Hyrule64 — Link (Tears of the Kingdom) Smash Bros Moveset

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Name: Link (Tears of the Kingdom)

Universe: The Legend of Zelda

Entrance: Link flies onto the stage using the paraglider. Once landing, he takes out his sword and shield and gets ready to fight!



Tears of the Kingdom Link comes with a new ability for his jump, the paraglider glide ability! If the jump button is held after performing a double jump (similar to how Peach’s hover works) Link will take out his trusty paraglider! The paraglider allows Link more horizontal mobility in the air, as he slowly descends with the paraglider. It works like a combination between Peach’s hover ability and her paraglider descent, but faster.


B- (Fused) Bow- Link takes out his bow and arrow and takes aim. Like the other versions of Link in Smash, pressing B will allow Link to take aim with his regular bow and fire an arrow forward. However, Tears of the kingdom Link now updates this move in some drastic ways. First off, the bow now works like Byleth’s standard special where once you commit to the bow, Link will charge it up until it is at full charge and then fire. Meaning you can no longer quickly tap it, you have to commit to a full startup charge every time you use the bow. With this drawback comes some exciting new changes. Link can now aim the bow while charging, meaning he can aim up and down to better target opponents. Along with that, you can fuse items and projectiles to the bow in order to create stronger arrows (see FUSION NOTES for more). And lastly, if performed in the air, Link will enter a time slow down state where he will hover in the air while charging the bow, allowing him to better aim and halt his fall before firing his arrow!


Side B- Fuse- Using his Zonai arm, Link extends it and releases a blue aura in front of him. If any projectile or item are within the radius of the blue aura burst, Link uses his new Tears of the Kingdom ability, Fuse! Once Link has locked onto a target to fuse, two images appear in boxes (much like they would appear in Tears of the Kingdom) above and below the object being fused. Above is an image of a sword and below is an image of a bow and arrow. Tapping up or down will cause Link to fuse that item to either his sword or his bow! If an item is fused to the Master Sword, the Master Sword will now glow and gain a fusion aesthetic much like in Tears of the Kingdom when fusing an item to the Master Sword. This will give the Master Sword (and any attacks using the Master Sword) an additional DMG bonus for a total of 10 hits with the Master Sword. Certain items will also change the Master Sword’s DMG output abilities! Once 10 hits are up, the sword bursts a blue energy as the fusion is dispelled from the sword, and it goes back to its base attack power. If you press down, Link fuses the item to his bow neutral special, and the next time Link uses the bow he will fuse the item to it, granting the bow new powers and abilities! A more in depth look at the specifics of fusion can be seen at the bottom at FUSE NOTES.


Up B- Ascend- Link utilizes his new Zonai ability as his recovery, Ascend! While surrounded by teal Zonai energy, Link “dives” straight upward a short distance. While this recovery doesn’t gain much air and distance, and puts Link in a freefall once it hits its peak, this recovery has a unique property that no other fighter has, the ability to ascend through surfaces! If Link makes contact with the bottom of a platform (one that has a clear bottom and top) Link will swim upwards quickly through the platform as if he is swimming flawlessly through water. He will then quickly emerge on the top of the surface and leap outwards a short distance. Where you will pop up is indicated by a circular Zonai ring of light. While the special does not deal any DMG to opponents and might not recover as much air, it can easily get you back onto the stage if you find yourself under a stage like Battlefield.


Down B- Zonai Device- A sliding inventory bar (just like in Tears of the Kingdom) appears above Link’s head, as several Zonai devices appear as options to take out of your inventory! Each Zonai device acts as a different type of item, allowing Link lots of new options to keep the pressure on opponents! You can also fuse any Zonai device with Link’s side special as well! Only one Zonai device can be active at a time, and the devices available are as follows:

    -        FAN: When hit or tossed, the fan lands on its side or back and creates a steady flow of air in the direction it lands. This pushes opponents (and Link) similar to Mario’s down special. When fused to the MASTER SWORD it creates small gusts of wind that push opponents back slightly further when hit. When fused to the BOW it deals extra DMG and pushes opponents back slightly further than usual.

