IncredibleIntruder — Odoriko No Mae - Neo-Edo-Exican

#bandits #bellydance #bellydancer #fox #foxgirl #hypno #hypnosis #hypnotic #illusion #inn #japan #kitsune #magic #mindcontrol #monstergirl #nippon #performer #sexy #tg #trans #vixen #haremoutfit #ninetailedfox #transgender #kemonomimi
Published: 2020-03-26 11:54:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 22594; Favourites: 234; Downloads: 24
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Having a lot of OC's, with you actually liking them quite a lot means that you want to have art with them, to tell more of their stories. Odoriko No Mae is one of those characters that I got a while ago, drawn and designed by the talented Gameboyred .

I wrote a story for her, gave her a past and everything but I had one more story in me for her, one that I felt like telling and so I went with an artist whose work I like very much, Neo-Edo-Exican . Going for a belly-up piece, she did a beautiful job with her tail, her more mischievous, sexy yet kind demeanor and with her more mystical vibes here. It's a pretty lovely piece, I must say.

If you want to commission her, you can check out her prices right here:  twitter.com/Neo_Edo_Exican/sta… (just disregard the cuddle top special. It's no longer correct in its pricing).

If you like my work and want to tip/support me, please consider my Patreon:  www.patreon.com/incredibleintr…

And now here is the story, which is a sequel to the first one involving the character. You can read it in the description to the piece linked above.

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                                                                                                          TROUBLE AT THE DANCING VIXEN

Business was impossibly spare on this Spring evening.

Hiroshi was tending the counter at the inn built and owned by his parents. Unusually quiet, it had been some time since they had received the same amount of esteemed guests and travelers that regularly visited their humble abode filled to the brim with generosity and warmth. The shows and hospitality of this fine establishment were of a great reputation, yet nothing could possibly last forever as it seemed that perhaps the limelight of the Dancing Vixen was fading, prone to the ravage of time and of obscurity. As a young man filled with the pride and hard-working attitude of his father, this struck Hiroshi hard as he only wanted to continue this lively tradition, having met so many people of different creed and ways of life, his own routine filled with nothing short of mysteries and new acquaintances...yet perhaps it would be soon over and he'd need to consider the future...Yet did he want one in which this inn would be no more? It was a quandary which shook him hard akin to gusts of winds making tree branches trembles and rustle, a sign of uncertainty as to whether things would hold together. A sigh escaped his lips as he looked around to empty tables and clean tatamis, to empty cups and to the smell of tofu marinating in the kitchen, a favorite of his and his mother...and a tolerance by his father. He looked at the door constantly, hoping to find a wearisome possible customer in need of services which made the Dancing Vixen such a prized locale. No one came...

Until the silk drape was pushed aside as two dirty-looking men, the kind which travel did not agree with, settled in and took a look around. Opportunity was there, a chance for some coin and company as Hiroshi tried not to rush toward them, to beg them to stay. No, a good host was one with grace, dignity and generosity, unheard and yet eager to listen and to accommodate, to serve in ways befit to those who would pay. As such, he walked toward them, adjusting his stance and dusting off his clothes before bowing before them, a thin smile on his lips. “Welcome to the Dancing Vixen, kind sirs,” he said with a voice that was calm, kind and yet enticing in its politeness and diction, made to feel as if a professional would take care of them. “Are you here for a room...Or perhaps a meal? Might I offer you the service of a bath, our natural hot spring nearby can make wonders against tired muscle and the weariness of a long journey.”

“Food will be fine,” one of the customer said, scratching his beard as he didn't remove his sandals while moving up on the tatami, the dirt and mud beneath it sullying the spotless floor which Hiroshi had worked so hard to maintain flawless. His companion doing the same, Hiroshi went on try and contain himself as the thought of chasing clientele was anathema to his beliefs and to his desperate need to keep this establishment alive at all cost. This could all be cleaned up afterward, yet customers were rare these days and thus sacrifices had to be made. “We're just the first few to arrive. Better make room for the others.”

