iftheyaskiwasnthere — DW: Audric Rameses

Published: 2011-08-03 12:25:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 2513; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 17
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Description (I haven't shaded the rookie form much yet, and I kinda rushed the In-training form, but that is kinda it for now. I was going to draw Audric with Scarabmon on his head in the same style as I drew Ankhmon, but after I drew what was supposed to simply be the outline for his hair and eyes, I just felt like doing that rough, sketchy, angular style you see him in. that and time was running out on the deadline XD)

Name: Audric Dartagnan Rameses
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Digivice: Sega Game Gear
Digital Shard: Hope
Height: 6'1"
Nationality: Luxembourg...ian (Yes, he has a tan. No, it is not genetic. He just really likes being outdoors)

About: Forever a W.I.P.

Audric is silent, but by no means solitary. He enjoys being around people very much, even if he doesn't really show it. While he can enjoy a good book in his room, he prefers to read it in a park of cafeteria where he can be surrounded by people. He often walks over to conversations and just listens in without comment. He hasn't gotten good at that whole "expressing emotion" thing yet. But he is trying.
After so much time spent in the dorms, Audric has started to loosen up. He is laid-back and easy-going, but he doesn't like being talked down to or bossed around. He can be serious when the need be, and can flash from warm to cold in the drop of a hat. He likes smiling, though it doesn't always mean he is happy.

Audric greatly enjoys playing music and drawing artwork, but he is much more talented in the former than the later. When he isn't reading a book, listening to a crowd, or lounging with Scarabmon, he can often be found studying foreign languaes and history. But aside from THAT he enjoys training in the digital world, practicing his harp in the Lune gardens, or just wandering around the dorms, looking for people to bump into and strike up a conversation with.


Audric never expected to live anything other than a normal life. He was an only child living with his two, loving parents. His father, Jean Tayce, was a local police officer and his mother, Nadine Rameses, was a college professor. He grew up happy and well cared for. His parents were the sort of people who believed that if he wanted money, he should find a job, but he never complained or felt the need to find one. He didn't need material wealth when he had his two caring parents.

It was 4 years ago when Audric Dartagnan Tayce's life was stolen away from him. He was just entering high-school, a little freshman who had yet to have the growth-spurt that would would give him the height he has today. His parents had opted to send him to the high-school/college prep school that was an offshoot of the college his mother worked at. This allowed Audric to simply go to his mother's classroom once his classes were over and wait for her to finish her classes before driving him home. Since he didn't have the money to buy anything electronic and he had trouble concentrating on books over the sound of his mother's lectures, while he was waiting for her classes to end, she would let him play her first and only game system she ever owned, an original Sega Game Gear.

Nadine taught Language Studies. All her students loved her. She was strict about her work, but always had a bright and humerous personality that endeared her students to her. She knew English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Swahili, and was even delving into learning Ancient Mayan, Hieroglyphs, and Cuneiform. Most of the stuff was over Audric's head, and he didn't pay attention very often, but when Audric got so frustrated he quit playing, or just didn't feel like playing something, he would listen to his mother teach the various languages she knew. He was particularly interested in Japanese, as he viewed Japan as a hot spot for all the technology he never knew, and Ancient Hieroglyphs, because he always thought it to be a very artistic language and was always very interested in the creators of the great pyramids and rulers of an empire that lasted for 15 times longer than is country has even existed.

Nadine, being the worrywart mother she was, would always baby Audric in front of her college students, much to his dismay. He complained about it over and over until his mother told him that for his 14th birthday she would finally "Treat him as an adult, but don't expect any other present from me. It's hard enough making myself stop worrying about you without cutting into my paycheck."

It rained the day his mother was taken from him. It was the day before his 14th birthday. It changed his life forever.

It seemed like another normal day. Midterms had just ended for the college students and Nadine felt like they needed a pick-me-up after theirs grueling ordeal. So...
[link] (This portion of our story has been moved out of the author comments so as to save space)
The student shooters committed suicide before they could be arrested, taking their lives as they had taken so many others.

Life in the Tayce family was never the same. Jean blamed himself for not being there in time to save his wife and sank into a state of grief and rage. He was kicked from the police force for repeated accounts of excessive force during duty. He tried to find work many other places, but was fired every time for swearing, offensive gestures, or violence. The duty of providing for the family fell upon Audric.

While his father sank into the depths emotion, Audric faded away into the void of nothingness. He was seen sitting in corners with his Game Gear either repeatedly flicking it on and off, or just staring at it's blank screen. His friends said that when he was around them he would just listen to them talk with a melancholy smile, as if he was privilege to some knowledge they didn't know and was depressed by. Once a week, he would slip into the college and stare at the stain in the carpet left by his mother's passing. He found employment at a convenience store and while he was a good worker, he never spoke aside from to ask a customer for payment. He was given a raise for silently staring down an armed robber without twitching so much as once until the man became so freaked out he fled the store.

