hypermegatailsfan — Grimm City Chapter Six
Published: 2012-10-28 13:46:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 4027; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 2
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Description The brave group traveled to see the wisest man in the world, but he provided answers they were not ready to hear. Though the huntsman was able to find a path, they went forward a different way and consulted with the rulers. Though a fierce battle was to be expected between the rulers and the wolf, it was the messenger who wound up with the greatest injuries. Now she was bound to a sacred promise, and with it, risked her friendship to the angry wolf. The huntsman once more led them down his path, but he could not guarantee that the group would stay together...

A good breakfast for a wolf usually continued mostly meat, but for that following morning, the alpha mostly chewed and rechewed his favorite bone, his hard fangs and bitter temperament almost able to crack it in two. He sat in the middle of the floor, the mangy building filled with wolves who didn't dare ask what had caused their leader's ill temper. He said nothing, continuing to bite down, angry at the Brothers, angry at Minnie, and angry at himself. How dare Mortimer ask Minnie out on a date! How dare Minnie accept it! How dare Mickey call her his thing! But he wouldn't have said that if she had rejected Mortimer. He was wrong, but she was wrong, but he was wrong, but she was wrong...

"Girls are nothin' but trouble!" he suddenly barked out, startling the rest of his pack. He ripped the bone out of his mouth, and began smacking it down on the floor, coming across as an enraged toddler with its rattle. "After all our kissin', and all the times I saved her, and then she goes on a date with the guy I hate most! How'd she like if I went and saw someone? Is that what I ought ta do? Go and see a girl on the side? See how she likes it!"

No one dared to argue that logic, but there was a rumbling coming from the stairs. The door slammed open, and one of the youngest members of the pack panted, nearly out of breath as he stood in the hallway. "Alpha! There's trouble!"

"I'll say there's trouble!" Mickey pointed the bone at the one who was interrupting his temper tantrum. "I can't just go out with some other girl, 'cause I don't want any other girl! She shoulda known that when I said she was mine, that meant I was hers, too! Did I have ta spell it out for her?"

The younger wolf paused, unsure of what in the world he had walked into. "... B-But, Alpha-"

"Sure, I was the one who pushed the whole kissin' thing on her." Mickey countered to himself, now leaning onto the bone as if it were a majestic staff. "But she had ta know what that meant! Kisses are... kisses! They mean somethin'! ... I mean, okay, she was kinda sheltered for a while, so she may not know everythin' behind everythin'... but she has ta know we're together!"

"A-Alpha, if you could just please-"

"Okay, so I never said she was my mate or my girlfriend right ta her face!" Mickey indignantly threw the bone at a wall, and watched it bounce off and knock another wolf on the head. "But she shoulda... understood it! She's a smart girl! Do I have ta spell it out ta her? We're together, and that's it! So... so I ain't gunna apologize, 'cause I didn't do anythin' wrong! She's mine, and I'm hers, and that's all there is!"

The younger wolf waited for a few seconds to pass by before trying again. "... Alpha-"

"FINE! I'LL APOLOGIZE! BUT I AIN'T GUNNA LIKE IT!" Mickey stomped as he stood up, ignoring the confused shrugging going on around him. "So ya'll can quit naggin' me about it! I don't wanna hear another peep outta anyone!"

The now very annoyed wolf in the doorway held up his hand. "... Permission to call you a bonehead, Alpha."

"... Granted."

"Bonehead, we've got trouble!" Now that he had his leader's attention, he let full panic come into his voice and frantic motions. "Some of the wolves that you sent out to protect the other class reunion folks are getting arrested!"

This was more than enough to snap Mickey out of his pity party. "What?! What for?!" The other wolves were surprised as well, getting up and asking similarly worried questions. "Did the class reunion folks call the police on 'em?"

"Not a one did, Alpha!" He shook his head, sharing their concerns. "The wolves were doing exactly as you said... staying far enough away so they wouldn't bother the folks, but keeping an eye on them so they'd be protected. But someone's been telling the police that we're harassing the folks, so they're locking them up!"