This announcement indeed brought some joy and managed to counter his displeasure upon the spoiled tatami as Hiroshi went on toward the kitchen, getting ready to cook and to serve at the best of his abilities. It wasn't the first time since he had to maintain the place alone, his father ever on the run for supplies while his mother was much more of a free spirit, never one to stay in place for long if his father was not there. Dysfunctional, yet also very much in love with one another, it was a miracle that this place had been able to stay afloat for all these years, albeit this probably was due to the performances which gave way to the inn's name, his mother being a particularly skilled dancer, with a style very much her own and quite unlike anything which could be found in these vast lands. He picked up some tofu, some rice and pickled vegetables and prepared two servings on platters, a rather common yet classy dinner for certainly famished guests, yet as he got out of the kitchen he found out three more of them, all men whose unseemly appearance: unkempt beards, dirty sandals, slightly torn vestments and even swords upon their belt made it seem like they might be trouble. However, to give the benefit of the doubt and to never show uncouth behavior, prejudice, was something Hiroshi felt very particular about as some of the best customers back in the days had been beggars first. Showing kindness and hospitality was key for good relations.

“We're gonna want some more food for our companions here,” the second man who entered said, looking at the three others as he hungrily stared at the serving which Hiroshi brought for him and his fellow traveler. “Where are Bozun, Takami and the others?”

“They're not far behind. Jingo, Tatsuo, Kazuya, Manabu, Eiichiro and Takahashi will be coming too,” one of the three entering the inn responded, none of them bothering to at least clean their shoe-wear or to leave their sword at the entrance. It rubbed Hiroshi the wrong way, yet he stiffled his reaction and managed a polite smile as he bowed before the others who just arrived. “You're a pretty little thing, aren't you? Are you the dancer in this place?”

Flummoxed by this remark, he had indeed been wearing his best vestments for a little while, blue and white in color yet his androgynous appearance ever lead to that conclusion as it only served to torment him toward business of his own that he had to deal with, yet never had the courage to do so anyway. “A flattering remark, I am certain, but alas I am not the performer here. Now, what would you esteemed guests need to welcome relaxation along with your entry here?”

“Give us sake and plenty of it...and food too. Better make it abundant and snappy,” the one who asked whether he was the performer or not managed to say, his tone a little gruff as he was taken aback at the masculine voice their host possessed. “We're starving and we wanna party, you understand.”

Perhaps a little too direct and impolite, Hiroshi had a bad feeling about this, yet a paying customer would only benefit the inn in the long run and thus he went to the reserves and took out jars of sake, then went on to place them in water which he began to make boil. It was better hot, especially since the current weather was not so welcoming that it would warm everyone's bone, a chilly wind ever ready to be unleashed on the unwary. Preparing multiple platters of food, he looked at the reserves and thought that it might be a little too close for comfort, but he persevered thinking of all the good coin he could get. As he looked over the sake, the sound of multiple footsteps, of laughter and boisterous calls of various names, he realized that the others named by the few that arrived had indeed entered the inn. By the sounds of it, and by remembering the number of names that were said out loud, they were supposed to be eleven. Not quite the high numbers of the peak years, but decent enough in these trying times as he picked up platters after platters of food and got them to his customers. Service came first, then payment, a regular way in which things worked in such establishments.

“Oh yeah, that girl is easy on the eye alright,” one of the customers, a large man bearing scars on his face told as he looked at Hiroshi. One of the first arrived went on to whisper at his ear, causing him to look rather shocked. “You mean even with his large butt and his silky silver hair he's a lad? Are you trying to trick me or something?”

