I-MAGE-D — C-D : Giovanni R Jaspar by-nc-nd

#anthro #gijinka #kalos #pokemon #rpgroup #yveltal #circusdarkrai
Published: 2016-03-10 03:09:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 4781; Favourites: 45; Downloads: 0
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RP Status | Ask Jaspar | Heart Chart

G E N E R A LName : Giovanni Raphael Jaspar
Age : 35
Birthday : January 22nd - Aquarius
Gender : Male
Species : #717 - Yveltal
Height : 5'7"
Weight : 200 lbs.
Orientation : Aromantic Asexual
Reference : (TBA)

Likes : Nail filers, Control over situations, (Most) mobsters, Weapons, Talking business, Fine red wine, Gemstones
Dislikes : 
Law enforcement officers, Doctors, Honey, Flowers,  Brainless brutes, Fairytales, Improper behavior, Electricity

J O BKnife Thrower
Jaspar’s quick reflexes and incredible accuracy come from years upon years of practice. For his act, what he does is very simple – it’s how he does it that makes the show one worth watching. He's worked with some of his blades for a majority of his life. The ones he had prior to his employment came concealed on his person upon entry - even in old age, the man never went anywhere feeling unprepared for whatever trouble may come his way. Now, he uses his weapons for entertainment, aiming for small targets he has scattered around the Big Top, away from spectators, but within their sights. He can throw knives with his clawed feet, his tail, over his shoulder, in midair, and so on, no moveset necessary - though it does add some flair. It’s really quite nice to be appreciated on a big stage like the one the Big Top provides.

W I S H "Ah, what I wouldn’t give to go back to the golden days of my youth.”
He hadn’t meant for it to be taken seriously, really. He was just thinking aloud – old people do that, it’s just how things work for them. Only, after Jaspar’s wish was made, that excuse was no longer applicable; he wasn’t an old man anymore. No, upon further inspection, he found that he had been returned to the days of his prime. His skin was smooth, his markings weren’t graying, he no longer looked like the haunted old man he once had been. This was a miracle for him, of course, but nothing in this world is free. For his magic work, the Ringmaster Mr. Dark offered a deal. Jaspar could remain this way – his young self – for as long as he worked for the Darkrai. With no other job offers, and his own business lying six feet under, Jaspar would have been a fool not to accept. That’s what he thinks, at least. The Yveltal never discovered the effects of his backfire, and still has not. However, it’s only a matter of time…
● If Giovanni were to leave the circus without any intent to return, he will begin to become younger
● The reverse aging process would start at a moderate pace, but begin to speed up. His body will begin to become smaller and he will eventually become unable to physically care for himself - though his mind will remain of his normal age. As someone who prefers being in control of himself, this change will not fair well for his mental state. Obviously, he will perish without aid since he would be reduced to a mere infant
● As an added result of his wish, Giovanni would go back to the days of his youth - in his mind, recalling the traumatic events that shaped him into who he is today
● He would die one way or another - as an endgame, an egg shell would form around his body, and he would never hatch from it. Eventually the egg would disappear entirely, leaving Gio as only a memory. This will only occur after Jaspar has been out of the circus for a full day.


Giovanni Jaspar is strongly under the impression that he is a humanitarian through and through. He certainly likes people, and is willing to stand and support those whom he deems need it the most, until they need it no longer. He is a very capable and sympathetic man, and will go out of his way to help others if the situation calls for it. There have been many occasions where he had saved a soul on the street from starvation, or given up some of his private property to house someone who didn’t have access to shelter.