Before long, Audric's life fell into a familiar routine. Audric would ride his bike to school while his father was passed out in some random portion of the house. He would diligently work at his foreign language and history classes, and stare out the window during his other lessons. After school, he would ride straight back home. If yesterday was his pay day, he would go and pick up more batteries for his handheld. Upon arriving home he and his father would ignore each other while Audric completed his homework. Then Audric would come up from the basement and prepare dinner. When he was done his father would ask if yesterday was his pay day. If it was, Audric would silently hand his father his new found beer money. The two would eat in separate rooms and go to sleep.

The first step in Audric's rejuvenation came at the very beginning of his second year of high-school. By now all his friends had left him, not that he minded. Audric's attention to his studies were broken when he overheard that this year, like every year, the social studies teacher was taking a group of students to a foreign country. This year it had been decided the group would go to Egypt. Having always wanted to go, Audric took up a second job he didn't tell his father about and starting saving up for the trip.

At the end of that school year, the time for the trip finally came around. Audric had earned enough money and vacation days in both jobs to go -- now he just had to tell his father. The night before the trip he informed his father of his intentions. He was beaten, called an ungrateful *censored*, and left to bleed on the floor. Audric lay there until his father started snoring, packed up his stuff, and sat in the school parking lot all night until the bus arrived for the trip. Upon arriving in Egypt his second step to rejuvenation occurred.
"......."I said.
"......."It said.
Repeat multiple times, until
"That is one big bug"
It opened it's.....pincers and said "I'm not a bug! I'm a digimon!"
Eye raised an eyebrow. I think it's the greatest reaction I've had in a year. "That is one big, TALKING bug"
The talking bug seemed to pout "Didn't you hear me mister? I'm a digimon! Di-gi-mon!"
I ignored the little creature's word speak and focused on it's physical appearance. This thing was the length of my forearm and had the proportions of a bratwurst. It was the greyish-pink color everyone attributes to brain matter and segmented like an earthworm with a pair of faceted blue eyes set above the largest pair of pincers I have ever seen. They apparently were not made for speaking as its voice came out like it had been played through one of those cheap distortion machines that cost 20 bucks at a toy store. It had an accent of some sort, but it was indistinguishable through the mangling by the pincers.
Why had this happened to me? I had just been going for a midnight bathroom run when one of my classmate's laptops had suddenly started glowing and spat out a yellow egg. I had stood there staring at it for a minute and was about to leave it so it could be someone else's problem when it had hatched into...this. I'm just glad none of my other classmates are awake, they'd probably flip out and try to smash it with some readily available flat object.
"Let's say I believe you and you are a dodgymon freaky, talking bug" it pouted some more, "Do you have a name?"
It was sulking but reponded "Yeah, my name is Pupaemon." Pupaemon? What kinda name is that?
"Alriiiiiiiiight." I subtly looked around the room for someone I could wake up so they could re-affirm my sanity, "And what brings you here Pupaemon?"
"Your heart called me here"
Right, not a good sign as far as the sanity issue is concerned. I looked back at Pupaemon. My eyebrow rose into my hairline this time. I think my other eye had developed a twitch.
The thing now had a body the size of my head, the shape of a mento, and 4 spindly legs, each joint made of a flexible yellow material, each tipped with a long claw. It's body and legs were various shades of green that encompassed a spectrum best described as "jade". It's back was covered in elytra, but the placement was wrong and seemed more for protection than actual wing coverings. It still had two blue, faceted eyes, but they were now surrounded by honest to god wedjat. And it's...mandibles had somehow grown even larger and were the color of desert sand.
"..."I said
It replied the same
"Pupaemon," I said "what did you just do?"
"I am no longer Pupaemon" GAH "I am now Scarabmon. and I just digivolved." It definitely had an Egyptian accent now, but it sounded like someone had tried to recreate it by rubbing two pieces of jagged steel together. Yeah, larger mandibles definitely do not equal speaking skill.
"Wait" I said, "dij-evolution? Spontaneous form and name change? Obscure references to English words resembling the form in said naming? Oh dear god, you're a..."
It seemed pleased
Back to pouting.
The rest of that night was spent with a long session of Audric asking questions about digimon, Scarabmon answering, and Audric wincing every time Scarabmon says anything, which need not be transcribed here.

Audric was not pleased at Scarabmon's persistence that it was going to stay with him, and Scarabmon was not pleased at Audric's insistence that if it WAS going to stay with him it would have to stay in his backpack and damn well like it. He would not let others see his new talking bug and begin making a fuss. He eventually snuck Scarabmon onto(and back off of) the airplane back home through the clever application of his backpack, the gaps between metal detectors and the nearby wall, the cutting of the straps to hold up four innocent stranger's dresses, and Scarabmon running like hell. If you had asked Audric why he was so determined to get Scarabmon back home, he wouldn't have been able to tell you.

