IncredibleIntruder — Sahira the fascinating - Unded

#arabiannights #bellydance #bellydancer #brainwashing #corruption #dancer #darkskin #draining #exotic #femdom #glowingeyes #hypnosis #illusion #magic #mindcontrol #spirals #tf #transformation #veil #witch #readerinsert #bellyfetish #hypnoticbreasts
Published: 2020-07-20 15:57:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 26508; Favourites: 229; Downloads: 72
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One wasn't enough. After getting Naylee and the Cobra God drawn in a semi-realistic fashion, there was one more character I had in mind who might just look amazing in this style: Sahira the witch.

Given the slight horror take on the Cobra God Unded went for, I thought that a mix of sexiness and horror would be more than appropriate for this dark being, this terrible yet seductive spell-caster who lurks in her own domain in the woods. This exotic temptress, with her illusions, hypnosis and magic is portrayed dancing here, with her many spinning runes already up to enchant and enslave those who look at her for too long, letting her suggestions and commands slip into the mind of those unprepared.

I love the shading here, how luscious her void skin appears and how the spiral runes seem to faintly glow, meshing with her flesh. The contrast of brightness and darkness makes her character, I believe, with her piercing eyes gazing upon someone who just landed in her vicinity, in her place of power. It's a fantastic little piece as Unded captured the spirit behind her character here. If you like this and want to see their prices, go check them out right now:  commissions are open!11!portrait starts from $20

single detailed character(+simple background) starts from $40

full detailed illustration(character/s +background) starts from $100
'battle damage' by undedvoltes v by undedgaiking by unded
price increases along with complexity

I've also written a tale for this, another reader-insert with this one being sinister, sexy and full of delirious illusions. If you enjoy my writing and want to see more, check out my gallery or my Patreon  www.patreon.com/incredibleintr…

And now, read on.

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                                                                                            THE ALLURE OF THE DARK WITCH

You curse your bad luck as you stroll through the forest.

It's an ominous feeling to move through this place which used to be so peaceful, but what was once a serene little haven is now filled with dread. Something terrible has lodged itself within, with fearsome and mysterious beasts snatching up travelers and bringing them so deep in the shadowed glades that no one would ever see them again. Heroes and mercenaries have come, yet no success has been met nor were shared through tall tales. Strong fighters and wizards were seen, hoping to identify and confront this evil, only to disappear without trace nor words...

And yet life must go on in the village. Supplies are needed for times are tough, with materials and food being needed and there is only one way which it can arrive from...down a road which pass through the damned forest itself.

Usually, patrols are done in duos, with immediate assistance in the face of danger being paramount...Or at least for one of the two on duty to flee in order to report what happened. You are, however, in a precarious situation as you were early...and your partner never showed up. You ventured not too far off the road, staying close to the village as you think it might be a good thing to just report this or see if your colleague is sick, drunk or merely a coward, but as you turn around to return to your home, you hear a voice cry out behind you.

“Help! Someone, please!”

A chill travels down your spine as you recognize who is speaking so loudly: your colleague. Same timbre, exactly similar tone, you can't mistake it as you've worked with them for quite a while, exchanging jokes to push away terror and fear in these trying circumstances. Yet now they're in trouble and a thought occur to you: you should actually go with your initial plan and return to the village. Another part of you think that you can't abandon them, however, indecision stopping you in your tracks. The camaraderie you've formed with them, your partner, a dear friend by now, you can't just leave them to whatever insane and horrendous fate that awaits them. So you turn around and resolve yourself, steel your mind and try not to quake in your boots too much as you venture forward toward where their voice came from.

“Someone save me!”

They're still there, their voice somewhat higher in its pitch as if urgency was required, a state of panic installing itself as you run and get off the beaten path. You run so fast as your heart thrums faster, your nerves are shot and if you manage to actually rescue them from whatever ails them, your comrade will owe you at least a beer or two once all's clear and done. You move through bushes, branches cracks against your leather armor as you progress rapidly and decisively as you hear them speak anew. There is a crackling quality in their voice as if something had caught them and was about to end their life...or worse.

“Come quickly! Please!”

You're far into the forest now and as you stop to where you believe your friend should be located, you find no one, not a single human soul. The only thing you witness nearby is a small bunny, hopping along as it looks up to you with bright glowing eyes, yellow like two little suns as a little ruby on their forehead begins to shine in the cover of the shades the trees create. However insignificant this animal seems by its size, the sight of it freezes your blood over and before you know it you receive a powerful blow behind your head, knocking you down to the ground, unconscious.



You wake up and the first thing you see is a spiral.

