imaphantomfan — Any Man of Mine

Published: 2015-11-25 01:09:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 6152; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 2
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I wanna hear 'im say "Yeah, yeah, yeah... I like it that way!" - Shania Twain (Any man of mine)

The commented list.

Hi there folks. As you can see, I just uploaded another Top 10 Hottest Animated Guys list. But this one is different. Believe me or not, I was more criterious, even though the final result was almost the same. I'll briefly talk about each one of them, diveded in three main categorie:

 10 to 6 - The "pretty boys" 

  5 to 3 - The "Naïve Hunks"

 2 and 1 - The   "Ladies' men"AKA"I'm sexy, and I know it" type.

To be more clear, I was inspired in a 10 Hottest Animted Chics meme made by another deviantartist. He classified the girls in "Pretty Girls", "Naïve Beauties" and "Femme Fatales". But to be honest, we can use the exact same measurements for males and females. As said by the Nostalgia Chic in "Top 10 Most Attractive Animated Dudes", the girls don't go only for physics attraction, but the whole contexto, that includes a tragic background, mysterious persolanity traits, complexed existence, the "redemption willings". It all means that it's not enough for a guys to be tal, having a handsome face, to be fitted with pecs and abs... If that guys doesn't seem to have much to offer, most woman won't be so interested on him. Of course, I made some limitations in that list to be fair enough:

 First of all, I used a "human only" criteria. That characters should be only either human beings or humanoid creatures. No anthropomophic animals, mecs, aliens or elfs, or any species that don't look perfectly like a person. That's because, obviouly, there's no way to compare the beuty of a person to a obviously "Not-a-person". It's just unfair.

 Second, I tried not to put characters that were proposedly made to be commercially beautiful, such as Disney Princes. They deserve a list of they own. Also because if I put Disney Princes, they would be all over the place, with no chance for the other guys.

 The third aspect is the fact I'll try to be the most criterious and imparcial as possible. That's why I'll show the criteria I used to decide their positions in that list: Cuteness, Attractivity and Carisma. Other things like wealth, powers and abilities, titles or positions in their groups/society won't be considered, even through, in real life most woman considere  the most importante aspects when going out with a guys.

 Pretty boys:
Those or the ones with the highest level of "cuteness", mostly youth looking and baby faces. The attractivity is on médium level to high, they might be fitted, but not too much. The carisma is médium low, most of them or either shy, or doesn't know how to approach a girl, or doesn't know how to do it propely and try too hard, due the most frequenly lacking of experience.
 10 - Justin Hammer (Iron Man Armored Adventure, influented by 7 Rooms)
This is a charcter that I used to hate in the past, but I started liking, specially after realizing how hilarious he is. He is a guy that is too proud of himself, but in deep has no much to offer, being a little selfish and arrogant. But I'm surprised about how na6ive he could be on it. He also consider himself the best with the chics, but in fact he's not, though in a tragicomic way. The reason why he's so low in that list is, despite the fact I like him as a character, I don't feel any attraction. Some might desagree, it goes for what you prefere, but for me he would never go so well, specially how he can act like a douchebag sometimes. Sorry Justin, consider yourself lucky to be in this list to begin with, but there it is. 
 9 - Luke Cage (Marvel's Utimate Spider-Man, also influenced by 7 Rooms)
Luke is the typical nice guy. He is big, a little stout, very intimidating at first, but he's more for a "kind giant" dude. I like how he's loyal to he's friends, and how he's worried about them. I only don't like how overcaring and pessimista he might become in certain situations, and how boring he can also be, however it is part of his personality. I also love his punch lines, he could easily be the next Chris Rock, just don't be so negative Lukey.
 8 - Danny "Puppy-eyes" Rand (Marvel's Utimate Spider-Man, mostly influenced by 7 Rooms)
He's cute! So so sooooooo cuuuuute! How not to fall in love with he's puppy eyes? And he's so shy and quit, almost kind of a "male Fluttershy". And just like Flutter, he loves animals. How not to love someone who adorably loves animals?That's so lovely! He's also hippie and veggie. How not to love someone who love animals so much to the point to not eat them, just because he's so adorable doing this!  Besides, he knows kung fu, and he turns kung fu adorable! Oh, Dannyboy, you're probably the most adorable, the cutest of this list!
 7 - Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)
Jack is a character, like Justin, that didn't hit me at first. When I watched Rise of the Guardian, Pitch Black was the character that got me all the attention, putting Jack in a second plain. This until Frozen ironically came out, and I was driven into the Jelsa fanshipping. Maybe Jack alone is not that interesting, but somehow he and also seems to me nearly perfect somehow. Just the idea of those as a couple, not any relationship itself does intrigue me. And yeah, he's got cute blue eyes. And a really adorable pale white face.
 6 - Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (How to Train Your Dragon, more preciasely on II)
Another character that took a while to me, but once I liked, I crushed really hard. I don't know exactly why, he has sort of the same "animal loving" as Danny, only in his case we really see him interacting with animals. And I love the friendship between him and Toothless, that's just awesome. He is a special case because, in the second movie, I was attonished about how handsome he became. And that level of atractivity blurres him into this plqace, a sort of transitionto the next category, "Naïve Hunks", but since he's still extremally adorable, he remains in this rank, but for close. He proves how animal loving can be so adorable and sexy.