Despite being stereotypically perceived as a bringer of death and destruction, Jaspar is very well-mannered and as charming as a man of his caliber can be. He’s well-read, well-bred, and overall just a pleasant person to talk to so long as you stay in your lane. He’s surprisingly loyal despite his criminal background, and he is very gentle with whatever he considers to be of importance to him. He is very flexible with his social reaches, but ensures that he maintains his control over the situations he finds himself in - or at least, that's what he deludes himself with. He works for Dark with the utmost loyalty because he himself chooses to do so, as far as he’s concerned, thus providing that he is able to fool himself into believing that he has any reign on his current predicament. To him, loyalty is the best way to repay someone, as he has displayed with his previous master and his new one. So long as he has his freedom of choice, he remains fairly content. He is a man who will do whatever he deems is necessary to make things right, no matter what the case may be. Though his methods are questionable at best, just like his ideas of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, this is a man who truly does mean well. He likes people, he really does, and people who don't know him too well tend to like him back. People of questionable character also seem to enjoy his company - usually.

There are two sides to every coin though - and he’s not sweets and spice and everything nice by any means. Jaspar is known to be incredibly aggressive towards those who threaten what he believes is his, be it an object…or a person. He prefers to look at the big picture, as sometimes, the details aren’t what he wants to see, even though they contribute to the overall context of the situation he finds himself in. His idea is to get to the goal, and he doesn’t care what path takes him there. He is determined to do things his way, and would rather plant his own knife firmly up his butt than do something he really doesn’t want to do - he must always feel like he is in control, even if that means he has to fool himself into thinking his freedom of choice has any impact on the relationship between him and his new boss.

From his worst angle, Jaspar shows the traits of a man whom it would be wise to avoid. He lacks the traditional sense of morality, and would rather do what he does because he believes he will help than assess the situation and ask himself what Arceus would do. He’s incredibly stubborn, and so it’s difficult to change his mind on a view he has. Giovanni feels no shame, remorse, nor guilt for his past business ventures whatsoever. Trying to reason with him will get you nowhere. He does what is right, as far as he's concerned, and to him, you have no right to judge what you do not understand. Thanks to his skewed sense of moral reasoning, this makes his relationship with his superiors a little easier and his relationship with his colleagues a little more strained than normal. If put in a position where he feels threatened, Jaspar likes to act first and asks questions later. You do not touch him, you do not get in his face, you do not touch his stuff, etcetera. He has little patience for those who he finds to be of undesirable company, and will impulsively lash out if any lines he has are crossed - however, within the circus, he has more restraint than he would otherwise, given that he doesn’t want to overstep a boundary with his miracle-worker of a Ringmaster. Instead, it is likely that he will hold grudges and have a few choice words for his unwelcome company. This applies especially to the things he considers to be his – Jaspar will often neglect his personal safety to protect his things, whether he is called to physically defend them, or speak on their behalf when action is not an option. He’s possessive to the point where he gets twitchy if he doesn’t know exactly where his prized possessions are. He will constantly check in on his belongings to ensure they were as he left them – and if they aren’t, there will be hell to pay. This Yveltal does not forget the wrongs done against him, and though it may not be the initial thought people may have of him, Jaspar is honestly a dangerous man. A wise soul would stay very far away from him.

Hometown : Goldenrod City, Johto
Family : None
Pets : None

Giovanni has no parents, nor grandparents, siblings, cousins, or anything of the like. He never has, as far as he is concerned; his mother was young when he was born, and wasn’t through living her own life. Caring for a son born out of wedlock was not on her bucket list. After being left on the doorstep of a local orphanage and taken in by a stranger, Giovanni grew up with only one person of relative importance in his life – his master.

Raphael Serenetti had no children, and his wife lay six feet under. As a notorious arms dealer, having a family of any sorts was risky business all its own, since competitors in the market would often sign a couple of thugs to send a threatening message to one another. So, what was the next best thing? A servant, of course. Raphael would need help with his business when he grew older, and not just any random bloke of the street would do. They had to be carefully taught – the cleaner the slate, the better. He hadn’t necessarily intended on taking a child in, but help comes in many forms. Passing by the run down city orphanage, the odd cries of a child caught his attention, and upon its steps lay a sight he didn’t expect to see. Horned, with red skin and black markings, the child was of legendary species which Raphael had seen only a few times before. He knew of the fear Yveltals had a tendency to impose in others - and if this child grew up under his control, he had the ability to strike that fear into his competition and perhaps scare them out of business. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for – and he took it.

