In-The-Machine — Gen 10
Published: 2010-07-01 06:53:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 9256; Favourites: 169; Downloads: 26
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Description The two men in lab coats strolled down the long tiled hallway. One continued to make notes while the other stared down his nose at the newest batch.

"Professor Redwood, this is what we have so far on Generation ten. After many long years of turmoil, sweat, and blood, it has finally come to fruition. Sir,-"
the man motioned to the many containment units that lined the room. "-we've finally reached one thousand."

Redwood nodded, his face stoic. "Do you remember when they told us we'd never come this far? That we'd never make it?" He took a breath. "That after the fifth, we'd lost our touch. That we'd fall apart. That we'd never be the same as before."

"Indeed, sir. I remember all too well."

"They spat on us."

"It no longer matters, sir. We've made it this far...we've proved them wrong."

For a moment, the two men said nothing. They merely stared unblinkingly ahead at their life's work, all neatly packed into their little containment units...so small....so fragile...

So powerful.

Professor Redwood took another breath. "Now show me," his commanding voice pierced the cold silent of the lab. "Show me the fruition of our work."

His assistant took the first containment unit, a small, red and white ball, and gently tossed it. A glowing white aura suddenly appeared, gradually filling the room with its light.

This is it, thought the professor. With this I will finally see the results of many seasons spent in labor have brought us. My research team, the scientific community, the world...all will finally see that we could make it possible. Hard work, effort, training, all of this in addition to the strength of my will and that of my grandfather, our research will not be in-"what the hell is that?"

The round, goggle-eyed little...something stared up at the professor.

"Sir, it's one of the starters of the tenth generation."

Redwood stared long and hard at the...the...the thing before turning back to his assistant and
asking, "what...kind of species?"

"It's a...a...let me see here, sir-" the assistant flipped back through several pages of notes, "-a squid, frog, leopard pokemon, sir."

"....I see absolutely no resemblance to a leopard in this thing. None whatsoever."

"To be fair sir, the pokemon Zangoose doesn't truly resemble a 'cat ferret' and yet-"

"None. Whatsoever."

The assistant eyed the squid, frog, leopard pokemon nervously and then looked back to the professor. "Well...the info was taken directly from the Dex...sir..."

"....and that smell. You're not actually -thinking- of lending this out to ten-year-olds all around the globe for free, are you? You want to get sued? What, what is this thing -called- anyway?" Redwood raised an eyebrow.

"Uh...it's called....uh......Blurp, sir."

The room was silent as the two men stared at each other in awkward silence. The word seemed to hang in the air like a bad stench. Rather, a second bad stench.

"It's called Blurp?" If the professor's eyebrow could have risen any higher, it would have skyrocketed off of his face and ricocheted off the walls of the room.

The assistant began to fumble under his superior's gaze. "Well, uh, no, sir. Like many of the others before it, it is so named because of the sound it-"

"Bloorp," bloorped the odd-looking, odd-smelling pokemon.

"...are you sure that was a -blurp- you heard?"


"It sounded more like a bloorp to me."

"Blaaarrrppp," went the odd, wet stinking supposedly part-leopard pokemon. A thin string of drool had been gradually dribbling down the side of its mouth...nostril....eye...whatever part of it that it was supposed to be, during the course of the conversation, forming a small pool of saliva at the creature's base. The wet smell was as strong as ever.

Redwood sighed and adjusted his glasses. "Fine. Just...just...call it back, will you?"

The assistant was all too happy to oblige. He took the small red and white sphere in his hands and in a matter of seconds and a flash of light, the offending creature had gone from the room, leaving a small puddle of wetness where the Blurp once was.

The professor stepped carefully around it. "We'll get one of the former Team Aqua grunts on the cleaning crew to clean that up. Lord knows it's one of the only jobs those uneducated gangbangers can hold after the whole failed flood-whole-world-with-oversized-blimp-animal fiasco. Show me the next one."

The assistant took another unit. A bright light once again filled the room.
A small reddish creature now stared up at the two scientists.

Redwood's eyes widened far more than an average human being's should have. "Is...is that thing's foot where it's left eye should be?"