    -        ROCKET: When grabbed and thrown the rocket will travel at high speeds straight forward in the direction it is thrown, almost working like a mini bullet bill item. When fused to the MASTER SWORD it speeds up Link’s swings slightly. When fused to the BOW it will fire an extra powerful bow that travels extremely fast and explodes on contact.

    -        TIME BOMB: A throwable bomb that blinks three times rapidly before exploding with a larger radius than Link’s current sheikah bomb special. When fused to the MASTER SWORD it will allow one extra strong explosive slash before disappearing. When fused to the BOW it will not explode right away, instead will DMG opponents and bounce for a moment, flash three times, then explode for additional DMG.

    -        HOVER STONE: An item that when thrown becomes a stand-able surface much like Steve’s Minecraft blocks. The stone hovers for 10 seconds before disappearing, and can be used with Link’s ascend up special to get an extra easy platform! When fused to the MASTER SWORD it deals slightly extra DMG and has a slightly larger hitbox. When fused to the BOW the arrow will travel about half its distance before deploying the stone and making a platform.

    -        HOMING CART: An item that when summoned will seek out opponents and attempt to run into them, dealing a string of DMG similar to the drill item. Link can also ride on the cart and attack while it is hitting opponents. When fused to the MASTER SWORD it deals extra DMG and an extra hit per swing. When fused to the BOW it is heavier and doesn’t travel as far, but deals extra DMG and hits heavy against shields.


Final Smash- Sage’s Might- Link extends his Zonai arm as it glows bright and releases a massive Zonai symbol in front of him. Any opponent caught in the Zonai attack are stunned as Link summons his four friends/sages of Hyrule! Riju of the Gerudo, Sidon of the Zora, Yunobo of the Goron, Tulin of the Rito, and Mineru of the Zonai! Similar to how Chrom and Robin attack caught opponents in Robin’s final smash, the 5 heroes deliver a flurry of attacks to the captured opponent(s). Riju attacks with lightning infused sword slashes, Sidon attacks with his spear and sends watery blades into the opponent, Yunobo rolls up and rolls through the opponent rapidly, Tulin flies around firing arrows, Mineru fires laser blasts from her construct, and Link quickly slashes the opponent(s) with the Master Sword. The final smash ends with the sages taking a step back as Link performs one final downward stab with the Master Sword into the opponent(s), dealing the finishing blow and sending them flying. The Sages all quickly pose and cheer for Link before disappearing.


Standard Moves---------------------------------------------

Neutral A- Link performs a right horizontal slash, left horizontal slash, and finishes off with a quick spin slash.

A Left/Right- Shield Parry- A staple move in Tears of the Kingdom’s combat, Link swings his shield forward in a parry attack style. This not only DMGs opponents but also will deflect projectiles.

A Dash- Link performs his powerful sliding-to-a-halt horizontal sword slash he does in TOTK when dashing and attacking.

A Up- Link swings the Master Sword above his head in an upward arc.

A Down- Link performs a strong overhead arcing slam with the Master Sword downward. Previously Link’s side neutral, it is now his down neutral.


Smash attacks utilize the heavy Royal Claymore!

Smash Left/Right- Link performs a strong two-handed spin attack with the royal claymore. Similar in animation to the second hit of a basic heavy weapon attack in TOTK.

Smash Up- Link performs an overhead arch swing with the claymore, with surprising range on the sides as well to throw opponents up into the air. Similar to the finish charge attack with heavy weapons in TOTK.

Smash Down- Winding up the royal claymore, Link performs a slow but powerful double spin, similar to the spin attack animation in TOTK with a heavy weapon.


Aerial attacks utilize the long-range Royal Halberd!

Aerial Neutral- Link spins the royal halberd in a circle in front of him three times rapidly.

Aerial Forward- Link lunges the royal halberd forward a good distance.

