Hypoem87 — Pencil Art - Roopseeyah Bestiary

#dinosaur #speculativezoology #hypoem87 #ficitonscifi #speculativeevolution
Published: 2022-12-27 15:26:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 12839; Favourites: 199; Downloads: 6
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Description Going through some of my older works (never posted on DA) this year, I decide to work on some of the creatures which I have added into the story for that particular work around 2018 (with some creatures being reworked to fit with my ideas that I had for the creatures featured in this artwork )

River Wader:
Measuring around 4 to 8 meters long and weighing between 2 to 4 tommes, the River Waders are a species of titanosaur adapted to a semi aquatic lifestyle. These rotund and stout titanosaurs can be seen foraging the swamps and marshes of Roopseeyah. Different from the rest of the Roopseeyah titanosaurs, they have a very short but muscular neck which helps to lift their head up. Their wide and large head with their wide bills allows them to plow, scoop and take in aquatic vegetation into their mouth. Although they spend most of their time in the water, they are not good swimmers. Like hippos, they wade in the water using their feet to push them forward.

Sawtooth Lizard:
A somewhat peculiar species of Roopseeyah monitors, the Sawtooth lizard possess a row of teeth of nearly perfect triangle spaces which resembles a shark more than the needle or knife-like teeth of the other monitor lizards, allowing them to tear and strip the flesh of their prey easier. Despite their poikilothermic nature, the Sawtooth Lizard can also venture into the slightly cooler regions of the island thanks to their airsac which allows the animal to remain temporarily warm albeit not without restricting their hunting frequency to conserve as much energy as possible. Like all monitors, they are obligate carnivores and will feel on anything they can find and eat, although some have been observed to eat fruits as well.

As the name suggests, Lumberers are the biggest animal on the island of Roopseeyah. Unrivalled in size, they can be measured around 14 to 22 meters long and weighing around 21 to 34 tonnes. The Lumberers often congregate in small groups of 4 to 6 and are usually seen foraging on the edges of the lush tropical jungles of Roopseeyah. Having peg-like teeth, the Lumberers are capable of stripping leaves and breaking them down in a vertical biting motion, mimicking the way how some animals will break their food down by chewing. Many animals like the Prongbeest, Lance Beaks, Sprinters and the Brush Grazers will congregate around the titanosaur group as a means of protection from predators like the Alloraptor. The role they play on the island is of significance to the ecosystem of the island. Oviviparous animals, the titanosaurs will directly give birth to live young and take care of them until they achieve maturity in 5 years. They are responsible for clearing old forests down and laying their droppings as they forage, which helps to promote the growth of new plants while keeping the growth of existing vegetation in check.

Measuring around 2.3 to 3.6 meters long and weighing around 200 kilograms, the Rattlefrill are among the smaller residents of the island. As the only ceratopsian on the island, the Rattlefrill stands out on having three short horns (one on the nose and two above the eyes) and a bifurcated frill covered with keratin. Rattlefrills are known for their extreme aggression and will not hesitate to attack anything that comes across their path.  Both males and females will engage in a pushing or headlocking duels regardless of sex unless they are ready to mate. Other than their infamous aggression, the ceratopsian's spiky hide makes the ceratopsian one of the least desirable prey for the predators. Indiscriminate omnivores, the Rattlefrills will forage on anything they will find like fungi, roots, fruits, the eggs of other dinosaurs and sometimes any unlucky juvenile dinosaurs that were unlucky enough to stumble upon them. Solitary animals, Rattlefrills usually travel alone and will forage on their own until they mated with another Rattlefrill to form a family.

The second biggest animal on the animal, the two-prong crested hadrosaur measures around 9 to 12 meters long and weighing around 6 to 14 tonnes. These hadrosaurs often forage in the open grasslands of Roopseeyah along with the Sprinter, Lance Beaks and sometimes the Lumberer. Using their wide bill to pull and strip vegetation off the ground and their blade-like molars help grind the vegetation down into fibrous pulps, the Prongbeest are generalist herbivores that will forage on virtully any kind of vegetation, making them one of more widespread animals throughout the island. Their crest branching in two direction serves as an indicator to their prowess and their sex. The crest also serves as a defense tool against predators like the Alloraptor.