It's incredible subtle, black lines spinning around in a black purple void, yet one that is smooth-looking somewhat. It's as if it was skin, soft and luscious, drawing your gaze in as you perceive all pores of this abyssian flesh trying to lull you into complacency. You recall the bunny and being hit by something powerful and there's a throb behind your head, yet it subsides the more you stare. It's encouraging you somehow to just look without saying a word as your senses acclimate themselves to your surroundings...or the lack of them. Your eyes are half-open and they seem to be stuck this way as soon the flicker of candles softly illuminate whatever room...abode...alcove...wherever you are.

“Yes...Open your eyes...Look at the runes...Accept their presence...Cherish their appearance...Let them make you feel relaxed...”

You don't know who's speaking, but there is not just a certain charm to that faint whisper echoing everywhere, including in your head, but there is power. It's as if the spiral itself was speaking through you, from all directions at once as you begin to acclimate to the not-quite-darkness, making you spot a good amount of new details. The spiral is actually swaying left and right...left and right...left and right...the skin beneath it making it wave and undulate as it somehow makes the spiral not just grow wider but gain a center too, a destination in which everything converges: a navel.

It's sordid and you're not sure why you've actually recognized it near-immediately. It's really just a small, round, deep and delightful hole on top of what you assume is a midriff...and then piece by piece you understand more and more. There is someone dancing in front of you, making the spiral spin and drain your attention and the void is merely a midriff which tries to overpower and arouse you...and it's working.

“Have you noticed how deeply it goes, how the speed never quite stays even...How there are in fact more than one spiral ongoing?”

That voice seems a little louder now, as if the presence of a sumptuous yet dangerous woman could be felt right behind you, whispering directly into your ear...And yet you can't turn around because she's absolutely right. The spiral seems to speed up in moments, only to slow down on occasion...but perhaps it's due to the fact that there's two...no...three of them superposed on top of one another? There's a faint glow for one, while the other is more purple than black and soon all three just captivates you further as it seems as if depth, an element you never considered, gets in on the whole experience and right now it heightens your fascination to a degree which you can't really deal with even though you must.

Then you finally see the whole picture, as if you were projected away from your own body, your spirit lingering about as you see just what is happening. There is a woman with long hair, wrappings around her head, a ruby on her forehead and a veil on the bridge of her nose, covering her mouth. She has curves which seems impossible, breasts too large and seemingly spilling from her top, bouncing as if made from some substance unknown to man that sticks and yet flop in a strange way. Wide hips, a supple belly, her vestments are a light purple and they struggle to contain all that she is, with some diamonds dangling about. A low top, an open long skirt attached to her generous hips...and nothing more as her clawed fingers, golden adornments on every fingertips, make her seem dangerous, even more than this small intuition that you felt at the beginning.

“You are drawn to me, spinning just like my spirals as you can't help but gaze, their pull impossible to resist, their appeal far too grand to comprehend...”

You see her lifting her arms from your removed position which is still not really where you're located as you can see yourself on your knees, surrounded by darkness and dozens of glowing eyes observing you. It feels eerie and yet they become so easy to ignore as even this other form, this projection, is drawn by the spirals and the words of this confident, sexy creature of utter darkness. No matter how things are terrifying to you, the allure and beauty of that dance, of those spirals pacify you in a way that you can't figure out...and you believe you'll never put everything together anyway. Your reason is slowly getting sluggish, exhausted, while your curiosity and your lust is enhanced as you catch sight of a great many spirals on her body. Purple highlights on that near-gelatinous yet still solid skin make everything spin as you are pulled closer, your senses acclimating to a singular focus: her.

And then she snatches you in a way which surprises you, using two of her fingers to essentially catch your floating essence, your spirit. Her golden claws startle you, but then you realize that in the palm of her hand there is a spiral and it soothes you immediately as you still see and feel the ones on her stomach, ever picturing how her navel seems to be its epicenter as it drains you and yet not entirely yourself at the same time. Still, you can't struggle because the thought doesn't register long enough for you to even act on it as the spirals just keeps on sapping your will, making any initiatives, even the benign ones, feel like a true chore of colossal size and endeavor. Yet just looking at those spinning elements...it's so easy.

“I've got you now. You're in my grasp, under my sexy power, in the impossible appeal of my magic and how it manifests itself...You are captured, helpless, powerless...and it feels so good, submission coming so easily as your struggles die down with each spins that you witness...and you've been staring for a long, long while, haven't you?”

You can't help but believe wholeheartedly that she's speaking the truth. You are literally in the palm of her hand...yet also on your knees right now. It's strange, disconcerting and yet you can't deny that the spirals have such an immense appeal to you as her navel-centered trio of spinning and mesmerizing spells have got you at their mercy...and it's only one of them. You witnessed plenty more of them on her body and the one in her palm seems to swallow you up as you think of how being in her grasp, how she handled you felt so right. Her power is immense, washing over you and yet she loses no time in removing you from there as the half-slime that is her body steals a part of your essence, coating the spiral on her open hand with the glow of your being. It's a very small piece, but it still feels like she's taking it as you actually feel the spiral inside your mind, in your very soul now. It's faint but it's definitely there.