Raphael did not raise the child himself – he had other business to attend to while he was still youthful and able. Hired help was necessary, and he selected nannies carefully, so as not to disrupt his plans. He had enough money to keep people quiet and ensure that the boy grew up knowing that Raphael was the only reason he had the life he did. The weapons tycoon was not his father – he was a teacher, a commander, and all that a master should be. The boy, whom Raphael had named Giovanni, became older soon enough, and when he was mature enough to comprehend the circumstances, Raphael began working with him personally. Giovanni knew never to speak out of turn, never to disobey, and overall – he was to be exactly as Raphael asked him. He was given a roof over his head and all the sustenance he could have asked for. His life was good – even if he was a slave. He thought nothing of it. He hadn’t ever known a different life.

Giovanni grew older, and entered into the world of business under his master’s guidance before he even turned twenty. Regardless, he was of great use to Raphael – with the Yveltal, it was rare that he did not get a deal that he wanted, and the dirty work was done easily. Giovanni learned of the importance of business economics and politics, and Raphael molded his mind to ensure that they were friendly, but not friends. There was always the line of professionalism between them, even when they weren’t making deals and connections in the criminal underworld. Bonding time was kept to a game of darts every now and then, and over the years they would engage in friendly competition as Giovanni got better and better. Darts would be swapped for bullets and sometimes kitchen knives, which made it more fun for the men – but that’s as far as it went.

Unfortunately, though Giovanni was okay living this sort of lifestyle, the general public had other thoughts. A ‘mon in police custody snitched, telling the authorities whom he got his weapon of choice from for armed robbery. Police searched Raphael’s living space lawfully, and stumbled across not only traces of black market goods, but the Yveltal that had been described to them as well. Giovanni was confused by the accusations thrown at his master, as he did not see the problem. The Yveltal was not abused, nor mistreated. He was only ever punished if he make a mistake, and that was warranted, as far as he was concerned. Others had different perceptions though, and before Giovanni could do anything, his master was taken to court, tried for his crimes against humanity…and sentenced to death. Giovanni cried out for mercy on behalf of his master, but was brushed aside as simply not knowing any better. He received support he didn’t ask for, and sympathy he didn’t need. When his master was killed, Giovanni found himself alone with a business that had been halted completely. He was angry – enraged at his situation and at those who ripped his life away from him.

The good thing was that Giovanni was left with most of Raphael’s estate, given that the two had devised fail-safes from legal documents and bank accounts in order to ensure that their wealth never fell under government control – and there was quite a bit for the Yveltal to acquire. What to do with it though? He knew the eyes of the criminal underworld were on him, waiting to see what he would do. He could try to revive the business, but the law enforcement made it difficult with their high alerts. Competition was another problem. For a while, Giovanni went under the radar – but then, plans changed. Walking through the tunnels of the City that he knew so well, Giovanni came across another ‘mon, hungry and begging to the side. Poor soul – they didn’t deserve this. If the public cared about their own as much as they claimed to, they wouldn’t allow one of their own to become like this. It wouldn’t be inaccurate to say that Giovanni saw a reflection of himself in the broken soul he encountered - abandoned, cast aside by society without remorse and left to struggle to survive somehow. With that thought, an idea came to mind – his master had given him a chance at life. Now, he could do the same to others. He wanted to be like Raphael, and given that he thought so highly of the man who saved him...he wanted someone to feel that way about him. He wanted to save people like Raphael had done for him. Maybe then, he would honor his master’s memory and find a new purpose in life.

