Miskipz — Harvest Lunatone || Application || Utan Bylilly

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Name: Utan Bylilly

Age: 27

Gender: Trans-female (she/her)

Pokémon: Natu

Height: 5’3” ft || 161.54 in

Birthday: March 5th, 1996

Home Island: Affection Atoll 

Likes: Flower arrangement, The ocean breeze, Handy crafts, and Climbing trees

Dislikes: Malevolent spirits, Thunder storms, Mint flavor, and Cold weather

[+] Adaptable, Careful, Generous, and Passionate

[-] Aloof, Guarded, Quiet, Timid

Utan is generally a pretty easy-going and kind person; despite her less expressive expressions she is actually very easy to talk to and get along with, always very respectful and pleasant to whoever she’s talking to. Even if you aren’t the nicest to her she’ll remain calm and kind for longer than most people would be willing to put up with. She tends to get into her own head and overthink many things, a sort of passtime she can sometimes find comfort in as she works through different makeshift scenarios her brain conjures up, but it also means she generally has a lot of advice for many different things floating around in her head. Utan is a guarded individual by nature, not entirely eager to let herself get too comfortable around new people and often defaulting to her polite and almost robotic persona out of instinct alone. The more she sees you and the more she gets to know you is when you can see her visibly relax at your presence and her more dorky aspects bubble up. She’s been told before that her guarded disposition makes her look unapproachable, especially when she’s more hesitant of your presence and doesn’t respond as readily as usual. 


Utan Bylilly was born and raised in the lush oasis of Agate village in the Orre region, her large family living just on the outskirts where they owned and operated a wooloo farm. Her younger years were uneventful for the most part, so much so that she had a consistent routine that plays in her head on a loop when she thinks back to her childhood: She went to school, she helped out in the barn, she kept her mother company while she gardened, she got teased by her siblings, she enjoyed a delicious meal with her whole family, and she felt love as she was tucked into bed and given a kiss goodnight on the forehead. In the spring she got to fawn over all the little baby wooloo they welcomed into the world and plant new flowers with her mother. In the summer she ate watermelon and played in the lake with all her siblings and cousins. In the fall she raked leaves and roasted marshmallows over the burning piles. In the winter she made snow angels and fell asleep in front of the fireplace. She was just a normal, happy kid.

From a very young age she cherished being outside in her mothers garden. All of the flowers and the grasses that were so lovingly planted each season always seemed to thrive under Mrs. Bylilly's kind and watchful gaze. Hostas, Ajugas, Lambs Ear, Ribbon Grass, Creeping Jenny, Catmint, Marigolds, Tulips, Daylillies, Hydrangeas, and many more all artfully maintained and cared for for years and years. When Mrs. Bylilly wasn’t there to care for her garden, Utan wasn’t far away. She loved that garden, and she loved her mother just as much. Her siblings never quite stuck to the hobby as much as the two ladies had, either too focussed with their own lives or with helping out in the barn or the pastures. They just couldn’t really get it- but they were happy for the two of them. 

Adolescence transitioned into adulthood and Utan had found herself growing into a fine young lady, her own father laughing and saying how she had grown into almost the spitting image of mother to which she preened at so happily. The young lady had reached the age where she was able to fly the nest and go off to college if she so wished, and it was a topic heavily debated in the Bylilly household. Whenever the idea was brought up, even in passing, her father and younger siblings would loudly bemoan the inevitable loss of Utans presence and help around the house. “Who will help sew patches into my work pants! Who will knit me scarves and hats and mittens and sweaters!! Who will help mom in the garden!!!” All of these complaints were met with swift chiding from Mrs. Bylilly to let their little girl spread her wings and explore the outside world as she desired. Spurred on by this support Utan anxiously attended a local college in Phenac city, the anxiety of it all almost melting away as her large family all scrambled to fit inside her dorm to help with the move. Even if she’d finally be on her own, even just for the semester, her family was never far away. 