Hiroshi sighed as he got back in the kitchen, having served the food as he checked the temperature of the jars of sake, testing if they were warm enough to be drank, yet not boiling so as to scorch the palate of these rather unsavory gentlemen. Such remarks never sat well with him as there was a reason why his posterior was “large” as they said, yet he would never deign tell the tale to any living soul even though he came close to doing so to very friendly and charming individuals on occasion. This gang not exactly possessing neither qualities so far, he merely opted to remain the unseen servant and host as he took pride in being as he brought them sake and many cups to drink with...a mistake he'd unfortunately learn rather swiftly as they were heavy drinkers. Having brought three jars for the lot of them, he thought it would be enough and he'd have the right of it had they been mere travelers and merchants...yet he suspected they were anything but. Three more were requested...then more...and then further as things got noisy and rather bothersome as they ate and drank more of their fill. Their bills bloating to levels which even the richest would balk at, eventually there was no more sake and no more food save that which Hiroshi would need for himself, his constant work working him an appetite yet to serve customers went first, especially since he was alone on the floor. His tabi were dirty with mud, he worked up a sweat and had to stomach too many remarks about his appearance and now enough was enough as he got to the first who had arrived, which also seemed to be the one whose spirit was not too shaken by alcohol as he worked up the courage to speak up about their behaviour and the due payment.

“Most esteemed guests...If you are not there for a chamber, for a room to stay in overnight, then the Dancing Vixen will soon close its doors and prepare for another day soon. If you would be so kind as to settle the bill and be on your way,” Hiroshi said, bowing before the one whom he believed was their leader as his proposal was met only with laughter, soon accompanied by that of others around him.

“No, your generous hospitality was very much welcome boy, but the bill you can keep...or else...” the man said, prompting for the others to show up their sword, half-ready to commit unseemly and violent acts with them despite their half-drunk or fully inebriated condition. “In fact, there are only two things which shall make our evening complete and it would be a dance from the vixen herself...and all the coins that you can offer, everything stashed here in fact.”

He felt foolish as Hiroshi wanted indeed not to jump to conclusions, to not already tag them as ruffians and thugs due to their appearance, yet his benevolent streak unfortunately lead him to this. They had eaten almost everything, drank all the sake, dirtied the place and now they wanted something which he couldn't quite give them: their savings. If they took that, the inn would be done for. He couldn't let that happen. “I refuse,” he said, simple and direct, not giving ground for intimidation and for fear to overtake him even though he was obviously outnumbered and he didn't quite know how to fight...or at least not as well as his father.

“Well then, boys...I think you don't quite understand where you're at and how dangerous we are...” the man said, a smirk on his face as he scratched his beard, his hand on the hilt of his sword yet before he could strike, a voice was heard from afar.

“Indeed, Hiroshi...A good answer to refuse to cede to the second demand before the first is actually fulfilled,” a woman said, coming in from the top floor of the inn as the creaking sound of steps leading down echoed while everyone fell silent, curious about just who could speak with such authority, charisma and beauty. “You did say that you wanted to see the dance of the vixen before taking all the riches to be found, yes? Well...here I am~”

Coming in from behind the counter, from the doorway leading to the kitchen came a woman dressed in white and gold. A fox mask, expanded pantaloons, gold adornments surrounding her hips, long sleeves with gold delimitation and linings, a top which exposed a generous amount of cleavage upon which jade could be found hanging, silver hair, large golden earrings and a gold silk band to attach her hair, she was a vision of loveliness and mystique, a tan-skinned woman of exotic origin drapped in the lore of the area.

“That's a sweet-looking lady right there,” one of the drunken bandits said, certainly not restrained by manners or politeness at all.

“Come to papa...Sit on my lap where it's comfortable,” another one said, trying to down a jar of sake which had been empty for a long while.