Giovanni’s business swung from weapons to a new target – other ‘mons. He would take them in and provide for them as long as they needed. He felt great doing this – he was giving these people another shot at life. However, he couldn’t risk losing too much money, or else his funds would be diminished to nothing. So…the same people he helped, helped him in return by fetching a profit. Giovanni saw nothing wrong with this – he selected the buyers carefully and ensured that his “children” as he called them were well taken care of before they went elsewhere. Pokemon trafficking became his business, and the crime lords he knew quickly learned of his work. Some even bought from him to gain wives or grunts for their own purposes. Giovanni kept his connections and his wealth and power grew. He ensured that he would not make the same mistake as his master had, and was never caught red handed by staying well away from the watchful eyes of authorities. The ‘mons he came for knew to keep quiet too – they repaid him for his help as he asked them to in this manner. The Yveltal of course had favorites, and would flaunt some of his “children” to his associates as a display of his reach. After all, only a business man of great power could call another legendary or a shiny ‘mon their servant, right?

Yet, as Giovanni became older, he found it more difficult to do all the work by himself. He considered taking one of his “children” as an apprentice of sorts, like how he had been taught by his own master, but it was too late. Someone snitched, and a police warrant led to the discovery of Giovanni’s less-than-legal activities. He was immediately arrested and put on trial – and though he was charged, the people remembered him. He was Raphael’s slave – and now he had enslaved others. It was odd to them, but they agreed with Giovanni’s lawyer, who pleaded insanity without contest. Jaspar was forced to go to the city’s Asylum, where he was treated for a form of psychosis. Yet, he believed that he was right to do as he had, so the treatments only got worse. The worst of them was electrical shock therapy – Giovanni never knew pain like that, and it got to the point where he memorized appointment times to try and dodge them somehow. The stress made him age faster, and his body tried to sustain itself by stealing the life from others, forcing the Yveltal into solitary confinement. He wanted to escape – but how? He would regurgitate the words the doctors wanted him to, the ones that had been preached to him before. He took the ineffective pills, nodded and smiled, and reacted as the staff wanted him to, but the Yveltal wasn't able to go free. He had visitors who had read of his trial in the papers - even a past slave of his who had her own family by then - but she could do nothing for him, nor could anyone else. Giovanni began to cling to his ex-slave, as her visits kept him together.

Thankfully, it did not go on forever. A fire in the building led to the destruction many important documents, including Gio's information. As a result of the incident, the government cut funds to the ward, and Giovanni was saved by the ex-slave girl, who claimed him as her family and assured authorities that she would care for him when the ward closed. Giovanni rewarded her for her loyalty, but dared not stay in her home for too long. It made him uneasy, as many things did by then. By the time he managed to go out on his own again, Giovanni was an old man. He couldn’t go back to his former lifestyle, it was too risky. He found himself bored, feeling angry and overall miserable. He tried anything to distract himself – even going to a circus that had come to town one weekend. It was lovely, but it wasn’t what he wanted.

That was the initial thought at least. When Giovanni ran into the Ringmaster, things changed. Pleasantries were exchanged and small talk seemed appropriate, but then the topic switched from the circus to something else. A wish. Why a wish? Was this just a carnie thing? Giovanni thought so, and brushed it off as such. However, the Darkrai made it clear that it was no joke – by turning Giovanni’s words into reality. One moment he was wishing for his youth back, the next moment…he had it. He was no longer the older gentleman he had once been – he had been restored. It was only after the shock wore off that Giovanni responded, offering the Darkrai anything in return for the miracle. Thus, the two made a deal - Giovanni would remain young if he worked for the Darkrai. Needless to say, the Yveltal is going to remain young for a long time to come.

Type(s) : Dark / Flying
Strength(s) : Ghost, Grass, Dark (1/2x) - Ground, Psychic (0x)
Weakness(es) : Rock, Electric, Ice, Fairy (2x)

Ability : Dark Aura - Increases the damage dealt by Dark-Type attacks by a third for all Pokemon engaged in battle