A species of medium-sized flightless pterosaurs, the Lancebeaks have adapted life on the ground thoroughly. Around 1.4 to 1.9 metrs tall and weighing about 50 to 90 kilograms, the Lancebeaks are among the smaller residents of the island with the Rattlefrill and the Sprinter. Typical of flightless pterosaurs, their wings have reduced in size and the the finger that forms the wing on other pterosaurs became extremely short and tipped with a sharp spur which they would use in interspecies combat and self defense. The pterosaurs are known for their exceptionally long beaks, which they would use in a manner similar to fencers and using them as a stabbing tool for both self defense and fishing. While they have switched to a herbivorous diet, the pterosaurs will still prey on fish to supplement their protein-deficient diet. 

Named after their enormous and short beaks, the Burowbeaks are a species of flightless subterranean birds that can be found throughout Roopseeyah. Unique in comparison with other Roopseeyah birds, the Burowbeaks stands out in that they have evolved to a subterranean environment and lifestyle. Their feathers have greatly reduced in size and are keratinized to shield their skins from wearing and tearing from any rocks or sharp objects they may came across while burrowing. Their legs have shortened and became more muscular for ease of movement in the tunnels. They will forage on the roots and shoots of whatever plants they would could across, however there are occasions where they will feast on insects and other unlucky arthropods that came on their path.

Brush Grazer:
Measuring between 5 to 7 meters long and weighing between 1000 to 3000 kilograms, the gracile titanosaurs are the smallest of Roopseeyah titanosaurs. Herd animals, these titanosaurs can be seen moving in herds between 8 to 20 strong. While lackluster in their profile, their strength lies in their numbers and the stripes on their body to dazzle predators. They are known to be vocal animals, utilizing their larynx to produce high but frequent whistles as a form of communication. They will often lay their eggs in nest mounds covered with soil and organic matter, with the assistance of sunlight to help gestate the eggs within a period of 21 to 34 days. The titanosaurs are preyed upon by humans and animals alike due to their lack of defense on an individual scale and being a decent source of protein and nutrients alike, particularly their flesh and eggs. 

Plateau Tortoise:
These peculiar testudines can bee seen in the highlands of Roopseeyah. Small plants and grasses can be seen sprouting from the carapace of the creatures. Their speed is laughably slow when compared with other animals of similar size due to their testudine origin, however their carapace serves as their line of defense against predators and the vegetation growing on their carapace provides them a source of camouflage as well. Waterfowls will often perch on their backs for food and shelter.  

Measuring between 3 to 4 meters long and weighing around 100 to 200 kilograms, the Alloraptor are a species of medium-sized dromaeosaur that has taken the niche of an active apex predator of the island. Unlike many of the dromaeosaurs, the Alloraptor does not have feather but scales on their bodies as a method to cool their body off easier. They also possess a crown-like protrusions above their brows, giving them the appearance of a king. Alloraptors would usually prey in herds between 3 to 5, however there are some that would prey on their own. When hunting, the leader will first distract the intended target while the rest will carefully close in their prey unnoticed before ambushing said target with their speed, strength and their sickle-like claws.   

River Hunter:
Measuring around 2.1 to 3.2 meters long, the River Hunters are a species of serpentine mosasaurs that prowled the riverways, swamps, marshes and sometimes the coasts of Roopseeyah. Their serpentine body allows them to slither through obstacles and barricades like mangrove roots and driftwood with ease. Their front needle-like teeth allows them to catch fish and other soft-bodied animals whereas their more molar-like rear teeth allows them to crush the shells of crustaceans and molluscs reaching for the soft innards with a prehensile tongue. Like sea snakes, the River Hunter will give birth to live young in a safe spot to ensure their survival until they reach adulthood. The riverine mosasaurs prey upon the Ghariasuchus frequently, ensuring the balance of the freshwater ecosystem  

A small pterosaur with a wingspan of 10 to 20 centimeters long, the Nanopterus is the smallest pterosaur on the island. These flyers can be seem swarming around the giants like the Prongbeest and the Lumberer. Insectivores, the pterosaur will perch onto any animal they could land on for an easy snack like flies or dragonflies that will stick onto the dinosaurs as their feeding station. When not flying, these pterosaurs will perch onto either the backs of the Prongbeests or the Lumberer or on tree barks to rest and socialize or communicate with other pterosaurs.