When Audric returned home he took of his backpack and was swiftly met by his fathers "Welcome back" fist. Scarabmon watched his new partner be assaulted without even trying to dodge or fight back from within the confines of the backpack. When Jean was finished, Audric wordlessly picked up his backpack and headed down to the basement, letting Scarabmon out and grabbing his Game Gear before sitting in a corner. Scarabmon just crouched and watched Audric.

After long hours, Scarabmon finally asked "Why didn't you resist?". No answer. 20 minutes passed. "Why didn't you resist?". No answer. Another 20 minutes. Again. And again. And again. "Is that the only question you know?". "Why is that device so special?". 20. "Why did you shut away your emotions?". 20. "Why didn't you leave me behind?". 20. "What do you plan to do now?". 20. "Why didn't you resist?". 20. "Why is that device so special?". 20. "Why did you shut away your emotions?" It was now a cycle. Scarabmon maintained it whenever he and Audric were together and alone for days. "You sound like a broken record" Audric said, scorn now tainting his voice.
Scarabmon's response was to shuffle the order of questions.

Finally, after half the vacation had passed and when Jean was away, It became to much for Audric. "ARE THOSE THE ONLY QUESTIONS YOU KNOW?" Audric screamed. Scarabmon didn't flinch, didn't respond, didn't react until he was sure Audric was listening. "No..." he patiently said, "but they are the only ones I care about." Something broke inside Audric, and his emotions came flooding out and he gave the entire truth to Scarabmon. He had finally found what he hadn't even realized he had been oping for. He had found one willing to endure his void when others had been pushed away, had accepted him for what he had become. And he couldn't hold anything back before such a person.

Scarabmon and Audric slowly grew closer. It was little things: Audric would gaze out the window with Scarabmon beside him, they would have conversations consisting of 10 sentences over an hour, Scarabmon would sit on his head while he played Game Gear. While gradually opening up to Scarabmon, he gradually opened up to others. He now focused in all his classes, not just history and foreign languages. He would sometimes go and join a group having a conversation, even if he only listened. He began to take up music and art, finding that he was quite good at the former and not so much at the later.

His father also noticed, and did not approve. It finally came to a head when Audric didn't give his father his paycheck and instead of taking his father's blow, he dodged it. In a drunken rage his father proclaimed that if Audric "wasn't going to help this house, he could just go and leave it." So he did. He picked up his backpack, walked out the door, and didn't look back.

Audric continued to go to school, having taken his bike when he left, and lived with Scarabmon in the back alleys, relying on Scarabmon's abilities to scare off any would-be muggers. They both made it through the school-year and signed up for that year's trip: Japan. While there he heard of the Sol, Lune, and Astra, and knew that it was the place for him. So during his groups last night in Japan he wrote a goodbye note, slipped out the door, and over to the campus of the Lune where he gained a digital shard of hope and successfully converted his beloved Game Gear into a digivice. He currently lives on campus seeking employment.

Digimon Partner:

Scarabmon and Ankhmon are mostly support based digimon with little offensive capabilities, but as he evolves he slowly changes from a support role to a great warrior who can hold his own in battle.

Camouflage-Changes it's shape and color to blend seamlessly with it's surroundings.

Scarabmon is a protective little digimon. He likes to ride around on Audric's head and scare away those he does not approve of. It takes a while for him to warm up to others, but when he does he becomes protective of them to and if you are with Audric for a long period of time you may find him attempting to perch on your head as well. He is a good listener and has learned not to talk to much as his voice tends to give others headaches.
While its mandibles are not strong enough to do serious damage, Scarabmon are very fast and adept at changing directions quickly making them skilled at evading attacks. They are one of the frailest In-training digimon (which is saying something) so in the wild they rely on ambush tactics, leaping from their hidden burrows and use the momentum of their leaps in attempt death blows. They can even easily take down Rookie digimon with no defensive special abilities this way. When forced to fight in open combat they prefer to swarm enemies with their entire nest and if they are forced to fight one on one they paralyze an enemy with the fear of their Evil Eye and then either escape or go for another deathblow.
Evil Eye-his eye-spots give off an intimidating aura that scares away predators

Ankhmon is a complete turn around from Scarabmon. His voice only possesses a odd buzzing undertone in this form due to the shrinking in the size of his mandibles allowing him to actually talk without fear of harming others. He is an excessive talker, using flamboyantly long words just for the fun of it. He views himself as the support digimon he is and is very willing to listen to others and offer advice however. He is very good at calmly analyzing a situation for whatever length of time necessary and only speaking when he is certain about his answer.
Ankhmon has the same size, build, and average land speed of the Galapagos Tortoise. He has very little offensive capability, but his shell is a thick armor that makes him near impervious to most Rookie attacks and can even weather a good number of Champion attacks. He mainly stays in the back and tries to immobilize enemies through the use of Shifting Sands. His Symbol of Life has too slow a heal to be useful in combat, but is very helpful for prolonged excursions into the digital world, patching up wounds between fights.
Symbol of Life-the Ankh symbol on his back gives off a glow that slowly heals those who touch it
Shifting Sands- Causes a vibration in the earth that turns a portion of ground underneath an enemy into quicksand

Kheprimon, much like Ankhmon, is built like a tank. He is big, heavily armored, and not too fast. He is quite a bit faster now that he has his big legs to walk around on, but he is still far from the fastest out there. But, also like a tank, his blows while slow are very powerful, with slicing blade and crushing club. He is great at absorbing damage and some of his abilities even rely upon that fact, allowing him to keep the fire away from his allies while slowly healing over the duration of the fight.
Rising Sun- A sort of vengeance type attack. Kheprimon swings the ankh in his left hand in a blazing arch, the fire getting hotter, the blow more powerful, and the swing faster, the more hits he has taken from the specific enemy he is aiming at. The hits can be glancing scratches or near fatal hits, but they power up the attack equally. It is number of hits taken, not how much damage the hits did.
Life Tap- Kheprimon twists the loop of the ankh from his right hand after he has successfully embedded it in an enemy. Kheprimon heals damage equal to how much damage it deals to the enemy, dealing more damage over time each time he twists activates the ability.
????-Kheprimon's ultimate move, only done as a last resort.

P.S. I'll TRY to get a picture of Kheprimon up as soon as possible, but we'll see how well that goes.


(Attacks to be released when access to Mega level is granted)

[link] - A first-person story describing Audric's flight from his house with Scarabmon.

P.S. The wedjats (egyptian eyes) are just eye-spots. The blue ares are it's actual eyes.
P.P.S. Where did his right foot go!? Q n Q And he is raising one eyebrow -his left- and while it is visible on SAI, JPG's are too blurry to see it.
P.P.P.S. I've seen lots of people give their OC's theme songs, so here you go- [link]
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Comments: 14

soniku200 [2013-11-30 08:40:38 +0000 UTC]

thats a Sega game gear not a digivice

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Shralen [2012-11-04 02:05:17 +0000 UTC]

OMG you Digivice is a Sega Game Gear this is so old

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

iftheyaskiwasnthere In reply to Shralen [2012-11-04 16:05:31 +0000 UTC]

That was the intention. I wanted to have a person with a really outdated item for their digivice. It seemed... novel.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shralen In reply to iftheyaskiwasnthere [2012-11-04 17:24:07 +0000 UTC]

Yes, but we actuality have that console.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ComedyGangster [2012-06-26 21:20:56 +0000 UTC]

"Oh, dear God... You're a.... Pokemon!" XD LOL I Died laughing!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

iftheyaskiwasnthere In reply to ComedyGangster [2012-06-29 00:21:43 +0000 UTC]

XD I hoped for that sort of reaction. I'm glad you enjoyed it, I put a lot of thought into all of my character's backstories, it makes me happy to see them get a little love.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ComedyGangster In reply to iftheyaskiwasnthere [2012-06-29 02:36:18 +0000 UTC]

Don't we all. Audric is one of my favorite characters in The Digital War, so I love learning about his past.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

iftheyaskiwasnthere In reply to ComedyGangster [2012-06-29 19:17:54 +0000 UTC]

Awwwwwwww, why thank you -^_^- Dan and Makingumon are such fun people, I'd love to RP with you again some time.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ComedyGangster In reply to iftheyaskiwasnthere [2012-06-30 00:00:21 +0000 UTC]

I'm open to notes anytime. My internet is funky so it won't let me into the chatrooms. :/ Just note me sometime. C;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kjelfalconer [2012-06-17 13:38:49 +0000 UTC]

Oh my word, someone else with a support digimon? *dies of shock*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

iftheyaskiwasnthere In reply to Kjelfalconer [2012-06-29 00:20:28 +0000 UTC]

I know! It is a very under-loved niche role that I feel needs to be supported none-the-less! I like how your digimon looks too, very soft and gentle, just like its powers. ^.^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

VelkynKarma [2011-09-23 17:47:33 +0000 UTC]

Nice idea for a digimon. Scarabs are very cool, and there aren't enough bug digimon around, poor guys. No love for Tentomon and his ilk.


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Hobbes918 [2011-08-08 04:37:35 +0000 UTC]

Really nice app. I'm likin' the scarab ^ ^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

iftheyaskiwasnthere In reply to Hobbes918 [2011-08-08 04:46:56 +0000 UTC]

Why thank you! You have a really awesome Digimon as well!

I'm sad I didn't get to participate much in the RP tonight, my internet suddenly won't let me connect D;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0