IncredibleIntruder — Hama and Esme - NellJoestar

#bedlah #bellydancer #blueskin #djinn #esme #genie #hama #haremgirl #smirk #danceroutfit
Published: 2020-12-24 19:38:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 32355; Favourites: 273; Downloads: 43
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I couldn't just get one depiction of the genie trainee, that newest Sue Chan designed Esme as her potential is much too good (and her look too neat) to be delegated to a solitary rendition...and thus we have NellJoestar with their excellent cartoony/sexy drawing as she gets to interact with a more recent genie gal, Teebsy-86 /Tirquaz own Hama.

This was done for a Holiday gift for my friend Teebsy, a frequent collaborator in the past and just overall nice and very decent person. I thought a story and an illustration featuring yet another genie of mine (after last year's Naylee) would be quite appropriate. Why, though, is Hama, a generally more reserved yet hopeful being acting in such a way? Better read on to find out.

(if you're curious about both genies, you can check out Esme's intro here:   and Hama's own intro here:  Hama of the Lamp (Part 1)
A University Somewhere in Jordan
A dry breeze blew through the open windows, carrying the smells of the city market into the shared apartment. The scents of food and spices filled the air, and the last rays of the evening sun glinted on every mote of dust that danced between floor and ceiling.
The light shone brightest of all on an oil lamp, one that sat on a carved wooden stand in the centre of the room. Both seemed out of place compared to the rest of the apartment, furnished as it with whatever could be scavenged from market stalls or university thrift stores. The golden rays reflected off the polished surface of the lamp, scattering flecks of light across the walls, which were decorated with posters, lecture notes and project timetables.
The dancing rays seemed to linger briefly on a photograph, pinned in the centre of a corkboard over two desks that flanked the sole window. It showed two young women smiling for the camera, arms round each other’

Before going through the tale, though, let me just plug-in my Patreon, which has a wide variety of tales to download for free, including NSFW material that cannot be found on DA. Look it up: www.patreon.com/incredibleintr…

With that written, on to the story!

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                                                                                       MEETING THE DJINNTERN

Dear Hama,

How are you? I hope things are going well with you in terms of your djinn powers, capabilities and cognition growing each and every day. Things with Zain are okay, I presume, as you've got a good head on your shoulders (mostly due to you sticking to a humanoid shape for now). I've sent this missive , as opposed to a spell or anything extravagant for a very good reason, one which needs all of my focus and power to make sure it doesn't blow up in everyone's face. Things are a little dire, but nothing an old pro like me cannot handle. I'll tell you all about it once I'm done.

The thing is, I got myself an intern, a form of apprentice if you will. Her name is Esme and she's...well, she's very much a novice in all things djinnhood and I figured you'd be a very good match for her. She needs to learn and understand how to grant wishes, please others while still keeping her identity and wits about her. It's a tall job and normally I'm committed to it, but I can't right now. Would you be a dear and give her a few lessons for me?

Thanks, you're the best


Hama had read the content of the carefully rolled-up parchment more than three times by now.

It had been quite a while since she last saw Naylee, the Hypnodjinn apparently in a tough spot, which might explain just why their meeting at Oasis had to be put on hold so often, delegated to more opportune moments. There was something about a lord of kittens, a cobra god, some ancient evil...lots of headache and the kind of thing that she did not need as Hama, as much as she loved being a genie, or “djinn” given how Naylee preferred that term...she hadn't been one for that long. Compared to many others, she was still very much a novice, the kind which needed further lessons on her own as she did not have the luxury of a teacher like this Esme...who looked at her but then averted her gaze in the most blatant fashion whenever Hama looked back at her. She knew the type well, a shy wallflower, anxious, a bundle of stress on two legs hoping that nothing too bothersome would get in her way. It was her before all of this, the rush of power, duty and the connection to the cosmos...and yet this girl was a genie already, yet her appearance was both grand and yet unkempt. It was...weird.

“I know...I know...” Esme said, the genie girl trying to bring up a topic of conversation, yet obviously struggling about this simplest of task. Playing with her long, silky crimson locks, especially around the purple highlights, she only managed to make it clear how messy they were upon further inspection, which only added embarrassment to the genie standing in front of Hama. “I can go to a corner and...maybe do something else? I'm sure you're busy...You got no time for someone like me, right? I mean...I understand? Maybe?”