[ NORMAL ] || Disable - Giovanni disables the last move made by his opponent for a time.
[ NORMAL ] || Protect - The TM17 was purchased years ago in Goldenrod as a means to cover for Giovanni's lower defensive stats. He raises a hand and creates a barrier of energy that can stop most moves from doing any damage.
[ FLYING ] || Oblivion Wing- Giovanni lashes out, and takes on 75% of the health lost by the opponent.
[ PSYCHIC ] || Psychic - Giovanni throws people, chokes people, and causes all sorts of damage with this telekinetic move. It is his most versatile attack.
Protect does not work on all moves, and can be broken through under certain conditions. Psychic does not work directly on Dark-Types

E X T R AVoice : Sam Witwer | Darth Maul (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
Personality Type : INTJ - "The Architect"
Alignment : Chaotic Good
●  He has the ability to sense the life force of others due to his biology – he knows if someone is sharing a space with him, and he can also provide a decent estimate as to how high the chances of survival are for an injured or ill ‘mon – it’s how he managed business all his life, and it is a trained skill. He knows who is worth his time and attention, given that he has worked with many a 'mon over the years.This doesn't mean he knows exactly where you are though.
● Giovanni was never taught a Dark-Type move. His master, Raphael, was a Mega Alakazam, and knew better than to allow his slave to learn a move that could cause the man problems later on should the Yveltal have stepped out of line. Giovanni doesn't even understand the extent to which his ability helps his fellow Dark-Types.
● He has no faith in traditional doctors and will respond violently if approached by one. The Ward taught him that those people did not help – they were merely another cause of pain that could talk
● Giovanni took on his master's name as his own middle name. It is a constant reminder for him to do with his life as his master would have wanted him to. Raphael was the only reason he lived to begin with, after all
● He prefers to be called Jaspar. His first name is something people are rarely told, and he likes keeping it that way for security reasons. Force of habit.
● He owns a dagger that his master used to carry on him at all times. Giovanni now does the same, and even uses it in his show – it is always the last knife he throws.
● Startling or angering the man in some way will sometimes merit a bird-like screech. He also does this for intimidation and distraction purposes. Being a creature with draconian traits as well, this screech can be swapped out for a roar.
● He is capable of flight, and appears to hover more than he does flap in the air.
● His natural life-draining abilities are nulled by Mr. Dark's own abilities when inside the circus. Once he leaves, he is more than capable of sapping the life out of someone - but it won't help him restore his own energy by any significant amount due to the nature of his backfire, so it's virtually worthless to him unless he for some reason decides that Johnny was asking to die-

Giovanni Jaspar © Zap-Zap-Forever
© Nintend

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Comments: 39

CytheBeast [2016-05-05 14:06:43 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

I-MAGE-D In reply to CytheBeast [2016-05-06 01:39:58 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LumenBlurb [2016-05-05 08:35:48 +0000 UTC]


Oooooh, I bet he is a good gentlemon with the ladies?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

I-MAGE-D In reply to LumenBlurb [2016-05-06 01:41:05 +0000 UTC]

He is a very pretty bird yes-

Well, if you mean he enslaved ladies too along with men, yeah. Total gentlemon~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LumenBlurb In reply to I-MAGE-D [2016-05-06 03:19:37 +0000 UTC]

Oh my gosh.

Well, he will be a interesting character to see. I wonder if my bird will like this guy. But first, waiting for the critiques/recommendations to happen like the rest of us potential new members of the circus of darkness.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RainbowDashieMLPFan [2016-05-05 06:07:46 +0000 UTC]

YAS  this hunk got in ewe congrats

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

I-MAGE-D In reply to RainbowDashieMLPFan [2016-05-06 01:41:27 +0000 UTC]

YAAA AA AA S SSS thank u~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RainbowDashieMLPFan In reply to I-MAGE-D [2016-05-06 06:16:24 +0000 UTC]

NP I wanna stroke his chin

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DarkDreamingBlossom [2016-05-05 05:03:40 +0000 UTC]

The Birb!!! He's here!!! >w< Congrats Zap!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

I-MAGE-D In reply to DarkDreamingBlossom [2016-05-05 05:07:03 +0000 UTC]

thank yooooouuuuu omygoddd d dd! !!! !!~<3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