The assistant gulped and fingered his collar. "Sir....funny story. Remember those pokemon daycares of days gone by...you know, the ones that if you let two pokemon alone enough and they -loved- each other enough...."

"Are you telling me this is the product of two completely different species of pokemon?" Redwood snapped.

"Well...uh...it's...certainly has a....unique makeup, sir." The assistant fiddled with his notes nervously.

"No kidding," Redwood growled, biting back his more primal feelings of rage. "Is this some sort of bizarre species of torchic? Or maybe some fire bird pokemon? Something I don't know about?"

The assistant took a quick breath and began to talk very quickly. "Sir, you see, at the time the development on this particular species began, funding was a bit low and some cuts had to be made...even daycare was expensive then for us, sacrificesneededtobemadeandandand, well, youseesir, weonlyhadmaybeafewtosparewiththat p-p-particular brand o-of r-r-reasearch and and a-"


The assistant, faced with his superior's wrath, began to sweat. He tried to continue on as best he could without stumbling.
"Sir, we had only two at the time. A female blaziken and a ditto. The ditto eventually needed to be taken
to another branch of research and was removed from the daycare, but not before it produced a son with the blaziken."

"Isn't that natural?"


Redwood could clearly tell the man was afraid to continue. The armpits of the man's lab coat were coated with sweat. "Finish," he commanded sternly.

"It was the only one we had at the time for that particular section and the other shipments of pokemon were delayed due to lack of funding, like I said....we thought it would be okay...we thought...if we just...stuff like this happens in the wild all the time and...."

"Spit. It. Out."

"...we bred the mother with the son..."

Redwood's mouth dropped.

"...and then we bred the grandson with the grandmother..."

Redwood's mouth dropped farther.

"...and then we kept doing it until....we had this entire family....of...uh..."

The professor's brain was having a significant amount of difficulty processing the other man's words.
"That. Does. Not. Occur. In. Nature."

The assistant ashamedly looked down at his feet.

The red bird suddenly creature threw up a little, a sticky yellow paste suddenly coating the front of its feathers. It's foot-eye appendage made a weird scrabbling sound as the eye-toes wiggled madly, overgrown talons clacking against one another. It wobbled several steps before falling down, its sadly deformed face kept from hitting the lab floor only by the claw appendage that sprouted from where it's left eye should have been. The talons continued to scrabble madly against the tile, making a soft scraping sound.

"Do you know how I know this doesn't occur in nature? Because nature would -never-, ever allow something this unforgivably hideous to have been birthed in the first place. Only humans could spit out something this pathetically inhumane. Take it from someone who worked on the Mewthree project. Leave it at that." Redwood let out a long breath."...and what do you call this?"


Redwood jumped back at the creature's sudden outburst. He gazed upon the thing as its 'good' right eye began to blink rapidly and its feathers began to puff out in large clumps. "WHAT TH-"

"ASDFGHFFFF!" squawked the creature more loudly, cutting him off. More yellow bile began to dribble from its open beak as the right eye continued to blink at astounding speeds.

Horrified at the sight of such a manner of living deformity, Redwood backed away quickly and stood behind his subordinate. "W-what w-w-w-what is t-that t-th-thing?"

Inwardly brightening at the prospect of being the brave one in this situation, the assistant suddenly regained his composure and, hiding a smile, said cooly, "it's calledAsdfghf, sir. But for short we sometimes call it Bibbles for the fact he has a habit of just bibbling"- here the assistant wiggled his fingers -"all over himself."

Redwood's head snapped up from behind his assistant, eyes narrow, back to reality. "That's it. Don't even bother showing me the grass starter. If the first two are this fucking -inbred-, then don't even -think- about showing me the grass type. Grass types already suck enough as it is. Christ, a type with more type weaknesses than strengths, it's already a shitty pokemon species without humans doing more damage to it. Come, show me the later batches. Please."

The assistant and he quickly retreated down another hallway to another room filled with similar containment units as the previous one. "Sir," said the assistant brightly as he went to a special glass case on the wall and removed a special unit, "if you were disappointed by the last batch-"

"Disappointed doesn't begin to describe it."

"-then I'm sure you'll love this," he continued. The familiar light appeared. "Sir, I present to you-"

A shrill gahgaa could be heard resounding through the room.

