IncredibleIntruder — Djinnobu the Ninja-Djinn - Gameboyred

#arabiannights #bellydance #bellydancer #dancer #djinn #genie #hypno #hypnosis #hypnotic #illusion #japan #japanese #kunoichi #middleeastern #mindcontrol #ninja #nippon #shinobi
Published: 2020-01-12 02:37:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 13628; Favourites: 125; Downloads: 19
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Sometimes, I like to see people interpret a theme. I went toward an artist whose design skills I find to be impressive and I went on to commission them to combine two themes: ninja and belly dancer. This is what they came up with as Gameboyred went on to deliver an intriguing mixture of Japanese and Middle-Eastern/Arabian Nights concepts mashed together.

The ninja touches of kunai, long scarf, fishnets, bandages and katana, all more conceptual than practical aspects of a kunoichi, went on to mix with jewelry, colorful designs, different pigmentation of skin, a sash and a magic lamp to form a very intriguing and fun fusion. It's a sexy little mix, to be sure, which also inspired a story out of me because of course, along with a name for this character: Djinnobu no Hime.

If you like what they did here and think you might wanna try their skills, do know that they're available for commissions. You can see their prices right here:  www.deviantart.com/gameboyred/…

And now, without further ado, here's the tale it inspired.

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                                                                                              THE DJINNOICHI

Komiyoshi no Maru was angry.

There were reports of a spy in his midst, someone who was wary of his schemes and who tried to do something about it. He stormed in every directions with his guards and personal retained, each armed and ready to unleash hell on whoever had the audacity to penetrate his circle of friends and allies only to plot treachery. Furious beyond belief, he went toward where his source pointed out the schemer and manipulator could be found: in the courtesans chamber.

It was no secret that the lord of the province of Zettai was a very lecherous and easy-to-please person when it came to women. People who sought favors and who wanted to get close with him merely had to send him attractive people and he'd go on to include them into his “harem”, despite him being married. He was a shameless, lustful and rather plain man when it came to preferences, thus why perhaps it had been so easy to infiltrate his quarters and home as the spy was apparently a woman, one who had entered his own myriad of pleasure companions. He opened the sliding door, the room filling with guards as their spear were pointed toward everyone, keeping them in respect and under a very visible threat as he entered, fanning himself with a disappointed grin on his face.

“Know this, every single one of you...Someone here is a traitor and, unless someone comes in and actually tell me who she is, not a single one of you shall ever leave this place alive,” he told them all, decisive and merciless as the guards went on to get closer, obeying their lord and master without any second thoughts. Those were loyal men, people who had been bought thoroughly and who would go on to do anything for his approval and some more reward or payment down the line. The numerous women, about twenty of them, went on to move closer to one another, with not a single place to slip by to escape being seen. They were surrounded completely as many shrieked while others shivered in fear, completely unable to speak. “ I shall leave you ten seconds to do so. Tell me clearly which it is and I'll only punish her by taking her head.”

Ten seconds passed and a cacophony of answers came through. Either they said they knew nothing or one suspected the other, accusations flying high and low as Komiyoshi counted to ten and nothing seemed to satisfy. He saw only hens cackling instead of the sumptuous beauties who made him go wild a while ago. “Very well...It seems that the only way to know peace is to destroy every single one of you. It pains me to do this, but for my own peace you must all die,” he said, lifting his hand as he was about to give the command as the men lifted their spear, ready to commit an atrocity at the behest of their lord. “A harem can be rebuilt, while peace of mind is certainly harder to come by. Men, stab-”


The voice was loud, clear, filled with power as one of the women, who had been cowering and shivering like a feeble kitten, stood up completely. Her yukata, flawless with a snow pattern of blue against a background of white, was modest yet pretty as her silky black hair seemed to move on its own, animated by a will unseen yet felt as if an aura enveloped her. She looked around, then at Komiyoshi No Maru, her look angry. “I have seen and heard enough. You will pay for your crimes, but not by my hand. This I swear,” she said, crossing her arms as she was proud and strong-looking, yet was also very much outnumbered and obviously outmatched in terms of weaponry. “Let me pass and I will file in your cooperation in my report to my lord and master.”