KingQuackin [2016-05-05 04:31:38 +0000 UTC]

Congratz on getting him in Zap~!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

I-MAGE-D In reply to KingQuackin [2016-05-05 05:07:14 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

HalloweenPanda [2016-05-05 04:29:33 +0000 UTC]

The death birb cometh! Yay he got in! now go raise some hell.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

I-MAGE-D In reply to HalloweenPanda [2016-05-05 05:08:24 +0000 UTC]

thank yoooouuu!!! He is staying true to his death birb nature, hell is where he's at and he's gonna make it gRE AT 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

HalloweenPanda [2016-03-23 18:19:44 +0000 UTC]

hunka hunka burning death bird right here folks. Lord I love this design and his personality. His lack of empathy of the normalcy of right and wrong, so cooooool!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

I-MAGE-D In reply to HalloweenPanda [2016-03-24 01:53:21 +0000 UTC]

ahhhahhaAHAHHHHH THANK U I spent a while trying to make his face something I can work with. And I rlly love the....morally gray characters

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HalloweenPanda In reply to I-MAGE-D [2016-03-24 05:17:41 +0000 UTC]

let's be honest, everyone wants to be a little morally gray //wink

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

qnerdi [2016-03-10 15:53:23 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

I-MAGE-D In reply to qnerdi [2016-03-11 02:53:49 +0000 UTC]

or maybe thats Mallory-

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

qnerdi In reply to I-MAGE-D [2016-03-11 03:33:42 +0000 UTC]

o mg

h he's my problematic fave-

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

I-MAGE-D In reply to qnerdi [2016-03-11 21:57:02 +0000 UTC]

and you're his fave
//winK WIN K
fl e e to the safety of someplace that isnt near him

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

1558 [2016-03-10 12:28:07 +0000 UTC]

im gonna touch that gold n turn into gold myself MIDAS, IS THAT YOU,

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

I-MAGE-D In reply to 1558 [2016-03-11 02:54:25 +0000 UTC]

y yE S
smol nana u will become a golden beacon of a banana yet-

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Derekari [2016-03-10 12:04:54 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

I-MAGE-D In reply to Derekari [2016-03-11 02:59:45 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RainbowDashieMLPFan [2016-03-10 09:45:34 +0000 UTC]

so much badass with a badass name and badass chest fluff 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

I-MAGE-D In reply to RainbowDashieMLPFan [2016-03-11 03:00:03 +0000 UTC]

ahaHAH thank yoooou!~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RainbowDashieMLPFan In reply to I-MAGE-D [2016-03-11 03:08:43 +0000 UTC]

no poblem

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Melodious-X [2016-03-10 06:09:58 +0000 UTC]

Lookit this bae

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

I-MAGE-D In reply to Melodious-X [2016-03-11 03:00:22 +0000 UTC]

the bae looks back at u-

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Melodious-X In reply to I-MAGE-D [2016-03-12 12:18:59 +0000 UTC]

S-Senpai noticed me

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DarkDreamingBlossom [2016-03-10 04:35:14 +0000 UTC]

oh maiiii He's such an amazing birb OwO

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

I-MAGE-D In reply to DarkDreamingBlossom [2016-03-11 03:01:02 +0000 UTC]

Thank yooouuuu!!~ He is my problematic fave tbh >w>

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

EomLotanis [2016-03-10 03:47:55 +0000 UTC]

what a lovely looking birb of death

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

I-MAGE-D In reply to EomLotanis [2016-03-11 03:01:20 +0000 UTC]

YA A AAA A S S SSS S thank you!~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EomLotanis In reply to I-MAGE-D [2016-03-11 03:05:16 +0000 UTC]

heh welcome would certainly be interesting if he joined

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

I-MAGE-D In reply to EomLotanis [2016-03-11 21:57:17 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

The9Tard [2016-03-10 03:17:14 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

I-MAGE-D In reply to The9Tard [2016-03-11 03:01:34 +0000 UTC]


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