The first two years of college had been spent solely focussing on general education and just trying to figure out what she really wanted to do in the future. She was never truly pressured to think about these things too hard while at the farm, as it was an unspoken offer that any of the children were welcome to stay and work on the farm or leave to do their own work at their leisure, and her older siblings had taken plenty of time to figure themselves out on their own as well. On nights she stayed up late to study or finish a class project Utan would sit with a warm cup of tea in her hands and a wool-knit blanket (a gift from home) wrapped around her shoulders and just think about what she would want to do with her life. She wanted to make lots of crafts, she wanted to start her own garden, she wanted to start her own family, she wanted to share the same love she’s felt with as many people as she could. A shop, yes. A shop would be nice. Maybe a garden shop? Yeah. That sounds nice. With a goal in mind Utan got to work declaring a business major and buckled down on her studies. College soon fell into an easy rhythm of taking classes and working part time at a cafe on campus and moving back home to the farm while on summer and winter breaks to work on the farm and save up for her little business. For the first time in a long while the Bylillies got to see their beloved middle child determined and excited to accomplish something for herself. 

Even after getting her bachelors in business Utan had dedicated several years to just building up credit and savings to open her own garden shop and just working for the sake of working. 

Just when she had started looking at vacant spaces to lease for her garden shop Utans older brother Achak broached the idea of the two of them boarding a ship at Gateon port and moving to a new island region to start their own respective businesses. Achak was older than Utan by three years, and had spent that extra time learning how their family farm worked and operated all with the intention of taking a handful of their lambs and starting his own wooloo farm. He idly mentioned a town he had heard of from some tourists a while ago called Raccolto that sounded like a nice place to move to and start up in and Utan was quick to grab her older brother and drag him to the family's shared desktop computer in order to do more research. The more and more the two looked into it the more they got excited, and the more they were determined to truly fly the coop and start up their respective businesses. Convincing their family wasn’t a very difficult task as their mother had a feeling the two were up to something when she could see them hunched over the computer more-so than they ever had before, and as always Mrs. Bylilly was the one who everyone turned to when difficult decisions needed to be made.

The day that Utan and Achak were set to leave for Raccolto was filled with laughter and tears and well wishes from what seemed to be every single member of their extended family that had scattered across Orre throughout the years. Utan would never deny the tears she shed that day that were dried by her mothers loving, calloused hands. Mrs. Bylilly kissed both of her babies goodbye and wrapped the two of them up in a blanket she had personally made for each child. It hasn’t been long since the two siblings had set up home in the Affection Atoll, but whenever she feels particularly homesick Utan wraps herself up in that blanket her mother made and flips through a family scrapbook she keeps safely tucked away. 


Ability: Magic Bounce (In-Game Description) - The Pokémon reflects status moves instead of getting hit by them.
Utan has the ability to create small barrier-like structures in thin air, which consume her energy to manifest and be kept maintained. These barriers have the ability to reflect, or bounce back, whatever object it makes contact with. Blunt force objects have an incredibly difficult time breaking these barriers but a sharper object has an easier chance of piercing the barrier if hit hard enough. The barriers strength will falter if she’s tired or weakened in any way and will entirely evaporate if she were to fall asleep or go unconscious

Moveset: NightShade, Psychic, Teleport, Future Sight

Job: Business Owner
Shop Name: Bylillies
Stock Type: Garden Center - Plants and Gardening Equipment 

Dog/Cat Race: Espurr

Dog/Cat’s name: Beansley

Dog/Cat’s gender: Male


- Knitting

- Listening and being able to keep secrets

- Gardening

Fun Facts:

- Her wings aren't made of flight feathers so she isn’t actually able to fly with them really, they're mostly made up of down feathers and are what make her wings look so round. There's only a few flight feathers that make up her wings and they're mostly covered by the down

- Has green feathers that grow from the sides of her jaw, over her ears, and on her scalp. The feathers on her scalp are incredibly thin and fluffy and are very wispy

- Favorite fruit is cactus pear

- Climbs on top of things a lot- probably just likes to feel tall

- Sometimes just goes head empty and stares at something for literally like no reason

- Has taken to collecting seashells whenever she walks through Smoochum Bay and likes to make jewelry and wind chimes out of them

- Her house has a lot of these wind chimes set up around it so on a particularly breezy day you're likely to hear the sound echoing throughout the house

- Likes to roost in a specific reading nook in her house when it’s raining to keep an eye out for storms

- Loves handicrafts like knitting and sewing

- Has a particular interest in tarot reading and even has multiple tarot decks she loves to do random readings for

- Generally just intrigued by wicca culture as a whole

Event Titles: N/A

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