haibas — a certain romance. kageyama tobio

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Published: 2017-10-07 06:44:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 6827; Favourites: 55; Downloads: 0
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Description title : a certain romance

pairing: kageyama tobio, male insert

setting: waiter in fancy restraunt AU

Edith Piaf’s rendition of La Vie En Rose played throughout the dimly lit restaurant, drowned out by the lively chatter of the couples enjoying their Valentine’s day dinner. In one of the farther corners sat a man, alone, dressed in a simple white button down and dark trousers. Every two minutes or so he would tap the home button on his phone, presumably checking for the time. This has been going on for about an hour already. The whole sight was rather depressing, but the man didn’t seem too bothered with it.

“This is so sad to watch! Do you think his date stood him up?” Yachi questioned with glossy eyes. Kageyama looked at her and simply shrugged. This isn’t the first time he has seen some poor loser sit alone waiting for someone who so obviously failed to show up. “It’s Valentine’s day! How could someone be so cruel!? It breaks my heart.”

“Well there is nothing we can do about it except wait for the guy to pay the bill for the wine he drank. And you still have to take table seven’s order.” Kageyama reminded the small waitress. The couple at said table didn’t seem to mind the wait, too busy giving each other googly eyes and whispering sweet nothingness to each other across the table. Disgusting.

Kageyama didn’t particularly hate Valentine’s day. He simply couldn’t give two shits about it. In his opinion, if you really loved someone, why wait once a year to really show them how much you loved them? People have really become too engrossed in this romanticized concept of having that special someone on Valentine’s day. We are creatures who live our lives trapped in a grueling revolution around the word love. The only positive side that came out of it meant more tips because of how busy the restaurant would be on this day.

Once he finished taking an awaiting table’s orders he walked over to the lonely lad. “Is there anything else you need, sir? Some more wine? Water?”

The [h/c] male looked up and smiled, “Hmm, maybe for my date to show up? Never ask a girl you met on Tinder to be your Valentine.”

“I see.” Kageyama frowned, feeling uncomfortable. What was he supposed to say in this situation? And he couldn’t smile, too many of his co-workers have warned him of just how frightening his grin could be. “Well, if this is going to be all, then I’ll go get you your chec — ”

“Hey!” the man interrupted, wide [e/c] hues twinkling, “What time do you get off work?”

“Why?” Kageyama looked at the man with suspicion. His expression, no matter how bright, looked like he was planning something up to no good, and Kageyama sure as hell did not want to be a part of it.

“Well, Kageyama-kun, I had this whole night prepared! Good ideas shouldn’t go to waste so easily, y’know? Especially when I am the one who comes up with them.”

“And your point is?”

“You be my Valentine!”

Now Kageyama has been through some strange encounters with customers, they are inevitable. But this one, this one really tops Kageyama’s list of ‘Just what the hell is this dumbass thinking’ list. He doesn’t reply right away, mostly because he’s still stunned at the words that just left this idiot’s mouth. But when his brain does start functioning again, processing the proposal into something that would make just a little bit of sense, Kageyama does the most sensible thing he could do.

He walks away.

He feels like on autopilot, letting his feet steer him to the safety of the kitchen and not bothering to see the awaiting customer’s reaction to his sudden departure. I mean, what else could he do? He quickly goes to the oh so comforting Yachi and before she can even notice his presence, Kageyama blurts, “He just asked me out, I think.”

“Wait, wh — “

“The customer! The guy who got stood up!”

“Oh my gosh, really? Well what did you say?! He’s cute, did you say yes?”

“I didn’t say anything.”

Yachi said stood still, almost frozen in place. Then, “YOU JUST LEFT?!”

Their co-workers looked at them in a mixture of curiosity and annoyance. Yachi, covered her mouth quickly, the apples of her cheeks painted in a rosey hue out of embarrassment. She grabbed a hold of Kageyama’s wrist and dragged him to a quieter corner of the kitchen, careful to not bump into any other working employees. “I cannot believe you, Kageyama-kun. How is it that you are an actual human being?” Yachi shook her head in utter dismay.

