IncredibleIntruder — Gerudo Ankha - GAZZRR

#animalcrossing #ankha #anthro #bedlah #brainwashing #catgirl #fanfiction #furry #gerudo #hypnosis #hypnotic #legendofzelda #mindcontrol #readerinsert #haremoutfit #gerudooutfit #ankhaanimalcrossing
Published: 2022-09-29 02:40:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 31798; Favourites: 278; Downloads: 28
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After Shantae and Jasmine, I simply had to go with another design that marked me deeply, that I am very fond of.

I wrote a bunch and commissioned quite a few illustrations of Gerudo Link, my love for that outfit and concept being well-documented by now. So to combine Ankha, who is my favorite Animal Crossing villager, with it felt like a pretty solid idea. And it also looks awesome.

The artist for this one, much like the other Ankha cosplay pics, is GAZZRR . They did an awesome job with Shantae Ankha and Jasmine Ankha, so of course I went for them for this one. The mixture works super well, with the sleeves, the shawl, veil and sirwal. If you like their work, I can definitely recommend commissioning them:  Commissions Open!!!Hi everyone! I'm having a cheap commission sale right now! Here are my prices and capabilities chart. If you're interested, please send me a note or DM me on twitter!My twitter: https://twitter.com/GAZZR_nsfwHOW TO GET ONE: contact me via Deviantart/Twitter/Newgrounds DMs Provide references, a character ref is obligatory but specific details are optional After I accept, I will provide an invoice through Stripe (Or pay through Kofi)Once you pay, I'll add you to the commission queueADDITIONAL NOTES: -If your reference is text-based then your commission counts as a "Design job". They cost 50% extra -These prices stack per character, for example, 2 full color characters are 40$ -Prices are the same for headshot/fullbody etc-Up to 2 minor edits per commission. -If the end product doesn't satisfy you, you may get one redo for 50% off. -Please keep DMs short and sweet if you can Thank you so much for reading and for your support!!! ^^,

If you do like my work, want to see more and maybe support me, check out my Patreon: www.patreon.com/incredibleintr…

Now how come she's dressed like that? Check out the story below!

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                                                                                             THE LEGEND OF ZELDA

Most of your time is spent with Ankha now.

Whether at her home or at yours, it is very rare that she is not in your vicinity or you in hers, the talk of the island of you two being a couple all but confirmed at this rate. While no one else knows of your true relationship to one another, that of mistress and slave, there is certainly not a void of affection, a certain fondness between you two. While hers is more that of a caring mistress before her pet and toy, yours is more adoring and submissive. Ever you think of her dancing, of her eyes, of her sublime power over you is enough to make you feel giddy, especially given that whenever you two are alone...she goes full-on dominant. It seems that she greatly enjoys having a slave, one to pamper and obey her commands with happiness and without hesitation. It's a great situation, though one certainly enhanced by your docile trance being ever fueled by her own powers.

When you watch a show, she chooses which channels and what kind of movies you see. When you play sport, she gets to decide and you follow her to the best of your abilities. Any hobby she either picks up on or continue goes on to become yours by extension as she has a wide range of interest alongside a natural curiosity that makes her try a great many things. Always eager to please her, you just do as she says and try to focus on her own experience rather than yours, yet now she had in mind to play video games...or rather make you play video games. Ever since making you discover the Shantae franchise, she found that she immensely enjoyed giving you directions, tips and hints as you went on to progress through a game, as if she was backseat gaming...or merely playing the game through you. Quite a few titles were finished to completion in such a way, yet the biggest ordeal awaits as she picked up a massive title for the next one.

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

In this one, with a massive focus on humans save for those Zoras fish people and the monsters, you play as Link as instead of having a more linear or limited environment, it's a gargantuan open world and as such her own commands as to where to go and what to do are a little more chaotic than usual.

“Try making bone soup, let's see what happens, me-meow.”

While you're not sure she knows exactly what she's doing or if she's even interested in the plotline itself, it does amuse her to see you do what she says as you try to fight a bunch of enemies with a branch or try out the Sheikah Slate for various purpose. It's a sandbox kind of game with an emphasis on exploration of both the map and its mechanics and as you wander around near-aimlessly, you still progress as Ankha finds more than a few shrines and loves puzzles, solving them rather easily at that.

