IncredibleIntruder — Kopek the cursed blade - Gameboyred

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Published: 2021-09-09 03:21:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 34379; Favourites: 123; Downloads: 22
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Sometimes ideas come suddenly and they just need to be written down ASAP.

They don't necessarily have to be super complicated, like this one which made me want to tell the tale of someone finding a cursed blade which corrupts and change them, a thinking and intelligent weapon with power and desires that go against their own...or subtly alter them to suit their need. Such came the idea for Kopek the dancing blade, which can be seen here as it changes a new "wielded" into being what they need.

The whole design here comes from Gameboyred himself, upon which I gave no specific instructions save general vibes and the idea behind the narrative...and they knocked it out of the park. Kopek looks particularly corrupt, near-demonic and the one within its control seems out of it, pretty and yet cursed to do the bidding of the dancing blade. The color palette and outfit are also really nice, proving that they're pretty great when it comes to design. Such is why I will link this here if you need someone for illustrations: 

Mature Content

And, of course, a link to my Patreon where you can find many freebies, including NSFW and material not on DA: www.patreon.com/incredibleintr…

Now read on about this mysterious and evil weapon.

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                                                                                      CURSE OF THE DANCER

Kuzu wanted to be recognized by her peers.

She was but one of many from the local adventurer guild, another branch of a worldwide initiative to help citizens and guide would-be heroes into reaching new heights. It was a promise of adventure, of glory, of treasure and meeting one's destiny...or at least that's what they told in the brochures. Reality was a little harsher than that as a great many wanted the very same things, competition being fierce and those without great backing, true skills, pure luck or a combination of the three would ever only be known as regular adventurers of which there were a dime a dozen. The gratitude of a few travelers or peasants, fending off a few goblins, maybe a troll if they were lucky, or being lackeys to actually successful and well-known veterans with hopes of some of that glory being granted to them as well.

It was certainly a difficult notion to swallow that she was ordinary...or at least that it would take a enormous amount of work and determination to reach the level of fame, opulence and prowess that she wished to obtain. For one feat that she did accomplish, it was drowned in a sea of similitude and thus she never did make herself quite know, one of many among the masses and she decided to change that, trying to do something risky but which would be extremely rewarding: gaining a legendary weapon. Just getting one would be an absolute achievement in its own right, but then she'd be trusted with more dangerous quests and would have the power of an artifact to draw upon, which would only rise her own legend and ensure acknowledgement in the annals of history. She only needed to decipher old tales, gather information and check which ones would suit her best as she put all her time, efforts and her savings into this endeavor.

Old parchments, grimoires and tomes, local legends, tales told of both wonder and horror, all moments of her life dedicated to this singular pursuit, to realizing this dream at all cost as her pride would not take it well to be like everyone else, feeling that she was indeed destined to become a paragon, a woman of importance. She learned of many weapons and sacred objects, a lot of them already wielded by heroes or tyrants, some with too vague locales and impossibly cryptic clues as to their whereabouts...or their actual status as real things and not just mythological parables. A lot of them would have done the trick, yet none seemed within her grasp, a lesson to be learned here yet Kuzu was stubborn, obstinate even. Her patience was rewarded, however, when she learned of one object coming from the desert of endless horizon, one where indeed fate would be met by those desiring it should they prove worthy. Within could be found a sword of fable and might.

Kopek, the dancing blade.

It was supposedly forged by dwarves and djinns working in tandem, charging it with magic and the strongest metal, with temperature close to a sun so as to contain and melt down its properties. It could slash flames as well as the strongest steel, even possessing abilities to send spells with special incantations: by dancing. While she had yet to learn to be fluid and rhythmic of feet, she still saw it as a massive opportunity to head there as she would be akin to all the women who wielded Kopek and went on to achieve the impossible. Defeating a dragon single-handedly, slashing a steel golem in two in a single stroke, stop the flow of a volcano to save a nearby town...all while dancing beautifully with might and grace. More than enamored with the idea of it, this sounded perfect as she went on without any hesitation, more than three months after she had started her own personal quest, heading to the desert itself.

The endless dunes, the fact that she never could seem to actually reach any place was despair-inducing. It was a test of some sort, as she could turn back any time to save herself, the enchantments on the sand and horizon themselves assuring that failure was an option...but a final one. It was a test of determination, with the end goal reached should anyone pass it with a clear resolve and will, with a devotion to their objective. Kuzu knew what she wanted and so she trekked, days and night, her rations slowly diminishing, her gourds eventually empty of water and her body unable to really face such impossible heat, her own country's temperature being mostly mild in comparison. Still she soldiered on with Kopek in mind...until she did arrive at her destination, in Kopek's tomb where the last heroine to wield it had been put to rest, where all of them went to their eternal slumber.

