IncredibleIntruder — Princess Ankha - GAZZRR

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Published: 2022-09-06 23:09:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 32728; Favourites: 346; Downloads: 39
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I couldn't just have Ankha cosplay one character.  

Princess Jasmine is one of those character whom I saw very often in my childhood due to the animated series playing on Saturday mornings. It was a fave of mine and, I can safely say, she's been on my mind for years upon years. After the success and fun of the Shantae cosplay for our feline resident, I figured it would be neat to have her wear such an outfit...and I was right.

The artist, once again, is GAZZRR , the same who drew the previous piece and I merely had to tell them the idea...and they did justice to it. The slight spirals, the juxtaposition of ears and hair, the same regal and haughty aura that is Ankha's...great details here. If you wanna commission them (which I recommend), you can check their prices here:  Commissions Open!!!Hi everyone! I'm having a cheap commission sale right now! Here are my prices and capabilities chart. If you're interested, please send me a note or DM me on twitter!My twitter: https://twitter.com/GAZZR_nsfwHOW TO GET ONE: contact me via Deviantart/Twitter/Newgrounds DMs Provide references, a character ref is obligatory but specific details are optional After I accept, I will provide an invoice through Stripe (Or pay through Kofi)Once you pay, I'll add you to the commission queueADDITIONAL NOTES: -If your reference is text-based then your commission counts as a "Design job". They cost 50% extra -These prices stack per character, for example, 2 full color characters are 40$ -Prices are the same for headshot/fullbody etc-Up to 2 minor edits per commission. -If the end product doesn't satisfy you, you may get one redo for 50% off. -Please keep DMs short and sweet if you can Thank you so much for reading and for your support!!! ^^,

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Now just why is she dressed like that? Read on and find out!

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People think you and Ankha are a couple.

You can't really fault their logic in a way as you're very often, if not always with her. You follow her around, seems pretty happy with her presence and attention, are impossibly sweet with her and she seems to well-enough tolerate your constant presence near her. Those who know the feline well understand that she doesn't suffer the company of fools, reserved about who she has in her social circle and really value her own solitude and well-being, so for you to be around so often and with your attitude...well the island's denizens have started talking. It's a completely innocent, nice conclusion that they've drawn based on a much more reasonable string of observations. They think you're in love with each other and while it's not entirely false, the nature of your relationship is quite different from what they can imagine.

Because you're her slave.

It all happened during Halloween, late evening close to early night, as she had showcased her own costume: a Shantae cosplay of the half-genie hero. Basically, it was a bedlah with her colors and a long, thick ponytail. It suited her well, she danced and it had been a magical experience...literally, because what happened next when you failed to recognize that she expected candy for her sensual performance turned into a curse. Bound to her will, completely overwhelmed by her power and her beauty, obedience was firmly implanted within you as you learned quickly that obedience brought reward and the opposite was true as well. It was supposed to last but one evening, a lesson for you to take to heart and yet, much to her and your own surprise...you really took to it. The curse turned into a blessing within your own twisted perception as to constantly be projected her sumptuous belly dance whenever you did as she was told proved intoxicating, addictive even. It programmed you, made you eager to do as she said and rather than free you...she just made it so you would be hers, now and forever.

If people could know the truth, it might be horrible, yet Ankha is nothing if not a generous mistress. Demanding, to be sure, expecting worship and blind obedience on a constant basis, yet she knew quite well how to punish or reward you. After educating you in many ways, including making you play the whole Shantae series three times, she went on to make it so you'd act upon her commands without fail. Each and every time she would go on to reinforce her spell, making it so you'd see her dance through multiple angles whenever you went along with her dominance...or pulsate her eyes and domineering might whenever you rebelled. The latter was very rare, on very occasional moments mostly due to hesitation and ignorance which she corrected very quickly. The former was much more frequent, with her sometimes wearing that Shantae cosplay when you were alone, allowing you to be on your knees to kiss and worship her midriff if you were especially good. Some would see it as humiliating, yet you know better as she is a goddess made flesh, a true mistress of beauty and potency as your every thoughts are devoted to her words and presence.

As you get to know her more and more, like how much milk she likes in her tea or coffee (a lot) and what kind of snacks she prefer (sable cookies), thus does she learn about you too. She asks questions and you tell her the truth, no matter how embarrassing it might turn to be. You cannot hide anything from her and thus she gets to know your own preferences, your past and many other tidbits. One thing of note that you do tell her when going through one of those interrogation periods is one of your favorite childhood movie...and the answer does not fall on deaf ears.


It tells the story of a rat hailing from the streets in a fantasy exotic landscape, who finds a genie and gets to marry Princess Jasmine, a regal and gorgeous tigress after a lot of adventures and adversity. It's a classic, well-known to many and as she discovers one of your hidden facets. You bare your soul to her with but a command from her heavenly voice and you can't help but obey and want her to know you entirely, without secrecy or shame. Nothing remains hidden, though a good few parts of your answers are related to her now, basking in her presence constantly and under her power for so long changing you...for the better, you tell yourself.