“How gracious, here is a counter-offer,” Komiyoshi said, sensing that the life of all these women had been enough for the spy to reveal herself, remembering this one as a spirited party girl from a week ago, though not one he knew all that much. “Follow me, cooperate with your interrogation and your execution and you will be the only one to die. I swear this upon my very honor.”

“Your honor is just as absent from this situation as is your mercy and your faithfulness to your wife, lord Komiyoshi no Maru,” the girl said, making a quick gesture with her hands, pressing her palms together as a puff of smoke erupted from the plain-looking girl. Most of the women coughed, a few guards got swept in as more than half of the retainers and Komiyoshi himself got away from it, the pink and purple smoke clearing itself to reveal a very different-looking woman. Pink skin, deeper pink hair in a long ponytail, fishnet over her thighs, connected to boots and half-open silk, half-open tabis on her feet, kneepads of pure gold, a long scarf around her neck and a sash around her waist, she was quite an odd one yet also very beautiful to gaze upon. Large breasts, with cleavage revealed for all to see, a curvaceous frame, flawless skin, plenty of gold and jewelry, a festival mask on the side of her head, she did not seem like a kunoichi but more like something supernatural, out of the ordinary. “The suspicions on your rotten behavior have been confirmed and I will make sure you get punished for it...though I will give you a headstart right here and now.”

“My lord...it must be a yokai...or perhaps even a kami!” one of the guards said, his stance now uncertain as the uncanny-looking woman of extreme beauty was before everyone's eyes, her true form revealed as not that many seemed so brave in front of such a confident and striking woman. “We have no chance against her!”

“Fools! Do not let her appearance fool you...She is but a single being while you are many. Now attack her and let us all be rid of this foul spirit!” Komiyoshi said, himself startled by this and yet unable to convey his doubts for fear or looking weak. He glanced at her and then on the ground as he saw that none of the women were moving and that some of the guards hit by that release of smoke were all laying down on the ground, immobile. They weren't dead, though, far from it as instead their faces were distorted in ecstasy, lost in some pleasant daydream as if what they inhaled was something more potent than any drug or alcohol he ever tasted. “Do not give her any respite and don't breathe in that smoke of hers! Surround her and remove her from play right here and now!”

His fierce stance and these orders shook the guards up, giving them back some pride and energy as they went on to move toward their target, ready to stab her. She did not move, studying the field of battle as she gave some passing glances to some of her opponents. This apparent hesitation coming from her was all that it took as six of them went on to stab her, not possessing doubts as a weakness, their weapon piercing her skin. Fully expecting resistance, instead this made it so her skin became wavy, as if she was actually made of smoke herself as she look at those six who dared attack her, her look passionless for a moment before her neutral stance turned into a more active one, a smirk appearing on her face.

“How bold of you, how dutiful...” she said, her body turning into a snake-like being as she coiled and moved upward of a single spear, appearing closer to one of the guards, the one who made the decision to strike at her head. “I respect that, but this means you shall suffer the consequence of your foolishness~”

She was being playful now as she manifested again, half-her body showing up before she placed a few fingers to her lips then blew a kiss to one of the guards, exhaling a thick waft of smoke toward him. The pink dust-like substance clashed against his skin before being absorbed as waves of pink, both light and deep, appeared in the single guard's eyes before he went on to smile and fall on the ground, seemingly struck down by a case of impossible bliss. As she materialized anew, multiple kunai went on to be summoned around her waist, attached to a gold string that got created out of the blue, unseen prior to this moment.

“I am not one to take a life, but I will deal with all of your for blind obedience and for being adamant about doing monstrous deeds for someone unworthy of your dutiful service,” this strange pink woman said, launching a kunai with a swift gesture, the weapon piercing the chest of one of the guard who stabbed her, yet the weapon merely meshed with his skin, absorbed within in a matter of seconds. The blue kunai went on to create blue circles around his chest, spreading its colors around as he went on to feel impossibly cold. He went toward her, as if trying to avenge himself on the spot, yet all he got for his efforts were a blown kiss as he melted on the spot, his expression turning into a delightful one despite his shivers. “I suggest you surrender now.”