Aerial Backward- Link turns around and lunges the royal halberd backwards.

Aerial Up- Link releases a string of 5 quick stabs upward with the royal halberd.

Aerial Down- Link aims the royal halberd downward and performs a plummeting attack straight downward.


Grab- Ultrahand- For Link’s grab, he utilizes the ultrahand ability which travels about the same distance as Samus’ grab attack, then brings the opponent quickly to himself.


Taunt/Result Screen---------------------------------------------------


Taunt 1 (Up) - Swings the Master Sword twice and then twirls it behind him before sheathing it.

Taunt 2 (Side) – Link takes out a home cooked meal and scarfs it down, before patting his stomach with glee.

Taunt 3 (Down) – Link picks up a rock and a Korok appears and cheers Link on before Link drops the rock behind him and the Korok disappears.



Defeat Pose- Link humbly claps for the winner with a stern look on his face.

Victory Pose 1- Link’s classic victory pose, Link swings the Master Sword three times and looks to his right.

Victory Pose 2- Link paraglides onto the victory screen, once he lands, he comes to a sliding stop, takes out his bow and arrow, and aims it at the camera.

Victory Pose 3- Link is seen at a cooking pot as he hums a tune while food cooks. As the announcer says “LINK” the dish finishes up with a triumphant jingle. Link celebrates and looks on at the food excitedly!



Alternate Costumes-------------------------------------------

Champion’s Leathers (Comes with Hylian Hood)

Tunic of Memories

Tunic of the Wild

Archaic Set

Zora Armor

Dessert Voe

Glide Set

Zonaite Set



Kirby Hat- Kirby gets a copy of Link’s Hylian Hood along with the copy ability (Fused) Bow. If Link has any items fused to his bow when Kirby copies him, Kirby gets a copy of that fused bow as well.


ECHO FIGHTER---------------------------------------


Punch Out Stage Name-----------------------

“Hero of the Calamity”


Classic Mode---------------------------------

“Above and Below” a reference to Link’s journey into the skies and into the depths, each fight references a battle Link faces in either the Sky map or the Depths map of Tears of the Kingdom.


Round 1: Inkling (Reference to Mucktorok)

Round 2: Metal Bayonetta (Reference to Marbled Gohma)

Round 3: Giant Olimar and x3 smaller Alphs (Reference to Queen Gibdo)

Round 4: Giant Meta Knight (Reference to Colgera)

Round 5: Giant Ridley and x2 Smaller Ridleys (Reference to King Gleeok)

Round 6: x4 Ganondorf (Reference to Phantom Ganon)

Boss Fight: Ganon



Spirits Associated with Tears of the Kingdom----------------------------------------------

Link (Tears of the Kingdom)

Zelda (Tears of the Kingdom)

Ganondorf (Tears of the Kingdom)

King Rauru

Queen Sonia









The Depths: A moving stage, Link’s Tears of the Kingdom stage takes fighters below Hyrule into the deadly depths! Similar to how the Skyward Sword stage works, the platform (which has a Zonai aesthetic) carries opponents to different locations of the depths. Each having different backgrounds, platforms, and sometimes threats. The Depths travels in this order:

    -        Depths Field: The first location is a wide-open area with a small monster building to the left of the stage that can be used as a platform. In the background you may see gloom enhanced bokoblins chipping away at glow stones, stalkoblins riding stalhorses, a gloom lynel stalking around and occasionally staring at the fight, aerocuda flying high, little frox wandering near the fighters, and even a frox stomping in the background looking for a meal.

    -        Light Root: The smallest of the locations, the bright light root in the background lights up the battleground with no hazards.

    -        Yiga Hideout: Three massive pillars high above the ground hold Yiga Clan hideout houses. While there are platforms to fight on, there also is a massive pit under them that opponents can be KO’ed if they fall in. Yiga Clan soldiers will occasionally fly around with Zonai vehicles, and you can jump on their flying devices for a moving platform.