“I didn't say that, but you seem like a good person to me, Esme,” Hama said, figuring indeed that anyone Naylee took a shining to couldn't be so bad, although she was also on guard for any hypnotic tricks. Any disciple of the Hypnodjinn would certainly have a few up their sleeves and with how colorful Esme looked, she'd bet dollar to donuts that she had notions in that kind of approach. “I'm Hama and I've been a djinn for a few years...give or take. Human ones, if you need reference. You see, I used to be one before that and it's a long story-”

“Just a few human years and you're giving me lessons? Oh no...I knew it...I'm terrible...” Esme said, sitting down in a way that could only attract pity, her legs curled against her chest, in a fetal position as she gazed at her bottle, her temporary one with the traditional yellow and black warning pattern. “If only I could grant my own wishes...I think I'd be able to stop all this pressure to perform and to be great when I'm just miserable and worthless...”

Such low self-esteem would be funny if it were not so tragic as Hama could tell right there that Esme had a lot of issues, the kind which she might need to talk about, to unload in some capacity. While Naylee could definitely be a good listener (and also someone very skilled at making people talk), perhaps indeed someone with a different experience and point-of-view would give Esme some insight as Hama sat down cross-legged and then levitated, extending one hand to Esme so that the genie intern would join her. “We're all terrible at the start, don't worry too much about it. I mean, I kinda almost lost my humanity and my own sense of self when I got turned into a genie – a djinn actually – believe it or not. It's a whole story, kinda long too.”

Looking up, Esme hesitated, self-conscious to an insane degree as if she weighted down whether or not this would be shameful or not to let her be lead on like this after her display of complete self-destruction of her own ego. After a few seconds, she relented and floated nearby, a little vaulted making her look smaller than she could be, a recurring theme with her it seemed. “So...you were a mortal before that? Is it true that you...that you don't live for very long and that...that...” Esme began to ask, her expression curious yet reserved, a certain something being held back as if it was shameful to say, yet her face told of how much she wanted to gain answers on a certain topic. “That you used to secrete excrements like a lowly beast?”

The question taking her by surprise, if not shock, Hama did not quite know how to respond to that except with laughter, the tone of Esme's voice so sincere and yet the question so direct despite the topic. It was surreal, making Hama chuckle heartily, which only made Esme look away, obviously regretting her line of query. “Oh no...no, don't...*pffft*...don't feel ashamed. I mean, it's a legitimate question...I was just not expecting it...I mean...” Hama said, the whole contrast with her genie self and who she used to be indeed being brought forth in the most sordid of way. Bodily needs, her routine, her obligations...those were all gone save for when she felt like it and she had never quite noticed it. She was sustained with her own power, able to focus on other things in ways that indeed few humans or animals would ever comprehend...and the opposite was also true with Esme who was djinn-born, her own needs different. “Yes, yes I did poop. I had to eat and my body would digest it, take all the nutrients and discard it all...I never thought I'd have to explain this, but here we are.”

“There were many theories as to why you did that. I thought it was because you were marking your territory...though that wouldn't explain why you did so in thrones of porcelain...” Esme began to say, apparently the topic bringing out a side which seemed almost...geek-like. Of course humans could be subject of fantasy and mythology, poorly understood by some much like genies were for mortals. For all the lore about wish-granting, servitude, lamps and bottles...not all genies were like that, much like not all humans were similar. It just felt a touch silly that such a “topic” would bring out a less miserable side of herself upfront.

“So tell me...Why did you start going into the wish-granting business? From what I know, it's not entirely obligatory for us genies, albeit it does enhance our powers and do bring out many good things in-” Hama began to say, going into teacher-mode for a full second before she stopped, trying not to break down whatever small progress she had made with Esme, which sadly was happening right now.

“Oh...W-well...It's uh...not by choice,” Esme said, returning to the much-less assertive persona from two minutes ago, darting away as if looking for an exit to this conversation, possibly from her life as well. “My parents kinda...forced me? I mean, they said I wouldn't be doing anything good just playing video games at home and staying in my room...where it's safe and comfy...but here I am...”

This explained that, a shut-in with a fear of the outside, notably the entire cosmos. Hama could somewhat theorize many reasons as to that, with djinns being attuned to the universe and the winds of arcana in ways very few could actually understand, creating many more stimuli that some with different mindsets or such would actually be overwhelmed by...and then it hit her. Esme could very well have a general anxiety disorder or perhaps be wired differently, on the spectrum of autism or something similar. Her own fascination with humans, her own lack of understanding of social norms and all of this...It was, admittedly a very quick and weirdly put-together idea, but no one ever said that it couldn't be possible either.

“So you like video games? Could you tell me more about how they work for genies?” Hama said, tempting a different approach yet again to make Esme feel more comfortable. The way a certain spark, a brightness passed through those dim and almost-dead eyes, resurrecting them on the spot gave Hama hope as Esme locked her gaze on her near-immediately. “I mean, I did know of them when I was human, we do have them, but they must be really different for-”

“Oh, you have no idea. I mean, I had to build my own DreamStation with parts that were fused with different runes and enchantments, but if you could only see the graphics you'd know it's worth it. Not all machines can run things in seven dimensions, but let me tell you-” Esme began to say, speaking lightning-fast, as if her tongue was magically-charged in a way that made her spout about spell components, arcane-technology and the latest installment of Conclusive Mythology 16...the remake of it. There was passion, fire and way too many words which made their own games feel light years ahead of theirs as Hama almost wanted to try them right here and now if only to understand just what were all those extra dimensions and what they did. “...And that's how I managed to grind to max level by grafting two temporary astral arms upon my form to type faster...Oh, I'm sorry...I kind of...went along for too long. You can tell me if you're bored...or something like that.”

The contrast was striking, fire and comfort as opposed to insecurity and meekness, all in the same girl. Somehow her hair had been slicker, her posture better back then for the last 15 minutes when she spoke about her games, which gave off vibes about confidence being an actual factor for djinns and their powers. Naylee could pull things off in such a grandiloquent fashion because she was actually self-assured, while Hama struggled a bit and was not on the same level...perhaps because of that? Experience begets talent, repetition bears excellence...Simple tenets, yet not so easy to master and Esme was at the bottom of that as her hair was now as messy as ever. At this point, there had to be something that could be done to change that.

“Tell me, only if you're okay with it though...why are you reluctant about becoming a wish-granter like Naylee or myself?” Hama asked, going directly for this line of inquiry as she figured she had made some headway, trying to form some kind of bond with Esme away from a more academic relationship...perhaps into friendship somehow. “All my life I wanted to make a difference, to have power and to use it for good...to not be useless and discarded by an uncaring world...And now I can do all of this and so much more. To me, being a genie means changing things for the better while understanding so much more. It's a dream come true...but it's not like that for you, I take it?”

“My dad and my mom...they're kind of big shots in the other dimensions and well...they think they coddled me for too long or...something like that? So they wanted me to become like them and...well...here I am...” Esme added, giving some more background to her own life, to what lead her to this exact position as her own reluctance grew, yet there was definitely an attempt to speak up for once, which was certainly an improvement. “They asked Naylee to teach me and she's really nice...you know she's in charge and that she can be the greatest blessing or curse someone could ever get...but all it makes me feel is inferior in so many ways...”

“Comparing yourself to others who had much, much more time on building themselves up is not fair to you, Esme,” Hama said, feeling for that genie gal and the bizarrely relatable problems she were facing. It did seem like anyone with a tangible intelligent streak and emotions could live through the same anguish and inadequacies as anyone else, be they human or genies. “Even I feel somewhat...not as good as her right now. But I'll reach that level eventually. I need time.”

“I just don't know how she do it...all the masters and mistresses I get are like...weird entities to me. I don't understand them and half the time they ask things of me that I...that I...” Esme began to say, her gaze shifting far away from Hama and there was an immediate understanding in the room as she knew she lucked out with Zain, with her relationship and how it was built up. Not everyone could be so fortunate and Esme certainly hadn't been by the sound of it. “I try to give them what they want and...it just never works.”

“Tell me about it...desires are so fickle and precise all at once. I once messed up as I hypnotized Zain by using my magic while dancing, bringing her under a trance. A few wrong words and she'd have possibly been a very different person...or altogether gone if I hadn't reined it in,” Hama said, sharing some personal experience while offering a gentle smile and a soft touch on Esme's shoulder. “We all make mistakes. Naylee did in the past and so will you and it's okay.”