“A good offer and very flattering words, yet I feel that you've come a long way and waited an awful amount of time for my arrival,” the new arrival said as Hiroshi looked at her, wondering just where she had been yet thankful all the same that she had arrived at the nick of time. Before anyone realized, she had jumped on top of a table, using some speed and skill unheard of as all eyes were on her already, her charisma and beauty certainly helping a great deal in that matter. “Now allow me to present to you the talent I possess which gave this establishment its name...Gaze upon the form of Odoriko No Mae~”

A snap of her fingers and music erupted from a corner of the room, with musicians and instruments unseen as strings performed a sound which was like a shamisen, yet deeper and profound. Drums which were less sharp, less pronounced but deeper as it resonated within the inn as Odoriko No Mae lifted her arms in the air, letting them and her hand be hidden behind her head and mask as she revealed something unseemly yet beautiful: nine fox tails. Each of them were white, yet the fluffy end and the tip were as dipped in gold, shimmering and shining as they moved independently to each other. Her midriff bare, something which few realized as their gaze had been higher for a few instances, all eyes set on that specific part as the tails undulated lower and lower as if guiding their sight toward it. Then, she did one thing which confused and yet titilated every bandits in the room.

She bumped her hips.

It was something which was uncommon for a performer in the land they were in. Usually dances were either a very energetic or graceful affairs, either done in pure joy and silliness or with accessories like fans and trails of fabric...yet this one focused on the waistline and the hips, on the abdomen as those hips bumped in the air, showing their flexibility as each step of this left and right cycle made those tails behind her spring back to life, flaring as if demonstrating their existence in an explosive fashion. It moved like flames, akin to snakes undulating as those bumps went on to turn into curvaceous displays of grace and allure as she kept on lifting her hip once it bumped, held it slowly in the air and then it was pushed to the side to show just how ample those motions could be. The way she moved made it a mystery whether she moved to the music or if the melody followed her lead instead, yet as bizarre a spectacle it was, especially due to the tails, it also proved to be a fascinating one as none said a word while they watched, transfixed by the beauty shown before them.

“Yes, such a good audience. Watch in silence and just gaze upon my form and my tails. As long as you respect me, I'll keep on dancing for each one of you~” Odoriko said, going for moves which made her establishment famous as she witnessed that this was a rather sad state of affair, feeling sorry that her son had to go through something as excruciating as this. “As polite and considerate customers, please enjoy this demonstration of my talents and grace~”

She twirled around, moving from one table to the next with a quick jump as the whole inn was her stage, those bandits her captive audience as she knew very well who they were: the bandits which plagued the road leading to them. She had a hunch that such were the reasons for the low amount of customers, for their regulars to flee as everyone enjoyed the food, the comfort and the performances far too much to just quit like that. As such, she had took it upon herself to check things out, not expecting for their trail to lead back home in the slightest. However, they needed to be dealt with and beside her rage at the menace they represented for all that she had built, she was a performer and a hostess first and this meant that her smile was one of her best weapons...but not quite her most potent. Her tails swished and swayed around, lead on by her hips as she did a few fast mayas, vertical figure-eights before she went on for some long and languorous belly rolls to the sound of low drums. Her belly undulated thanks to the use of her knees and lower back as her tail darted forward, their fluffy appearance drawing circle in the air while they undulated in pretty much the same way as they converged toward her midriff. She did so while slowly spinning on the spot, her hands still firmly set behind her head to not let them intrude on the display of flexibility and allure she gave away so freely.

However, as Hiroshi watched this, he noticed that a few of the drunkards were not so taken, or perhaps too dizzy and groggy to properly be influenced by the power of his mother as he took a step back, analyzed the situation and then decided to participate, to help out as to keep what you love one must fight for them fiercely. As such, while Odoriko went on to spin and see that a few of the bandits were not as mesmerized as they should be, she was as surprised as anyone as another dancer came into play, one sporting deep tan skin, long silver hair, four white tails with silver splashed on the tip and edge, a silver top filled with sapphires, a blue sash, a fox mask splashed with silver patterns and pantaloons made of silver yet with blue bangles attached at the bottom. She moved her belly to the same rhythm, undulating and rolling it as the four tails on display made a show out of it as now the audience had two dancers to gawk upon now. The golden-tailed dancer knew what was going on and she rolled with it, both literally and figuratively as she went on to jump on the other table, joining this new dancer. The capacity to adapt to new situations was a vital skill for a hostess and a performer and thus she merely joined this new beautiful woman on this makeshift dance.