"Those lousy coppers!" A bigger wolf from the corner slammed his fists together, and growls reverberated across the room. "I say we bust our brothers out, and then bash the cops' skulls together!" Rallying cries of agreement and violence echoed here and there, but Mickey didn't join them. Normally he would have carried the same bloodlust, but after all the strange encounters he had gone through with Minnie and the others, he tried to visualize the connections these arrests could have. If they immediately reacted to this, there wouldn't be any answers. Every action had thought behind it.

He raised his hand, calling for attention, and the noise quieted down. "... Last thing we need is ta make a fire into an inferno. I still want us lookin' over the class reunion folks. Make sure the wolves who got arrested weren't actually doin' anythin' wrong. We'll get 'em out before the full moon... But don't go causin' trouble where it ain't needed." He adjusted his hat, and headed for the door, despite grumbling disapproval from his disgruntled followers. Still, he knew they would obey his orders, whether they agreed with them or not.  "I still got a job ta do, but I'll look into it. Keep me updated."

Had he used up all of his anger by ranting about Minnie? That was possible, but as he walked down the stairs, he found himself tired. He was usually angry at something or other - angry at the Grimms, angry at society, angry at Mother Goose and the fog and the lights and... it was so tiring. He didn't like being angry, but something was always ready to set him off. Was that his fault? Was it a wolf trait? Either way, he wanted it to stop. He took a deep breath before he left his home, wondering if his anger was his choice anymore.

Still, it could always be worse. He glanced up at the sky, dark even though it was morning due to the smog and pollution. Though he could not see it, he knew the moon wasn't full yet. They still had plenty of time until that terrifying motion of the moon, when anger, fear, and everything about himself wouldn't be his choice at all.


Mickey wasn't the only one using someone who couldn't understand him to vent his frustrations out.

"I never knew such awful men ever existed, Granny!" Minnie was the one huffing and puffing for once, walking circles around her grandmother's rocking chair as her arms flew in upset gestures. "It's like he thinks of me as a pet, when he's the dog! Why, I almost fired him right there on the spot! If the fate of Grimm City wasn't at our feet, I would never speak to him again!"

"It's so awful, Rebecca." Granny replied, adding a sixth sleeve to her very long sweater, the knitting needles clicking together in harmony with the crackles of firewood under the mantle. "The world is an awful place. We should always stay inside."

"Oh, not everything is awful." Minnie slowed down in her spiral, holding her hands behind her back. "Daisy, Donald, and Goofy have been really nice to me. Maybe they talked some sense into him after I left... if he would listen!" She stuck out her lower lip, hearing Mickey's insulting ownership in her head over and over. "In fact...  I'm not going to speak to him at all until he apologizes! Yes, he's getting the silent treatment! He'll only get kisses when I finish delivering a message!"

"I remember when your father first kissed me, Rebecca." Granny tapped the top of one needle to her cheek, sighing in a fleeting moment of happiness. "That's when I felt the spark. Always follow the spark. Follow the spark, and that's when it all gets clear."

Minnie slowed her walking down as Granny had made an odd point. Mickey had never kissed her, it had always been Minnie to Mickey. "... Is there a difference?" She asked out loud, not directly to Granny since getting a lucid answer out of her would be impossible. "Does it make a difference when a boy kisses you, instead of you kissing them?" She could imagine it being very different. Her kisses were often quick, but also light and gentle, since he seemed to have a habit of all but collapsing after them so she didn't want to hurt him. Mickey was gentle, when he wanted to be, but she couldn't see his kisses being gentle. He was rough around the edges, so it would make sense for his kisses to be very rough, and very deep.

She could see it so easily in her mind, and she touched her lips with two fingers. He was so possessive, his mouth would probably try to devour her whole, hungrily taking her in without a fight. She gulped, and grabbed her red hood, twisting it in her tiny fingers. The imagery alone was enough to make her shudder, but she could feel it too. His gloved hand to balance her head up, while his arm was around her back, keeping her up against his body. He would do his best not to hurt her, and when they were finished, he'd have her head rest on his shoulder. She knew she was safe in his embrace, but - but, oh, didn't she hate him? Was this kind of conflict possible? "... Granny? Can you be mad at someone... but still like them very, very much?"

"Two wrongs don't make a right." Granny had resumed knitting, and that was the only answer Minnie could hope for out of her.

Minnie could hear the sound of tires stopping on pavement, so any further daydreaming would have to wait. She rubbed her cheeks to try and get rid of her blush, and stuck her nose haughtily up in the air. "I'll see you later, Granny. I have a dog I need to discipline!" So what if he might be a powerfully good kisser? He still had behaved very badly, and she wasn't going to speak a word to him unless he apologized. But when she stepped out of her home, what was there to pick her up wasn't a bad wolf on a motorcycle. Instead, it was Daisy's limo, with the last door open to welcome her in.

"Hi, Mins!" Daisy waved from inside, and then patted the empty seat beside her. "We'll be meeting Mickey and Goofy at the Guild! Like, hop on in!"

Minnie slowly walked up to the limo, taking her time to step inside and close the car door. "... This is very nice of you, Daisy... but isn't Mickey supposed to pick me up?"

"We thought this would, like, be best." Daisy gestured to the other guest in the car - Donald was at her side, again being forced to listen to her music and looking ready to hang himself with the headphone cables. "After Mickey totally bungled up." She snapped her fingers, and the limo began to move. "So instead we, like, had Goofy give my driver directions. We're going to this, like, totally uncool place where the members of H.A. H.A. all gather." Minnie nodded, remembering Goofy telling them about the Handy 'n' Able Huntsman Association. That was the registry of all huntsman that Goofy had willingly left when he had gotten tired of the business. "Since Goofy thinks the feather robbery was done by a hunter, what, like, better place to go than where all the huntsmen hang out? It's called the Huntsmen Guild! But before we get there, we totally have to talk, you know?" It may have explained why everything about Daisy's ensemble today was about fake furs, making her furry and fuzzy as she crossed one leg over the other. "Like, what are you going to do about Mickey?"

"Well," Minnie held her hands in her lap, gauging her friend's reaction to her solution. "I'm going to give him the silent treatment."

"I'd kill for the silent treatment right about now." Donald mumbled as he pulled his headphones off.

"Oh, honey, no." Daisy waved a hand, casting this decision away. "That might've worked when you were, like, six. But we're all totally adults here, despite what your hair style says." She leaned against Minnie, comforting putting an arm around her shoulders. "Minnie, sweetie, I love you like the little sister I never had. But, like, it's time to grow up. You're a messenger, and that's big girl time. The cutesy, naïve, innocent thing is so last year." Daisy then began to run her fingers through Minnie's locks, tugging and curling to try and form different styles. "What you need to do is talk to him."

Minnie allowed Daisy to continue playing stylist while giving thought to what was said. "It's not like I try to be naïve..." So what strides could she take to prevent it? She did want to be an adult, but there was no how-to manual on how to stop being a child. Besides, she had taken some big steps already! She had delivered messages, fought villains, kissed a boy - speaking of which, she raised her eyebrows. "Actually, Daisy, maybe you can help me. Is there a big difference between kissing a boy and having a boy kiss you?"

Daisy stopped, and she shared a very incredulous expression with Donald. The birds even exchanged a look to make sure they had both heard the same thing. The superstar broke the silence, rubbing Minnie's cheeks as if she were a pet. "You are so totally beyond adorable, you know that? Of course there's a big difference! I've, like, had plenty of experience in my shows. But, like, since Donald's a guy, he'll totally tell you about it!" She turned toward Donald, but he didn't share her enthusiasm. In fact, he was now an embarrassing shade of red, the nail in his beak rolling back and forth by a nervous tongue. "... Let down my hair! You mean you've never-"

"I've been busy with the shop!" Donald snapped hotly, refusing to face either female. "I don't have time for women or kissing or any of that stuff!"

"I really was meant to join you guys." Daisy grabbed both Minnie and Donald's hands, rocking them back and forth. "I'm, like, your fairy godmother! Once we wrap up this feather stuff, I'm totally getting you a girlfriend. You tell me your type, and I'll set it up."

Donald threw a glance at Minnie, who merely shrugged. It was worth a shot. "... Well... I guess I'd go for a girl... who has a great fashion sense, is very kind, has a kind of annoying speech impediment... and blue eyes."

"I can totally find you a girl like that!" Daisy's blue eyes shone with excitement, oblivious to the hints, and oblivious to Donald putting a palm to his face.


