"Let me guess, Visorak?"
"Yeah. Or in their tongue, The Stealers of Life."
"Do they even have tongues? All I see are teeth!"
Visorak Sounds:…
Sidorak, one of the best backstabbers and stealers of credit in the Brotherhood of Makuta. So sure of himself, believing he could marry Roodaka after claiming it was his idea to mutate the Toa Hagah into the "Rahaga" when it was, in fact, hers. But he found out the hard way, she did not care for him at all.
I really like Sidorak. It's not often you see villains who, sure they may have some of the villain qualifications like being power hungry, willing to betray any and everyone to rise to the top of the heap, but they just lack that certain "thing" that'd complete the package. He is stronger than a Toa, but he isn't that strong, and has the aim of a Stormtrooper. And if you're say.... a possible mystical Rahi that may or may not exist... odds are you can crush him to death so bad, the impact on his body means he can't be revived on The Red Star.
That happened, btw. Keetongu kicked his ass so hard, he prevented Sidorak's revival.
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