"-the Jiggly Puff 2.0. Or, rather, going by the Dex name, the Gawga pokemon. Think of it as a sort of spiritual successor to the Jigglypuff. But a bit more flamboyant."

"Rahrah," squeaked the blond creature.

"Ah, now we're getting somewhere. It sings just as well if not better than its spiritual predecessor, am I correct?"

"Romamaah," continued the Gawga.

"Indeed, sir. Quite well. But the only shortfalls is that it doesn't do very well in the attack department. The best it can hope for is singing the enemy to sleep. Except, unlike Jigglypuff, this pokemon does a poor job of putting opponents to sleep. Instead, it's special ability, Attention Hogger, seems to keep them well awake, often bringing as much attention as it possibly can onto itself. Other than that..."

"Ohlala," said the Gawga.

"It really just stands around looking rather cute, sir, if I may say so myself."

"I see...and what with all the odd noises it makes?"

"Our technology still hasn't been able to make heads or tails of its speech patterns. But it time we may just be able to decipher it. At some point. For now, we can only assume that it just enjoys the sound of its own voice."


"Hmm...not nearly as bad as the first two but...it could be a lot better."

"I see, sir." Another flash of light and the Gawga had returned to the small capsule.

"Don't misunderstand, it wasn't horrid, that one. But certainly you could show me something...better?"

"One more, sir. One more."

The assistant opened another case and activated a small purple-topped ball with a white "M" engraved onto the lid. The assistant once again threw the ball and the room filled with a gold light.

The professor stopped dead. "It...looks exactly like pikachu. The infamous electric rat from the first generation. The color scheme is remarkable similar yet I somehow can't seem to shake what seems a bit off about it." He leaned closer to the pokemon and adjusted his glasses.

"We made a few adjustments, sir. Notice the longer snout, the quills, the longer legs. It allows for faster running, sir."

"Why is this pokemon wearing shoes?"

"Some of the staff members thought it looked cute, sir. Other than that, I have no idea."

Redwood stepped back. "I'm deciding that it's hideous."

"But, sir! We can't just give up on the new generation! We've only just begun-"

"That's exactly why I'm shutting it down. Before it gets out of hand. These pokemon....are so damned hideous and so damned....Bibbly, Blurp, Retardchu-"

"Actually, it's called a Sonich-"

"I don't care. The bottom line is, the starters are inbred-"

"One of them-"

"-some of the species make no fucking sense nor seem to even have the slightest basis in any remotely real-world recognizable animal. Some of them look -exactly- the same as the old ones,
and every other so-called 'legendary' looks like a fucking armored cyborg."

"It seemed a pretty badass idea at the ti-"

"Every. Other. One. Let me tell you something. Something important.
Team Rocket wouldn't  steal these pokemon.
Team Magma wouldn't steal these pokemon.  
Team Snagem wouldn't go out of their way to "snag" these travesties.
These pokemon are so bad that not even Team Edward or Jacob would want to steal them."

Defeated, the assistant asked quietly, "so then what do we do now, sir?"

"...take the money accumulated from the past nine generations and work with the Digimon people."

The End.
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Comments: 168

MaxterandKiwiKing [2013-10-09 18:51:43 +0000 UTC]

This is the best pokemon story that I've ever read.

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GaiaX2 [2011-02-25 02:23:16 +0000 UTC]

My god, were the grunts ever so useless bad guys that were only seen once per version. It would've been awesome if the grunt decided to actually attempt to 1-UP his leader and carry out his work for a more darker purpose.. heh.

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kiinkoon [2011-01-29 03:58:03 +0000 UTC]

Lol, Lady Gaga...

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kethron127 [2010-12-02 00:14:48 +0000 UTC]

Gaga pokemon?

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cineriousDP [2010-09-26 11:58:52 +0000 UTC]

WTF?! That was ccreeeeepyyyy!!!! I liked it when you named all the teams (BTW you should add Swipper wouldn't even attempt to swipe them!) Team Edward and Team Jacob XD!!!

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Proudgeek8 [2010-09-05 18:52:03 +0000 UTC]

The inbred one was...creepy. In a good way.