“Oh my, it seems like you are lucky in that you'll have two vixens...for the price of one~” Odoriko said, smiling beneath her mask as she gave a cue for the other one to follow as she went for some slow figure-eights, which the silver-tailed vixen did splendidly. She upped the pace and then, adapting rather quickly, the other dancer went in the opposite direction, going from right to left while Odoriko chose left to right. This created almost a bigger pattern as they took steps around one another, back against each other now, to properly make sure everyone would see the talent which they possessed and shared with them. “Now just watch closely, relax...And do enjoy the show~”

With the duo of dancers, the bandits had absolutely no chances to keep their mind intact and focused anywhere else but on the duo of absolutely stunning dancers. As they swayed their hips, shimmied their shoulders, swung their breasts, undulated their long-sleeves and their slender hands, as they danced to the music which soon drowned everything else save the voice of Odoriko no Mae, their focus began to get less and less easy to maintain if it was set anywhere else rather than the silver and gold of those two dancers.

“You're smitten, completely love-struck by those two lovely women who dances so divinely~”

The voice came as if from afar, an echo from the heavens as all of the bandits couldn't helpt but stare at the two performers. The tails went on to almost interlock with one another at time, pointing at navels which rolled and bobbed, at hips which shook and bumped, swayed and swished in rhythms that were easy to follow...then overwhelming before returning to nice and clean. It was as if their very senses were being controlled by the midriff of those two absolutely stunning woman, smiles beginning to creep on everyone's face.

“Yet in the light of such purity, of such appeal, you start to ponder upon your worth, whether you can really bask in the privilege of watching this while your heart and soul are heavy with the burden of your sins~”

For one sentence they heard, five more completely flew over them like a crane going above a tranquil lake. Their mind were all calm, peaceful as soon spirals of white, gold and silver erupted within their eyes, spinning lazily as the sight of these hands, these tails and especially those waistline guided them into contemplation and complacency. Entranced and yet pleasantly so, there was no small amount of arousal, lust but also adoration clouding their mind and judgment right now as whenever they stared there was a dancing vixen to fixate upon, to fall a little more in love with.

“You regret your actions, you past misdeeds and the more you stare at two honest and divine-looking damsels, the more you question your choices and actions~”

The spirals sped up, the smile began to widen in the face of some, while in others it subsided for a more neutral expression, the suggestions taking their toll as their guilt ate away at them. Whatever sin they had committed ate away at their soul and this spectacle went on to really highlight it. It was as if all the evil, all the reasoning were swallowed by those sumptuous navel which so tantalizingly shook and bobbed before their eyes. It was an awakening, a realization.

“And now you will clean up your act...By going on to repair the misdeeds you've done~”

With each of them lost in a trance, completely at the mercy and under the power of the two vixens, the bandits went on to clean the tatamis first, then begged for forgiveness. However, only Odoriko No Mae went on to speak to them, the other girl silent as the golden nine-tailed kitsune then gave a final command to the bandits once she took all the money she needed to cover their bill...and their rude behaviour.

“Now repent by admitting all of your crimes past and present to the nearest enforcer of the law...It is a command given by me, the one who owns your heart and your mind~”

Ready and eager to obey, they exited the inn as Odoriko then turned to the other girl now that they were alone as she removed her mask, taking on a stern look on her face. “Hiroshi...” she began to say, crossing her arms, trying to look angry yet her fluttering tail betrayed her real sentiments right there on the spot. “You watched me dancing and practiced on your own...didn't you?”

“I...” Hiroshi said, unmasked as a tremor of regret could be felt in his voice. “Yes, mother. You dance so well and the customers like it so much and I...I wanted some of that...I've always...”

“You've always felt uncomfortable in your body, I know. I do notice how it bothers you when people mistake you for a woman...or rather mistake you for a man, yes?” Odoriko said, savvy on the subject they were talking about. “We are kitsunes you and I, Hiroshi, known tricksters and deceivers, but there are two types of people you should ever be honest to: family...and yourself. Tell me...how long have you known you were really a woman?”