And then she moves your spirit by using her fingers again, making it float in front of her forehead, just a little above her eyes. The brightness of that stare, a sharp contrast with the darkness of her skin, makes it impossible to divide the two as there is indeed something on her face which makes her sinister yet gorgeous. It is a ruinous display, a sight of corruption and temptation, but you feel too weak and confused and the only certainty you have right now is her beauty and your appreciation of it. So many layers of spirals now, from her ghost-like belly rolling and undulating, her open hand which waves slowly as if beckoning for you and now her face, with her mysterious expression beneath her veil. Does she have a warm and motherly smile? An enticing and sensual expression? A malevolent smirk of sadistic dominance? You don't know and you can't ever be aware of the truth, yet all three seems somewhat like satisfying answers as you can't help but stare at the witch, at how she's quickly claiming everything that you are right now even though you can't comprehend how you can be so split up, perceiving so many different things at once.

“It is futile to fight back because you cannot...Because you do not really want to...But more important because I command you to surrender. My control is absolute and it has been the moment you got in my domain...”

Her voice is louder now, reverberating from multiple places at once as if there were multiple witches. Your own perceptions are numerous, confusing you even more as for your own safety your mind rejects all that can threaten you...Or that it thinks might harm you in some way. The spirals are safe, they're pleasant...even arousing as those swaying hips, those curves seducing you into a terrible fate feels as if they might not be so bad. More than that, you're already familiar with them, as if you had been staring at them your whole life. Time lose meaning, memories lose definition, clarity is but a concept and it's all swallowed down by the spirals as her eyes penetrate yours, or the simulacrum of them, and then they simply absorb yet another part of you as the forehead spiral takes another tribute...yes, that seems to be the right word.

Your intangible projection is then pushed down and is stuck inside something completely charming and slightly obscene, yet to say that you don't want it would be an obvious lie: her cleavage. So big, so tantalizing, so superb and right now it bounces as she rolls her shoulders. Waves of her chest crashes onto your other self as you become a captive, both literally and figuratively, of that bosom of hers. Upon its surface, there are so many spirals that you feel as if you were torn apart, each spin dividing you into so many pieces and yet again it doesn't hurt. It's an odd sensation, an unfamiliar one, but the mere thought of being inside her breasts, caught in her cleavage, is nirvana itself.

“You are aroused, seduced, charmed, your intelligence, strength, power and knowledge all mine to claim. Soon, everything that you own or that you created will be easy for me to mess around with, to do with as I please...”

And you can feel it, her words completely devoid of falsehood. She is indeed taking all of your gifts, your abilities, no matter how meager they are. They are split among the numerous spirals on top of her chest as you can see it all spinning...and soon your mind, your entire self is caught in a daze, a vertigo of which there is no escape. You are enslaved to them, these bouncing breasts of unknown flesh-like material, of void and depths that render your completely enamored and enthralled. Everything is crushed now, your sense of self and your own pride as eventually her fingers pick you up and you feel reduced, completely diminished and yet happy. You figure your gifts, your tributes, your entire being are enough for her and you feel pleased as you still see her palm, her eyes, her fingers, her forehead, her chest and her belly, with each part seemingly still in contact with you as you feel yourself shivering, trembling in ecstasy save for the last one. You eye it out, her belly button and her abdomen undulating and now she lowers you so that you can see what is happening.

You gaze upon yourself, at your body, with a dumb smile upon your face, spirals of black and purple in your eyes, drool escaping from your lips as your slouched position make you look like a weak idiot. This is you, in the incontestable might and hold of someone incredible as you realize that this is through those eyes that you've been seeing that dance, that belly which enchanted you so...And then that mouth moves, speaking softly and with bliss that seems unparalleled in this world.

“Mistress Sahira~”

It is your voice, there can be no mistake about it. Under a deep spell, in a trance that goes beyond what can be salvaged, there can only be elation and submission as she turns your other self around, perhaps your soul or spirit that she ejected from your flesh, making you see her dance anew as she move her hips in a way that is so fast that it overwhelms your senses right now.

“One final part left, one meager piece of your ancient and obsolete self to be made to surrender. Succumb to my hypnosis, let me take your mind and all that's in it and make you better...Make you feel like this forever...”

