Hunt-er — The Great Adventure part 8 (The Finale)

Published: 2023-10-17 01:02:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 717; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Mongoose was enjoying the fish he had caught, his teeth had evidently arrived as he easily tore through the flesh. His tail thumped rhythmically against the dirt as he ate. He looked up on occasion to see Calimari watching him, while he was a tad bit weirded out he made sure to make a face at her each time. In turn the funny face elicited a giggle each time. Mongoose finished the fish and made sure to lick the bones clean. He began to lick the mess off of his paw and around his mouth. Calimari appeared to be doing the same. She hadn’t quite cleaned off the bones like Mongoose had but it was alright.

“So, do you know how to get back to the great tree?” Mongoose asked, his fingers crossed that she would say yes.

“I think I do, sort of.” Calimari looked away from Mongoose for a moment then looked back.

“Alright well-” Mongoose jumped up and began to stretch, “We should get going then!”

Calimari stood and stretched, “Why are you in such a hurry all of the sudden?”

Mongoose pointed to the sky, “You see how everything has a red tint? Well I think it’s because the red moon is here. Which means hootenanny!” He didn’t mention the dangers that came with the red moon, mostly because he didn’t know a lot about it; also because he wanted to enjoy these moments with Calimari before he was grounded for the rest of his life.

“What’s hootenanny?” Calimari asked though Mongoose couldn’t tell if she really didn’t know or if she knew he wanted to talk about it.

“This will be my first hootenanny so I haven’t actually experienced it yet. But my moms say that you get to get all dressed up and get to enjoy all sorts of festivities. Honestly I kind of zoned out when they were talking about it, but then they said something about candy. Adults will give out candy to us kits, for free, we don’t have to do anything! But it’s customary to say ‘Trick or Treat!’” Mongoose closed his eyes as he tried to imagine all of the sweet treats.

“Why would you say trick or treat?” Calimari asked, a puzzled look on her face.

Mongoose opened his eyes to search her face, “I don’t know, it just kind of happened that way. I don’t know everything about hootenanny, I’ve never done it.” Mongoose said, though this seemed to upset Calimari for some reason and the two walked in silence for a while. Mongoose decided to break the silence, “So, what do you plan on wearing for hootenanny?”

Calimari still wouldn’t look at him but did respond so that was something, “I don’t know, I’ve never dressed up before.”

“Oh, well I’ll be sure you get the best costume ever!” Mongoose skipped a step in excitement and almost tripped but he caught himself. Calimari looked over to him.

“You would really do that for me?” She asked.

“Well of course silly, you are my friend and I’ll do whatever it takes to make my friends happy!” Mongoose smiled, showing off his fresh set of teeth.

Calimari returned the smile, “So, what are you going to dress up as?”

Mongoose straightened up at the question, “Well, if you wouldn’t mind I would love to dress up as you. Well, at least your tentacles and your cool tail.”

Calimari seemed taken aback, “Why would you want them? Why wouldn’t you want to be normal?!” She seemed upset and Mongoose couldn’t possibly understand what he had done to upset her. If he couldn’t figure out what he had done wrong he would just have to make her forget about it.

“Well duh, because they are awesome! I mean your tentacles I imagine can hold stuff. I wish I just had extra hands to hold stuff, and your tail! Don’t get me started on it, it’s so funny looking. Not only that but it’s super soft and fluffy, my tail is boring, a ton of people have my tail. It’s not special, you’re special!” Mongoose looked at Calimari to see how she was reacting, she seemed happier. “Wait, check this out.” Once Mongoose was sure Calimari was looking he wiggled his fingers below his chin. Calimari stared at him with a blank expression on her face. “Aw come on, try it!” Calimari reluctantly moved her tentacles just slightly. Mongoose giggled, “No, like this!” He said playfully, waving his arms dramatically around. Calimari did the same with her tentacles. Mongoose burst out into laughter which caused her to stop, “Wait, it looks silly, like in a good way.” He kept waving his arms around which turned into his whole body flopping side to side up and down. Calimari began to laugh and Mongoose made the movements even wilder which caused her to laugh even harder.

“SHUT UP!” A voice echoed throughout the forest, they didn’t have a chance to react before the owner of it leapt from the bushes. It flew over Calimari and straight into Mongoose. Its teeth sunk into Mongoose’s shoulder and pulled away a small chunk of flesh. Claws dug into Mongoose’s back as he tried to scramble away. He wanted to call out for Calimari but he didn’t want her to get hurt. Each time Mongoose tried to get away the thing would dig its claws deeper. 

“Leave him alone!” Mongoose could hear Calimari’s desperate pleas. The creature threw Mongoose once more before stalking towards Calimari. Mongoose regained his composure and unsteadily got to his feet. To his surprise the creature was a folk, and an adult it seemed. It had a colorful mane and small spikes on its back. Mongoose assumed there was more armored plating on its body from the bit on its tail. Mongoose felt a rush of adrenaline as the folk approached Calimari. He bounded towards the folk and leapt on its back clawing into its shoulders and biting into its neck as it had done to him. The folk’s blood tasted strong and was blue?

    “Eat shit you fucker!” Mongoose yelled, his triumph was short-lived as the folk reached back to grab him in its mouth and throw him away. Mongoose hit the floor with his back and the folk was on top of him within seconds.

    “You should really watch yourself, I could kill you!” The folk growled, that’s when Mongoose noticed this folk wasn’t an adult at all. Its eyes were a completely bright blue color except for black pupils. It also had a black phylakardia. Its face was scarred and it was blind in one eye. Mongoose realized why it was attacking him. It was sick, he’d heard of illnesses like this before. Where normal folk would begin to attack and eat their own kind. The stories always terrified him and yet here he was, face to face with one of the infected.

    “Do it you monster!” Mongoose yelled, taking his front claws and raking them against the kit's face. With his back ones he dug into the kit’s legs. It roared and with one blow to Mongoose’s head everything went dark.

Word count: 1192
+ Nibblers: Completed prompt

Drathia I will miss drawing these two together, not saying it won't happen again just saying they might not see each other for a while. (Calimari's owner)
LoveIsLaw owns Lance the "feral kit" as Mongoose sees him, thank you so much for letting me use Lance!

I am not super proud of this piece but I'm proud of how long it took me to do it. It only took a couple days and today I did two flat color full bodies + the shading for this so I did good!

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