After a little while, it seems as if she's getting bored, not certain what they ought to do as the game presents too many unknowns for her liking. The lack of a straightforward narrative, more of a context and in media res cutscenes from the past, doesn't really give her much to go on with as she soldiers on, yet her own enjoyment is starting to get lower as time goes on. It is the kind of game where one ought to go at its own pace, but Ankha is more of the impatient type when it comes to her entertainment. Nevertheless, you eventually reach the southwest part of the map and her curiosity is piqued as you enter the Gerudo Desert. It reminds her of her past, the tents, bazaar and dunes certainly making her a bit more vivacious, yet her disappointment is great when you can't enter Gerudo Town due to the character, Link, being a man...or voe as they say in the game.

“How do they expect us to get in then, me-meow? By sneaking in?”

She sounds irritated, as if dangling a precious object in front of her face only to remove it in the nick of time. As you talk with NPC's and try to figure it out, you find one on top of a store in the bazaar which can grant you access for 400 rupees, which you get by selling many of your unused gems. As you get whatever it is that character is handing out, a cutscene plays...and Link gets a whole new outfit. It looks like a belly dancer costume, showing off his androgynous appearance and it does make him look kind of cute, especially with the shawl and facial veil. Yet as the cutscene ends and you can play with Link dressed like that, you wait for Ankha to tell you what to do, only for her to be silent. You turn around to check up on your mistress, only to see her gawking at Link with awe and figurative stars in her eyes. It is quite obvious now that she likes it very, very much. So you turn the camera to make her admire the Gerudo outfit some more and she says nothing, yet it is clear that she is infatuated with this.

The rest of the playthrough is you exploring Gerudo Town and getting wares, getting caught up in the intrigues of the place before it gets late and Ankha feels quite tired. You stop playing, get back to your home and go to sleep as unbeknownst to you...this discovery will change everything. The next day you expect Ankha and you to play some other game or take a stroll, yet instead she goes to the Able Sisters to get herself some clothes. You buy a few things while they take measurements and she proceeds to pay up in advance, providing them with a hearty tip to make sure they do it as quickly and efficiently as possible. Then you go on to her home where you continue playing the game, exploring the desert and all the while Ankha never lets you remove those vestments you just got. Even in moments when more defense or better protection against the environment would be wise, she outright refuse and when you find the Great Fairy hidden in the corner of the map, she complains that this useless woman wouldn't upgrade what is clearly the very best outfit in the game. You've rarely seen her so passionate and it seems that her opinion of the game has risen considerably as you play for a while and then go on to sleep at her home, where she hypnotize you to sleep as she does on occasion so that you can dream of her.

Eventually, you wake up at her home and she is nowhere to be found, leaving a note to say that she'll come back soon as her order is ready. She left you some fruits and bread to eat, which you gobble up as you figure you'll need energy to focus on the game, Ankha promising she'd play some more today. As you hear her enter, she commands you to wait by the television set and to boot up the console as she goes to her room and change. You hope everything is okay, that your mistress isn't sick or hasn't gone through unpleasantries. Yet as she gets out of her sacred chambers, you see her dressed up in a different outfit, one that surprise you with great delight: the Gerudo outfit in itself. The shawl, the facial veil, the sash, the sleeves, the sirwal, the shoes, everything is there and in her colors too as her midriff is exposed once more and she looks exotic, mysterious and downright gorgeous in it.

“Think of Link as me from now on, me-meow~” she says, at first teasing with her playful tone, but the way she dances now and use her hypnotic moves suggests that she is deadly serious. You drink of her curves, always following your instructions to fall quickly and assuredly for her dances as her baladi provides sweet mindlessness to your psyche. You observe and admire this new ensemble upon her divine body and soon fall into a trance as her voice goes on to seep deep within your psyche. “I am like a Gerudo and your character is one too. It is me, saving the day, looking fabulous while doing so, me-meow~”

Changing the entire perception you have of the game, of the story and its context, soon you twist everything you know towards what she is saying. Ankha has obviously loved the outfit so much that by now she reappropriate the experience to feature her as soon it's not Link...but your mistress itself on the screen, wearing those sumptuous vestments. You forget what exactly is happening in Hyrule and now follow what she says happen and what the narrative is.

“You're a heroic belly dancer saving an entire world, me-meow,” Ankha says and you believe her instantly. You use the weapons the Gerudos give out and the next dozen hours or so are all spent in the desert, trying to solve every single problems the Gerudos have. You find every shrines, every Koroks, go through all questlines and it rewards you with the Thunder Helm, a piece of headgear which renders you immune to thunder and lightning...and still you won't change because of course the main character shouldn't wear anything but that bedlah. “The rest of the armors and outfits are merely suggestions there to tempt you, me-meow. You don't need anything else but my perfect ensemble.”

