h2t0m0 — [PH] Gun Kyo

Published: 2017-09-15 19:39:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 1407; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 0
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"Walk away, or I'll walk on your face."


 Name: Kyo, Gun
 Nicknames: ???
 Age: 17 
 Year: 2
 DOB: May 15th
 Student ID #: 008896
 Height: 5'9", 176 CM 
 58 KG, 127 LB
 Orientation: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
 Weapon: Boxcutter  

 Personality:        [  Sociable - Intelligent - Observant - Playful - Patient ]  ||     [  Manipulative - Stubborn - Flighty - Disorganized - Nosy ]

    On the surface, Kyo is seen is happy, sociable individual who easily shoves personal problems aside; he lightens the hearts of others with his goofy humor and disposition. He goes as far as to keep his mouth yapping until he finally drives himself into their skin and finally becomes their friend, though this may be seen as annoying, it doesn't stop him from trying to make others smile. He may come off as an idiot to others; however, he is heavily intelligent and never stops gathering information on his surroundings. He takes it upon himself to make mental notes of new activities and information to increase his knowledge about the world around him, believing that all that he's stored in his head may come in handy someday. Despite having so much energy, it never kills him to take time out of his day to help others. It doesn't matter what problem it is, whether it be studies or friend issues, he'll gladly assist another to resolve their struggle, even if it doesn't get anything from it. Kyo will most definitely keep his charming appeal to the public eye. 

    While Kyo comes off as a friendly person in public, his behavior tends to differ when he's alone or with a singular person who might try to understand him on a deeper level. It's no surprise like everybody else, he has his own goals, too. He seeks to be a people pleaser only for the fact he can use his knowledge of human emotions to his advantage, confident in making permanent marks on other's lives for the sake of his own twisted amusement. For such a simple individual, all Kyo wants to do having a feeling of power--or at least some kind of personal gain that makes him feel "better" than the majority percentage of people. He's a fake, luring others in only to later stab them in the back solely for his own amusement , hoping that he could get some type of entertaining show out of the sentimental reactions resulted from his own hands. However, if things don't go the way as he expects them to, which at times they don't, he makes sure that he can gain whatever he pleases, whether that is a topic or learning secrets of others, he'll gladly shove his face into it. All he cares for is to have some action in his life, the extraordinary. Tangled with his confidence, his unwillingness to change his goals results him unraveling into the one thing he tries to hide all the time, he lacks self-control, which drives him into the ground deeper, and deeper, until his days our numbered. Until then, he'll just smile and endure, for however long it may take to be defeated by his own deeds.  

TLDR; He's a piece of shit 
♡ Junk food, fast food; he's easy to please
♡ Large crowds; the more people, the better
♡ Cooking; gives him a calming mindset, the one thing that isn't too physical
♡ Gambling; wether he wins or loses, it's a game of risk
♡ Drama; when life isn't so boring, it's nice to watch the thrill of others for a change
♥ Sandpaper; absolutely not, it's the worst thing to feel, disgusting 
♥ Cold showers; feels like the touch of death itself
♥ Physical labor; he wasn't born to be "slave", he'd rather slack than go with the pack
♥ Disorganization; it's like seeing everything out of balance, even when it's not his stuff, he won't be happy at all
♥ Overly clingy individuals; everybody needs time to themselves, even losers like him 

 History:     Kyo isn't one who would consider his life story to be interesting at all -- ( Or at least so far). Throughout living his city boy life in Seoul, Korea, he's always been told that he's quite a cheeky one. Being the youngest of his two brothers, all three of them  a couple years apart from the other. Kyo, as the youngest, would tend to cause problems. The reason being? You could say he was just a child who didn't know better. After all, he hasn't been around for awhile in this fresh, brand new world. He's got so much more to learn and explore -- how could he know the morality of his own actions? He was a natural born troublemaker. Deceiving, pretending, whatever he felt was fun to play off! Unfortunately, this rowdy behavior started from ages from early as five or six. This was because his home life wasn't exactly one that others could consider safe and sound. Constant bickering, food tossing, emotional episodes, crying, sobbing? That itself, was like watching an episode or even a movie, depending on how long the days would drag on for, all thanks to his aggressive, hormonal, teenager brothers. What a pain. It's not like his parents were monsters or anything of the sort, oh no, they were always relatively busy and never had the proper time to tell the boys what they should really be doing. Both his parents maintained their family and happiness as a whole, but even that would crumble from time to time. But for Kyo? For such exposure, even that didn't do any damage to him. He simply thought it was funny to see their reactions, especially when blaming his older brothers on things they never did. 