“Never! Fight her and guard me with your life, men!” Komiyoshi said before fleeing the scene right here and now, leaving his men to fend off for himself and themselves. He knew not who had sent this divine warrior toward him, but he would go on and do whatever it would take to get even, perhaps to even one-up this intruder. Perhaps some salt would banish her, he thought, going to the kitchen area as he picked a salt satchel before leaving. He'd be prepared if she ever caught up with him, yet as he went to gather his essential things while asking for more guards to join the fight, all he saw was a thick mist that coalesced into something more humanoid and pink. She had found him, it seemed, as he threw some salt her way. “Begone, demon! Away from me!”

The salt had no effect as some echoing laughter emerged from behind him as slender hands went on to grab his shoulders, the cloud in front of him being apparently a lure. “How clever to reach for a weapon against me...yet a direct confrontation with me is only an opening for defeat, lord Komiyoshi,” she said, whispering into his ear until she went on to remove her sash with a very quick gesture, using it as some kind of rope while it went on to coil itself around his body. His arms were pinned, his muscles restrained as Komiyoshi was at her mercy now, absolutely unable to move efficiently while she had every single advantages now. “Salt would have indeed put me in a dire position, the rules of this land of Nippon being clear on the subject...but it was a futile gesture on your part.”

“Release me! I have very powerful allies who shall avenge me should anything happen!” Komiyoshi said, his pride more than his common sense dictating his actions currently. He was not about to just croak down and submit, no matter the mysterious power behind this strange woman. “They will not tolerate-”

A finger to his lips was all it took to silence him as the pink-skinned woman of mist and shadow was entirely uninterested in his threats, no matter how credible they could prove to be. “Enough of your pride and bravado...You will soon tell me all that I need to know and more...” she said, grabbing his chin as she made him look at her now completely uncovered belly, showing its muscular appearance, one that did not clash with the more luscious appearance she put forward. Her navel was on display and it grew a little wider and rounder before she went on to smirk and place her index fingers together.

“Heso saimin no jutsu~”

Her voice went from serious to downright sensual and sexy as Komiyoshi was startled by this, yet not as much by this as thanks to the fact that her navel was quickly expanding, becoming larger and larger until it seemed to swallow everything. Her abdomen, then her body, then the room and his entire vision as it went on to stretch deeper and deeper...Until he went on to finally realize that he was actually getting smaller or that she was growing larger. He knew not how to make the difference, yet she looked down on him and smiled as he felt not just weak but also completely out of his element. Then she began to move her belly like a pendulum, her hips swaying while her belly button drew his gaze instantly, his gaze locked on it.

“Yes, just stare and be seduced, let your gaze be pulled in my sumptuous technique~”

He should hate her, despise her very being and yet he was having difficulties in not seeing how appealing, how sexy she looked. It was difficult not to be overwhelmed on many levels. She had dealt with all of his men so quickly and yet they did not show any wounds or pain whatsoever. Instead, they were downright happy, smiling so joyfully due to their defeat. Could it be that this was what they saw and experienced?

“Let this dance mesmerize you, drain you of your resistance as my influence grows, as my power compels you to do as I say~”

He felt small, vulnerable and yet her aura enveloped him, downright cajoled him while her voice lulled him into complacency. He merely stood there, taking deep breaths as her scent filled his nose. Her sash...it was so soft, so fragrant with her being that he inhaled more, thinking of her pink skin and her curves, of how jealous he was of his men to have experience something like this before him, before their lord.

“Embrace my might, accept that you cannot win, that you are defeated and at my mercy. Fall under my power and I will show you wonders you could never have imagined on your own~”

He could see every pores of her delightful skin, the curves of her hips being generous and flawless much like her midriff. Her belly stretched out while her cleavage jiggled a little with each back and forth. He felt silly, dizzy and amused yet in a pleasant way, completely forgetting the whys and wherefores that built up to this situation. He giggled a little, softly beneath his breath as if he were completely drunk.

“You are mine, completely unable to refuse any request, tell any lie and disobey my suggestions and commands...Now accept your fate and meet with the ultimate ecstasy~”

She grew even further still as her navel swallowed him down, engulfing him in its warmth while he smiled goofily, accepting his fate gleefully. To him, it was as if his soul had been absorbed and taken within this once-opponent, now completely seductive being. However, in the real world, he was merely hypnotized by her drug-like mist, caught in an illusion of the most effective kind as the lord caught in her spell had pink swirls, a large smile on his face and was still caught in her sash as she grabbed it back and rolled it around her belly, covering it up once more.

“Now...Let us start a little interrogation, shall we?”

* * *

It had been about a week since she left as Hara Masato had sent her.

Suspicious and increasingly erratic tributes to the shogun had made it so his help was needed as Hara had sent in his very best, albeit most volatile agent toward her next prey. However, it was not like her to be so late to report as he was increasingly worried. As such, he opened a small box in which an ornate golden oil lamp rested, taking the item out before rubbing it, the gesture required in order to summon her. “Djinnobu no Hime, please come back to me and give me your report...right now,” he said, sighing as he saw the lamp shake, resulting in a pink smoke erupting from the tip while she half-formed very quickly, as if appearing in a hurry.

“Master!” she said, surprised as she had some takoyaki in hand and some sauce around her mouth, obviously enjoying a tasty treat instead of coming back to him the very instant she was done with her task. “How marvelous of you to summon me! I was about to come back and tell you of my findings.”

“Doesn't look that way to me,” the young man said, a little annoyed expression on his face as he eyed the friend octopi dish in her hand, the two exchanging a glance before she puffed her snack away right here and now. “Now, do please tell me of your findings about Komiyoshi no Maru. The Shogun is getting impatient and I'd like to have something to tell him, as we're...I'm not usually so slow, you understand.”

“Oh, I have quite a few findings, do not fret my most benevolent of master,” Djinnobu went on to say, getting back in her servile and pleasant manners, winking toward the one who basically commanded her. “I am your servant in all things and I did what was asked of me yet again and with ruthless efficiency, you understand.”

“And that's why you went to get some takoyaki instead of getting swiftly back to me, yes?” Hara retorted, seeing through her quick wits and cunning manners. “How long did it actually take you to get what you need, really?”

“...Five days,” Djinnobu said, looking away from him as if she had been caught doing some naughty things.

“And you didn't get caught or anything, yes?” Hara asked, suspicious yet somehow already aware of the answer.

“...There were innocents that could be harmed and there was someone who leaked my presence to Komiyoshi...” Djinnobu replied, her stance being a little weaker now, unable to confront the piercing gaze of her master.

“You didn't reveal your cover to solve the situation more quickly in order to be done in time for a nearby festival, did you?” Hara asked again, his gaze now filled with awareness as he knew quite well the answers to those questions. “That's why you already had the mask on, yes? And that skimpy, colorful dress?”

“You have to understand that I've been confined in this lamp for a very long amount of time, master, and that I did need a break after all those missions,” Djinnobu replied, being quite confident at first before the stance of her master made her confidence shatter into a million pieces. “For my defense, I did hypnotize them and got them ready for a full confession, the whole lot of them.”

“Djinnobu...I love you...You're family to me, perhaps even more than that, but you have to understand that you're the best and worst kunoichi of all time. Tell me you didn't actually go on to shout your technique's name like last time?” Hara said, trying to contain himself as how Djinnobu glanced away again confirmed what he feared. “Okay, yes, sure, whatever. Look, I must keep your existence a secret. If they knew about you, they'd think of me as some kind of dark sorcerer, someone hanging around with evil spirits and then they'd try to take you away from me. They're convinced that I have this huge network of spies, when in reality it's just you, and I can't have every interrogation and confession talk about some pink-skinned temptress who danced while saying stuff like hypnotic dance of the dreamless lotus or mist of a thousand temptation every now and then.”

“Actually, I went for heso saimin no jutsu this time around...”

“I don't want to lose you and you should be more careful, okay?” Hara said, his gaze locking onto hers as a moment of silence went on to follow.

“Master...I fully understand. Your first two wishes were for you to be able to mete out justice and for me to be your enforcer and I have given you this in spade. I am yours to command...but you never specified for me to follow your commands to the letter as your retainer,” Djinnobu said, regaining some decorum and composure as she wiped away the takoyaki sauce around her mouth. “I have taken necessary steps for things such as my appearance and what truly happened as nothing but drunken debauchery. A lot of empty saké urns shall be found in Komiyoshi's home and plenty of stains on their clothes. Report to the shogun, go there and I think everything will be just fine.”