Days pass and soon her obsession with the Gerudo outfit is such that she orders it in different colors, each time paying the Able sisters generously for their time and talent. You're treated each day to a new variant, with different icons and palette as she dances for you, enjoying the costume a great deal. You do too, not only because she looks downright delightful and divine while wearing it, but because she seems to happy to have it. You can't see her smile, but you know well enough her mannerism and body language to tell when she is delighted and she is very much that. While she is in bliss, so is she as her good mood is infectious and spread through her dancing in her new costume and you being fortunate enough to watch. Whenever she does perform, with belly rolls and serpentine arms, it's a given that you'll go through your mantras and get yourself into a deep trance of adoration, worship and reverence for your divine mistress. And you have been in that state very often lately.

Soon, your life is built on the foundation of trances, dances from your mistress and gaming, the rest somewhat easily forgotten as she directs you in your quest to save Hyrule...or rather her quest to do so. It's Ankha on the screen as while you have no proper armor, you learn to dodge like a champion and soon become untouchable, not allowing one monster or boss to ever damage your mistress, be she virtual or not. You claim the Master Sword...or rather the Mistress Sword as you now know that all quests she does, everyone she does rescue makes it so they become her slave. Even the text warps in your own imagination to fuel that narrative as Hyrule needs a benevolent goddess and Ankha will do more than nicely. Hours upon hours, days upon days into this massive game as you continue with The Legend of Ankha: Breath of the Goddess.

Time lose a bit of its meaning, your focus on gaming and obeying her making it seem unimportant, you don't even realize what you're doing when not in front of the screen anymore as she gets you to the Able sisters and you get your measurements taken before returning home as she dances and treats you to her marvelous, mind-melting eyes. You drown in bliss and ecstasy, continue the game and then the cycle continues as you want to stop Calamity Ganon from making it so Ankha cannot take her rightful place. Without even realizing it, you too get to dress as a Gerudo, an outfit made just for you as you immerse yourself massively and Ankha hypnotize you even further.

“You like wearing this outfit more than anything...except me, me-meow~” she says and you accept it, feeling the fabric being soft on your skin and your flesh on display being cute. The veil, the shawl, everything as you feel like emulating your most favorite person in the whole world: your mistress. “Whenever we are alone, just the two of us, you will want to wear this to please me.”

And so you do as eventually she even starts giving you dancing lessons which you absorb like a sponge. Careful directions, gentle touches and all that is required for you to learn as she molds you into the perfect Gerudo, all for her benefits and for your happiness as your spiraling eyes are the only thing seen from your face, the veil hiding your big goofy grin. Thus you become her Gerudo subject whenever at her home, acting like a servant once more and looking pretty all the while as she wears the same ensemble, but better. You enact her will in the game, now a test of one's devotion and a “history lesson” as to how she came to conquer everything. It becomes your favorite game and when you do rid Hyrule of Calamity Ganon, you free her divine aspect and she becomes the goddess she was always meant to be.

“This was very fun, me-meow,” she says, looking at the end credits while you continue being a mesmerized mess dressed in an androgynous bedlah. She stretches her legs and then goes on to change, returning to her normal vestments as she looks outside to see that it's a beautiful day. “Get dressed in your regular shirt and shorts and we'll take a stroll to the beach. I want to ride the high of that game before the next one, me-meow~”

And thus these kind of things happened whenever Ankha got very passionate about something. It could be a movie, a game or anything of the sort and she'd cosplay, hypnotize you, place a different context and you'd forever associate it with your mistress as your adoration and loyalty ended up being undying. It's a cycle that continues on and on again, as it incorporates her dominance over you as part of her daily life and her hobbies...

And becomes your entire life as well.

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Comments: 12

LittleRed11 [2022-11-12 13:34:57 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to LittleRed11 [2022-11-12 14:29:16 +0000 UTC]

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pixerks [2022-09-29 19:13:41 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to pixerks [2022-09-29 19:15:02 +0000 UTC]

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pixerks In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2022-09-29 19:16:20 +0000 UTC]

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Kaguron [2022-09-29 09:13:50 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to Kaguron [2022-09-29 11:29:12 +0000 UTC]

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Kaguron In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2022-09-29 14:08:32 +0000 UTC]

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spyrocyndersam13 [2022-09-29 05:13:08 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to spyrocyndersam13 [2022-09-29 11:29:35 +0000 UTC]

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DrvonSchmeltwick [2022-09-29 02:42:35 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to DrvonSchmeltwick [2022-09-29 02:53:48 +0000 UTC]

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