    Lying for Kyo, was such an excellent trait to discover -- though, he might've just misunderstood how things truly work or over-thought his own actions. Even his school life at a young age, he came off as quite sinister while around the other children in his grade. The teachers adored his active, communicative attitude, at least for the first couple days. However, the boy would become disruptive in class, pissing everybody off. In the end however, he'd tolerate and accept what was coming to him. Kyo wasn't exactly a fan of making up for his own wrongs of course, but he'd have to own up if he's confronted about it, how displeasing. For so long, he thought he could get away from anything. As stubborn as he is, even he knows when it's time to accept defeat. When told about his behavioral problems, of course, like any other parent, they'd punish their child to make sure they'd understand their rules and the consequential actions that are brought upon them. This would normally just be no TV, video games, hanging out with friends, anything he'd tend to enjoy. It was extremely clear it was supposed to be nothing more than a time out, a slap in the face, finally shape up, for whatever he's got left in his life. Could that even budge? 

    Unfortunately, not even that would stop him from giving up at doing what he pleases. No matter what they'd try to damage him with, there was almost no possible for him to truly break. As if he became emotionally contained after witnessing so many fights or silly arguments spewed out of his own family members. It's almost as if he understood their intents, or if they were trying to get a reaction from him. That certainly wouldn't be happening, at all. He's no human robot. It only got to the point where the constant punishments and constant annoyances of his own actions just became over repetitive, boring. If he could make simple crocodile tears or show some differences, then maybe everyone else around him will be satisfied. After all, he only has one life. Why constantly use it to solely focus on annoying the shit out of his own family members, classmates, or his own teachers? Everybody has a limit, and he realized it wasn't even "playful" or fun anymore. So instead, he took it upon himself to focus on the things that were a daily for others. 

    During the beginning of his teenage years, he took up a routine to watch his family's work routines. His mother was a chef, at least to him, magnificent. One that'd tend to care or stir up anything that'd please her family. Even something as simple as understanding the kitchen equipment or taking knowledge of how to cook for himself. Something that always looked so complicated to stare at when he was younger, he never really cared to grasp the concept of how easy it really is. Out of any physical activity or labor whatsoever, this seemed to be the only thing that he actually enjoyed when it came to "working". Gym class? Cleaning? Yard work? Nope, he surely wasn't up for that. Too exhausting, too boring. Cooking felt natural to him. It eased his mind. As crazy as it sounds, it's almost like that rebellious image he use to have almost faded away in an instance. Luckily for him, he's quite easy to adapt to certain things. Though, this only occurred when he enjoyed that certain activity, otherwise, he wouldn't raise a pinky. Sooner or later, he'd occasionally stay in the kitchen for as long as he needed to and give out his dinner to his very own loved ones. Hoping they'd be pleased with his own delicious achievements, despite his first attempts being absolutely awful. He'd let them slide, after all, he was just having fun for now. 

    Kyo moved quickly through lessons or whatever "test" his mother would give him whenever he was up for it. They heavily took note of his peaceful change to the point where it's almost as if she didn't have to worry about a thing now that he's around, taking on the kitchen. For as long as it lasted with an attention span like his, it was impressive. Eventually, he'd be responsible for shopping for the family and taking on a responsibility on deciding the food overall. However, at times he'd shop alongside one of his older brothers, which, despite being young adults at the time, still didn't know any better. Similar to Kyo, even they were persuasive or perhaps even manipulative when it came to have their little brother to trust them with handling money, simply telling him to "not worry" and that it's less work for him to do outside of the house. Going as far as to even beg or be petty about not receiving anything because he didn't "love" them. Eventually, he'd give in. Simply to just have them off his back so they wouldn't bother him anymore. Talk about a bite in the ass, even he use to do this to them, even he took note at the turning tables. 