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CassidyPeterson [2010-08-17 19:08:09 +0000 UTC]


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rosutu [2010-08-11 02:30:25 +0000 UTC]

Actually, a Lady Gaga Pokemon would be amazing, if not legally dangerous to create.

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advidauthor [2010-08-09 01:22:21 +0000 UTC]


Sorry. I... I had to.

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advidauthor [2010-08-09 01:19:50 +0000 UTC]

"Romamaah," continued the Gawga.

I died. The prospect hit me at full force, and the hillarity had reached it's peak. You, my friend, are winful enough to have created the internet itself.

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In-The-Machine In reply to advidauthor [2010-08-09 01:57:29 +0000 UTC]


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advidauthor In reply to In-The-Machine [2010-08-22 19:30:00 +0000 UTC]


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x-BRAY-x [2010-08-02 05:33:40 +0000 UTC]

Holy god. "Work with the Digimon people."

I died.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Alyth354 [2010-07-27 22:59:28 +0000 UTC]

I'm trying to imagine a mix between GaGa and a jigglypuff right now...
if you're curious, it's not going well. my brain is simultaneously imploding and cutting itself.

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jaydember [2010-07-20 00:25:32 +0000 UTC]

This amount of awesome in one writing can't be legal.

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KiwaKiwi [2010-07-16 06:10:12 +0000 UTC]


I don't even know if I should try drawing any of these.

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In-The-Machine In reply to KiwaKiwi [2010-07-16 06:20:45 +0000 UTC]

It'd make you the best like no one ever was.

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KiwaKiwi In reply to In-The-Machine [2010-07-16 06:35:41 +0000 UTC]

But to catch them would never be much of a real test.

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Love-Inspired [2010-07-12 19:36:17 +0000 UTC]

hahahhahaha >X'D ROFL, wow.. you must be some sort of GENIOUS

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GiftedElements [2010-07-10 00:27:30 +0000 UTC]

By a reference do you mean Sonichu, or the fact that you crossed a jigglypuff with Lady Gaga?

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In-The-Machine In reply to GiftedElements [2010-07-10 01:40:27 +0000 UTC]

Sonichu...and sorta the other one.

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GiftedElements In reply to In-The-Machine [2010-07-10 06:07:35 +0000 UTC]


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AriusWinter [2010-07-09 03:37:05 +0000 UTC]


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In-The-Machine In reply to AriusWinter [2010-07-09 03:39:52 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Raep-Caeks [2010-07-09 03:35:46 +0000 UTC]

You forgot to mention the obvious subtlety of included Pokemon who look like vaginas

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In-The-Machine In reply to Raep-Caeks [2010-07-09 03:38:21 +0000 UTC]

And racial stereotypes.
Not just limited to Jynx anymore :V

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Raep-Caeks In reply to In-The-Machine [2010-07-09 23:26:14 +0000 UTC]

I always thought Jynx was making fun of Ganguro girls because I've seen some who try to be dark skinned

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In-The-Machine In reply to Raep-Caeks [2010-07-09 23:33:27 +0000 UTC]

Ludicolo = Mexicans.

'Nuff said.

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Raep-Caeks In reply to In-The-Machine [2010-07-09 23:43:45 +0000 UTC]

I named mine Ariba.. /shot

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monstercoach [2010-07-08 17:26:55 +0000 UTC]

"Ohlala," said the Gawga.

Awesome as usual, I laughed through the entire thing.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

13kingdomhearts [2010-07-08 05:58:53 +0000 UTC]

AHAHAHAHAHAHHA. That was the funniest damn thing ive ever read in my whole life! publish this now!

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emichan8665 [2010-07-07 02:53:25 +0000 UTC]

i want a Gawga

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emichan8665 [2010-07-07 02:49:31 +0000 UTC]

i fucking love you

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In-The-Machine In reply to emichan8665 [2010-07-07 02:50:49 +0000 UTC]

Fucking sweet.

