InsomniKing — Slytherin Prince || Draco Malfoy x Male!Reader I

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Published: 2017-09-17 01:30:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 32582; Favourites: 202; Downloads: 0
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Reader is a 5th year Ravenclaw Prefect
Fandom - Harry Potter
Harry Potter © J.K. Rowling

    "Hey Dad, what House do you think I'll be sorted into?" Declan (Last Name), the young brother of the 4th Year Ravenclaw, (Full Name), asked his father as they walked to the 9 3/4's platform.

   "I'm not sure kiddo, Slytherin, maybe Gryffindor, we'll never know until you get sorted!" His father ruffled the young boy's hair, "either way, your mother and I will love you." The (Last Name) lineage is notorious for its Pure Blood Slytherin children, except for (Name), of course, who was a Ravenclaw. He'll never forget how distraught and scared he was when he was sorted.

'Don't believe him Declan... If you want mother's love, you better be a Slytherin…’ (Name)'s internal dialogue raced. 'Dad said the same thing to me, and when I was sorted into Ravenclaw, I was disowned by mum...' Of course he'd never tell their younger brother this. They didn't want their brother to be afraid of being rejected by their mother, since Declan loved his mother dearly. The sound of a whistle went off, signaling that the departure of the Hogwarts Express was in 10 minutes.

"The train's about to leave the station, guess this is goodbye dad." (Name) hugged their father, who gave them a tight squeeze.

“You have everything? Wand, your own, your robes, books, all your writing equipment?" He said quickly, his child agreeing to everything he said. The father then goes down the list with his younger son, who was bouncing in place in excitement and impatience.

"Dad, the train's gonna leave without uuuuuuuussssss!" Declan hugged his father tightly once more before grabbing the hand of his older sibling, "let's go (Childish Nickname)!"

"You don't even know what the inside of the cars look like, I'm not letting you lead. Walk in front of me, and go where I say.” He said sternly as Declan held onto his older brother's hand tighter.

They stepped onto the train, walking down the rows, looking for an empty compartment. They finally found one, keeping the door open as they waited for (Name)'s best friend, Kylie. She was a Slytherin, and childhood best friend. She was supportive when the Sorting Ceremony dubbed (Name) as a Ravenclaw, and stayed by his side.

“I see her!” Declan called out as he made a ‘come here’ gesture to the short female, her long brown hair cascading down to her back. She closed the door behind her and sat in front of the two brothers.

“Sorry, my dad was late. Like always.” Kylie joked, fixing her hair.

“It's OK, we only boarded about two minutes ago.” (Name) looked at the stopwatch with the eagle imprinted onto it; a gift from his godmother.

“So did your mother…-” she didn't finish her thought because of the look she was given by (Name). “So what are you excited for Declan?” She asked the enthusiastic boy.

“Everything! The interior, the classes, the professors, the Sorting Ceremony! My House, House Points, spells and potions..” He rambled.

“Breathe there.” (Name) ruffled his hair, the same colour as his.

“The train's departing.” Kylie said as she looked out the window, seeing her and (Name)’s father waving at them. They waved back as they started to leave the platform. With wide smiles, they watched their fathers slowly become a blur as they took off to Hogwarts.

“What's that noise, big brother?” Declan asked as he heard something rattle and squeak outside the door. Both his older brother and Kylie smiled as the door was opened by (Name), revealing the Honeyduke's Express trolley, the witch a small, plump, and slightly hunchbacked lady.

“Anything off the trolley, dears?” She asked the three of them, as Kylie already started to name off what she wanted, (Name) simply asked for three of everything she sold, which came out to be 33 Sickles, (Name) paid with two Galleons, getting a single Sickle back. He thanked her for the sweets, and she rolled past.

“Wait, why'd you only get one Sickle back?” Declan asked.

“Well Declan, it was 33 Sickles, right? So, a Galleon is 17 Sickles. Add another 17 makes it 34 Sickles, so I got one back.” He explained.

“Oh! I got the Sickle and Knut confused again.” He said bashfully.

“It's OK, money is hard.” Kylie said as she ate a Chocolate Frog.

