Hanci6 — For Raven

#april #black #blackandwhite #chapters #character #contrast #cosplay #cosplaying #crow #dark #dream #dreamer #dreamfall #dreaming #feather #feathers #female #game #girl #hair #journey #longest #main #necklace #pendant #portrait #protagonist #raven #redhair #redhead #ryan #shifter #shirt #symbol #talisman #videogame #woman
Published: 2015-07-03 09:26:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 901; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 4
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Description Cosplaying April Ryan from The Longest Journey.
(more pictures can be found here )

The Talisman of the Balance made by
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Comments: 21

ulltraz [2015-07-04 20:13:43 +0000 UTC]

you look quite lovely!!! 

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Hanci6 In reply to ulltraz [2015-07-04 20:50:29 +0000 UTC]

I'm flattered Thanks!

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ulltraz In reply to Hanci6 [2015-08-01 22:39:26 +0000 UTC]

you are welcome my dear!!! 

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Fermin-Tenava [2015-07-04 15:45:14 +0000 UTC]

Wonderfully arranged

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Hanci6 In reply to Fermin-Tenava [2015-07-04 16:41:12 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much.
By the way, did you like Book Three?

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Fermin-Tenava In reply to Hanci6 [2015-07-04 20:25:57 +0000 UTC]

Kind of.
I didn't dislike it, but I hoped it would be much longer, containing more developement and bringing things from Dreamfall in to wrap this up. 
I mean - we're eight chapters in, and no sign of characters like Sam Gilmore or the White Dragon, and Crow was only in it for a short time (but still pretty funny).

But things I did like - the Interlude, this german agent, kidbot and so on - were still strong.

Also - Anna and Hanna are probably not April, which I actually was glad about to find out. So they were just teasing with this.

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Hanci6 In reply to Fermin-Tenava [2015-07-04 20:48:35 +0000 UTC]

Exactly! This was third book and it all still feels like one big beginning. It more seems like they are trying to pull up a new story, forgetting about the previous stuff. This would work if they had like another 10 episodes coming, but only two of them left. It's insane!

My problem is also with little details - chapters doesn't really respect the previous game. Like, how come Kian knew April's last name, how come he didn't like Zhids when he claimed to feel some kind of attraction to a random female Zhid in Dreamfall... which leads me to another thing: how the hell can he turn out to be gay.

To me it seems more like they are trying to surprise us, to shock no matter what. Even if it's quite illogical step, doesn't matter - main goal is to bring something unexpected.

Of course these girls had nothing to do with April. That we knew from the beginning (very different behavious, very differenct accent, no connection, etc.). Well then, Saga, that might be something!

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Fermin-Tenava In reply to Hanci6 [2015-07-05 11:38:40 +0000 UTC]

Well, he said he didn't like women, and that's usually a sign for someone being gay or at least asexual. But... I don't know, it seems more to me like he wasn't a that well-defined character in the first game either: his change got pretty rushed.
And for the attraction... well, it's different to acknowledge attractiveness and being really attracted. A lot of things were very vague, and we probably will learn more about him, when things get clearer.
And don't forget: There were things in Dreamfall, that didn't quite match with TLJ, too. Like April having told Emma and Charlie about Arcadia.

To the shock thing: I don't think they take it THAT easy. If you pull this twists out just randomly, you might as well write yourself in the corner.
Maybe it's rather the problem that they left open TOO MUCH in Dreamfall, and they couldn't find another way to ease you in the sequel... except for leaving a lot of old stories out.
You can't always wrap up every character's arc completely. TLJ had the advantage, that we mostly had one protagonist travelling both worlds. The Dreamer Arc has parallel story lines that have to add up somehow down the line.
So I hoped that point would have been in the rebellion's headquarter: When Zoe got brought in, she could have met with Na'ane or Kian and explain a lot of things. But Kian left right before that... -.-

Hopefully the first thing they do in Book 4.

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Hanci6 In reply to Fermin-Tenava [2015-07-05 15:09:38 +0000 UTC]

Yes. It's been stated on the official forum that he is gay. Also, if you get to talk with Likho at the beginning of Book Three, Kian is more open and says it clearly. 
A lot of us saw some kind of sparkle there when he was talking to April. Oh well....

Yes, that was bothering me as well. But still, this could have been explained. What if they were not honest with April in TLJ. It could have been a white lie from Charlie, just to calm her down. And Emma, she was probably sceptical at the beginning, but in time she found herself to trust April.

I see what you mean, but that's their job. They set their goals. Now it is up to them to keep with the story, to cover everything, to explain the story fully, to respect the details they themselves mentioned. 

True, but that was done on purpose. It keeps you in tense. You will want to play book four as soon as possible just to know more.

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Fermin-Tenava In reply to Hanci6 [2015-07-05 15:58:31 +0000 UTC]

Well, maybe the sparkle just wasn't the sparkle of love

I had this thoughts about Charlie and Emma as well. I wonder if they will end up in the game at last, because Emma was mentioned in the first book as one of Zoe's contacts.