Yet as time goes on, she dismisses you for a whole day, a decision that shocks you completely and yet you would not dare disobey her in any way...so you do as she asks. Hours pass when you try to act like prior, but nothing can really compare to the bliss you feel whenever she is near, ready to make you obey and feel ecstasy with her presence and her benevolence. You used to live like this and things were great, but now it feels like an immense downgrade. You try your best, fishing, visiting the museum, catching bugs, trying new clothes yet nothing is as thrilling as Mistress Ankha. You see faint illusory spirals here and there of her colors, blue and gold, at every corners and at some point you just understand that she'll come back to get you...but what if she doesn't?

What if she tired of you? What if you did something wrong without even being aware of it? What if she found someone better? She did seem to be friends with Isabelle, so perhaps she replaced you? All sorts of theories fill your mind as you're just left to your own device for what seems to be too long. There was almost a schedule, one that made it so Ankha told you what to do, where to go and how to act around people and you miss it. You're directionless without her yet eventually someone does come around to you, Raymond, to tell you that Ankha is looking for you, that she's waiting for you at her home. This basks you in hope, deliverance from above, salvation in the form of a few simple words as you rush to her home, only to be greeted by absolute darkness when she bids you enter as she's turned the lights off. A TV set is there, a movie starts playing...the one you told her about, Aladdin.

It's the start with the song, something very familiar to you yet as you look and listen, two claps are heard from a small distance, illuminating the place as Ankha reveals herself...and she looks stunning. She wears the same garment as Princess Jasmine, that blue bedlah-like ensemble, the jewelry, the bare midriff and that long braided hair. It suits her well, not a far cry from the Shantae cosplay, yet with just enough flair as to be different. The moment you stare at her a bit too long, you drop on your knees as per your programming, completely overwhelmed by her beauty as she comes closer, towering over you.

“Let us watch that movie together, me-meow,” she suggests, though you understand it is not an offer but rather the indisputable truth of what will happen. It feels like a sacred blessing to see her like this, to go forth and share this experience with her as she sits on a comfortable cushion and invites you to do the same beside her. “But let me tell you what really is happening in the movie, me-meow.”

You know the movie by heart, everything that is said, that happens and all...yet perhaps she has more to share about it, hidden knowledge and revelations for you to hear, for her slave to decipher. Just being close is enough to make all the waiting prior worth it. You go forth and try to catch a peek at your sublime mistress in her alluring ensemble, in this special cosplay yet the moment you do not watch the screen, she merely respond immediately to your action in a soft though authoritative voice.

“Watch the screen, keep your eyes on it,” Ankha tells you and your body obeys, your neck readjusting and locking itself into place as the first song and introduction of the movie, with Jafar the snake failing to get a minion inside the Cave of Wonders. She wants you to focus and so you shall as she begins to talk about why he is there and what he's doing...but you already know all of this. Yet the moment you think of going against her words bombards you with her spiraling eyes once more as you recall that it is not your place to question her actions. You just need to listen and obey...and so it means you watch the movie and listen to her tell it all to you. “Worry not, for I am in the movie itself. You shall have an eyeful very soon.”

So you do as she says and figure that it's but a boon to share this with her, a generous gift from the most marvelous mistress of them all. Yet as she speaks in a soft tone, explaining things it makes it so her voice goes on to become so low-key, so pervasive that you barely hear her except as an echo in your own psyche. It makes you feel woozy, relaxed and when Princess Jasmine appears...it's your mistress instead of the tigress. Is this a copy that was digitally-altered? A remake? Whatever it is feels a bit wrong, yet you hear her react to this emotion of yours.

“Princess Jasmine is me. It has always been me. You know and remember this.”

Then you forget why you were a touch confused and upset in the first place. Of course it's always been Ankha in that role, which is why you had always been infatuated with her in the first place. Seeing her on this island was a revelation, explaining how you've been with her and just plainly hers for so long. She was a childhood icon that aged very, very well, a crush of yours in some capacity. You see her reject another suitor, one that her father and the vizier tried to match her with and yet she sighs...because she doesn't want to marry out of obligation.

“She's looking for the perfect slave, the one who will obey her willingly and always, forever.”

It wasn't entirely like that...but soon it actually is as your vision of Ankha merges with that of the princess as of course she's searching for the one who'd be at her beck and call. With her power, with her charm, she could have absolutely anyone and yet why would she go for pompous royalty who think of themselves far too highly? The need to be broken down, the possible diplomatic incident, the obligation to be taught everything from scratch...far too bothersome, for sure. Already your understanding of the film begins to warp itself, as if discovering it anew as many other elements don't mesh too well with what Ankha says...but she knows exactly what she's doing.