“What card?” (Name) asked as he ate a Cauldron Cake.

“Dumbledore.” She said as she looked at what Declan got for his Chocolate Frog card.

“Don’t eat too many sweets, I don’t want you feeling sick the entire train ride.” (Name) droned out as he smushed his face into his hand as he looked outside the window, watching the scenery roll past.


“Wake up, Declan.” (Name) shook his brother, “we'll be stopping soon.” His brother and Kylie had their respective Hogwarts House robe on.

“Really?” He said as he lifted his head up from his folded arms, rubbing the part of his face he lied on.

“Yeah, so look alive.” (Name) was standing up, stretching his legs the best he could, Kylie stretching her arms up along with her back.

“The ride always seems to get longer and longer.” Kylie commented.

“Seems like, huh?” (Name) said, feeling the train slow down. It was always arriving at the same time; 7:15am. Declan bounced excitedly next to the two upperclassmen as the train fully stopped. They left their compartment, exiting the train. They were the second train of students, there was one more train that needed to arrive. They entered the main hall, Declan tried to follow his older brother to the Ravenclaw table, but (Name) stopped him.

“Were you not listening? First years have to stand over there.” He pointed at where lost First Years were conjugated.

“I don't want to though!”

“I know you don't, but you have to. See the female with the coiled black hair? I'll be sitting next to her.” He was pointing at Kenya Houghton, a loud, and intelligent black female. She waved at (Name), beckoning him over.

“Okay.. I'll do it.. But I won't like it!” He pouted, but hugged his older brother anyway. He watched as he walked and sat with the female, the entire table was decorated with the Ravenclaw blue, and the House Crest.

“That your younger brother?” Kenya asked, (Name) nodded.

“I hope he's a Slytherin, but I know he won't. I think my dad knows that too.. I just don't want him to be hated like how mum hates me..”

“If he's not Slytherin, then he isn't a Slytherin! Your dad did say that maybe it was time for some change!” She tried to bring up her friend, which was working.

“Yeah, he did say that, huh? Maybe it'll be a good year. I'm tired of everyone bullying me because of the Howler I received my First Year…”

“Don't worry! They all probably forgot by now!” Kenya told the other.

“Draco never forgets..” He mumbled under his breath, rubbing his hands together.

“Forget that gut, he's just trying to get himself punched in the face. I swear, you were so close to knocking that blond lesbian’s teeth out of his mouth!” Kenya laughed as she wrapped her arms around her stomach.

“I honestly was; but I didn’t want to lose any House Points. I work for those points, even though we didn’t win. Like always..” (Name) grumbled.

“You don’t like Gryffindors, do you?” The look Kenya received made her laugh. “They’re not all that bad!”

“You’re dating a Gryffindor. You have no room to talk.”

“Is the reason why you hate Gryffindors is because of Harry Potter?”

“Between him and Draco Malfoy. They’re always bloody bickering at everything.” He scowled as Kenya nodded in agreement.

“They do fight a lot, and it honestly is kinda redundant.” She sighed as she messed with her coiled hair.

“I hope everything go over well this year, or else I will shove my wand up my arse.” (Name) promised aloud.

The Sorting Ceremony went by agonizingly slow, like every year. Hushed whispers were heard all around the room as every child wore the Sorting Hat. As every child went to their new House tables, (Name) grew more worried for his brother’s sorting. Kenya stuck close to her friend, and made sure he didn’t accidentally snap his wand from gripping it too tightly, softly prying it from his fingers. When Declan finally sat in the seat in the middle of the room, (Name) stared intensely at his brother, then at the hat. He knew that Declan wasn’t Slytherin; he was too nice and kind. The Hat mumbled to Declan for a hot two minutes, and every second that ticked away, the Ravenclaw felt like he’d just stand up and scream.

“GRYFFINDOR!” The Sorting Hat finally shouted out, and the Gryffindor team plus some kind students in the room cheered, as Declan walked to the Gryffindor table and sat beside fellow 1st years.

(Name)’s world practically shattered.