She entered such a place, ready for anything as the real challenge would be just there as she did not expect the desert to be the sole trial awaiting her. There would be monsters, enigmas, sacrifices to be made, the stuff of legitimate legend...and yet there wasn't. Uncertain whether she ought to be disappointed or actually thankful that this was an anti-climax. Perhaps the desert itself had been enough, she thought, as she went down where many tombs were laid beautifully, murals of adventures and accomplishments by each heroines being put in place for her to behold. All were beautiful women as judged by how they were drawn, dancing in outfits that seemed to put in place a look close to the denizens of the cities around the desert itself, equipped with veils and ample vestments yet also with midriff-baring and rather classy, though revealing outfits. All there to show off their dance moves, she thought, as she went to the lowest level where a weapon rested upon an altar, a small opening of light shining upon it as a gilded blade of pure white was right here for her to witness and admire.

This was assuredly Kopek, the dancing blade itself as it was a saber, a curved edge with a pure white hilt. A round and open pommel, possibly for spins upon fingers, a thin guard and bandaged grip were there for her to hold, to grab so that she could finally be the heroine she was meant to be. It was a solemn moment, the kind where her excellence would finally start, recognized by authorities and powers from above by letting her all that she could as she extended her hand and then grabbed the weapon with her left hand... And sealed her fate.

Been so long since I've had someone pick me up. Thanks a lot, babe.”

The voice sounded wrong as it spoke crudely not just in words, but in tone as well. There was naught in terms of beauty in this announcement, in this gratitude as there was something inherently mistaken in this event, in how things proceeded and Kuzu could feel it. Unbeknownst to her, the legends were only partially true as none of them mentioned some critical information, hidden from most if not all who had seen the heroines in action. To know the secrets of Kopek would be to be linked to it, to actually converse with the blade and it preferred to show rather than tell...and none could actually decipher their action, not when they all passed through another: its wielder.

There's work to be done on you, but hey I'm not particular. Let me work my magic on you, my pretty.”

The more it talked, the further things changed as the gold and white, the purity of Kopek itself was revealed as a masquerade, showing off its true colors of purple and black. The guard began to expand, tiny fingers popping to extend and reveal a mouth with sharp teeth which turned into a smirk. The actual blade began to wave and show a dark edge as sinister energy began to wrap itself around the weapon, making Kuzu want to drop it and yet it was too late as a chain appeared from the pommel itself, wrapping itself around her wrist as it refused to let go.

Don't worry about a thing. I heard your thoughts and how much you wanted me. I'm touched, really. I'll make you a star, a heroine, all of that...and all you have to do is let me dance for the world to see.”

While not entirely malevolent, for the deeds done by the previous “wielded” were genuine acts of heroism, there was a selfish streak and a corrupting influence to Kopek even while it saved people and committed acts of generosity. It wanted attention and fame, to be handled by gorgeous women, driven by particular desires and it was powerful in its presence and charisma...and very possessive in literal and figurative terms. It licked its simulacrum of lips as it sensed Kuzu, as if checking her out while the chain kept on looping around that wrist, sealing itself tighter with each passing second.

You'll be super happy, I promise. I'll take very good care of you...but we will have to change you up a little. You're not exactly to my taste, you gotta understand. Nothing that can't be fixed, though.”

Kuzu felt insulted for a brief instant as she tried to shatter the chain, to remove Kopek from her grasp yet her hand was not hers to control anymore. She could feel her digits grasping tightly upon the grip, the energy of the dancing blade investing her body as eventually the chain began to rattle and slither upon her form akin to a serpent, removing her vestments in a way that dissolved it as it then went on to slip between her breasts, then create a collar upon which it attached itself...and it changed everything for Kuzu.

Right, no more resistance now. It doesn't suit you anymore. We gotta be partners, see, and it won't do us any good if you're just being a nuisance. You wanted me so bad, it would be a bad look to have second thoughts after so much effort, right?”

It read Kuzu's mind like an open book as she was rendered docile, a gem settling in upon the collar which shone, capturing rogue and rebellious thoughts within to ensure that Kopek would be able to proceed as it read her body and aura, observing with senses that went beyond those of mere humanoids. All the while Kuzu had stopped to move, to even do much of anything except stay still and stoic, as if she was gone right now.

Yeah, fair skin and ripped muscles aren't really my thing. No offense, but I love the local women and I need someone more flexible, agile, dexterous...and y'know, sexier. Not that you're ugly, but you could be so much better. Let me help you out with that.”

Right there the first thing that changed was the color of her flesh, going from fair from the lands to the north where she lived, where the winter was harsh but fair, where the mild climate was generous and balanced...to a skin tone that echoed the desert and its nearby denizens. It went from a lighter shade of brown, then a deeper one as it rippled upon her flesh, the sun kissing her skin from all angles as her hair then went on from their semi-length to a longer flow, smoother and silkier in their appearance.

A good start, really. You could definitely pass for someone nearby. But I'm not done, far from it. Gotta have assets to shake, shimmy and sway, you understand.”