Kageyama looked at her in confusion as the small blonde wiped imaginary tears in her eyes.

“You are a cruel cruel person, Kageyama-kun. This poor guy got stood up, ON VALENTINE’S DAY, need I remind you. And you crushed this poor man’s dreams like a bug, A BUG I TELL YOU. And to make matters worst, you did not properly turn down his proposal. How do you sleep at night?”

“Aren’t you being a little over-dramatic. It’s not my fault the idiot got stood up.” Kageyama scoffed.

“Maybe so, but that is not going to stop me from getting him a free dessert.” Yachi huffed, turning her back to walk away.

The male simply rolled his eyes, “Fine, I’ll go reject the guy properly, if it helps you sleep at night.” He sighed, walking out the kitchen door and heading to the poor bastard playing with his fork. Hmm, when Kageyama got a good look at the lad, he supposes the guy is more or less.... aesthetically pleasing, to say the least. The way his bottom lip puckered out and his furrowed brows looked odly cute.

Kageyama began to grimace, cheeks beginning to feel hot. What was he thinking? Ok Tobio, just go there and tell the guy you can’t go out with him as polite as possible. Once he got to the table, he plopped the check in front of the male, and stuttered out, “Name..... What’s your name?”

Wonder boy’s eyes twinkled and Kageyama felt trapped. Geez, why is he doing this? Just how hard did he hit rock bottom anyway? Wonder boy gawked at him for a second, brain malfunctioning that Kageyama swore he saw smoke flowing out of the guy’s ears. “...[name], it’s [name].”

“I got off in 40 minutes if you can wait that long.” Kageyama shot back more aggressively than intended, pivoting his body and marching back to the kitchen before he can regret his decision. Behind him he could hear a seat frantically slide on the floor and a startled “seriously?! you mean it?!” but Kageyama payed no attention and continued towards his safe spot.


He did that.


The next 40 minutes were.... a mess.

Kageyama had messed up on two tables orders, brought food to a wrong table, gave someone the wrong check, and when he saw [name] sending him goo-goo eyes, Kageyama almost dropped an expensive wine bottle. So yeah, when describing Kageyama Tobio’s current state, a mess is putting in lightly.

“Kageyama-kun, what's the matter? You’ve been acting really weird and the manager is starting to give you the look.” Yachi asked, eyes darting from the raven to the aggravated manager that gave her the heebie jeebies.

“Err, so maybe I decided to accept the guy’s offer of going out.”

“Wait, WHAT?” The blonde girl looked at him in disbelief, paying no mind to the annoyed glances their co-workers sent them. “I mean, congrats and all. The guy is a total 10/10, but this is just so unexpected. What made you change your mind?”

“I don’t know! In all honesty I may be doing this because I feel a bit bad for the pathetic bastard. I mean, you’re right, it must suck to be stood up. N-not that I care, because I don’t! Not really, anyway. If anything I’m doing this for you! To put your conscious at ease. So you're welcome.” Kageyama huffed, folding his arms over his chest, feeling a tinge of satisfaction.

Yachi just looked at him with a devious grin tracing her lips, “Whatever you say, Kageyama-kun.” With that she began to walk away, giggling with every step.

Kageyama simply ignored the girl — or well, attempted to. He swore he saw her sharing one too many whispers with bastard Tsukishima who both kept giggling in his direction. Yup, tomorrow’s shift is going to be non-stop futile prying on information that isn’t theirs to begin with. Kageyama lets out a deep sigh, cleaning up the last of the plates from a table. There is no backing out on this anymore.

He saunters over to [name] who instantly perks up, eyes beaming in delight and rose dust staining his cheeks. “You can meet me outside in five minutes, I just have to change.” Kageyama manages to grumble out, instantly flushing as the male nods a bit too enthusiastically.