(Name) let out a shaky sigh, Kenya putting a hand on his back and rubbing it in soothing circles. He looked down at the wood table, observing the grain of the wood. His eyes held a distant look as his brother celebrated for a blissful moment, before the next student went to get sorted.

The ceremony was over, and the speeches were made, which meant it was finally time to eat. All the students ate and talked loudly as they reconnected with old friends and spoke to the new ones. Occasionally, (Name) would sneak glances at his younger brother, who was talking to a male with grey/green hair. Kenya made sure though that her friend didn’t obsess with their younger brother and eat, though (Name) ate really nothing the entire time even when looking away from his brother. He was so scared and stressed, that he lost all appetite. When the prefects had to take control and lead the first years to their respective living spaces of their house, (Name) got up and rolled his stiff neck, it cracking blissfully as he got ready to lead the new Ravenclaws, since he was a Prefect.

“I’m a Gryffindor! Isn’t that cool!” Declan caught up with his older brother just before (Name) left to go to the Ravenclaw Tower.

“Yeah, it is! That means you’re brave and courageous.” (Name) smiled at the enthusiasm his brother radiated. “You really should stick to your group.” (Name) pointed at the Gryffindors that were talking to their 1st years, “you're missing important info.”

“Fine. I love you (Name).” He hugged his older brother and scurried off to the Gryffindors. (Name) smiled at his brother's shrinking form as they walked down the hall.

“So there are two (Last name) rejects.” Someone purred beside (Name)’s ear, the smile dropping from his face.

“Shut up, Draco.” (Name) growled as he moved away from the Slytherin, fighting the urge to punch his teeth in.

“Where are you going? We're having a normal chit-chat.” He followed (Name), walking beside (Name) and trying to mimic his long strides.

“Stop harassing me.” He warned as he fixed his hair, looking around for his friend.

“Your brother will be heartbroken when he receives the howler on how he's ‘a disappointment to his family name’.” Draco said in a snide tone, his back colliding with the wall as (Name) grabbed the front of his cardigan and slammed him to a wall, face awful close to the Slytherin's.

“Don't you fucking repeat that ever again, especially when Declan is involved. You leave my brother alone; don't look at him, talk to him, don't even think about him. If you meddle with him, you will pay. Just keep direction your poisonous hate to me, and we’ll be fine and dandy..” (Name) let Draco go as he walked away to talk to the new Ravenclaws.

“This'll be an entertaining school year…” Draco grinned mischievously.

“Where were you! Merlin, I knew Professor Flitwick shouldn’t allow someone as lazy as you to be a prefect!” Kyra Delacruz, the female Ravenclaw Prefect scolded (Name) as they both walked to the first years and gathered them up.

“I was guiding a lost student to where he needed to be. He saw my Prefect badge and knew I’d be able to point him where to go.” (Name) said, Kyra surprised at his excuse. “Just because I’m lazy at times doesn’t mean I’m not more capable of completing a job.” (Name) grabbed the attention of the first year Ravenclaws and started to talk about the house.


“You may only enter if you correctly solve my riddle.” The bronze eagle knocker spoke as it prevented its large brown doors from opening.

“This is the Ravenclaw common room. You solve the riddle, you get in. There are two sections of the dorms; males and females. You don’t have to go to the females or the male dorms if you do not consider yourself that gender. If you don’t, tell me and I’ll get you what and where you’ll need to be.” (Name) instructed, seeing some students’ faces light up at the mention.

The eagle knocker spoke again. “Solve my riddle for entrance-”

“You never told us the bloody riddle.” (Name) hissed and silencing the knocker, the young students letting out a small laugh. “What is the riddle?”

“In a one-story pink house, there was a pink person, a pink cat, a pink fish, a pink computer, a pink chair, a pink table, a pink telephone, a pink shower– everything was pink!

What color were the stairs?” The eagle spoke in a booming voice.

“Anyone know the answer?” (Name) asked, some students shouting out some answers.

“The stairs are pink, the riddle said that everything was pink.” A female with ginger hair spoke, the knocker letting out a loud screech, making students grasp their ears.

“When it screeches, the wrong answer was said.”

“There are no stairs…” A voice muttered in the crowd of first years.