The Guild was at the exact point where the city ended and the forest began, though the stench of alcohol could be smelled from miles away. It was one of the few wooden buildings left, and its age showed with every rotten plank hanging off the decaying structure. Yet the inside was bright and alive, with jukebox music blaring, gross men engaging in belching contests, and the occasional bar brawl breaking out between bullies. The swinging saloon door was being guarded by a big nosed beagle boy bouncer, who was refusing entrance to Goofy and Mickey. "If I tells ya once, I'll tells ya a million and six times... Ya left H.A. H.A., so there ain't no way I'm lettin' you and your mangy mutt in here!"

"But it's real important!" Goofy pleaded, taking care to step in front of Mickey so no fights would break out. "Can't ya make an exception just this once? We won't ever come back here again!"

"Sure ain't, cause you're not gettin' in now!" The beagle touched a small knife on his belt, ready to pull it out if necessary. "Now scram!"

Mickey huffed, but he and Goofy took a few steps away to rethink their strategy of 'pretty please'. "If ya let me at this guy, I'll have him cryin' uncle in seconds!"

"And then the entire guild would be makin' us cry." Goofy stuck his hands in his pockets, rattling his brain for new ideas. "Violence ain't always the answer... sometimes, it's the question! Maybe the others will have some good ideas."

On cue, Daisy's stretch limo pulled up directly in front of the men. Minnie opened the door, but she didn't realize she'd be seeing Mickey right away once she did. She and the wolf stared at each other as she held the door handle, and a staring contest began. She knew she had to talk, and he knew he had to apologize, but a shared stubbornness kept waiting for the other one to start. Uneasiness turned into glaring, but neither of them would say a word. Of course they did wrong, but how could they admit it if the other wasn't going to talk? Stupid wolf! Stupid girl! Didn't the other know what was already so obvious?

Goofy stuck his long face in the scene, seeing as it wasn't going anywhere. "We got a big problem! They ain't lettin' us in, no matter what we say! What're we gunna do?"

Daisy clapped her hands once, brilliance striking up. "I've got it! Give me and Minnie a few minutes." She then grabbed a perplexed Donald by the shoulders, and threw him of the car, slamming the door shut behind him.

From inside, Minnie begun to yelp. "Eek! What are you - Daisy, wait! Be careful! H-Hold on... that doesn't fit! Slow down!"

The trio of men decided they were better off not knowing what was going inside. Donald stood up, brushing his ragged clothes down. "Always nice to know when I'm not wanted... so, Mickey, how many 'in the doghouse' jokes am I allowed to make?"

"Ha ha haaaa." Mickey flicked the nail in Donald's beak in a flimsy effort to knock it out. "Look, I'm gunna apologize... but she shoulda known how I'd react when she agreed to date Mortimer!"

Goofy tilted his head in recollection. "Gwarsh, I thought she said she was only doin' it ta get info outta him."

"Not to mention..." Donald wagged a finger in front of Mickey's glowering face. "Not once have I ever heard Minnie call you her boyfriend. It's always been bodyguard, or just friend. So why should she turn down any guy who asks her out?"

"No one else is gunna ask her out!" Mickey's irrational bark was enough to make both men lose their balance temporarily. "No one sees her like I do!" Mortimer was a onetime mistake, that was all. No one else had the clarity or vision to pick up on how sweet and adorable his Minnie was. She was his caged bird, and he'd be the cage to protect her! Someone that frail and demure wouldn't be wanted by anybody else.

"All done!" Daisy announced, and reopened the limo door. She and Minnie left, making a beeline for the bouncer at the door, leaving three stunned men in their wake. "Like, excuse me, handsome?"

The beagle hadn't been paying attention to the antics going on only a few footsteps away, and grumbled as his attention was diverted. "Look, missy, how many times do I gotta say it?" He looked down at the girls as he continued speaking. "I ain't.... ever... g-gunna... gunnna... gunna..."

The reason for the beagle's sudden loss of motor function, along with Donald and Mickey's jaw dropping, was that Daisy had performed a miraculous make-over on she and Minnie. Daisy had switched out for a raven black wig that rolled past her shoulders, along with dark shades of make-up that illuminated her eyes in the darkness. She was now wearing a bodice that looked far too tight to be healthy, with strings crisscrossing across her chest, and a skirt that left little to the imagination. Minnie had been allowed to keep her red riding hood, but lost the rest of her outfit in favor of red hot shorts that showed off her legs. She was still adjusting to the high heels that showed off her toes, but fortunately more people would probably pay attention to the spaghetti strap top and sparkling barrettes in her hair. Though she was wearing less make-up than Daisy, it still had a dazzling aging effect on her face.