A species of gharial-like temnospondyl, the Ghariasuchus subsists on a piscivorous diet. Measuring around 1.3 to 2.7 meters long and weighing between 50 to 90 kilograms, the Ghariasuchus is the biggest amphibian residing in the rivers, swamps and marshes of Roopseeyah. The temnospondyl spends most of their time moving across the riverbed slowly with their limbs and rarely swim unless needed to.  Their larvae will often fall victim to the River Hunters, however the adults can put up a decent fight with the River Hunters. Their solid body and slimy skin makes them slippery to the touch and most attempts by other predators will result in the amphibian scurrying their way out of danger.

Horned Dragon:
A species of terrestrial crocodilians that prowled the forest and marshes of Roopseeyah, these crocodilians fill a role similar to the wolves or African wild dogs of Earth, in that they are pack hunters. Hunting for small animals like the Sprinter, Plateau Tortoises and at times any other dinosaurs that came across them, they will pursue their prey over long distances for days until they are tired out from fatigue or have the intention of hunting something else. They poikilothermic physiology means that their body temperature will adjust to the changes of the environment. As such, they are only seen hunting in the warmer regions of the island. The two spike-like protrusions above their head serves as an eyeshield which protects their eyes from the strong sunlight.  

Spikey Wanderer:
A species of forest-dwelling stegosaur, the Spikey Wanderers are of average size at around 5 to 7 meters long and weighing around 1.7 to 3.2 tonnes. These stegosaurs can be seen wandering and strolling throughout the forests and shrublands of Roopseeyah. Enveloping their torso are small thorn-like quills which provides the stegosaur a form of passive defense other than the spikes that runs across their tail. Timid animals, the stegosaurs often avoid human contact and would usually try to avoid predators or something else as much as possible as a mean for self defense.

One of the smallest dinosaur on the island, the Sprinter measures around 90 to 180 centimeters long. These small critters are the most common animals that be seen throughout nearly all regions of the island albeit with different coloration corresponding to their habitat with the dark variants (brown or black) dwelling in the jungles, forests and shrublands and the light variant (beige, light brown or white) on the grasslands, tundra and highlands. As their name suggests, their measure of defense is to sprint away from danger as soon as danger is detected. The Sprinters communicate with each other in the form of clicks and chirps along with the bellows and moos of the Prongbeest, forming a natural orchestra throughout the wilderness of Roopseeyah. 

Around 70 to 90 centimeters long and only weighing 7 to 9 kilograms, the gracile dromaeosaurs are among the smallest dinosaurs on the island just behind the Sprinter. As their names suggest, they would grab their prey quickly in the motion of a motion clasp with their front arms. They have been observed to *snatch* their prey off their perching or resting spot before either biting and tearing their necks off or puncture them with their sharp claws, making quick work of their prey as soon as possible. The snatcher have been observed to be quite resourceful animals and were observed to have used tools in a rudimentary but efficient manner, ie: using a twig to fish out any subterranean insects or plucking their feathers out as a bait to get fishes closer to them before they swoop in for the kill.

The largest predator on the island, this highly unusual abelisaur measures around 4 to 7 meters long and weighing around 800 to 2000 kilograms. Ambush predator, the abelisaur will lie at a spot for several hours and sometimes will change their hunting spot, patiently waiting for anything that will come across its path. Their brown body with yellowish green spots help them to blend into the forest floor with near perfection. Their armored tail and musculature allows them to keep their position before launching out for the attack. The Devoravenator uses their powerful jaws to crush the bones of their prey before gulping them whole into their stomach.


WELP I posted this work 2 days after Christmas which was the intended date for this artwork to be posted, but alas there is some some spec stuff to bring to the table for the near end of this year  

I will be posting some stufff I did months earlier in the upcoming days as well, hope I can post them before the coming of the new year

To those BOIz and GURLz following me for whatever stuff you are following me for, HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTTS AND STAY SAFE!

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Evodolka [2022-12-29 18:55:16 +0000 UTC]

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hunterspaniol [2022-12-29 05:26:56 +0000 UTC]

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shadowmillion [2022-12-27 19:18:43 +0000 UTC]

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Yahuemi [2022-12-27 17:20:10 +0000 UTC]

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Hypoem87 In reply to Yahuemi [2022-12-29 10:46:57 +0000 UTC]

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