“Who said that?” (Name) asked, a student raising his hand, “step forward, beside me. The eagle did not hear you.”

The student complied. He looked at (Name), before turning to the knocker, “there are no stairs, it’s a one level house.” The boy said louder. The eagle said nothing, and the doors opened. All the students murmured and smiled.

“Good job kid. What’s your name?” He asked the boy, who had messy short brown hair.

“Moriarty.” The boy answered as (Name) ruffled the kid’s hair affectionately and pushed the double doors open more and leading the students inside. The upperclassmen were lounging around and chatting with their fellow housemates.

“Welcome to the Ravenclaw Tower.” (Name) held out an open hand to the common room. “This’ll be where you can hang out and do homework or whatever you want to do when not attending class.” (Name) told the first years.

Walking inside the common room and guiding them to bookshelves, pointing out labeled sections of the library and saying what subject the books were. Kyra started to talk about the history of the Ravenclaw house, trying to entice the new Ravenclaws. (Name) sat on a blue velvet armchair arm while she spoke, drumming his fingers on his crossed knees. He looked around at the first years, his eyes locking with Moriarty’s. They stared at each other for a while, before Kyra asked (Name) a question and he gave the correct answer in a lazy tone. Professor Flitwick, the head of the Ravenclaw house, started to talk to the new students as (Name) and Kyra watched from a distance. Finally, the Prefects had the floor again, (Name) groaning as he got up and lead the students to the dorms, Kyra guiding the females to the female dorms.

“These are the male dorms. Yes, the females are allowed in here, but there is a curfew where they have to leave. 9pm is when females should be out, and I will get on your case if they’re not out of here by 9pm.” (Name) said as he cracked his neck, “pick your bunks. I don’t care if you want a top bunk and someone takes it, suck it up.” The students scrambled to pick out their sleeping situations while talking to their friends so they can bunk close to one another as a kissy noise was heard. (Name) turned around to see Kyra, (Name) excusing himself to see what his fellow Prefect was needing.

“I have a student who doesn’t want to be in the female dorms since they don’t consider themselves as female.” She said, the student was silent beside her as they stared at their feet. “You have room on your side?”

“Um..” (Name) craned his neck back to see the Moriarty boy watching the three of them with focused eyes again. He disregarded the first year and spotted three empty bunks, “yeah, we got the space.”


(Name) and Kyra were studying on one of the armchairs in the common room, (Name) sitting on the arm of the chair with levitating books and parchment where (Name) wrote his notes once the students were all settled. The sounds of quills gently scratching against the parchments, a crackling fireplace, and distinct chattering in the background was surrounding the two students as they freshened up their minds and got started with working ahead of the lessons they’d be learning this new school year to keep their Prefect statuses plus their excellent grades.

“Kyra.” (Name) called out, breaking the silence between them. The female looked up from her studies with a concerned look, “got a concern.”

“You’re studying Herbology, that’s your strongsuit.” Kyra said, setting her Charms book to the side.

“Not about our studying. About a first year.”

“What’s wrong then?” She asked. “Is this about the transgender first year?”

He shook his head, “no. It’s Moriarty, the kid who solved the riddle. Every time I look in the general direction of the kid, he’s watching me. He’s just, observing me. When you were talking about Rowena, his gaze was on me.”

“That is weird. I think you have an admirer.” She cooed, making (Name) wear a face of disgust.

“Kyra. He’s likely 12 years old. I’m 16.” He said as Kyra laughed at his pathetic sounding voice. “You need help with Herbology or not?”

“Please help me I’m absolutely bloody terrible at the subject.”

Until it was time for lunch, (Name) and Kyra helped with the first years, along with studying. (Name) led the first years plus forgetful students around the school on a tour, pointing out different classrooms, the secrets of the staircases, etc. There was a time where the Ravenclaw tour intercepted the Slytherin tour, seeing that Draco was leading it.

“You’re not a prefect, why’re you doing the tour?”

“The prefects are helping out in the common room, so I offered to show the kids around.”

“You’re getting House points for this, aren’t you? You don’t do a thing unless you benefit from it.” Before Draco could say anything, he was interrupted.