“Here is the part when Aladdin finds her and is immediately entranced by her looks alone, rescuing her and pledging himself to her entirely.”

Wasn't this the moment when Aladdin rescues Jasmine and he falls for her? You must surely be mistaken now, as indeed you see the scene before you and the princess goes on to follow Aladdin to safety as he goes on his knees, indeed giving himself to this supreme being, this sumptuous woman who looks more like a divinity than royalty. Spirals appears in his eyes as his humble home is now but a temple to her prestige, the rat falling for her big time as he kisses her belly and navel in absolute worship.

“Now he promise to go find gifts worthy of her, heading to the Cave of Wonders on her behalf to find tribute to his new mistress and goddess.”

It clashes with the beginning of the film...or rather not as it seems that the more Ankha speaks, the further everything gets recontextualized. Jafar himself wants nothing more than to serve, to show his worth...yet he does so out of pride rather than true submission, thus why he try to send others to do what should be his bidding, his privilege. Unlike Aladdin, who goes on to do it himself as per her instructions, showing himself to be a better slave indeed.

“The Cave of Wonders lets him in, as his subservience is true and absolute. His devotion was the requirement and Aladdin has it in spades.”

You can hear the cave, that immense panther mouth, going on to indeed praise Aladdin for his obedience as he is allowed passage inside. Gems, treasures and promises all for him are shown...and yet he knows that he is here for her, his mistress. Everything is but artifice, distractions as yes he could get a harem, a palace or riches beyond his wildest dreams...but he is there to gain gifts for the one whose dominion illuminate his life and soul. Thus the rat goes on further into the cave.

“He finds the carpet and the lamp, never tempted to get them for himself as he knows the love and satisfaction of his mistress is worth more than anything this world could possibly offer him.”

Aladdin goes out and then fly into the night sky as long scenes of the movie are completely removed, yourself blanking them out as whatever happens on the screen is irrelevant. The picture actually plays in your mind, shaped by her words, suggestions and commands, Ankha telling you what you truly remember. It is a remix, yet one that feels right and fun, tagging along with your own subservience to her being as you see the rat going to the princess' balcony, then offering not only the magic lamp where a genie is said to reside...but the carpet itself as well.

“She tests it out and bring him to a secluded area, understanding that he is the one who shall obey without question, who shall adore her whatever she shall say or do...the diamond in the rough in terms of slaves...the one she had always been looking for.”

A song emerges, a whole new world, in which Ankha beautifully explains with great lyrics that this is what's being offered to him. Being by her side, sheltered in the palace, given purpose and the greatest role of them all...it's a sumptuous melody which fills you with an earworm as you hear it in double, as your mistress itself sings it to you while the one on the “screen” does so as well. All the while the animation shows Princess Ankha...Jasmine going on to dance and further hypnotize Aladdin with her allure and mesmerizing looks. Spirals fill the screen like tiny glimmering stars, the rat unable to contain his own pleasure and satisfaction at being owned now.

The rest of the film is about how Jafar is jealous and tries to pledge himself, yet fails as it's too much about him rather than about her...yet she is magnanimous as she goes on to find a second lamp and turns him into a genie, here to serve her and to learn the lesson that a good slave never puts their desire above that of their owner. As such, the movie ends with Jasmine being queen, Aladdin at her beck and call and Jafar completely submerged in lessons thrown to him by the lamp, only to emerge when the time is right. It's a different film than what you remember...but soon it becomes exactly what you know you ought to recall.

Somehow, Ankha has altered this memory of yours, turning it into something much more focused on her as she finally allows you to go forth and look at her some more...and you can't help but feel grateful as the actress and character from your fond memories is here in the flesh as you remember why it all came to be. In truth, you always wanted to be like Aladdin, which had been your wildest dream for the longest time...and Ankha knew. From the moment you saw her it had been hidden, yet emerged as she dressed like Shantae and gave you a chance. Now she knows that you're more than ready as you get on your knees and worship her midriff much like Aladdin did. To finally remember all of this and to be given this opportunity, this privilege is more than you can handle and if you had a magic carpet and lamp to offer her like the street rat did...you would give them both without hesitation. As such, Ankha's own place in your mind, heart and soul anchors itself even deeper, firmly entrenched in your psyche and preferences. As you worship her, she then goes on to look down as she sees that her job here has but started...

As there are more elements of you that needs to be centered around herself, now and forevermore.

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LittleRed11 [2022-11-05 11:44:12 +0000 UTC]

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Kaguron [2022-09-08 17:59:27 +0000 UTC]

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Mindtasker [2022-09-07 03:21:10 +0000 UTC]

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Hypno-Scream [2022-09-06 23:28:27 +0000 UTC]

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