    It wasn't long until that fateful day came as his brothers would at times wouldn't even bother to spend the money on food. In fact, the boys would use the money while going to casinos, in hope's they'd get a better price in result. Unfortunately, his brothers weren't exactly the brightest players when it comes down to it -- no, they straight out sucked. If only he wasn't so nosy, he would've been just fine. Curiosity finally got the best of him and he simply asked what they were doing, which in result, they had no problem with it, and dragged him along for the fun! Or how some may put it, brotherly bonding, a toxic one. Despite being quite the observer, he had no interest in a "stupid card game" he couldn't even play at all. In fact, he had keep quite a distance from the playing field as he watched his brothers play and make a fool out of themselves. It wasn't long before Kyo would try to sneak in to take a look around to get a better understanding of the game, which at first, were just quick glimpses. Nothing too awful, getting in trouble in somewhere so public wouldn't be too smart, now would it? 

    He didn't want to seem too shady now, being only a minor, he wouldn't be able to play at all. Funny for someone who use to be so rebellious to be so cautious of his own curiosity. Surprisingly, he easily played it cool. Not trying to drive any attention at all, slowly but surely, failing or succeeding, Kyo would return to ask his brothers in regards to the game they play and what was the main thrill of it all. It'd take quite the explanation to get a full understanding to flood his brain into the world of gambling, a game of twists, turns, winning or losing, deceit, cheating??The possibilities were endless, and that was the drive of it all. However, the boy finally reached his new low when he discovered the strength, the power of one simple card game crumbling into pieces, the faces of defeat. It almost appeared that he grew to be sadistic watching somebody cry or grow angry throughout playing, even when it came to his own brothers. Kyo couldn't help it, he had to know how to play, it's almost as if he could easily achieve such values by only using his head! No work done by his own hands whatsoever, no sweat breaking. Of course there was no hesitation between his brothers when it came to his questioning, since he couldn't play the actual game, he was settled with simple card games, not the same thing, but it was good enough for him to have a good explanation and mental note of it all. Eventually, it almost became a daily thing, going as for as to asking how they played and what they did from time to time in which they've might screwed up and lost values. Despite not being an expert or getting a better insight, he'd give them "advice" on what to do next time. 

    Kyo's life eventually started to become one that was totally two-faced, acting happy go lucky at home, but then starting trouble outside, even sometimes being responsible for the loss of his family's money, thanks to his "advice" given to his brothers. Once doomsday finally arrived, he was finally caught by his own parents about his interest and the money going down the toilet, though at first he wasn't accused, as they didn't see him to be able to cause such major damage, would he? Yes, yes he could, at least according to his siblings. My oh my, what a twist! Two fingers pointed at him as the responsibility for being the source of their problem. Petty, very petty. It wasn't long before the whole family sat down for a meeting or even an "intervention" in his eyes, where each sibling spewed out what they did was morally wrong. There was evidence behind him, even heavy accusations by his brother's too, though he saw this as nothing more than as an excuse to play the victim and defend themselves when they don't even know how to properly do that, so much for being adults. Funny, seeing as he use to blame them for things they never did, now it's the other way around, several years later. It's not like he had much to argue to back himself up either, after all, his parents both saw the older two as young men who had their lives ahead of them, why would they lie? Why would they believe someone like him, their youngest child, over their two elder ones? That'd be simply foolish, right? Right. That seemed to be the case. 