Once the raven reaches his locker to change into his normal day clothes, he’s caught in yet another predicament. Not that Kageyama has ever been one to give a crap about what anyone thought of his looks or anything, but having to wear old joggers and his university hoodie while his so called ‘date’ was dressed in rather elegant attire, did make Kageyama stop and think for a while. I mean, he could just wear his waiter uniform, seeing as how it’s still quite formal, but — no, that wouldn’t do at all. It’s not like Kageyama was prepared to have a random customer ask him out, in the middle of his shift on Valentine’s day, no less.

Fuck it.

It’s the bastard’s fault for asking Kageyama out so suddenly, so joggers and a hoodie will have to do.

“That’s what you’re going to wear? Really?” Yachi questioned once Kageyama emerged from his locker, dressed to the tens.

The waiter huffed in annoyance, “So?”

Yachi clicked her tongue, shaking her head in dismay, “Nothing nothing,” her lips quirked into a sinister smirk, “just make sure you use protection.”

Kageyama immediately flushed at her words. Holy shit, he never expected such vulgar language to come out of such an innocent body. He storms out the restaurant before Tsukishima and Yachi can tag team insulting the raven. Once outside, Kageyama thinks he’s got the greatest luck in the world. Really, I mean, what is better than this.

Waiting by the valet parking is [name] chatting a bit too lively with Nishinoya and Hinata. When [name] catches his eye, his face lights up, making the stars above them envious. Yeah, it’s definitely too late to go back.

“Wait, what? Kageyama!? Are you [name]’s hot date?” Hinata squawks, jumping up and down frantically in his fit of confusion.

“Kageyama, you bastard! Why didn’t you tell me you were going on a date today?!” Nishinoya questioned, using his index finger to invade Kageyama’s personal space.

Before Kageyama even opened his mouth, a sleek black Lexus LC pulled up at the valet. The door opened, revealing a glowing Tanaka with a far too satisfied look on his face. He let out a low whistle before handing [name] the keys. “Now that's a beauty, if I had to marry a car, I’d want it to be as beautiful as her.”

“Damn you Tanaka! You won’t loose to me in rock paper scissors again, I tell you!” Nishinoya wailed.

Tanaka grinned, baring all teeth, before his expression was washed over by incertitude. His eyes rapidly moved back and forth between [name] and Kageyama, taking in the situation, until a figurative light bulb went off in his head. “Kageyama! You’re going out with this guy?! Why didn’t you tell us!” Tanaka bellowed, running up next to Nishinoya.

Kageyama wished the floor would swallow him whole. [name] seemed to sense his distressed state, because he quickly took hold of his pale hand and led him to the luxurious car. “Sorry to cut this interview short, but we have places to be. Have a great night!” [name] waved a short salute to the three dumbfounded workers before driving off. He had made sure to give them a very good tip, they were really interesting guys. Under better circumstances, [name] would definitely want to grab a drink with them.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know you guys were close and they would ask that many questions. I should have picked you up in the back or something.” [name] sighed, turning right on an empty street.  

Kageyama peered at the male through his peripheral vision, feeling just a bit awkward at the entire situation. He isn’t sure what to say, nor where this conversation would lead. “It’s fine, I’m the one who told you I would wait for you in the front.”

“Okay, cool.” [name] replied...cooly, “This is cool.”

The [h/c] male began drumming his fingers against the steering wheel, feeling conflicted. He began nibbling his bottom lip, eyebrows furrowing together in contemplation. Kageyama tried not to stare too much, twiddling with his thumbs in the stiff atmosphere. Suddenly [name] shot up, almost scaring the raven half to death at the sudden burst. [name] tilted his head a bit to make quick eye contact with Kageyama, “Are you hungry? I’m not sure if you ate anything yet. I haven’t because — well, you know?”

Kageyama looked up, shrugging. He hadn’t ate anything since his last break which was 3 hours ago. With his ravenous appetite, Kageyama could go for some food. He just hoped [name] wouldn’t pick another sumptuous restaurant. He wasn’t too keen on having high-class snobs look at him with in distaste because his attire didn’t meet their refined posh standards. Bastards.