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emichan8665 In reply to In-The-Machine [2010-07-07 02:58:37 +0000 UTC]

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J4CK-TH3-R34P3R [2010-07-06 20:44:18 +0000 UTC]

I am so choosing the grass starter. It sounds even awesomer than the other two

Also, by 10th gen they have extended the party to 20 pokémon, have added 35 new pokemon types, made non-legendary pokémon harder to get than the cyborg ones, and of course ditto has an evolution.

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L0UDST [2010-07-06 19:36:19 +0000 UTC]

I wants a Gawga ever so badly. ;m;

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blazikensweety [2010-07-06 15:17:59 +0000 UTC]

I think Pokémon lost its magic after Johto, when the Pokémon became "godlike world creators but we're still subservient to humans lol."

...yeah, what?

Reminds me of this .

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In-The-Machine In reply to blazikensweety [2010-07-06 15:38:37 +0000 UTC]

The link doesn't work, but I've always wondered why little kids got away with catching "gods" lol. XD

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blazikensweety In reply to In-The-Machine [2010-07-06 15:43:27 +0000 UTC]

Try this ?

There's a theory on TvTropes, "You, the person playing the games, play the role of a badfic writer. The player character is your Mary Sue / Marty Stu Author Avatar." Explains a lot. xD

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In-The-Machine In reply to blazikensweety [2010-07-06 17:02:33 +0000 UTC]

Now it works. :>

I wouldn't be surprised. :U

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EdenPictures [2010-07-05 20:23:34 +0000 UTC]

If the combination of your words and my brain managed to conjure such a horrific image in my head I dread to think what the 10th Gen will actually look like.

Poor, poor pokemon. They started out with such promise...

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Xiangchai-Nozomu [2010-07-04 18:05:13 +0000 UTC]

ahahaha oh christ i laughed so hard at "ASDFGHFF"

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Rat2rrj [2010-07-04 16:18:50 +0000 UTC]

you lost me at the gawga, further at the sonichu, killed me with team edob, and nuked my grave with the "digimon people". excellent work.

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Alizabith [2010-07-03 02:56:14 +0000 UTC]

You have a mistake at the beginning- "A glowing white aura suddenly appeared, gradually filling the room with it's light"
Its shouldn't have an apostrophe.
And now that I've pointed that out-
Let me explain why this is the best thing ever:
I went to babysit for my mother's friend, and all of her seven kids that are old enough to speak are into pokemon. I was pleased, with the aloof affection of a pokemon veteran (one of those kids that waited until she was ten and then wondered why she still wasn't allowed to be a renegade pokemon master who plays by her own ruuuules).
And then they showed me their pokemon card binders, and I bit back a passionate "WTFISTHISSHIT?"

And the lady gaga pokemon. Marry me.

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In-The-Machine In reply to Alizabith [2010-07-03 02:58:55 +0000 UTC]

Was it because of the choices of cards they had?

At this point, I would -so- catch a Lady G pokemon than that freaking otter-thing from the new gen. :I

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Alizabith In reply to In-The-Machine [2010-07-03 03:13:15 +0000 UTC]

No, it wasn't just the choices of cards. It was that they wanted me to point out the OLD SKEWL pokemon, and then the six year old explained that those all lived in the Joto region like I was a poor backward child.
That kid will be a priest who knows the names of all the angels and demons and every single saint one day.
Then he showed me his favorite one- and it was some kind of ferret with the pattern of an eye on its head.
And that's when I left to go catch a gawga.

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In-The-Machine In reply to Alizabith [2010-07-03 03:15:13 +0000 UTC]

Well, the kid -is- six lol.
I remember when I was five or four I kept arguing with my parents all the "correct" genders of the Land Before Time Dinosaurs, utterly convinced that i was right despite I kept thinking the males were female and the females male, etc.

Pokemon has repeats of a lot of animals, it seems like...

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Alizabith In reply to In-The-Machine [2010-07-03 03:24:03 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I know. I have the home version of the six-year-old game. It likes to play xbox and wants to come with me everywhere.

But, then again, the original 150 does include a two foot tall thing made of tentacles with eyes and feet that evolves into a four foot thing made of tentacles with eyes and feet. So I really have no reason to complain.
The Japanese have the subtlety. O3O

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In-The-Machine In reply to Alizabith [2010-07-03 03:25:21 +0000 UTC]

Gotta love exotic creations.

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