"My friend and I," Daisy purred as she held up Minnie's hand, entangling their fingers together. "Would really love it if you let us all in, like, just this once. It can totally be our little secret." She winked, showing off elongated eyelashes.

"Yes, ma'am!" the beagle eagerly saluted, kicking the door in, and continued to wave to the girls even after they entered. Goofy calmly picked up his friends dropped jaws, and helped drag them into the bar since their minds had been struck down in a love struck stupor.

The Guild was filled to the brim with burly hunters, bragging of their latest kills as beer sloshed from their foaming glasses. Heads of extinct animals hung on the walls, and a hot fire was roaring almost louder than the latest argument between an unruly drunk and the bartender. Upon the girls' entrance, whistles clamored back and forth, trying to get their attention. Daisy casually drank all the catcalls in, while Minnie was trying to hide behind her friend, uncomfortable with all the extra skin she had to show off. "Oh, look!" Daisy pointed off to a corner, spotting a dusty microphone next to the beaten-up jukebox. "They've got karaoke! That'll be, like, phase two of the distraction! You know all my songs, right?"

"But, Daisy, all your songs are solos!" Minnie was making a desperate and failed effort to hide behind her hood.

"First trick you need to learn in the industry, Mins... learn to lip-sync!"

It took Goofy a few slaps to get Mickey and Donald to stop staring at the girls, but once he had their eyes back in their sockets, he turned them around to make them look at their surroundings. "I bet my gut that the guys that robbed the Professor are in here. But the thing is, every huntsman is paid ta do every job. Since the professor said no one else knew about them feathers, we gotta ask the huntsman who done it why they done it."

Once Mickey could tear his eyes off Minnie's gorgeous legs, his nose twitched, picking up a familiar scent. "... Might be even easier than we thought." He rubbed his nose, and then inhaled deeply through his nostrils, focusing directly on that one scent. "I've smelled this one before... it was on each of the guy's who got a feather stuck in 'em." That same greasy, sweaty smell wasn't far off. He began to walk around the Guild with his pals in tow.

Those who weren't distracted by the singing session in the corner wound up leering and jeering as Goofy passed their tables. There were insults muffled barely under breath, and some were holding out their legs to trip Goofy over. He didn't mind any of these tirades, only stopping occasionally to adjust the shotgun tied to his back. Donald, however, was not one to keep quiet for long, especially as he found himself annoyed that they were picking on Goofy for no good reason. "Hey, why are they treating you like a bad pair of loafers?"

"Well, since I left the H.A. H.A., they don't think much a' me no more." Goofy shrugged, not bothered too much. He casually ducked as spit was lobbed at him, his tone never rising and his demeanor almost pleasant, given the circumstances. "Course, they didn't treat me too kindly when I was in it, anyways... callin' me dumb and weak, since I don't like killin' and hurtin' as much as they do. But that's how they are... they ain't loyal ta anyone, 'cept the one who's payin'. Since they don't think much a' me, why should I think much a' them?"

The duck and the wolf considered this a very strange way to think, but, as they watched Goofy ignore the troubles around him, they found themselves perhaps a little envious. The two of them always found a reason to be bitter and angry towards those around them, even if the opposition didn't mean to upset them. What was it like to be as peaceful as Goofy? They wished they could share his same mindset, but as Goofy tripped and dodged insults, they instead found their tempers rising hotly. What right did any of these thugs have to pick on Goofy, when all he had done was change his mind about his occupation?

Mickey came to a halt, and pointed to a corner across from them. There was no doubt where the smell was coming from now. In this corner sat the best looking and most muscular human man in the entire bar, sitting atop a red leather couch while he finished off another batch of beer. His long black hair was tied up behind his well groomed head, and he was careful not to let a single drop of his drink touch his red shirt, golden gloves, or high brown boots. "That's our thief." Mickey muttered quietly to his group, rubbing under his nose. "That same smell from the Professor's place, and from all those guys with the feathers...  let's see what he has ta say for himself."