    As always, there was a punishment to his actions. What would it be this time? What could be the worst thing, the most rotten, cruelest, action they could ever do? No TV? No friends? No games? No no, something much worse. Kyo's high school life would soon take a sharp turn towards a transfer to Pyeongon High School, known as the worst in all of Seoul, blocking him out of any old contact with any friends from his previous high school or anyone familiar whatsoever, a clean slate. For such a poor reputation, perhaps maybe he belonged there? He wasn't sure how long he'd stay for, but no matter, if this is something he'll have to live with, then that's fine. He's dealt "punishment" before. Kyo refuses to stop now, at best, he'll try to slide by and reek of his own pride, play what he need to play. Maybe even the students are just as colorful as he is? He didn't know, whatever it was, as long as there was some kind of joy or entertainment, nothing will ever take away what he wants to do. Fights at school? Possible, it's happened before. But would it be a daily? Or would it just be school? If that was the case, he'll have to stir his own plans ahead of time, even if it means another has to be involved. Ruining somebody over a lie? An interruption?   

What could be the difference now?

    TLDR; Has lived a relatively normal life, but refuses such normality even when he was a child, believing he'd be better off creating his own disastrous deeds to receive reactions from his fellow peers, which would lead to certain dissatisfaction and getting punished. He lacks understanding of others, putting himself first before the rest. Kyo tries to make up for his past actions while indirectly getting an interest in cooking, only to later get into trouble with his older brothers following the gambling life.He was later blamed by his older siblings for giving off their money that should've been used on food and other supplies. His punishment was being moved to Pyeongon High, hoping he'll learn a lesson from his behavioral problems. 

 He's ambidextrous, in which he can write with whatever hand of his choosing, left or right, it doesn't matter
 Comes off with a strong, mixed scent of peppermint and cologne, it's not everybody's cup of tea
 He's a terrible kisser, probably
 Dorito stained fingers 24/7, do not shake hands with him or lick his fingers 
 Never combs his hair, it's too thicc  
 Shitty penmanship, complete chicken scratch, it'd take teachers awhile to read it
 Spits anywhere if he feels like he swallowed in some gross air, this might disgust others
 All bark and no bite, he's better at setting up traps rather than physical fighting itself 
 Prefers to keep his emotions steady and light in the public around others, he isn't one to sink others into his own problems  
 Often goes on late night/early morning walks alone , he prefers to process his thoughts while constantly on the move
 A better housewife than an actual student  
 face claim; Steven Yeun 

 RP Method:
       I strongly prefer literature for the very most. However, I can make exceptions from time to time such as script or HC, whatever is needed or I might be when I'm on a time crunch, which rarely tends to happen. I'm extremely active on Discord when it comes to roleplaying platforms, it's quicker for me in comparison to Skype. So, in order to contact me, feel free to send a note and asking for it, whenever you please to do so. My availability is pretty clean, mostly when it's on Friday, Saturday, or even Sunday. However, even if it's not one of those days. I'll do my best to make sure I can catch up with all of you. Don't be afraid to ask though, I won't bite.   

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Comments: 9

Jinxaroni [2017-09-17 17:58:43 +0000 UTC]

TLDR; He's a piece of shit
I am cryingggg. 

Also I relate to the dorito fingers //tears
Hello fellow second year ;v;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

h2t0m0 In reply to Jinxaroni [2017-09-17 18:22:45 +0000 UTC]

Hihiii! It's nice to meet you too!! (´꒳`*) 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jinxaroni In reply to h2t0m0 [2017-09-17 19:35:51 +0000 UTC]

Nice to meet you too!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

h2t0m0 In reply to Jinxaroni [2017-09-18 01:34:52 +0000 UTC]

Nice to meet you as well!! I hope we can get along and have fun, perhaps even roleplay someday if you're ever down for that! ((∩´︶`∩))

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jinxaroni In reply to h2t0m0 [2017-09-18 02:04:26 +0000 UTC]

Always down!  
you can find me on the discord! ;v;
second year under Jinxsu | Su Bin if you're ever looking for me feel free to pm!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

echoruumi [2017-09-16 09:57:56 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Raixin [2017-09-16 00:15:43 +0000 UTC]

inhales beauty

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

baraIegs [2017-09-15 21:01:33 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

iDrawzStuff [2017-09-15 20:59:46 +0000 UTC]

Nice job! Your art style has really improved! c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0