 Naïve Hunks:
Those are the ones with a considerably high level of "attractivity", being mostly full grown man looking, even when young. Their "cuteness" level is much lower than on "Pretty Boys", mostly because they seldom have that "baby face", but some of than have their cuteness more from their adorable way and careless behavor. However, their "carisma" is extramely low, sometimes getting to "antipathy" in some point. Mostly in the "lonely Wolf" type, they most of them have a "bad boy" complexity, but once they make friends, tends to be very loyal, as for woman too.
 5 - Gene "Love-of-my-life" Khan (Iron Man Armored Adventures, as expected, highly influenced by 7 Rooms)
I love you, Gene. I love you so much. Yes, I do. I really do. Gene is probably the one I like the most, I mean THE MOST on that list. I wish I could put him in the first position, but I can't. I have to admit, not matter how I love him so, there are guys that are more handsome than he is. Sorry Gene, but didn't I ever mentioned how I love you yet? Oh, Gene, that name itself alone is enough to make me smile, and how not so? He is posisioned in this place because, just like Hiccup, he remains extremly cute. Look to he's jet black hair, he's unique shaped nose and lips, he's years (that might be too large, I admit), but look at he's cristal pale grayish blue eyes! He's eyes are so... No words to explain, they're just, gosh... You may never noted them behing he's thick glasses, are maybe under his thick brows (yeah, I nicpick him a lot), but hey, those are still very cute unusually colored Asian shaped eyes. And man, he's a unexpectly nice guy. I mean, at first he seems to be kind of a "bad boy", lonely Wolf so far, but once you know him, he's so different of what you may expect. I don't know why, but he's probably the most interesting character on his show. In fact, why wasn't HE the main character instead? Man, he could be the main character of nearly any TV show, and still get popular. Well, besides that, and he's awkwardly charming hipster/dorky style, I have no much to say about Gene. Yeah, boy, I may have placed you in 5, but for my heart, you're Always the number 1! 
 4 - Yusei Fudo (Yu-gi-oh 5Ds)
Oh Yusei Yusei Yusei, oh pecs pecs pecs, oh Fudou Fudou Fuodou... He's so perfect in many sinces. He has everything a girl looks for on a fictional character: he has a traggic underdog background, he regrets the decisions he made in the past, he starts as the lonely guys, but quickly learn to make friends. He's also nice, gentle, and sometimes sexily awkward. He has some sort of the same "shyness attractive" as Danny and Gene. Even more them those too actually, probably because unlike them, he IS the main character of the show, so we all know what goes through his head whenever he has to overcome he loneness complex, and what he learns about that. Oh, but he's so dreamy, hot, and so... (slap yourself in the face) STOP! HE'S JUST A BUNCH OF LINE ON PAPER!... of perfectly drawn lines on paper... By the way, I noticed how this series simply loves to show us his croth. Literally, nearly every simgle time he draws a card, the camera starts the angle on his cotch, and then rises upon he's face. I admit, someti-me I freeze in evry crotch shot when I watch 5ds. I only wish they could show him shirtless more often during the show...
 3 - Mikoto Suoh (K-Project)
If the other were the "bad boy" sort of dudes, Mikoto goes even further: he is a gangster himself. Yeah, you migh be thinking, wait, but he's not the only one. Althought. However, while others in that list may have been a gangster or underdog in some point in their past, they left early in the beginning of the show to join the "good guys" team at some point.. in his case, however, he is not only a gangster, but a leader. And a carismatic one. He really conquered the title by himself as the Red King. Just like Yusei, he has a tragic background, but he's surprisely not much of b*$ #ing about it, even after being arrested. Furthermore, there's also a coincidence related to his softer side: he's possible love interest over a girl named Anna. That's right, a girl who happens to be my namesake.Well, the about him might be an excessive pride and too much of self confidence, and we all know what he decisoon led to the end, but let's pretend it never happened. Still a very good character although. And just like Hiccup and Gene woch are blended in their classifications, Mikoto is also closer to the Ladies' Men type for being incredible hot. However, he isn't enough charming, at least not the one require for that position. And before I start, believe me when I say the next two are actually chosen among many, and it was hard me to decide which one deserves to be the first. 