No sooner had he taken a step forward toward the target than he was immediately blocked. "What do you three have to do with Gaston?" Rarely had Mickey met a human who was the same size as himself, yet this tubby young man in a shabby vest was prostrating as if he was more important than all three heroes combined. "Last time I checked, Goofy, you thought you were too good for the likes of him!"

"Aw, I ain't ever said that, Le Fou." Goofy had to kneel down in order to be eye-to-eye with Le Fou, all the while remaining peacefully civil with him. "But we really gotta talk ta him. There're strange things goin' on in this city, and I think-"

"You? Think?" Le Fou snorted grossly, and others nearby laughed at what was to come. "There's a new one! Don't strain yourself, now! And who're these clowns?" He jabbed his thumbs at Donald and Mickey, who were having harder times holding themselves back with every word the midget said. "Let me guess, they tie your shoes! Which one does the left and which one does the right, or did you already forget which one is which?" Another round of laughter rang out, with Gaston chuckling darkly in the back, though he seemed to be searching for something in one of his boots, one hand digging in without taking the shoe off.

"Aw, it's gunna be a lot harder ta tell jokes without any teeth!" Mickey held up a fist, ready to sock Le Fou right in the funny bone, and Donald was pulling out nails from his pockets to join in on the barrage.

However Goofy grabbed both of his friends by the shoulders, gently pulling them back. He took a quick glance up at the ceiling - a wooden chandelier decorated with various horns from various animals - and then smiled at Le Fou. "I know I ain't the smartest fella 'round here, but I really need ta talk ta Gaston.  It'd only be fer a lil' while, and there's people that could be in danger. So, if ya could please-"

"Gaston had nothing to do with those dumb feathers, so get your dumb friends and your dumb self out of here!" Le Fou flicked Goofy's big black nose, and then turned around. "Unless you're as stubborn as you are stupid." His throat jiggled as he laughed again -

Until he felt a sharp blade pressing into the front of his neck. He shut up at once, slowly looking down to see Goofy's hand holding the weapon from behind the fool. "... Gee, Le Fou..." Goofy murmured as the entire bar began to quiet down at this development. "I didn't mention anythin' about any feathers." The next couple of seconds were blurs to everyone - he pulled his knife back, kicked Le Fou forward, whipped out his shot gun, shot at the chandelier, and sent it crashing down on top of the short man and entrapping him in a circular prison. Goofy then stomped down hard on the wooden rings of the decoration to eliminate any chances of escape, aiming his shotgun directly at his bully's face. "Now, that kinda makes me wonder... did ya happen ta have anythin' ta do with the feathers too?" No one said a word as they all understood while that Goofy may not have enjoyed his trade of being a huntsman, there was no doubt that he was very, very good at it.

Le Fou understood this too as his sweat was glistening under all the lights. "O-Okay! Hold on there Goofy, old buddy, old pal!" Now his laughter was extremely nervous and very satisfying to hear for Donald and Mickey, who were grinning side to side. "W-we're all huntsmen deep down, right? There's no need to jump to any conclusions, or-" The shotgun was shoved against his large nose, and Le Fou began talking so fast spittle was flying everywhere. "We were paid! Paid! I swear! I didn't even know why they wanted those stupid things, b-b-but Gaston said we should do it! And it was good money, too! B-But the job wasn't over! W-when we got the feathers back, they said we had to-"

Once again Le Fou was interrupted, but this time it wasn't by an action of Goofy. Gaston had long since gotten out of his 'throne' and walked up to the fallen chandelier, stepping on it from the back. He had managed to find what he was looking for from his boot - and they could clearly see Gaston stabbing the white feather into Le Fou's ear. The smaller man's eyes glazed over, and his jaw fell slack, silencing him. "If he didn't make such good target practice, I don't know why we'd keep him around." Gastn stood up straight, locking eyes with Goofy, smirking in familiarity. "A lot of things have changed while you were gone, dog. Whatever you think you know, you can't prove. And I think you've all overstayed your welcome."

