla arrived, but in the few decades since this tech was reverse-engineered by the humans, the ape-men of Mars had made some tweaks to the original formula. When used in tandem with his plasma weaponry, Mechagodzilla’s anti-gravity tech allowed him to achieve impressive feats of maneuverability when flying without the aid of his jetpack. With the jetpack, this was the extra push that allowed him to travel through space at one tenth the speed of light. The anti-gravity projectors in his palms, feet, and the tip of his tail allowed him to fly at speeds of Mach 2 in Earth’s atmosphere. If the Gotengo’s reverse-engineered anti-gravity tech is any indication, Mechagodzilla may have been able to fly indefinitely.

Plasma Casters: These deadly weapons were built into Mechagodzilla’s palms, heels, and tail, giving him 360° range when attacking enemies. Most monsters’ hides are durable enough to withstand this plasma, though repeated attacks or extended exposure can cause serious injury. In concentrated bursts, or when augmented by the maser coils on his wrist weapons, this plasma can penetrate through even Anguirus’s impenetrable armored hide, to say nothing of less durable monsters. When aided by his anti-gravity generators, Mechagodzilla can enhance his plasma attacks with substantial concussive force capable of toppling any foe.

Anti-Atomic Breath: When the metal fins along Mechagodzilla’s back and tail glow red, it means the robotic monster is preparing to fire his own energy weapon. Unlike Godzilla’s atomic breath, Mechagodzilla projects something entirely different. Microscopic particles of silver, cadmium, lead, and particles of an alloy comprised of bismuth and several unknown elements of extraterrestrial origin are projected along the path of a powerful laser. The laser itself is enhanced by the magnetic field of a powerful maser coil. The result is a painful energy weapon with precise cutting power which disperses mass quantities of the metallic, radiation-absorbing “mist” on the battlefield. The laser can also inject the mist into wounds it opens, where it interferes with a monster’s ability to process the radiation they need to survive. When quantities of this mist absorb enough radiation inside a monster, crystalline growths resembling bismuth crystals rapidly form and grow from open wounds. These crystal formations impede a monster’s movement, making them more vulnerable to further attacks. Prolonged, internal exposure to high concentrations of this mist will eventually breakdown the radioactivity-processing functions of a monster entirely, resulting in its death. Even without the anti-radioactive mist, Mechagodzilla’s mouth laser is an extremely powerful weapon.

Optical Masers: Perhaps taking a cue from Moguera, or even the Gotengo, Mechagodzilla was built with simple maser coils built into his optical receptors. Much like typical maser weaponry, smaller and weaker monsters can be killed by even low-powered maser attacks, while larger monsters like Godzilla are prone to vertigo and nausea. Given the ridiculous number of extremely powerful weapons built into practically every available surface on the robot’s body, it seems odd that the Bilusaludo would forego including a stronger weapon here. Given the Bilusaludo’s penchant for excess, the lack of a more powerful weapon system in the eyes may have been due to a lack of room to squeeze it in among the other systems already in place than as a matter of practicality.

Space Titanium Chassis: Mechagodzilla’s body is forged from space titanium; the same metal that Gigan’s scythes are made of. Space titanium is simply a nickname given to it by G-Force metallurgists when studying Gigan, even though the alloy doesn’t actually include titanium in its composition. Space titanium is light, and malleable, but is also nearly impossible to penetrate or shatter without exposing it to extreme temperatures. Sharp claws, pointed teeth, and deadly tail blades forged from this substance can pierce, stab, slash, and bite through almost anything on Earth. Even the cold vacuum of space does not compromise its structural integrity. Space titanium’s heat capacity is such that it can withstand prolonged, direct exposure to even Godzilla’s atomic breath without weakening. It also has extremely high thermal conductivity, dispersing heat more efficiently than any substance known to man. This allows it to deflect and repel almost all energy-based attacks directed at it. And while it is not believed that the Bilusaludo engage in magic of any kind, space titanium does appear to resist magical attacks of the type utilized by King Caesar and Mothra. Space titanium’s apparent indomitability does come with one important drawback – its latent magnetism greatly interferes with electrical systems, even shielded ones, including Mechagodzilla’s own internal circuitry. To compensate for this magnetic interference, the Bilusaludo used a pliable, non-magnetic material to protect his joints, allowing for a greater degree of mobility. Though this solved any potential issues Mechagodzilla’s magnetic body might have caused to his internal systems, it did leave him with some distinct and vulnerable weak points.

Magnetic Repulsion Field: The Bilusaludo were able to turn one of their creation’s only weaknesses into its most unusual strength. Backed into a corner, Mechagodzilla can spin his head at up to 200rpm. Mechanisms built into his neck channel the magnetic properties of his space titanium chassis to project a protective magnetic barrier around his body. This field is extremely powerful, and superheats the air caught in the field, burning anything attempting to pass through it. This ability comes with risks – Mechagodzilla must remain still while using it, leaving him vulnerable to being knocked down by an attack from below, or being hit by a projectile weapon.

Projectile Launchers: The rivets on Mechagodzilla aren’t actually rivets. Each one houses a full complement of small guided missiles. These weapons are devastating against manmade structures, but against monsters the bright flashes only serve as a distraction or to disorient an enemy. Even still, Mechagodzilla was able to deploy these missiles to great effect against Godzilla and his allies, throwing them off balance so he and his minions could press their advantage. The spikes on Mechagodzilla’s knees, elbows, and shoulders can also be fired as projectiles, though these lack any guidance systems. They can only be fired once, but Mechagodzilla’s advanced computer brain was capable of calculating precise trajectories ensuring that, if he wanted to fire them, each one would hit their mark.

Intelligence: Mechagodzilla isn’t only the smartest opponent Godzilla has ever faced, he is the most intelligent being in the known universe. His positronic robot brain can perform millions of calculations and analyze trillions of bytes of data in mere seconds. Though he doesn’t speak, he clearly understands human languages. This allows him to intercept human communications and respond to their plans of attack. Mechagodzilla is a brilliant strategist and tactician, capable of coordinating attacks with creatures far beneath his intellect. Mechagodzilla orchestrated the cyberattack that threw G-Force and Godzilla off balance, luring the team away from Monster Island so he could defeat Anguirus alone and raze G-Force HQ unopposed. He intentionally led G-Force on wild goose chases for the following weeks, using the commandeered satellite network to broadcast the Devonian mind control signal across the planet to trigger monster attacks at random. This served his goal of tiring the heroes out and keeping them distracted while he consolidated his forces on Monster Island.  

Strength: Godzilla’s robotic doppleganger had an absurd number of armaments to bring into battle against him, but when the chips are down and the clips are empty, Mechagodzilla can throw down with the strongest of Earth’s monsters. Bilusaludo engineering grants Mechagodzilla physical prowess rivaled only by Godzilla himself, and even then the two are evenly matched.


Godzilla and his allies quickly found themselves outmatched in their battle. As if his advantage wasn’t considerable enough already, Mechagodzilla had one last card to play – Miki, alive and unharmed, was held captive in a gyroscopically-stabilized prison inside his head. Superior tactics and planning had already given Mechagodzilla and his minions the upper hand, but even without them, Godzilla dared not attack the robotic monstrosity directly for fear of hurting his human friend. This of course was all according to Mechagodzilla’s plan. It also allowed him to deliver a lethal strike to Godzilla’s second brain in his lower spine, accomplishing what no other villain had done. Without his second brain to coordinate his regenerative ability, Godzilla couldn’t heal from his injuries.


A second strike to Godzilla’s heart killed him.


To Be Continued…?

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derington [2020-12-28 08:29:07 +0000 UTC]

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