“Ever since I practiced dancing under this form,” Hiroshi said, taken aback by just how wise his mother was, how tolerant too. He had expected for this to be much harder, to be rather difficult a subject to tackle. “It felt so right and whenever I was alone I changed and danced...I wanted to be like you.”

“That will not do. You should not be me, but rather yourself...But it is understandable that you do not yet know what that means given you lived under pretenses for so long,” Odoriko said, getting closer to Hiroshi as she hugged him...her. “But let's work at it and find out what it means together, as mother and daughter.”

This leading almost both women to tears, the arrival of Sasaki, husband to Odoriko and father to Hiroshi, seemed to break the mood as he dropped bags and crates on the floor. “Hiroshi, can you help me with these? I got plenty to carry and I can't do it on my own,” he began to say, pushing them close to the tatami which was now spotless. “So you caught those bandits, Odoriko? I saw how utterly hypnotized they were. They did not even see me due to how deep under they were and-”

His train-of-thought ceased on the spot as he realized that there were two woman in his inn, one being his lovely wife and the other one he did not recognize as he looked at Odoriko in confusion. “Dearest...Is this a friend of yours?”

“Sasaki, my most treasured husband, I have good news to share~” she said, decidedly and obviously very happy to see him as she got near him, embracing him right there on the spot. “We will soon have two daughters!”

“B-but we only have a son...Wait...” Sasaki said as he looked at the other dancer-looking kitsune, trying to piece things together as Odoriko went on to lead his hand on her stomach.

“I present to you our second daughter, which I've felt springing to life a few days ago. I came back to the inn to safe-keep her, yet the bandits found their way in and I had to deal with them,” Odoriko said before then pointing at the dancer in silver and blue. “And this was once Hiroshi, yet is now someone else, your beloved daughter...”

“Maihime, father...My name is Maihime now,” the newly-named woman said with a bow, finding herself silly and rather vulnerable, yet if her mother was so accepting, then her father would most assuredly deal with it in the same way. He'd never do anything to harm her or his family, of that she was certain.

“Is this a...kitsune thing I do not understand...or?” Sasaki said, visibly puzzled yet strangely accepting of the situation as Odoriko looked at him, narrowing her eyes as if what he'd say next would be weighted down for generations to come. “Okay then...Maihime, can you help me with the supplies? Your father is no spring-chicken anymore and I need some help.”

“At once, father,” Maihime said, removing her mask and changing her outfit to a more work-fitting one as she went outside, taking everything needed to fill their now-empty pantry.

With the bandits gone, with their supplies replenished, the Dancing Vixen went on to get back its clientele and even built upon it as the roads were now safe. Some said a spirit protected them, blessing this path with benevolence as few were afraid to walk upon it...save for the bandits who knew that they might get struck with remorse and honesty, two traits that did not fit with their way of life. As for the inn, business went booming due to the excellent service, the good ambiance...

And the fact that they just gained a second performer in the form of the lovely Maihime.

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Comments: 39

bubblesamillion [2023-01-15 15:50:13 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to bubblesamillion [2023-01-15 18:22:54 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LittleRed11 [2020-05-17 15:37:24 +0000 UTC]

the end was a bit confusing for me but the story had really pleased me.  

good that i know your stories. with other authors, the bandits would have killed the barman, I think.  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to LittleRed11 [2020-05-17 16:19:29 +0000 UTC]

The ending is pretty much that Odoriko's son came out as trans and she announces to her husband that she is pregnant and that she knows the gender of her child, thus they will have two daughters from now on.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LittleRed11 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-05-17 16:56:59 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the explanation.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to LittleRed11 [2020-05-17 16:57:24 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

cmcross1 [2020-03-28 22:35:05 +0000 UTC]

She is so beautiful. Her pictures always lave me weak at the knees.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to cmcross1 [2020-03-28 23:57:52 +0000 UTC]

Odoriko is quite the temptress, isn't she?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

cmcross1 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-03-29 03:20:06 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Baghira27 [2020-03-27 10:41:08 +0000 UTC]

Another heart-warming story of Odoriko Well done, dear!