Some honorable mention of guys who could be in any of those classification above (not necessarely in any particular order) I could put:
Tadashi Hamada (Big Heroes Five) even though he's from Disney, he's not a prince and I hate how he dies early in the movie Mostly because he looks like a not-blue-eyed Gene.

Zee/Zeta (The Zeta Project) a old cartoon crush I just find annoying nowadays. He's also a robot.

Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler (X-men Evolution) He's cute, he has the same attractive cuteness found in Dannyfor example. But he's out of the list because he's blue, literally, and has a prehensile tail, to name a few features that takes him out of the list. But to his credit, he was my first cartoon crush ever.

Nearly all Disney Princes and Heroes, as I said before not featured in this list. A special mentioning to Kristoff, the nicest among all of them, and the only one so far to have any relationship with a girl named Anna.

Virgil Hawkins/ Static Shock. Because he's funny, and cool. However, between him and Luke as the main black guy in this list (that proven to be a little unintensional racist, isn't it?) But since all 7 Rooms featured charcters push them all together into the list, it happened to be Luke instead. But I still like him.

Kuzko (The Emperor's New Groove and T.E's New School) There's nothing about him that can't also be said about Justin Hammer. It goes the same: the selfish, arrogant egocentric douchbag who mostly act like a jerk, even through inside he might be not so bad. Another old childhood pre-puberty cartoon crush that seemed logical back them, but now just feels stupid. Also, again, between him and Justin, I prefered the later, since he's in 7 Rooms

Nearly all Avatar saga's hot dudes (TLA and LoK).  What more should I say, I love Avatar, and I loved most of his boys. In The Last Airbender (not the terrible movie, please") my favorite was Zuko, that could be on "Naïve Hunks" easily., but Jato and Haku were great too. In Legend of Korra, Make drove me out, he's really handsome, so did Boling, he's funny. And of course, Varrick, a Tony Stark/Justin Hammer kind of guy.