The way she speaks suggests it is your choice, but in front of the mistress there is no such thing. She speaks and you obey. Everything is a spiral, from the flickering candles in the background to the numerous eyes spying upon you two to the ambient darkness surrounding everything. All of it spins and converges toward Sahira, which itself converges toward her navel. Everything is pulled toward it as you feel your own self stretched, turned into a slim and lean version which tries to imitate the spirals you see. You're fascinated, hypnotized, seduced and corrupted and nothing else matters because you do not think about anything but the spirals. In fact, you are turning into one and it is clear that you're the one on her stomach, the only one left which hasn't taken you so far. You look at yourself as you gaze upon the spiral, a feedback loophole of infinite delight as eventually you just lose grip of everything as you're circling around her navel until it absorbs you as everything that you are is contained within her flesh, her sacred skin of dark power and hypnotic potency.

You are in the void, nothing but spirals and your mistress in mind, the two being one, as eventually your soul-self converges within her. It is handled by her magic and influence, coalesced into a singular form as you think of her divine appearance, of her amazing power over you and of all that makes her sublime and magnificent as you know by now that you will forever adore, revere, worship and obey her without hesitation. She is your world, your everything, your sole care now until death as those feelings are crystallized into a ruby which then pops out of her navel. You feel yourself lodged inside it, comfortable in the depths of her hypnotic midriff as she plucks you out and place you on top of your flesh again. She presses you on your forehead, your body not moving until you are projected anew onto what was once yours, yet now is hers. You are merely borrowing this form which she can do as she pleases with as she then speaks anew.


A singular word, a command and it echoes within your soul, into the ruby holding you together as your connection to her is ever constant. She is the spirals and the spirals are her. They are one and the same and you cannot think, cannot care about anything else. She places a vial on your lips and you drink while focusing solely on pleasing her and soon you feel a warmth in your belly, on your skin and your throat. It is volcanic, powerful and you know for a fact that it might be harmful...But so be it if it is for your mistress.

You feel smaller, made less significant and yet in front of Sahira you'll ever see yourself that way. She is so grand, so impressive, so larger-than-life that to compare yourself to her is a sacrilege onto itself. Yet as you contemplate this your legs and arms are reduced, diminishing as if they were retracting onto themselves and then inside your body before all you are left with are small paws in front and just below your behind. Your ears grow in length, becoming taller as they stand upright, pointing toward the sky or ceiling of wherever you might be. Your face elongates slightly as your jaw becomes smaller, gaining a small snout while your nose caves in. Your eyes move to the side of your head, turning slightly globulous as fur begins to pop out from every pores of your skin while small whiskers flicker near your nose and mouth. Your teeth changes, two incisors popping out up front while the rest are simply reduced and move to go in accord with your new form. The last detail to appear is a small bushy tail as you feel like hopping and darting around as you are picked up by your mistress.

“A hare...Disappointing, but it will do for now. Another familiar to the list,” she says, her voice now normal, no longer an echo or extension of her magic but just sound escaping her unseen lips. It still sounds absolutely incredible to your larger ears now as you are transformed like this by her will and power. Everything that you are was returned to you, yet has been corrupted, made better by her own influence flowing inside your essence and soul, catalyzed through the ruby you proudly display on your forehead. “Your friend was a rabbit and now you are a hare. How funny...Still, not a complete loss as that spell to record and project your friend's voice was a complete success...Now off you go...Bring me more of your companions for my experiments, my large-eared familiar and slave.”

You hear her, you understand her desire and you know that disobedience is not an option but also something you decidedly don't want to ever contemplate. Mistress Sahira has given you a command and you shall obey.

Now, and for the rest of your life, whatever your form might be.

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Comments: 19

CozyStream5779 [2022-09-07 11:55:41 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to CozyStream5779 [2022-09-07 13:30:41 +0000 UTC]

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CozyStream5779 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2022-09-07 17:10:45 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to CozyStream5779 [2022-09-07 19:12:09 +0000 UTC]

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CozyStream5779 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2022-09-08 12:38:26 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to CozyStream5779 [2022-09-08 13:21:46 +0000 UTC]

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CozyStream5779 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2022-09-09 12:49:57 +0000 UTC]

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CozyStream5779 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2022-09-08 05:26:13 +0000 UTC]

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TimMcJimFromPL [2020-11-29 18:23:39 +0000 UTC]

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kaaslave [2020-07-20 23:09:11 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to kaaslave [2020-08-07 11:58:22 +0000 UTC]

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kaaslave In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-08-07 15:06:35 +0000 UTC]

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Norogrim [2020-07-20 17:41:49 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to Norogrim [2020-07-20 17:48:03 +0000 UTC]

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janus-006 [2020-07-20 16:09:55 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to janus-006 [2020-07-20 16:19:24 +0000 UTC]

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janus-006 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-07-20 16:22:47 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to janus-006 [2020-07-20 16:25:14 +0000 UTC]

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janus-006 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2020-07-20 23:13:50 +0000 UTC]

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