Horse-Paws — HL| Mike Pearson

Published: 2023-06-08 18:08:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 1405; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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“Bro, they got a new pizza burger thing at that place down the street, and you look like just the man to come watch me eat one in under 30 seconds.”

Name: Michael “Mike” Pearson
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Xatu | Mystic Pokémon
Height: 5’10”
Birthday: August 17, 1994
Home Island: Rapture Retreat

+ Determined, empathetic, unshakable +
= laid-back, spontaneous, un-materialistic=
- Unorganized, childish, Stubborn -

It can be hard to motivate him to start something if he isn’t 100% dedicated to it, but if he does set his mind to something, he is sure to try his darndest to see it through. He’s been through a lot in life, and tries his best to see other people’s perspectives, even if he doesn’t understand them. It’s hard to get him to be genuinely angry or sad for a long time, as he’s spent a lot of time soul-searching and has a pretty darn good sense of self and community that makes it hard to actually rile him up. Because of this, he’s good at keeping a level head in most situations, and can be a good guy to go to for some objective advice.

Mike’s most obvious personality trait is how relaxed he is. Some may call it lazy, but he does put in the necessary work for things if he wants to. He just doesn’t see the point in using up more energy than he needs to, especially if it’s for something he doesn’t care about. But if it is something he cares about, watch out. He’s quick to pick up new interests and makes a lot of snap decisions based on how he’s feeling. He sees it as if the future is set in stone, what’ll happen will happen, and he’s not going to waste his time worrying about it. The only reason his house is less messy than it could be is a mix of him valuing his physical health pretty highly, and not actually feeling the desire to buy that many things. This can cause complications sometimes when he’s using the same worn down and patched up thing over and over for years, but hey, if it ain’t broke, why get a new one.

Because of some of the stress caused by his psychic abilities, Mike can ironically have trouble thinking about the future for too long, and isn’t the best at considering the big picture before making decisions, especially for himself. Mike is not above playing a little dirty to get what he wants, and has a bit of an immature and petty streak if he gets annoyed. He knows it’s not a good trait, and will usually apologize afterwards, but it can be hard for him to control it in the heat of the moment. Unfortunately his determination can come off as being hard-headed, as it can be hard to get him to change course once he’s started.


Mike had a pretty good childhood in Driftveil, Unova. His family, consisting of him, his mom and dad and his two younger siblings, were good people, and fairly well off thanks to his mom’s work in the IT field. His childhood was a pleasant time, filled with a million small memories of comfort. Collecting feathers with his siblings on the eastern drawbridges, fishing trips with his dad out on the water, going to visit family in Nacrene city. He definitely had a bit of responsibility early on watching his younger siblings in the time between when they all got off school and when his folks would come home from work. He loves his family, and still keeps in touch with them to this day.

His totem developed when he was about 5, and with it, he started getting these sort of.. Vibes. Feelings of anxiety in places before bad things happened, strong feelings of excitement before he won at something. It was quickly realized these were probably a degree of psychic premonition. It got a bit more difficult as he got older, feeling a frightening sense of responsibility from it, particularly as he kept getting more and more instances of feeling like something bad was going to happen. It eventually got to the point where he felt too scared to try and do almost anything. His parents, worried for his health and wellbeing, took him to get consultation and treatment. He was prescribed anti-anxiety medication, which helped a lot and greatly improved his quality of life, and he still takes them to this day, though with less needed frequency thanks to therapy he got as a young adult. He now views these premonitions as just a part of life and who he is, and as something to appreciate, not something that he needs to panic over. He doesn’t usually share them with others, because he worries that he can’t tell the difference between what’s a premonition and what’s his own emotions, plus he doesn’t like changing fate or other people’s decisions.

School wasn’t always hard for him, but it got worse during highschool, his grades slipping. It wasn’t long into his first year of college that he knew he just couldn’t do it. He didn’t want to put any financial strain on his family for something that he knew he couldn’t do, so he dropped out and focussed on trying to get work and earn money. He’s lucky he has a good family, he knows he is, and he admittedly feels some guilt for the times he’s had to rely on their kindness. He had a lot of different jobs, contract work, service industry, anything he could do, but it was always difficult for him due to having trouble finding anything he really connected to.