Taking the cue, the sounds of unsheathing knives and clicking guns began to rise up, as drunks and sobers alike got up from their chairs. Though Mickey and Donald were ready for a fight, even they could see they were heavily outnumbered and outmatched.  Goofy took his time in lifting his shotgun away from Le Fou's face, and Gaston sneered, cracking his knuckles. "Le Fou may be cowardly enough to think you'd take a shot, but I've known you a long time, Goof. You don't have the guts to take a shot at me. You never could be a real man."

Goofy's finger rested on the trigger, but he didn't pull it, the shotgun facing Gaston's wide chest. "Believe me, Gaston... that's the nicest thing ya ever said." He then spun to the left and shot once, hitting the big collection of windows on the side. When the glass shattered, the bar erupted into madness, with guns blasting and men diving forward for battle. Goofy wasted no time in running for the newly made exit, Donald and Mickey immediately understanding and racing to grab their ladies. Daisy was yanked by the hand, despite yelling how she wanted to finish the chorus, while Minnie was scooped into Mickey's arms without a single complaint. The five jumped out of the jagged remains of the windows, racing back to Daisy's limo and Mickey's motorcycle without taking a look back at the escalating rampage behind them. Their wheels screamed in the foggy darkness as they made their getaway.

Minnie clung tightly to Mickey's back as his motorcycle carried her away, having forgotten all about their argument for the time being. It was because she was gripping up to him so tightly and up close that she could hear him perfectly after they crossed a red light.

"I think we oughta split up."

End Of Chapter Six.
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Comments: 15

HRExChibitaliaGerita [2013-04-08 01:15:05 +0000 UTC]

So now we know that Gaston had something to do with it, but we aren't sure exactly what yet... And boy, does Daisy know how to get her way with the men!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ClassicDarkWings [2012-12-30 05:57:38 +0000 UTC]

Such an awesome story. Glad to hear from Gaston.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hypermegatailsfan In reply to ClassicDarkWings [2012-12-30 13:34:19 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mickeyiscool77 [2012-12-01 05:49:55 +0000 UTC]

Oh snap this is getting good

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TopHatBigPencil [2012-10-29 16:58:20 +0000 UTC]

Oh my gosh! NO! There are just so many things about this chapter that I would like to talk about! Man you are on fire! Love it when the messanger wolf lost his patience with Mickey and he alowed himself to be called bonehead. And then how Donald had never been kissed! Oh man, Daisy calling Minnie naive and obliviouse, when she doesn't get a hint. However she makes up for it on her quick thinking for the bar door. I sooo saw that comming when Minnie and Daisy were dressed all sexy-like. And Goofy! I love him, he's soooo cool! I knew you'd do him justice! And now I'm all curiouse as to what the wolves do on a full moon. Plus, what did Mickey mean when he said they oughta split up? I'm so exited! :anxious:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hypermegatailsfan In reply to TopHatBigPencil [2012-10-29 18:32:43 +0000 UTC]

thanks so much

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

NokaNinja [2012-10-28 22:03:55 +0000 UTC]

Goofy is such a badass!! Don't judge a book by it's cover and all that. Very nice and wicked cliffhanger! I can't wait for December now!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hypermegatailsfan In reply to NokaNinja [2012-10-28 22:41:01 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

micamone [2012-10-28 20:41:45 +0000 UTC]

"Goofy wasted no time in running for the newly made exist"
Should that be 'Exit'?

other than that, I'm LOVIN how this is going, I'm excited to get the next chapter
I also loved your story from last November, So even though it'll put a hold on this I'm happy to wait for the ending if we're getting another great story from you.

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hypermegatailsfan In reply to micamone [2012-10-28 21:26:06 +0000 UTC]

Whoops, sorry about that, I'm always making that mistake. Should be fixed now.

Thank you

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Chlstarr [2012-10-28 18:04:22 +0000 UTC]

DOH! That VERY LAST LINE! It got me right here! *points to chest*

Wonderful work as always!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hypermegatailsfan In reply to Chlstarr [2012-10-28 18:10:37 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

09alih [2012-10-28 15:35:34 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations on yet another great chapter! Can't wait till December, and good luck with your novel!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hypermegatailsfan In reply to 09alih [2012-10-28 17:41:44 +0000 UTC]


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09alih In reply to hypermegatailsfan [2012-10-28 17:58:57 +0000 UTC]

My pleasure!

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