 The Ladies' Men:
That one is a little tricky to be defied, and yet is the most interesting by far. If I had to put all the guys I believe they fit into this category, I shoud intead make a "Top 20", because those are soo many! The varing list with Avengers Loki, all versions of Tony Stark (except IMAA, that one is a Peter Parker ripoff), Transformers Franchise Starscream, Flynn Rider, to name a few I couldn't put in the list, as they don't obbay the limitations I put. You should expect they all to look the same, but in fact they don't, this one (only if I could put, at least 5 more of them) is probaly the category with the biggest variety. Most of them have their "cuteness" level very low, since they are mostly grown ups to middle ageds, but their have some unexplained adorability in their own ways. Most of them are extremely attractive, with handsome faces and well fitted body, but this is surprisely not the rule in all cases. However, they all have one thing in commom: the carisma level is extremely high, beyond comparison. Weather or not they use it in their own benefit, expectially sedusing woman, and most are very good at it, some don't do it quite oftem, but everyone can see, clearly this one is a top class gentleman.
 2 - Pharoh Atem/Yami Yugi - 
This guy in particular is a little unexpected to put on the list, specially being in this high position. And I should admit, just by looking at him, you probably wouldn't put dare to put in this category, maybe you feel tempted to place him better on "Pretty Boys", or at leat "Naïve Hunks" being very generous. But really, once you know him, and specially what he was supposed to be, you would change your mind very quickly. And by still having some remaining cuteness, mostly from his Yugi persona although, in case you haven't noted yet, to his credit, it is very difficult for a shorty skinny guy to be sexy. It might be due a unique combination of voice acting, the entire context he's inserted, his attidute, how he was originally written, but really, it works unexplicably very sexy for him. l. He doesn't have to prove it anyone, but he is. He simple IS. And I must confess, I didn't use to like him when I was a little kid watching the series for the first time, I was secretly having a crush on Joey Wheeler instead. It may sound a little stupid now, but if some character took me months to a few years for me starting to like, this guy took me at least 10 years or so, mainly by watching season zero, which I highly recommed. Yeah Pharaoh, I may never share with you the throne as the Queen of the Nile , but I'd certainly say "yes" to have a place in your harem. 

Before the #1, Here are some honarable mention that falls in this category:

Loki (as an adult, Matantei loki Ragnarok). In he's case both things: the influence of the Avengers Loki, which ins't an animated character, so he's not here, and he's undenieble charm. But it comes mostly from the reaction to the characters than from Loki himself. Ironically, those reaction started making since after the introcing of his Avengers version years lately...

Tamaki Suoh (and nearly every main boy from Ouran High School Host Club) Then again, more for the context and the reaction of the characters rather than the chracters themselves.

Even thogh he doesn't fit in this category, Death Note's L is good to be reminded. Not so much because of me, more due my sister. I was constanly fascinated by him as a character, through I never had the same crush as my sister did on him.

