Well, here it is. The last of my redrawn series of Chaos Gods as Ponies. I felt oddly compelled, much like Slaanesh, to make Tzeentch stand up on its hind legs rather than make him a quadruped. Drawing these guys has been so much fun that I must admit, it's likely I'll try and draw them again later in the future. However, I should try to draw more to them, give them a setting, etc.
Overall, I hope you like what I've done for Tzeentch here. Maybe some of you will think he hasn't been as warped in his form as you feel he should but I didn't want his body to be too broken up from the base form of the MLP body. In any case, this one was an interesting concept to play around with. I definitely had fun trying to figure out how to colour him. Hope plenty of you guys like the end result.
Be sure to check out the sketches I made here: