IncredibleIntruder — Kamala and Saharah - Gameboyred

#animalcrossing #anthro #bellydancer #brainwashing #camel #carpet #cobra #dancer #furry #hypnosis #hypnotic #mindcontrol #newhorizons #nintendo #saharah #scales #serpent #snake #tail
Published: 2020-07-03 03:04:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 16548; Favourites: 83; Downloads: 11
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A long while ago, back when I started quarantine and started playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons, I had an idea for a hypno-fic. Saharah as someone tempting the player to buy more of her products, tempting them with the show of a lifetime given by her serpentine friend, an original character that I called Kamala. It was a reader-insert story, the kind that I loved to dabble with for a while.

And then a fan and friend of mine, Irontale96 , liked it so much that he commissioned a sequel to it, only to then commission this piece from the artist Gameboyred to act as the preview image. As such, Kamala was illustrated alongside Saharah, given form and I have to say...she looks adorable. Gameboyred went with the cuddly and cute look from the game, applying it to this character which was only textual, yet now she has an actual illustration of her.

And now, here is the story that I wrote, which is a direct sequel to the first one (which you can read here  Tickets to paradise (Reader-Insert)Your home isn't all that nice-looking.
The island certainly is up-and-coming due to your efforts and that of the others like Tom Nook and Isabelle, but all of their hard work and yours were entirely focused on the landscape and the amenities required. As such, you didn't quite have enough time to properly work on your own pad as the furniture inside is all over the place in terms of theme and ensemble. A jungle-themed wall, a small purple rug, pink flooring, a fridge, a hammock, a lantern and some egg-themed pieces...and that's it. To say it looks disparate and ugly would be underselling it and thus it's about time you worked on that instead. It is your home, after all, more so than the actual island as this is yours...Well until you completely pay your debts anyway.
So you get to work, going to your DIY station, picking up material to really furnish the place, to spry it up a little as you spend some time upon it...but soon you come at an impasse as you have no recipes for proper floo). I do suggest you read it, as it will make the upcoming narrative feel more complete.

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                                                                                            PARADISE FOR TICKETS (READER-INSERT)

You can't stop thinking about Kamala and Saharah.

You're left waiting for the next Wednesday, the many rugs, wallpapers and carpets adorning the many rooms in your large house. Some of them are actually moving, simulating clouds, a storm, a large desert landscape and many other things which are rather awe-inducing. Green, purple, blue with dots, with a snowflake pattern, rugs of all size and shapes can be found as you know for a fact that you've spent 70 000 Bells on them yesterday. It is a very large investment on its own, with many of the products not being used and set in your storage instead. Hours of hard work, of collecting bugs, selling old fossils, fishing and all sort of menial tasks just for the opportunity to support Saharah...but also to get tickets to see her.

Kamala the cobra.

You know how happy she is when you buy products from Saharah and pleasing her is so important to you. It's almost everything, a little thrill onto itself as whenever you spent 10 000 Bells she would treat you to a show. Her sublime and lean body, with those curves, that amethyst in her sumptuous midriff, those eyes which captured your heart and your mind...that sweet, sweet hypnosis that she seems so potent with. You know you're under her power, in her sexy spell, but that does not register as a bad thing. You just feel good reminiscing about those performances of hers, those seven time in which she made you feel mindless and blissful. A dance, then a deep look into her colorful, deep and beautiful eyes...And she has you wrapped around her fingers by now. 10 000 Bells is nothing to see her and, besides, Saharah could certainly use the business you send her way. Everyone is winning in this deal...But the wait is simply agonizing.

Very few on the island has indulged in this as much as you did. Some went once, most twice, but that was it. They didn't quite understand how marvelous it could be at the level of entrancement you were in currently. You dreamed of her, of rugs as you look at your purchase and imagine her smiling, shaking her hips and imagine her eyes as best as you can, picturing them within your mind...But there's six days left until she'll come back and you're not sure you'll have the patience for that. You tried to go about with your routine, but it just felt lifeless, as if trying to ignore how world and mind-shattering those experiences were. You're still at home, looking at what you bought and reliving past events with an eagerness for more. If only you could move toward the next Wednesday right now...

...But you can. You remember it, the way in which you can move forward in time. It is a technique only you can do, something that you swore you'd never do as you came to this island for a fresh start, for a much more calm life than the previous one. For your own peace-of-mind, for a more serene existence you said you'd go on and live day-by-day, but after witnessing that dance so many times, hearing the soft and sweet whispers of Kamala and trying to please her it just sounds like you could make an exception for this time. You could explain that you were sick or something and you'd be right there for when Kamala and Saharah arrives. A little voice within tells you that it's a bad idea, that Wednesday will soon come naturally...But you want it now and so you go to your phone and you use that weird power of yours as you “time-skip”, jumping ahead to the next Wednesday in the morning. You feel no difference around you, no particular shaking or temporal disturbance, yet as you exit your house it is indeed morning as you hear Isabelle make her daily announcement. She says the date and indeed today is Wednesday, your bizarre power coming to the rescue as you rush outside, unable to wait any longer.

The tent is set, with Saharah guarding its entrance and placing its many wares as you reach out to her with a friendly hello, your trepidation rather obvious as she chuckles a little upon seeing you. “Hello there, my rich friend. You are here for my products and for Kamala, yes?” she asks, already well-aware of the answer as she gives you a sly look and a little smirk, patting the many rugs, flooring and wallpapers that she has to sell today. “Maybe I should start a loyalty program just for you, eh? Wouldn't that be nice?”

You're not sure if she's teasing or if she's serious, but at any rate you're more than willing to pay for her excellent wares as helping her out would make Kamala happy. You reach out for your Bells...and then forget one important factor: you skipped the week and didn't amass any money. You feel embarrassed, your heart sinking down as if you disappointed Kamala herself by coming empty-handed. Saharah witness this and then sigh until her expression lights up as if she had just a revelation.

“You're short on Bells, I see...But I can give you a few tickets if you can help me out with something,” Saharah begins to explain, going to a separate basket which was sealed, as if some secret could be found inside that no one ought to find about. “With the Bells I get from sales here, I started a new project. It is not quite ready, but I want test. You be the one to try it, then you give feedback and I give you tickets. Sounds fair, yes?”

She's a lifesaver. You can see why Kamala is friend with this amazing camel as you nod and she gives you a rug covered in plastic, taken straight from the “forbidden” basket. Understanding that you just have to set it at home and give her back some kind of review, you head out from where you came and close the door behind you. You opt to go to one of your side-room and then you unseal the carpet, unfolding it in one fell swoop...and you are basked in its radiance near-immediately. It is a round rug, medium-sized, round-shaped as it showcase circles of purple along with circles of red, yellow and orange: Kamala's colors. They are clearly divided, yet it seems as if the circles are spinning into a lazy kind of spiral. You know the wonders Saharah can do with wallpaper, simulating motions expertly, but this is the next level as while you gaze at the carpet time slows down to a crawl.

The center is ever purple, even as it seems to spin within as if it was her amethyst lodged in her navel. Looking at it reminds you of her dance, of her supple hips and of her flexible grace as her belly rolls, her incredible flutters and all those motions are vividly recalled by your brain. You can even hear the faint sound of her voice, its tone more than any particular words as you gaze in awe at this carpet and just let yourself go much like you did back when you entered the tents so many times last week...though for you it was only yesterday. The circles spin, your eyes are locked and you find yourself smiling until you remember that you were supposed to get back to Saharah with some thoughts on the matter. You reach out to your phone and notice one thing: it's been one hour already since you laid down the rug and you're quite surprised at that. This hypnotic rug had you completely in a trance, almost like the real Kamala and you look away from the rug itself as you roll it and pick it up from the ground, aware that you might skip more than an hour if you keep on staring at it. You get back to Saharah, a little lineup already there as you wait your turn patiently. A little part of yourself think you could perhaps take a quick peek at the rug, but you need to be attentive now as you'll soon be getting tickets for your troubles.

“Ah, my most devoted friend. It's been a long while...I feared you forgot about me,” Saharah said, some of her stock already bought as the camel cannot help but have a smile on her face. “So, how was my product? Any special thoughts about it?”

You tell her that you couldn't look away, that it gave off incredible vibes and that it reminded you of very special times. You say that you love it and speak the truth as you hand it over to her, but she merely pushes it away toward you with a friendly gesture and a little wink.

“No no, you've done me a service. Keep it as a bonus,” Saharah says, proceeding to give you ten tickets which you give back to her with a very eager gesture as she only chuckles at your own anticipation. “Of course, of course. No need to hand them away when you'll spend them now. Now go see who inspired this special product of mine, friend.”

You enter the tent, your heart beating slightly faster as she is there, her superb colors, her belly dance outfit still the same as the familiarity of her hypnotic presence and beauty strikes back at you. It's as if the rug itself only magnified her intensity as you see the circles of purple and of red, orange and yellow. Her amethyst calls to you and your mind shuts down as you gaze upon her. You instinctively sit down on the pillow, on your knees and she gives you a pleasant smile, but also a predatory glare as well.

“I've been told you tested Saharah's new product...How generous of you~” she says with a sing-song voice, playful in the way she talks as she gets closer to you, aware that you've more than earned the privilege of proximity. Her belly scales are shimmering, accompanying the sight of her polished navel amethyst with a splendor that even the starry sky cannot compete with. The illusion of the night ambiance within the tent helps set out some form of intimacy, but it is easy to ignore and forget as you are so close to the flames of Kamala's own scales. “Allow me to show you the same amount of kindness~”

And then she dance and everything is right with the world. Undulations, rolls, hips swaying...she gives you the whole work and less than a meter away from your face as you are in the best position to enjoy this: on your knees. Of course being like this in front of your mistress is more than fitting as you want to please her and she enjoys how eager you are to do so. You hear her voice still, but don't understand her words. You don't really care, though, basking in her presence and her exotic allure is more than worth anything you could offer anyway. Then, she directly touches you with a finger, lifting your chin up and soon you meet her gaze...her mesmerizing eyes which you've been looking forward to as well.

“You've been very good in helping my friend Saharah. It felt great to assist her, didn't it?~”

“Accepting her requests makes me very happy...and you know how much you want to please me, yes?”

“It's your greatest privilege to serve us both, to submit to our demands~”

You hear those things and comprehend them, but you know you've skipped and missed more than a dozen more as you drink of those eyes, of the hypnotic cocktail of those mind-sucking colors. At times they're lazy and slow, at others they're devilishly fast, but they're always captivating and hypnotic, making you lose track of yourself and it only makes you fall even more for her and for her divine power, the one she has over you...


You wake up, but you know by now that the effects of what Kamala says are still imprinted in your subconscious. It's no secret to you and to her, nor is the delight you feel about it something meant to be hidden from your own psyche. She effectively owns you by now and as she helps you up, her gentle touch sending shivers on your skin. She waves you goodbye, gives you a little wink filled with a few seconds of spirals and then you exit as Saharah smiles as she's discussing with Tom Nook. You got your fix and it makes you happy...but you could get more and soon you get back to work, reinvigorated as you fish, bash rocks, even use some of your Nook Miles to produce tickets for more Bells. The day continues and you spend your earnings on Saharah's ware and get to see Kamala again.

“Nothing is as important as supporting your favorite merchants...Saharah and myself~”

You're doing errands, selling seashells, crafting furniture to sell as you do your very best to make both Saharah and Kamala have a very rewarding day...Until they are out-of-stock and close down their shop just as you go for another round. “Oh my, I am terribly sorry friend, but I have no more rugs to sell,” Saharah says, feeling genuinely sorry that she cannot meet the demand of her very best customer. “You'll have to come back next week...But in the meanwhile, perhaps you might indulge in that little gift I gave you, yes?”

Of course! The Kamala carpet, a nickname you gave to this product as you understand that it might help you wait as you rush toward your home, set it back on the ground and the familiar colors, how they seemingly spin, makes way for a sigh of relief to escape from your lips. You look at the carpet and you can even recall some of what Kamala said to you, the commands she instilled into your subconscious mind.

“You love to spend money on Saharah's product.”

“You are addicted to my hypnotic dance.”

“You trust Saharah and I deeply.”

“You want nothing more than to obey us completely.”

“You are our slave.”

It sounds true, as if she were here, whispering in your ear and your mind. You lose yourself to the carpet, to its spiral-like pattern and to its spin and soon you feel the urge to see Kamala and Saharah again. You need to be with them, to submit to their demand, to their needs and to please them however you can. It becomes all-encompassing and you know how to get exactly what you need: moving forward in time. It's too much and as you manage to get the right time without looking away from the carpet, the superb colors basking you in hypnotic stupor and bliss, you manage to tear your gaze away from it as you head outside...and see that it is indeed the next Wednesday, night giving way to a whole new day but one a week away. You move toward the tent, seeing Saharah...your mistress. You see her as a true savior, as someone so intent to help you out, to make you happy that you feel like you owe her a thousand times over for all the delight she sent your way. She looks at you and, once again, smile.

“Greetings, my friend!” she says, waving with a single hoof in the air as she approaches you, leaving the entrance of her tent unguarded for a few moments. “I'm in need of someone to test more of my new products...And I think you're the right person. There's tickets for you in it, a tempting offer wouldn't you say?”

She says offer, but you see it as a command as she hands you a rather large number of wallpapers, carpets and different floors, all sealed. You soon fill your entire inventory with all that she gives you and she sends you a knowing look. “You are an expert at this and I want your honest opinion...So test them out and whenever you come back to me I will give you tickets. Better start now, I think!”

You head back to your home, understanding that this is imperative as you go to different rooms and check out just what she has in store for you. The first thing you try is a wallpaper which is very simple: a black spiral against a white background, creating a sharp contrast as it spins around...and around...and around...The four walls of the room shows this delightfully straightforward yet hypnotic imagery as you know by now that it is the intent behind the piece and you permit yourself to stare. You have to test them out as per your mistress understated command and it is only the fact that you will have rewards, and that you have more of her products to test out, that snaps you out of your trance of impossible delight. You head out and get back to Saharah and she only needs to see the look on your face to understand that you appreciated her product very, very much.

“Yes, black and white are very nice colors. I can see them in your eyes. So easy to lose yourself in them, after all,” she says, a little smirk on her face as she then doesn't even bother to give you tickets, aware of what you want and it's not mysterious wallpapers or flooring. You have no idea if there was a lineup and if you've skipped it, but you get to see Kamala again as she smiles and hisses upon seeing you. Before you even know it, you're already on your knees and she's performing. Did she say hello to you? Is she actually talking? All you hear are her hisses and the faint sound of her voice on occasion, phantom-like as if it slips directly into your mind.

“Each spirals and swirls makes you think of Saharah and me~”

“Being hypnotized is the best feeling in the world~”


You were looking at her dance, at her eyes...but now you're at your home? Did you miss the show? Were you so hypnotized that you slept through it? You don't know but the next thing you're looking at is a kaleidoscope of retracting and expanding colors, a rainbow of meshing warm and cold tones which captivates you completely, makes you lose yourself in a passionate bliss as it feels as if your floor was pulsating below you, making you lose your footing as you fall on your knees, now a natural position for you...

“Each new product you test gets you closer to us both, to your mistresses~”

No, you're actually right in front of Kamala right now as her scent, her perfume, whiffs into your nose. It is faint but perceptible, attuned to your sense of smell as it makes you sigh in ecstasy. Her belly is so close to your face, her flesh sometimes brushing against your skin and your lips. The amethyst shines brightly, bringing you further into a nice trance...


You're at home, though, looking at dots of purple which shines and pulsate against a fiery background on your wall. It's as if the amethyst in Kamala's navel was exploding, expanding to make it so it becomes bright and marvelous against the flames of her scales. It's akin to her belly rolls, but on your walls as you can feel the faint taste of her scales on your lips, the brushing against your face burying you in the nirvana of complete submission.

“Saharah's products are the best in the world. None could ever compare to them~”

But now you're staring at those wonderful, deep eyes and they capture your spirit, her hisses making them pulsate as you feel so faint and yet so happy as your perceptions, your senses, your own cognition is taken away from you. What time is it? How often have you reached her tent? Is she still talking? None of these questions matters and they dissipate in the sparkle of her deep hypnotic stare as you indulge yourself...


Until you realize that it's really just a carpet with her eyes imprinted on them, another of Saharah's wonderful and life-like products. It's as if Kamala was really there, her eyes larger-than-life as you're still on your knees, hearing her voice and letting it drown your reason and logic away in favor of incredible hypnotic submission...You don't know what's going on except that you're obeying your mistresses...Helping them out...Are hypnotized...And it all feels so good.


You wake up and it is night now as you stand up outside of Saharah's tent, the camel looking at you with a friendly smile on her face as she hands out quite a large amount of her products in your hands. “You have been very, very helpful. As thanks, you can keep everything that you've tested today,” she tells you, this news bringing a very large smile on your face as well. “By the many spirals and colors pulsating in your eyes, I'd say you loved it quite a lot, yes? I actually have something for you to do, though...Now listen closely.”

Her voice is faint and almost unheard, as if she's speaking to your soul directly as you hear her commands in repeat as you head out home...Or are you already at home? No, you're at the airport, buying many cards. You write letters and you attach gifts to them for all the residents. Yes, Saharah in her generosity wanted for everyone to enjoy these magnificent products. To bring everyone up to your standard. You're her favorite customer...and Kamala's as well. Hearing this make you so happy and you write dozens of letters, pay the fees with the Bells that Saharah generously gave to you. As you complete this task, you head out home and go to each of your rooms, setting up more of these amazing hypnotic wares of hers. Spirals, swirls, pulsating colors...all of it there for your own visual delight...And soon to everyone else's too.

Eventually, you snap out of it on your own as you feel a little dizzy, a little faint...but also very calm and peaceful. You look at yourself in a little mirror and realize that your eyes are spinning wildly with colors and spirals, a sign of your own complete hypnotic intoxication. It makes you giggle a little as you head out...and you realize that it's already Wednesday. Were you out of it because of your trance? Did you time-skip again? Does it even really matter? You head out to your mistresses, awaiting your next command and you realize that there's a lineup waiting, with many of the villagers having spirals in their eyes too...but theirs are weaker than yours. They still have much to learn, but seeing them with little smiles and eager to help Saharah and Kamala does make you happy...because you know those two are especially content about this.

“Ah, my most faithful and loyal customer, my good friend,” Saharah says, ignoring the lineup to favor you as the camel reach out to you and your pliant mind. “I have need of your services again. I've heard that you were the island representative all along, that you named it and actually got to help it become the wonder that it is today. Quite an achievement! But now I need you...and you are very eager to help me out, yes?”

The way she says it brings out a pulse of ecstasy in your mind as you barely register anything anymore but her words, the vision of spirals and of Kamala. Yes, it is your duty and your privilege to obey as you do as she asks, your mind once again skipping in ways that feels weird, but strangely comforting given that you know this is due to your trance...and to be a hypnotized slave is the best feeling in the world. You go to see Mable and Sable, then Timmy and Tommy as you speak to them of possible business arrangement with Saharah, something very lucrative in fact. The camel and the cobra shall both be there when they close up shop, ready to talk and arrange something out as they'll be waiting for them. You then go to the Town Hall and try to arrange a little something with Isabelle and Tom Nook too. They agree on the spot as you see that their office floor is actually garnished in the very nice products that Saharah made, the hypnotic piece of parquetry actually reflected in their eyes as well. You don't recall sending them anything, but then again it is of no matter what you recall as the most important thing is that Mistress Saharah and Mistress Kamala are satisfied with their slave.

The rest of the day is spent helping out Saharah by her tent, using your phone to design more spirals for her as she knows you're an expert by now. Different shades and colors, experimental patterns and even direct representations of Kamala are drawn and sent to her and each time she approves she opens up the tent for you to enter...and to let Kamala hypnotize you even further.

“You don't remember any life before becoming ours~”

“Nothing is important beside being owned by Saharah and myself~”

“Your mind is ours to shape up as we see fit~”

“You have no true belongings, everything you own is ours~”

“Your life is servitude to our splendor~”

There is no pretense anymore, hasn't been any for a while in fact. Kamala obviously delights in being your mistress and you adore being her slave and that of Saharah as well. It's your life now...


You wake up in your home and you're not sure how you got there, why you're here and how come you're standing in front of your front door. You have the certainty that it is Wednesday and you go to meet your beloved mistresses...And Saharah waits for you as she waves at you, then motion to come toward you as you witness that everyone wears clothes which bears your designs and hers as well. Their eyes are filled with spirals much like yours and he motions for everyone to wait. “You are amazing, my friend...or should I say, my slave?” she says, putting a special emphasis on your title as it brings only delight, a trembling little shiver in your mind and body as whenever you look at her you see spirals, you see Kamala dancing and you realize how much you worship them both. “However, the line is very long and I have many different products to sell...So why not go to your local shops? We have deals with them for new products, things that you will love. Each one you buy gives us a percentage...So spend for us, yes?”

As per her command you go to Nook's Crannies and see that indeed Timmy and Tommy have wide smiles on their face, along with very fast and pulsating spirals in their eyes in the colors that are characteristic to Kamala. You picture her hypnotizing, enslaving those two and it only makes you tremble in happiness as her power, her appeal, has no limit...your mistress and now theirs as well as it should be. Effigies of Kamala, little bobbing statues with pulsating eyes, a fake amethyst attached to a string...Many products are sold and you buy a copy of each one with money you didn't quite realize you had...But it doesn't matter as you then head out to Mable and Sable and see those shirts, coats, hats and even belly dance costumes that have either your designs or are a replica of Kamala's own colors and patterns on them. Again, you buy them without thinking as the two obviously hypnotized and blissful hedgehogs thank you for your business. You get back to the line and it has barely budged...but at least you've got merchandise to try out. You swing the amethyst in front of your eyes, picturing as if Kamala was swaying her hips in front of you. You check out the effigy and kiss its little belly. You wear the shirt and the costume and everything...You bask in the awesomeness, power, mystique and pure sensuality of your hypnotic mistress and soon it is your turn as two occasional visitors leaving her tent snaps you out of it. You recognize them as CJ and Flick, a fish and a bug enthusiast respectively who seems to have caught on with the Kamala and Saharah craze too, their eyes pulsating with spirals as well.

“My most devoted, most obedient and adoring slave!” Saharah says out loud, this call making you proud as you and she both knows that to be called such in an incredible honor. You kneel before her, too lost in your mindlessness to bother with your own pride, serving being much more rewarding than bothering with dignity anyway. “I have one more favor to ask of you, a big one but it is essential...So listen to your mistress carefully.”

Upon her direct order you head out to the Town Hall...along with everyone else. You get to the flag on its side, the symbol of your island, the representation of your hopes, of your dreams, of that of the burgeoning society that you've built. You look at it and see what you have to do as everyone looks at you expectantly...especially your mistresses as Kamala whispers into your ear, telling you to do it, that it has to be you. You obey, of course you do, and you change it to your greatest design yet: Kamala. It is her, reproduced on a smaller scale, with her superb and soul-catching eyes as it replaces the image on the flag. They've already claimed everyone on the island, turning them into obedient servants already, getting not only all the Bells they could get but also their devotion and worship. To finally seal it with this gesture is an immense honor and then Kamala stands above you...Were you always on your knees?...And whisper one commands along with a hiss.

“Kiss my belly in worship...clean my belly gem with your tongue~”

You do so happily, expectantly as you know why she does this while everyone else is watching: if you obey and serve well, you get this kind of reward...And Saharah did say you were the best. Everyone should be like you and thus you simply enjoy this, tasting her scales and her flesh with wild abandon with complete disregard to any humiliating or degrading prospects. There is no shame here, only elation as everyone stares with desire, prompting for them to indeed want to be just like you: completely hypnotized and subservient.

“Now watch Kamala and we'll begin our now daily communal hypnosis session, everyone.”

Saharah speaks and everyone listens, everyone obeys. They get on their knees as you join them, you get out the amethyst on a string which you've each bought and you swing them before your eyes to the rhythm of Kamala's hip-swaying. A melody plays in the background, an arrangement by K.K Slider with voice-overs by Kamala herself as you hear her sublime voice and you repeat everything she says...like everyone else.

You love hypnosis.

You serve mistress Kamala and mistress Saharah.

You are a slave.

It is the start of a wonderful new life for everyone, a true getaway from trouble and from the stress of society. Under the care of your mistresses you know everything will be fine. You shall be obedient, mindless, entranced and devoted to them from now on, each and every day. You have lost your mind, your reason, your dignity, your Bells and everything that you own to them...

And you wouldn't have it any other way.

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Comments: 14

BlueAngel465 [2021-03-27 22:52:59 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to BlueAngel465 [2021-03-28 19:37:09 +0000 UTC]

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BlueAngel465 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2021-03-28 19:39:08 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to BlueAngel465 [2021-03-28 19:56:17 +0000 UTC]

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BlueAngel465 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2021-03-28 19:58:03 +0000 UTC]

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Norogrim [2020-07-04 00:23:51 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to Norogrim [2020-07-04 00:40:38 +0000 UTC]

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bluewingfairy [2020-07-03 13:19:36 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to bluewingfairy [2020-07-03 23:09:29 +0000 UTC]

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bluewingfairy In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-07-04 00:32:10 +0000 UTC]

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BellmoTheGreat [2020-07-03 07:22:12 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to BellmoTheGreat [2020-07-03 11:42:18 +0000 UTC]

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kaaslave [2020-07-03 05:53:43 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to kaaslave [2020-07-03 12:10:01 +0000 UTC]

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