 1 - Rémy Étienne LeBeau/Gambit (X-men, TAS, Evoverse...)
Remy... How not to put ya here, swampboy? Even though I put here a picture of him in Evolution version, it could have been his 90's cartoon version as well, because let's face it: he's the exact same guy in both versions. I can't say anything about him that wasn't said already by somebody else. He seema the ultimate combination of a unquestionable handsome face, a perfecly shaped body and a hypnotic charm. And believe it or not, he probably took the longest to grow on me, nearly 20 years for now! That's right, Remy, almost my entire life 'till I starting getting into. He has the incredible ability to turn nearly everthing he does into sexy. Don't believe? He makes Cajun accent, probably one of the goofiest typically American accent, sexy. Yeah, he does. In most version he wears pink, and yet he's still a macho man. He's also the comic book character that mostly do fanservice topless. He did shirts-off fanservicce before it was cool! The only aspect of him I see as a hit or miss to me is, difficult to admit, he's realtionship with Rogue. Some versions I like it, but some I can't stand. In their 90's Animated Series, I like their relationship because it's different from what we see. It never goes in every single love clichee. I like how he tries over and over again, since she is the only woman who didn't fall into his charm, so when she seems to surrender and starts accepting him, it feels fantastic, and seing him losing her for a mistake he made, which forces him to start over makes them impredictible enough to not be boring, but dynamically romantic enough to keep us interesting on it. Their relationship in The Evolution version, is a completly different story. Before any misunderstading, I love X-men Evolution, is one of my favorite series of all time. And I like this version of Rogue. She might not be the Southern Belle from the 90's, they decided to make her more as a goth chic instead, which is nice, she was done well. But gee, in this version, since they made her so different from her 90's version, her realationship with Remy/gambit was pointless. There shouldn't be anything wrong if only Gambit didn't remain the same guy as the 90's. Really, if was their original idea to make them a couple since the begining, they should change Gambit too, making him more like a "bad boy" type of guy, as they did to Lance Alvers/Avalanche. Actually, he should be a better pair with this version of Rogue instead. Either that, or they should remain Rogue as an adult with the old mentors, as they did to Storm, Wolverine, Beast... But no, they changed Rogue, but didn't do the same to Gambit. Just to exemplifie how important it is to change both characters of a couple to make it still relevant over time, Reed Richards and Susan Storm-Richards from The Fantatstic Four. Reed was originally a family head, parternal figure, while Susan was the typical housewife back them. Over the years, when Susan represented more proeminent role, becoming stronger and more indepent to represnt the women in modern society, Reed was made more as a nerdy, insicure smart guy to complement on her. That's why they should have done the some with Rogue and Gambit in this version. Unfortunately, they also use too many love story clichés, nearly Twilight level. Besides that, he's a cool guy, with swing, a Southern charm, and he does one thing, he dares to do that one thing no other man in this list, and very few guys in the whole history of fiction does: he cooks. He can cook, and he does it great. Yeah, he's the number one in this list becase, besides everything else other guys might do better than he does, he can cook good food. So Remy, I'll always come back to your kitchen for more delicious food. Oh, pourriez-vous me donner un plus de votre Ratatouille, s'il vous plaît, Rémy?


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Comments: 10

T-BirdsKickSomeAss [2017-04-27 11:57:15 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

imaphantomfan In reply to T-BirdsKickSomeAss [2017-10-27 03:50:59 +0000 UTC]

My Gene is my life. Get over it!  
Hehe, just kidding. By the way, he is my next montage Project after Warranna.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LegendsofSolComics [2016-01-22 19:28:24 +0000 UTC]

Gambit for the win. Love evo. Gambit :3

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

imaphantomfan In reply to LegendsofSolComics [2016-01-22 21:16:26 +0000 UTC]

I agree. You know, it was hard to me building all that list, but one thing was going to be totally sure: Gambit should be the winner!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LegendsofSolComics In reply to imaphantomfan [2016-01-22 21:19:30 +0000 UTC]

Yisss! XD u gotta admit he is one good lookin' cajun

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

imaphantomfan In reply to LegendsofSolComics [2016-01-22 23:03:51 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LegendsofSolComics In reply to imaphantomfan [2016-01-23 00:33:27 +0000 UTC]

That picture 😧😊 Love the Taylor Kitsch Gambit from Xmen Origins, but just Gambit himself is trully amazing. So handsome 😊

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

imaphantomfan In reply to LegendsofSolComics [2016-01-23 12:35:08 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, even the theme I based this meme, "any man of mine" is a country style song, which gives a "Southern" feeling to it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LegendsofSolComics In reply to imaphantomfan [2016-01-23 12:50:45 +0000 UTC]

I like it :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

imaphantomfan [2016-01-20 16:19:13 +0000 UTC]

The list turned to be too White-washed to my taste. I mean, from 10, we have 1 Black guy, 3 Eastern Asians, being one half White, 5 White guys (and a "half" counting to Gene) and only one single Middle-Eastern (I guess?...) couting with Atem. Curiously, however, even through the first place is a non-Anglican White guy (Gambit), the second place is Middle-Eastern, while the rest of the top 5 positions were filled by Asians.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0