“Do you have anything in mind? A favorite restaurant maybe? I want to get to know you better, and my grandma always told me a way to a man’s heart was through his stomach!” [name] was oblivious to the fact that he wasn’t using the saying quite right. Well, not the Kageyama understood the meaning of the quote either. They were both airheads.

“Curry.” Kageyama practically drooled, “Let’s go get curry. I know a place.”

Thus, the two set off the setter’s favorite curry shop. It was small, dimly lit with only a few other patrons occupying some of the tables. Despite the restaurant not screaming sophistication, Kageyama would bet all his life’s worth that this was the best place to get curry in all of Japan. Well — not that he was worth much, but he’d be damn if anyone told him the food here was anything but delicious. None of that pompous expensive shit that was cooked with out feeling at all. Blehh, he hated that crap.

“Tobio-kun! I didn’t expect you here today.” An aging woman greeted them with an adorable smile, radiating gentle vibes as she took hold of Kageyama’s hand. And yeah, there are perks of knowing the owner of the restaurant. Miss Nakamura was an old family friend of his. She had practically raised Kageyama herself whenever his parents were too busy with work, which was more often than not. Miss Nakamura glanced over to [name] and felt her lips quirk, “Ahh! And you brought a date with you! A handsome one at that. Please sit down, sit down. I’ll bring out some tea.”

Kageyama felt his face begin to flush, unaware of the adoring smile [name] was sending his way as the two sat in the empty booth. “She seems really nice, I like her.” [name] said, glancing around the cozy shop.

“Yeah, well, I’ve known her for a long time.” Kageyama muttered softly.

[name] simply hums in reply. Nakamura returns with two cups of tea and a gentle smile. “Tobio-kun, you’ll want the usual I assume?” Kageyama nods. “And what about your boyfriend here? What would you like, sweetie?”

Kageyama face is painted in red, “N-nakamura-san! He’s n—”

“I’ll have whatever my dear Kageyama-kun is having. I’m sure it will be delicious!” [name] shoots the woman an award winning smile, propping his chin on his palm. The dark hair lady nods, and leaves the two boys at peace.

“So, boyfriend huh?” [name] teases.

“S-shut up. You are definitely not my boyfriend.”


Kageyama groans in annoyance.


10 minutes into this so called ‘date’ and the [h/c] male is already prying for information his grubby hands can reach. When [name] finds out that Kageyama is part of the volleyball team in his school, he makes Kageyama tell him more about it. And Kageyama does just that.

“...and obviously setter is the best position! You are in control of the game, essentially. And when it comes to you, you go whaaaam then the spiker goes booom! I even got the chance to train with Japan’s national team! Me! Can you believe that? And, uhh —” Kageyama abruptly stops, feeling embarrassed. His friends always told him he had a bad habit of rambling on nonsense no one really cared about when it came to volleyball. It sometimes made him look like a show off, people would say. The raven looked down into his tea cup, the word ‘king’ echoing inside his mind like a broken record with no way of stopping it.

“Hmm? Kageyama-kun, why’d ya stop?” [name] questioned with a tilt of his head. Confusion was plastered on the male’s features.

“Sorry, I have a habit of rambling on.” Kageyama mumbled, twiddling his thumbs as his body was engulfed in anxiety.

“What? No you don’t! If something interest you, then by all means, you should talk about it. Especially to me! I’m all ears!” [name] retorted, crossing his arms over his chest in annoyance. Kageyama was practically glowing as he went on about his beloved sport, something of which [name] found completely adorable. He’d pound anybody who dared to chastise Kagayama for shining too bright. “Besides, you’re lucky you are able to play a sport. My dad never let me. At least play competitively, I mean.”

“What?? Why?” Kageyama couldn’t dare to imagine a life without volleyball. It would be a very dark world. The setter had chills at the thought. Volleyball was the only thing in life Kageyama could confidently say he was good at.