Will we see a picture of her and Maihime one day ?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to Baghira27 [2020-03-27 11:43:09 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

As for the picture, I most certainly hope so.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Norogrim [2020-03-26 17:27:15 +0000 UTC]

what a good story

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to Norogrim [2020-03-26 17:27:46 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Norogrim In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-03-26 19:14:15 +0000 UTC]

its just the truth and if this inn was real i gladly take a week to be here ahahaha 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to Norogrim [2020-03-26 19:25:44 +0000 UTC]

I think we'd all like to be treated to a show by Odoriko No Mae and Maihime, yes?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Norogrim In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-03-26 21:48:13 +0000 UTC]

one issuffisantefor me and areallylike fox

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to Norogrim [2020-03-26 21:55:19 +0000 UTC]

Typing a little fast there, I see. XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kaaslave [2020-03-26 16:07:01 +0000 UTC]

Sexy pic and cool story.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to kaaslave [2020-03-26 16:40:31 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MiddaySolace [2020-03-26 13:04:58 +0000 UTC]

Ooh I love gold lipstick

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to MiddaySolace [2020-03-26 13:43:47 +0000 UTC]

It does stand out quite a bit, doesn't it?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

WaluigiUI2005 [2020-03-26 12:10:14 +0000 UTC]

What a cutie! Story’s amazing too

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to WaluigiUI2005 [2020-03-26 12:15:28 +0000 UTC]

I did try to convey her grace and trickster nature, but without putting the emphasis too much on her. It's nice that you've enjoyed it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WaluigiUI2005 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-03-26 12:38:54 +0000 UTC]

Yep! The both of you did great! Also, all of your ocs look so huggable to me for some reason (also are any of them chubby? It just seems strange that you dont have a chubby one at this point and they all are pretty skinny unless if thats just how the artist’s draw$

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to WaluigiUI2005 [2020-03-26 13:46:04 +0000 UTC]

I don't have any chubby OC, that's true...and you might just have given me an idea for one which I will try to think about. > . >

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WaluigiUI2005 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-03-26 14:02:47 +0000 UTC]

Oh really?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to WaluigiUI2005 [2020-03-26 14:11:45 +0000 UTC]

To be continued... 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WaluigiUI2005 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-03-26 14:28:53 +0000 UTC]


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janus-006 [2020-03-26 12:01:41 +0000 UTC]

Another fascnating story, with extra exotic flair and the kind of transformation work I absolutely adore. It has some very interesting twists and magnificent performances.

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to janus-006 [2020-03-26 12:16:30 +0000 UTC]

I'm very happy that you're pleased with it. I had that story in mind for months and I hope it would be nice, sexy and touching. Perhaps someday I'll get a Maihime piece to continue the tale.

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janus-006 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-03-26 12:21:22 +0000 UTC]

That would be awesome indeed The dance styles are beautiful, adding that sensual flair with the obviously foreign elements - and more sensual, mesmeric dancers are benefits to the world.

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to janus-006 [2020-03-26 13:45:17 +0000 UTC]

That they are.

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janus-006 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-03-26 13:48:44 +0000 UTC]

In these times, it feels even more pleasurable to surrender one's mind to their bliss.

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to janus-006 [2020-03-26 13:49:25 +0000 UTC]

Set the anxiety and stress away if only for a little while @ u @

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janus-006 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-03-26 13:51:41 +0000 UTC]

Every bit helps, so I am very grateful for your work.

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to janus-006 [2020-03-26 13:52:25 +0000 UTC]

There is, of course, more upcoming. Stay tuned.

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janus-006 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-03-26 13:54:41 +0000 UTC]

Excellent! I have a bit of work too (of all times!), so I might have more income very soon.

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to janus-006 [2020-03-26 13:59:29 +0000 UTC]

Great. I wish you luck in that endeavor then.

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janus-006 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-03-26 14:01:52 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Gone well so far.

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