Kopek continued its particular manipulation as its magic was unleashed on the woman he had chained both mentally and physically, with warmth invading Kuzu and making her feel very good. There was no notion of being naked or being completely altered to suit the whim of a cursed and intelligent object, no humiliation or fear. Only a light bliss perpetuated through her brain to cooperate, to not fight the magic flooding her en masse. Her muscles began to loosen up a bit, not reduced completely so much as made more relaxed, more flexible and easier to bend as her flesh went on to redistribute mass. Her thighs became a touch thicker, her hips began to expand with a slight popping sound, her rear and chest became more generous while her shoulders lost a little of their meat, turning rounder and smoother as a result. Her fingers and arms went on to get a touch more slender as her expression turned into a balance between relaxation and lethargy as she slipped into a trance, Kopek's magic going at it continuously.

You'll have everything you want...and so will I. Just gotta be the vehicle I need to dance, girl. You'll carry me and my will and you'll reap the benefits. Win-win all-around, yeah?”

There was an hypnotic and corrupting charisma and influence to Kopek working its way inside Kuzu's mind, convincing her despite the terrible events occurring. Her own will and ambitions were claimed, twisted and imprisoning her as much as the chains did, resulting in Kuzu indeed subjected to the sheer willpower of Kopek in a battle that she had lost even before it had even begun. There was something seductive about the dancing blade, something utterly convincing which rewrote her as energy was being poured into Kuzu, making her the actual weapon to the willful Kopek, the blade becoming her actual wielder by now.

Now you're gorgeous! No need to thank me, I always do this with women who pick me up...and even a few men. So long as they're willing to work with me, I don't mind. And you've been a peach...but I don't think walking around like this will do us any good. Gotta be decked in style!”

Clothes were the last step and the first thing to appear were wraps around her neck and mouth, acting like a makeshift veil that tightly bound her lips into silence. She no longer needed a voice or to speak, with Kuzu now doing this for her along with the thinking. Her spirit was getting claimed, enslaved to the will of the dancing blade and corrupted into servitude to the whims of another, making it so all that Kopek desired would be turned into reality as further vestments were made manifest.

Gotta go for mysterious, make them want to look too. Dancers have to be admired, have to be stylish. So we'll make you unmistakable and beautiful.”

A turban and shawl combo were next, purple in color with coins dangling upon the rim of her hat, a feather latched upon the front and adorned to a large gem. Then a top covered her much larger breasts, clinging to her smooth bosom while still leaving room for cleavage as a deep purple color were tinting the cloth, an edge of yellow and violet latching upon the fabric as well. Then a sash wrapped around a short skirt with coins and free-flowing extensions to cover her hips and crotch, violet shades there as well.

I'm really feeling it...now to get crazy a little and go for asymmetry too.”

A detached sleeve of the same color as her shawl popped on her left arm, stopping just below the chain loops as the puffy accessory worked well with the rest, though her right arms was left bare save for some bandages around her palms, fingers and wrist. Bandages covered her right leg as well, just a little above the knee down toward her ankle while some stocking and tight laces went on to wrap themselves around her left leg, giving her two styles for her appendages without disrupting the core of her ensemble. With the right part of her face covered by the dangling shawl, only her left eye was left unveiled as she moved her arm without truly meaning to, a puppet to Kopek's desires as she admired the dark and cursed weapon with an empty gaze. She was its wielder, the receptacle of its will, the one who would make its wishes come true as the Kuzu that was and wanted to be something was all but gone, replaced by one who would obey and worship the dancing blade completely and utterly, owned by it rather than the other way around.

Definitely a good look. I'm pretty proud of it. I needed something different this time around. Let's test you out, shall we?”

She was animated by the will of another, her own desires null and void as her body moved on its own, her consciousness barely there anymore save to feel the ecstasy of belonging to Kopek as her hips began to move in wide circles, trembling in shimmies all along as she lifted the blade up and then dropped her hips in one big way while she swung Kopek, managing to make a sizable dent in the hard rock wall nearby. She then went on to balance the unsharpened bit of the blade itself upon her head and began to shimmies her hips, then clapped her hands together to summon lightning as the further Kopek used its power, the more she felt like this was her actual destiny. Soon there was no ego or pride left, no objective save pleasing Kopek and do its bidding as Kuzu welcomed this with open arm, utterly enthralled and changed.

Gonna have to practice. I'm a little rusty, figuratively speaking. Let's go on a few quests and perform in towns and cities. I want people to see my shake it and for them to be unable to do anything but love and adore me.”

An thus Kuzu would indeed gain what she wanted, much like she asked and worked hard for. In time she would be known as the wielder of Kopek the legendary blade. Unable to speak of the truth of how she was the blade's own puppet, the chains had long since turned invisible to all except her. She could not mind, would not speak ill of her owner as she went on to save many, carving herself a small spot in the legend of Kopek as she danced beautifully, fulfilling the wishes of the dancing blade as well as her own indirectly. She was beloved, mighty and her reputation grew, yet none, not even herself at this point, would know that she had met with a terrible fate.

Of being cursed to dance until the end of her days.

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LittleRed11 [2021-09-11 18:01:06 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to LittleRed11 [2021-09-12 02:48:19 +0000 UTC]

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Kaguron [2021-09-09 17:31:20 +0000 UTC]

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Mindtasker [2021-09-09 15:16:12 +0000 UTC]

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kaaslave [2021-09-09 03:37:04 +0000 UTC]

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