“Hmm, I had to go to private school my entire life. Only having time to study or participate in extracurricular activities that put out a good image of me to potential clients. My father would get angry if I even tried to mention joining a sport. Took too much time out of my day I could be spending time helping the business, he always said.”

“That..sucks.” Kageyama felt stiff. He was never good at trying to comfort other individuals. Hell, he had trouble taking care of himself more often than not.

“Yup.” [name] then looked up at the raven, eyes beaming. “How about you invite me to one of your games? I want you to wow me with your setter skills!”

“You bet I will.” Kageyama huffed in agreement.

The food arrived soon after. Pork curry with an egg on top, just the way Kageyama liked it. [name] was salivating as the delicious smell of the meal wafted into his nose. “Wow! This looks so delicious! I can’t even remember when was the last time I had curry.”

“This is the best curry you’ll find in Japan.” The raven told him, scarfing down his own food.

[name]’s eyes lit up the moment the spoonful hit his tongue. He savored the taste, finding comfort in the warmth. It was like something he has never ate before but felt so nostalgic at the same time. A small smile danced on the male’s lips.

Kageyama saw this whole thing unfold with rosey cheeks and began choking on his food.


The man in question began beating on his chest and reached out to get his half empty cup of tea. Luckily the liquid was no longer boiling hot, so it quickly soothed his throat. This is so embarrassing! Kageyama thinks to himself as his coughing fit soon begins to die down. He glares at his food in betrayal, making sure to avoid any eye contact with his date.

“Are you okay?”

“Fine...went down the wrong pipe.” The boy grumbled, a frown settled on his features.

[name] sent him a pensive look, taking another bite of pork in attempts to ignore the awkward tension that has now engulfed them. As the man brought another spoonful of curry to his mouth, the sauce slipped from his spoon and plopped onto his nice white shirt. [name] looked at the stain then back at Kageyama, an amused grin finding its way to his lips, “Now you aren’t the only one who’s had something embarrassing happen to them in the last 5 minutes.”

Kageyama snorted, turning away from the male to hide his evident smile.


“Gahhhh, I’m so full!” [name] cried out as he patted his belly in emphasis of his current state.

“Well yeah, you ended up eating two full plates.” Kageyama retorted, opening the passenger seat and settled himself inside.

“Shut it, so did you.” the [h/c] male replied, turning up the heater.

“I’m used to it.” If Kageyama wanted to, he would have gladly ate another plate and would have still had room for dessert. [name] simply hummed in reply. Kageyama looked out the window, “Where are we going?”

“Well I thought a little romantic stroll in the park would be nice.”

“But it’s cold.” Kageyama replied bluntly.

“Come on, I’d thought it would be nice. Before going to the restaurant I saw a lot of couples walking through there. It looks especially pretty with all the lights. It’ll only be for a little bit then we can go somewhere warm.” [name] looked at him with a pouty lip and soft eyes, and how could Kageyama ever say no?

They arrive and while [name] is taking out his coat and scarf from the trunk, Kageyama takes in the sea of people strolling through the park. In his opinion, they were all crazy, but he is willing to put up with it for [name]’s sake. And it’s not because he’s taken a liking to the dumb ass. It’s just, he feels he owes him this for the meal.

The walk begins through the trail shared by couples taking in the beautiful view of fairy lights illuminating the trees. They don’t say anything to each other, and the silence shared between them is fairly comfortable. [e/c] orbs follow the warm embrace of fingers intertwined between one another, and he looks down at his own empty one in dismay.

And okay, Kageyama may be an oblivious idiot in a majority of situations, but he does not fail to notice [name]’s tentative expression and the way his fingers begin twitching. He furrows his eyebrows together and grumbles in annoyance, snatching [name]’s hand and settling it with his own. It warm and comfortable. [name] looks at him and smiles.

Kageyama blames the cold for the color on his cheeks.


“Wow, I can’t believe these geese are still here.” [name] says, looking out into the pond where a couple of geese and ducks swam.