When he was around 24, he met a girl named Sarah while on one of his jobs. They dated for two years, got married, got divorced after 3 months. She was progressing in life a lot farther a lot faster, getting a good job, wanting to have kids eventually, and Mike just.. Couldn’t keep up. It was on pretty decent terms between the two of them. I mean, obviously not ideal, but it could have been worse. He doesn’t talk about it.

So uh. Yeah. That’s where he was about a year ago. He felt motivated to try and make something of himself, and he felt that at this point, maybe he should just try a bit of a fresh start. And hey, nobody can fire you if you’re your own boss. His family was pretty supportive, and helped as much as Mike would let them. He knows he could’ve started off with a lot more than he is, but he doesn’t want to. He wants to prove that he can build himself up on his own merits. So he spent months studying farming through books, videos, reaching out to local farms, moved to a small home in Roccolo, and is ready to take on his new life.


Mother: Elaine | 57 | chimecho
Father: Maury | 59 | Gardevoir
Younger sister: Susanne | 23 | togetic
Younger Younger Sister: Cally | 15 | Turtwig

Ability: Early Bird: “Just cause you wake up early doesn’t mean you can’t make up on that sleep time throughout the day, man.” He is a very light sleeper, and wakes up early in the day. Takes over the counter medicine to help him get to sleep some nights.
Psychic “It’s pretty cool, so long as you don’t watch for too long, or ask me to do anything else along with it.” Can be used to lift objects, though it requires quite a bit of focus to actually have much control over it. The amount of time he’s beaned himself in the head with something he wanted to put in his hand is almost comical.
Fly “Bruh. Dude. Mans, come on. I have the chance to learn how to fly? Yeah obviously I’m doing that.” Can use this move to summon wings from his arms that let him fly. Can’t be used for particularly long due to him not having natural wings, and it’s pretty tiring, but after years of using it, he’s gotten pretty good. Is one of the few things that he knows to be safe with (You only need to be in multiple casts at once one time before you learn your lesson.).
Leer “If it’s all the same to you, I’m keeping the shades on.” He’s got a glare that can stop someone cold, but he doesn’t like using it. He has a bad habit of staring out into empty space, and doesn’t like the thought of accidentally using it, so he keeps his eyes hidden.
Tailwind “Listen, I know nidoburger closes in ten minutes, but I got a bike and a plan.” He can whip up a wind at his back that can help him and his friends move faster.

Job: Farmer
Farm Name: Dirtweed Farm

Dog/Cat Race: Smeargle
Dog/Cat’s name: Da’ Vinki aka Vince aka Stinky Maaaaaan
Dog/Cat’s gender: Male
Traits: Quiet, active, loves attention, well loved, would sell Mike out for a corn chip.
Moves: Bite|Hammer Arm|Sketch

Loves: “Bro!!! Are you kidding? This is so rad!! Thanks bro!”
new clothes, farming supplies, homemade gifts
Likes: “Hey, I was actually thinking about getting one of these! Thanks man.”
Alcoholic drinks, herbal remedies, pineapple
Neutral: “Yooo, an [item name] for me? Bruh, not gonna say no to that.”
Food, little trinkets
Dislikes: “Uh… Thanks man.. I guess.”
bitter food, fiction books
Hates: “Nah man. Get that out of here.”


  • Can stare at the sun for minutes at a time, and will.
  • Actually has a pretty decent singing voice, enjoys dancing. Invite him to karaoke night for a good time.
  • Can make a meal out of darn near any combination of ingredients, and loves to experiment.
  • Doesn’t look it, but is actually pretty fit. Enjoys running, and has a history of free-running and parkour. He will get into places he’s not supposed to on a whim
Fun facts:
  • Has a surprisingly good knowledge of health stuff, like proper eating and exercise, safe and effective home remedies, and how to navigate the healthcare system.
  • Not particularly interested in totem changing, the thought freaks him out.
  • Keeps his eyes covered in public because he doesn’t want to risk making anyone uncomfortable since they’re kind of creepy.
  • Will absolutely go supervillain over a board game because he thinks it’s funny. Is super chill about video games though.
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Comments: 1

Kaitanium [2023-06-27 00:35:53 +0000 UTC]

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