But even if it's not quite the sequel I wished for, I still like it on its own merits - I mean, we have Enu, we have Queenie, Crow is back, Abnaxus is back, who was supposed to have a part in Dreamfall which can now play out.
I mean, it's not like the Hobbit movies where it drags on, gives you some cool stuff and some bits of character development... that you suddenly don't find that good in hindsight... 
Okay, i just hope it's not like this.

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laliluleilo [2015-07-03 11:29:48 +0000 UTC]

Oh CRAP! @ O @

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Hanci6 In reply to laliluleilo [2015-07-03 12:04:20 +0000 UTC]

She devoured poor Crow!

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laliluleilo In reply to Hanci6 [2015-07-03 16:46:55 +0000 UTC]

No! She's obviously only feeling alone without him around, wishing he'd come back from wherever he got lost.
I said "Oh crap!" to clumsily express my amazement with the image!

Ale už česky. Co ty vlasy? Jsou nějaký kratší, ne? Nebo je to nějakej trik na mě?
super fotka, fakt že jo. Seš na ní nejvíc pěkná.

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Hanci6 In reply to laliluleilo [2015-07-03 18:24:15 +0000 UTC]

He'd better come back. It's no fun having him not around.

Tys furt tvrdil, jak budou kratší vlasy na mně mnohem lepší. Tak tady to je. Spokojenej?
Ale budu tě muset zklamat. Nic se nestříhalo. Jenom jsem to zas šikovně zaonačila.
A já děkuju

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laliluleilo In reply to Hanci6 [2015-07-03 19:57:27 +0000 UTC]

Tak ses v poslední epizodě dočkala :3

No jsou nejlepší! Máš to nějaký svázaný, sepnutý nebo něco a je to super. Tvoje zaonačování funguje, protože na první pohled toje, jak kdybys to fakt ostříhala A taky trochu je to nutnost pro tenhle cosplay, když seš ta April. Bych to chtěl vidět z víc stran, ale to chcu asi moc.
A líbí se mi, že to není cosplay v takovým tom běžným smyslu - paní postávající jen tak kdekoli bez většího uvážení, který to nevěříš.

Úplně nejvíc nejpěknější.

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Hanci6 In reply to laliluleilo [2015-07-03 20:59:47 +0000 UTC]

Taky už bylo na čase. Ač teda tolik prostoru taky nedostal, co si budeme povídat. Takže příště, už doufám!!

No, ono to bylo nutný. Ale prosimtě, já mam náhodou těch fotek hrozně moc, takže než je všechny smažu, tak bych klidně mohla dát něco ještě do scraps. Tak počkej jdu nahrávat...
tady to máš: fav.me/d8zstfh

No a celej ten nápad vzniknul, když jsem včera dodělávala kostým na ten tamten druhej cosplay. A jak se mi tak válelo peří v posteli, tak mě to uplně osvítilo. Ještě k tomu April, jak je přes ty sny, tak se ta postel zdála bejt nejpříhodnějším místem

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laliluleilo In reply to Hanci6 [2015-07-03 21:23:03 +0000 UTC]

Však dostane. Všichni ho maj rádi.
Já si to představuju, jako bys byla v tom jejím pokoji, co je na začátku tlj.
Tak to jsem moc rád, žes je nahrála. Jsem z toho v koncích :3
Ahá, takže to brnění přece jen není ještě kompletní hm?
Jo a btw. nezdá se mi, že bys byla zelená...

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Hanci6 In reply to laliluleilo [2015-07-04 08:27:26 +0000 UTC]

April měli taky všichni rádi, byla hlavní postava - a jak skončila
Stejně maj ty počáteční lokace takovej speciální význam. Fringe café a ateliér a známí od April. Prostě takový fajn prostředí.

Ale je, tohle už byl jenom takovej detail. teďka jsem vyráběla luk (ten už teda považuju za hotovej) a teď řešim šípy.

Eeh, už se ani nebudu snažit

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laliluleilo In reply to Hanci6 [2015-07-04 09:27:44 +0000 UTC]

Ještě je možný, že sis pohrála s barevností v ps...

Snad nemyslíš, že i Crowa zabijou D:

Luk? No sakra.. To bych fakt nevěděl, kde začít. To seš teda dobrá.

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Hanci6 In reply to laliluleilo [2015-07-04 10:14:27 +0000 UTC]

Nebo nějakej zajímavej filtr na foťáku, nebo mi zrovna přálo světlo

To snad ne, k tomu se to nehodí. Jenom mam nutkání vžycky si rejpnout, když přijde řeč na April.

Ale věděl - izolačka to přece vždycky jistí.

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Tobu02 [2015-07-03 09:28:07 +0000 UTC]

So much beauty in one photo!

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