Before Hara could retort, complain or ask for more information, a quick peck on his cheek went on to silence him as Djinnobu went on to return to her lamp, seemingly tired. “Now if you'll excuse me, I am quite drained. You know the longer I am out of this, the further away I'm located make it so I grow weaker and weaker until I'm recharged...That's why I wanted to have some fun, master. Now go on and carry with your duty. I'll be waiting here with your next mission, whenever you'll need me~”

It was always the same with her as Hara sighed, yet smiled thinly as Djinnobu no Hime was still a mystery to him. Dutiful yet erratic, powerful yet subservient, mystical yet very grounded, she was a study in contrasts of all kind. She was also his retainer, his servant, she was his djinn and he was her lord and master.

But most of all, she was his friend.

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Comments: 25

LittleRed11 [2020-01-15 00:34:08 +0000 UTC]

nice little story, something different.  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to LittleRed11 [2020-01-15 00:34:54 +0000 UTC]

New character, new stuff to try out, even if it veers a little on the familiar side.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LumiTheNexyrianHedge [2020-01-12 22:52:34 +0000 UTC]

;w; D'aww...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to LumiTheNexyrianHedge [2020-01-12 22:53:45 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad to see someone like her this much already.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LumiTheNexyrianHedge In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-01-12 22:55:25 +0000 UTC]

I wanna hug herr and keep her safe like he wants ;w;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to LumiTheNexyrianHedge [2020-01-12 22:58:47 +0000 UTC]

She's more than able to take care of herself.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LumiTheNexyrianHedge In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-01-12 22:59:19 +0000 UTC]

ik, but she precious aaa ;w;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to LumiTheNexyrianHedge [2020-01-12 23:00:36 +0000 UTC]

I might actually do more with her down the line, but right now I'm focused on a few other things.

Still, glad to see she has quite a fan already. XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LumiTheNexyrianHedge In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-01-12 23:04:39 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

WaluigiUI2005 [2020-01-12 19:30:33 +0000 UTC]

This is cool!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to WaluigiUI2005 [2020-01-12 20:17:16 +0000 UTC]

She does look pretty neat.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WaluigiUI2005 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-01-13 00:03:29 +0000 UTC]

She reminds me of Mai from Fatal Fury

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

gameboyred In reply to WaluigiUI2005 [2020-01-13 02:21:53 +0000 UTC]

To be honest.... Not really, I mean I tought of that but then I tought of this one character kagero from fire emblem
Also I did had trouple coming up whit good color until I desided that Berry red is the one I shall use

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WaluigiUI2005 In reply to gameboyred [2020-01-13 02:46:07 +0000 UTC]

Oh cool!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

IncredibleIntruder In reply to WaluigiUI2005 [2020-01-13 00:06:46 +0000 UTC]

I wouldn't be that surprised if took inspiration from her for this piece.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WaluigiUI2005 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-01-13 00:11:38 +0000 UTC]

Yeah for some reason she reminded me of the Shredder? Idk whenever I see a samurai chara I think of him

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to WaluigiUI2005 [2020-01-13 00:13:24 +0000 UTC]

I can think of worse references, frankly. XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WaluigiUI2005 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-01-13 00:17:52 +0000 UTC]

But anyway such a cool chara! I like the concept as well

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to WaluigiUI2005 [2020-01-13 00:21:19 +0000 UTC]

It is a pretty sweet concept that I wanted to see done purely on a whim, but I like the end result. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WaluigiUI2005 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-01-13 00:23:43 +0000 UTC]

Oh cool!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Fr8ener [2020-01-12 03:52:31 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to Fr8ener [2020-01-12 14:08:22 +0000 UTC]

She's quite something, isn't she?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fr8ener In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-01-12 16:44:56 +0000 UTC]

She sure is something freshly built.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MadeerArts [2020-01-12 02:41:03 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to MadeerArts [2020-01-12 02:42:53 +0000 UTC]

Well, I do like to accompany the pieces I buy with some of my own artistry as well.

👍: 1 ⏩: 0