“Hmm, I know. How stupid.”

“Kageyama-kun!! Don’t say that, they’ll hear you!” [name] quickly shushes him, making the raven roll his eyes in response.

“They’re birds, wh— hey!!” Kageyama’s sentence is cut short as a goose begins pecking at his leg. He attempts to shake it off with no avail. This bastard is coming in for the kill.

“Told you.”

“S-shut up! T-they are probably just smelling the curry or something!” the setter replies, trying to move away from the feathered creature only for it to follow him in response. This goose was persistent, but Kageyama would not let him win so easily. Even more geese began surrounding Kageyama, his date laughing at his current predicament. Well, that was until a duck began pecking on his shoe.

“H-hey!!” [name] cried. It was the raven’s turn to snort, but he could not thoroughly enjoy the sight for his was too busy running away from his own attackers. He huffed and took hold of [name]’s wrist, before sprinting off through the park. But the little shits were not quitting, many of them beginning to run after them, some even flying.

“What the hell?!?” Kageyama questioned, as he reached the empty playground in the park, squishing [name] and himself in the too small tube slide. He looked over to [name] who all of a sudden began to burst out into laughter. Kageyama couldn’t help joining along, thinking that this whole predicament was far too ridiculous.

The laughter began to die down and so [name] peered out the whole of the slide, “I think they are gone, but we can still run to my car just in case the come in for another attack.”

Kageyama nodded and they sprinted to the vehicle, hands still intertwined.


The two arrived in front of a giant building, some sort of big shot company that specializes in technology or something. Kageyama wonders if [name] works there. Probably does, considering he seems pretty well off.

“If you’re wondering if I work there, I do.” Kageyama looks mystified. Can [name] read his mind? He thinks to himself wink if you can hear me but [name] does not respond. Lame. “But that’s not why I brought you here. Well at least not yet. There is something else I wanted to show you first.”

The two instead cross the street and find themselves in front of a quaint little flower shop. The lights are off and there is a sign on the door that says closed. Are  we going to break in? Kageyama wonders.

“Don’t worry. I have the key.” [name] responds, and once again Kageyama is left speculating whether or not the lad has secret mind reading powers.

Once the door is opened and the lights are on, they are greeted by an abundance of different plants, so neatly decorated. [name] takes a hold of Kageyama’s hand and leads him into one of the back rooms. Kageyama inhales sharply at the sight.

Never before has he seen so many different roses placed so beautifully together in one place. Yellows, pinks, whites, lavenders, oranges and reds covered the small room, a forest of flowers that engulfed Kageyama in the sweet smell. On one of the walls, red roses were placed close together, with contrasting white ones spelling out Be Mine. It was all very sappy, but endearing all the same.

“Uhh, I know the couple who owns this place. I help them whenever I can and they recommended me to bring a date here...so yeah.” [name] sheepishly says, rubbing at his neck.

Kageyama was never much of a flower person, couldn’t grasp the point of bouquets. Why not buy potted plants instead? At least those don’t die in a matter of days. Kageyama cringed at the thought of all these gorgeous roses dying by this week. Still, he could appreciate the sentiment all the same. Besides, the place looked and smelled incredible.

He touched the petal of a violet rose, admiring the beauty of it all. He tilted his head around when [name] began to speak again, “Oh! Actually, I feel like it is only appropriate for me to get you a bouquet of those.” The [h/c] male nervously began to assemble the batch of lavender flowers together. Once he finished the arrangement, he smiled nervously at the setter, his cheeks the same hue as the roses on the wall. “These purple ones mean enchantment, and well, love at first sight. N-not that I’ve fallen in love with you already! Just, when I first saw you, it made me really glad my date didn’t show up so that I could be here with you instead.”

Now it was Kageyama’s turn to flush, cheeks splotchy with red. He hastily grabbed the bouquet, stuttering an almost silent shut up before sticking his face into the flowers. His eyebrows were pulled together and lips formed a thin light. Fuck, he was so embarrassed. But at the same time, he couldn’t stop the tingling feeling on his lips.