“I turned a man into a sandwich once,” Esme directly retorted, as if it was an inexcusable crime, deadpan serious as Hama looked at her incredulously, then chuckled again at the sheer absurdity of the claim. “H-hey...I'm serious!”

“Oh, I feel like you're unable to lie, which is honestly a very good personality trait...Let me guess, he said, and I quote, I wish you would make me a sandwich?” Hama said, fully expecting this to be the case.

“Yes! He said just that and I thought it was weird...but a wish is a wish, right? Gotta fulfill it to the best of my abilities, so I turned him into a sandwich, bread and everything,” Esme answered, Hama hitting it dead-on with her own guess as this only prompted Hama to laugh a bit louder. “Naylee mindwiped him to remove any traumatism of being full of ham, mustard and pickles...And that's only one of the many mistakes I did. I just...I just don't get humans.”

“Now certainly you must have granted some good wishes here and there?” Hama said, trying to tone it down with her amusement, trying to give the poor Esme a chance as she leaned forward, especially invested by now. “With a look like yours, I bet you must have charmed quite a few mortal hearts, yes?”

Saying that, Hama smirked as she danced, doing a sultry little baladi number to illustrate her point, summoning backup to create a mix of Bollywood and Middle-Eastern extravagance, a little wink sealing the deal as Esme stared in awe at the display. “I wish I could...dance like that for real. I can only look this good with illusions...But yes, I did get that wish asked of me...and I haven't been comfortable with them too much...But a wish is a wish, right?”

“Yes...and also no. I bet Naylee taught you how to circumvent that, yes?” Hama said, fully aware that the Hypnodjinn could be overly friendly and protective in her own ways, picturing that indeed the illusions Esme spoke about were instructed by none other than her actual teacher. “So long as the one you grant their wish to believes it, it's all good.”

“I just feel like...I'm cheating a little? If that makes any sense?” Esme said, trying to find the correct expression as she sighed, a little more open with her feelings which was great progress as far as Hama was concerned. “I just want them to be happy...but I also don't want to be just some kind of lucky tool...I'm a person too, you know?”

“And that's exactly how it should be. If you believe this, I'm sure you'll make a great genie someday,” Hama said, offering a little wink and a smile before adjusting her position to a more upright one. “Until then, I think a good piece of advice would be to act as if you were Genie from Aladdin. Extravagance, charisma and a touch of over-exuberance can help a lot...fake it until you make it, you know?”

“Genie from who...or maybe what?” Esme said, genuinely puzzled about just what was being said, her look far too earnest in its confusion to suggest trickery.

“You've never seen Aladdin...What about I dream of Jeannie?” Hama asked anew, only to receive yet another look of embarrassed confusion. “Shantae? The Arabian Nights? Wait a minute...you don't mean to tell me that you've never heard of those before?”

The silence in the room told it all as Esme couldn't answer, again averting her gaze until Hama knew exactly what her lessons would be until Naylee would come back. “That's it! Girl, we're going to watch movies, cartoons and play games together...all stuff featuring how people envision djinns here!” Hama explained, her plan foolproof as she knew that this was exactly what was needed, summoning a couch and a luxurious television set for her “class” to be taught. “That way you'll understand just exactly what we expect from genies, how we picture you and learn how to behave accordingly. No dancing, no wishes, nothing of the sort...only a marathon of games and film? Are you okay with that?”

Hearing this, a miracle occurred as Esme smiled at the proposition, a radiant reaction which made her seem brighter and far prettier than one could be lead to believe as she nodded, almost as if someone finally understood her and gave her a break for once. “Yes...yes I'd like that.”

Hama knew not what Naylee was going through and how come this made it so she couldn't use one of her many copies to continue instructing Esme...but there were much worse ways to wait for answers to come than to behave like a couch potato with a new friend.

And the first thing they'd watch would be Aladdin, the basis for genie in modern popular culture.

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Comments: 6

LittleRed11 [2021-01-29 11:26:08 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to LittleRed11 [2021-01-29 13:02:22 +0000 UTC]

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Kaguron [2020-12-24 22:45:49 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to Kaguron [2020-12-25 23:53:22 +0000 UTC]

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kaaslave [2020-12-24 19:42:18 +0000 UTC]

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