    -        Zonai Temple: A wide area with the mighty Zonai Construct Temple in the background. Several Steward Constructs watch the fight, and will occasionally craft items and toss them onto the stage for use.

    -        Gloom Depths: The last location before circling around, and the deadliest. Beneath Hyrule Castle is the gloom depths. In this wide area all over the ground are massive puddles of gloom. Standing in the gloom will slowly deal DMG to anyone touching the gloom. Along with that, Gloom Hands will also show up and chase down fighters, grabbing them (animation grab just like if they were grabbed by a fighter) and dealing a string of DMG before throwing them. Gloom Hands will stay around until the stage changes locations, but you can defeat the Gloom Hands. If Gloom Hands are defeated, they will temporarily transform into Phantom Ganon who will look at the fight menacingly before dissipating in a puddle of gloom.


Mii Fighter Costumes---------------------------------------------------------

Ancient Hero Mask- Any

Ancient Hero Armor- Mii Swordfighter

Mystic Headpiece- Any

Mystic Armor- Mii Swordfighter/Brawler


FUSE NOTES ----------------------------------------------

Here are some specific item and projectile fusions, and how they work with the sword fusion and bow fusion.

NON FUSABLE ITEMS: Smash Ball, Dragoon Pieces, Daybreak Pieces, Non-Deflectable Projectiles (Like Sephiroth’s Gigaflare), Projectiles that Villager/Isabelle Cannot Pocket, Assist Trophy, Pokéballs, Sandbag, Cuccoo, and a few others.

TRANSFORMATION ITEMS: Bunny hood, metal box, etc. Fusing any of these will simply apply them to Link.

HEALING ITEMS: If fused to the MASTER SWORD, the next attack deals the same DMG but heals Link whatever the healing item would have done. If fused to BOW, it will heal anyone the arrow hits.

BOMBER/BLAST BOX/EXPLODING ITEMS AND PROJECTILES: If fused to the MASTER SWORD, attacks will cause an explosion that also will harm Link. If fused to the BOW, the arrow will become a bomb arrow.

WARP STAR/FIRE WEAPONS/PROJECTILES (Hot Head, Fire Flower, etc.): If fused to the MASTER SWORD, the attacks will gain a fire effect to them. If fused to the BOW, the arrow becomes a fire arrow.

HOMERUN BAT/HAMMER/GOLDEN HAMMER: If fused to the MASTER SWORD, Link only has one hit before the fusion goes away, but it will deal massive DMG and knockback equal to the Golden Hammer item. If fused to the BOW, the next arrow will deal high DMG and knockback.

BEAM SWORD/KILLING EDGE/ANY SWORD-LIKE ITEM: If fused to the MASTER SWORD it will increase the range of the Master Sword greatly. If fused to the BOW, the next arrow will deal extra piercing DMG.

GUST BELLOWS/BUMPER/WATER PROJECTILES: If fused to the MASTER SWORD, sword attacks will deal additional pushback. If fused to the BOW, the next arrow will deal high pushback.

RAY GUN/BLASTER PROJECTILES/ANY GUN-LIKE PROJECTILE: If fused to the MASTER SWORD, sword attacks will now fire the beam of energy that Link fires when at full health. If fused to the BOW, the next arrow will deal paralyzing DMG.

ICE PROJECTILES/ITEMS: If fused to the MASTER SWORD, sword attacks gain ice effect/DMG. If fused to the BOW, the next arrow will freeze an opponent.

BLUNT ITEMS (Capsule, Green Shell, etc.)/BLUNT PROJECTILES (Peanut Popgun, Egg Shot, Etc.): If fused to the MASTER SWORD, Link gains a boost in DMG. If fused to the BOW, the next arrow gains a boost in DMG.

EVERY OTHER ITEM: Most items like the black hole, pitfall, ramblin’ mushroom, etc would all basically apply however those items work to Link’s MASTER SWORD or BOW attacks for a single hit or two.


I could go on and on for fusion, but you get the idea. Most projectiles and items would create unique fusion opportunities for Link to experiment with!


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