He was so fucking happy.

“T-thanf s-uuu.” The raven had trouble formulating words, everything coming out of his mouth a mess of stuttered gibberish. But when he saw [name]’s gentle gaze, a soft smile adorning his lips, Kageyama knew it was enough.

“No problem! I had a lot of fun with you. There was a lot of more stuff on my list I wished we could have done, but the lack of time got the best of us, I suppose.” Kageyama looks at his own watch and is stunned at the time. 10 past midnight. [name] stuffs his hands in his pockets and shrugs, “I’ll drive you home.”

Kageyama simply nods.


Inside the vehicle is silent. Warm and comfortable.  It’s been about ten minutes, but [name] still has that lovestruck smile spread across his face. Kageyama thinks of something to say, but his mind is a chaos of different emotions. Instead, he simply takes [name]’s free hand into his own. [name]’s smile grows bigger and brighter.

When they do finally arrive to Kageyama’s apartment building, there is a doleful feeling spreading across his chest. He can’t yet admit out loud, but he knows there is something so unfortunate about a night as utterly marvelous as this coming to an end.

[name] offers to walk him to his room, and Kageyama does not dare to stop him. They take the stairs, cherishing every moment, talking about everything and nothing. They almost go up an extra flight of stairs, but Kageyama is snapped back to reality when he realizes they’ve reached the fifth floor.

They are once again consumed by stillness, standing in front of his apartment door. It is obvious they don’t want to say anything, to afraid of this all ending once they’ve exchanged goodbyes.

It is Kageyama who finally breaks the silence. He frowns and grumbles out, “Give me your phone.” And when they exchange items, [name] holding onto the bouquet and Kageyama furiously tapping away onto the phone. He shoves the device back to the other male, “T-there’s my phone number. Call me… or w-whatever.”

Then, once the raven takes in a deep breathe in attempt calm his nerves, he takes a step forward and presses his trembling lips against [name]’s. The kiss doesn’t last longer than a few seconds and isn’t even that nice. The two bumped their noses and their teeth clashed against one another, but it is enough to leave the two males blushing like idiots in the middle of an empty hallway at 12:43 AM.

“That was…ah fuck it. It’s Valentine's day.” [name] says before tilting Kageyama’s head up with his finger, kissing him once more. This time, the kiss is laced with a sense passion. [name] begins running his fingers against warm pale skin, deepening the skin. They feel almost fuzzy once they pull away, lingering against one another.

“G-goodnight.” kiss

“Goodnight” kiss

[name] smiles against his lips, then finally steps back. He begins to walk backwards, a cheeky grin stretched on his swollen lips. The man almost trips, quickly collecting himself as Kageyama snorts. “I g-guess I’ll be seeing you soon then, Kageyama-kun!”

“Uhh, actually. D-do you want to come in? I can make you some tea.”

[name] beams, face like the sun. “I’d really like that.”
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Comments: 12

Adi-iS-tRaSh [2018-04-18 04:20:51 +0000 UTC]

This is beautiful I'm crying
But like
My friends legit tell me that when I smile I'm scary
I guess it's because I keep my eyes wide because I'm like always falling asleep during the middle of the day and I will give you that Kageyama death stare if you so much as touch my sketchbook without permission
I guess it's only fitting that I'm the Kageyama of my friend group *sigh* lol

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

potatingpotato [2017-10-23 11:52:02 +0000 UTC]

aaaaa i love this so much! i think you captured kageyama's personality perfectly!! i wish i could express how much i love this but i have no words

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

haibas In reply to potatingpotato [2017-10-26 05:03:32 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much!!! ('':

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ilvermony [2017-10-07 18:22:46 +0000 UTC]

you're back!! kinda. and with that kageyama fic you were talking about.

aa what a dork. he is so precious.
this was very cute!! your male readers are so unique. i always look forward to reading what details you'll give them whenever you update! bless up when you grace my dash with a new fic!
and kags is perfect!! he's so loveably precious. still loves vball. still uses "guwah" and "puwa" haha! everyone's perfect!!
yachi's a bit more cheeky than i expected but it's a pleasant, refreshing change compared to how others write her.
(i'm assuming that, considering she's aged up here, she's gotten more confidence in herself and courage to be cheeky...?)

okay but enough blasé critique, sdfGHJKL!!!! when i saw this in my dash i literally squeaked for joy!
i love it when you update! your stories are a blessing to this world! most of what i've been reading here on dA has been the usual, cliché AUs/tropes. it's so refreshing to see someone takes those tropes and add their own special twist or style!

i love reading what you write, you fluffy sweet person!! (i briefly forget your nickname sdfghjkl throw me into the sun)

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

haibas In reply to ilvermony [2017-10-07 20:20:24 +0000 UTC]

thank you so very much!! 
i decided to make yachi a bit more cheeky because i feel as though she has definitely 
gained a lot more confidence and courage through out the years.
especially considering she has been manager for the volleyball team, i believe she definitely developed
a sort of snark & cheekiness due to dealing with all the different types of personalities the team had to offer.

ahhhh your comments always mean the world to me <333 thank you so much!! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ilvermony In reply to haibas [2017-10-08 18:42:14 +0000 UTC]

aaa you're welcome!!

yeah, true. what with nishinoya and tanaka and hinata and kags esp. haha
imagine, in her third year, hinata, kags, etc. try to become her bodyguards (like tanaka and noya w/ kiyoko)
but yachi's so used to her own teammates antics that dealing with flirtatious classmates is a walk in the park

aaaa oh my goodness! i try to remember to comment but often times i don't
i'll try harder to comment from now on! you're very welcome!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

haibas In reply to ilvermony [2017-10-10 06:06:47 +0000 UTC]

don't worry, i too have the tendency of forgetting to comment.
i always try to at least come here every so often to check messages, 
but there are still times where i'll forget

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ilvermony In reply to haibas [2017-10-14 03:12:06 +0000 UTC]

it's so bad tho!! bc i've gotten nasty messages in my notes bc of not doing so.
not gonna say who they were from but yeah (p.s. none of them you were sdfghjkl what did i do to deserve such a terrific friendo???)
same same esp. recently with work and school/college and such. it sucks

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haibas In reply to ilvermony [2017-10-14 05:16:08 +0000 UTC]

nasty messages?? that's horrible!

but anyway, good luck with college. i'm on the same boat with you, struggling to be active but having school as well. 

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ilvermony In reply to haibas [2017-10-14 06:43:40 +0000 UTC]

eh it hurts but i try?? to forget about it? i mean-
i try to go back and reread their stories and then try to remember what i would have/was gonna comment
is that bad? like at least i'm commenting (holy shi this got deep fast i am so sorry ahaha)

aaa thank you!!! trying to lay low 'bout talking about it until i get to the fun stuff!
which is probs gonna happen next year?? or the end of next year?? whoop dee doo
but hey we can Suffer And Die™ together
how exciting is that??

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haibas In reply to ilvermony [2017-10-14 07:53:45 +0000 UTC]

don't worry, you can talk to me about anything you want.
i think at the end of the day, its the fact that you still made the attempt that matters, y'know??
take me for example. i suck at commenting! i'm horrible! 
due to my constant absence on here, i read stories too late and i get kind of shy about commenting because i'm late.

and it's going to be very exciting. can't wait (((((((:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ilvermony In reply to haibas [2017-10-14 08:03:20 +0000 UTC]

same!! same!!! it's often bc if that unfortunately
i get so embarrassed about commenting bc by the time i see it and comment, i miss all the inside jokes and gushing that others have done long before me. it's terrible uuuu
and even if i do read it on time, i NEVER. KNOW. WHAT. TO. SAY. so then i run fave it and run off. and then they get mad and maybe send me an angry note... maybe. but yeah! it's so frustrating!


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