“(Name), sir, a student is stuck on the stairwell.” Moriarty said beside him.

(Name) turned to see a student indeed stuck to the staircase, seeing the older Weasley twins highfiving at the top of the stairs, meaning one of their pranks was the reason behind this. He looked at the student, who was a third to the top and panicking. Sprinting up to the top, he attempted to calm down the child, which was working pretty well. Though the stairwell started to move, trapping Fred, George, the student, and (Name) on the stairs, the ones standing rocking and catching themselves on the stair railings. (Name) freed the student by freezing the ‘Instabond Glue’ Fred and George were testing out and pulled the student off the frozen glue, the five of them descending down the stairs and returning to the students.

“Are you alright?” (Name) asked the student, them nodding and thanking them, hearing a clap behind them.

“Great job showing how in a situation where panic can arise, you can be level headed and deal with the problem responsibly. 15 points to Ravenclaw.” Minerva McGonagall said, the students sighing in relief. “As for you two..” McGonagall went to scold the Weasley twins, who disappeared, her running off in the direction where she believes they may have headed.

“This isn’t over, (Name).” Draco said, (Name) leading his students away.

“You’ll never get ahead of me.” (Name) said as some of the young Slytherins made obscene faces at the first years, making (Name) hiss at them between his teeth and effectively scaring the first years, “have a good day, my Slytherin pain-in-the-ass-Prince.” (Name) mocked a bow, his cloak whipping behind him as he pushed his students forward.

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Comments: 29

charliemoooooon [2020-11-30 03:57:09 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

too7miieee In reply to charliemoooooon [2021-10-23 22:57:52 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

too7miieee In reply to too7miieee [2021-10-23 22:58:10 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Fnafandundertaleis [2017-11-16 06:24:25 +0000 UTC]

" Moriarty "
please stand by, this user is currently flipping out at how good that crossover is. Thank you.

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

InsomniKing In reply to Fnafandundertaleis [2017-11-16 12:22:13 +0000 UTC]

Welcome lmao

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Biloopaloop [2017-09-27 00:52:21 +0000 UTC]

Why is the reader being polite to Malfoy and calling him Draco when he hates him and Malfoy has literally just bullied and harassed him and insulted his little brother for no reason? If I were the reader, after that insult towards my little brother, I would spit fire at Malfoy always and call him a ponce more than a prince. I think you should give the reader more of a backbone. I like him so far, but he says and does two different things. Like claims he hates Malfoy but treats him more politely than Potter in the next chapter whose only crime was not talking to him even though the reader never tried talking to Potter either while Malfoy has literally made his life miserable. Sorry if that seems ranty, but the character has good potential if he were consistent.Well written and nice characters and backstories so far. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InsomniKing In reply to Biloopaloop [2017-09-27 21:24:22 +0000 UTC]

The Reader is still trying to figure himself out. Have you ever thought that maybe the Reader hates himself for who he is, therefore he does not want to attack Draco for saying the things he's already said to himself? People process hate differently, they say things that sometimes doesn't fit with what they're thinking. If anything, the Reader is being the better one of the two, and not attacking others and being just as bad as the one who's hurting him. Maybe Reader just gives too many chances? Maybe receiving hate one of the only ways knowing that he isn't invisible?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AllieCyanne [2017-09-18 18:34:56 +0000 UTC]

I loved this so far please continue!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InsomniKing In reply to AllieCyanne [2017-09-18 18:45:32 +0000 UTC]

I am I promise!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AllieCyanne In reply to InsomniKing [2017-09-21 03:20:23 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! You have a new fan! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InsomniKing In reply to AllieCyanne [2017-09-21 19:56:32 +0000 UTC]

Oh shit man thanks!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Owl-Head [2017-09-17 14:20:47 +0000 UTC]

Omg I never thought I needed this in my life. Looking forward to the next part~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InsomniKing In reply to Owl-Head [2017-09-17 15:35:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PrinceToby [2017-09-17 07:26:37 +0000 UTC]

Can't wait to read more, I love it already (I got ravenclaw on pottermore so I'm glad I get to be ravenclaw here too)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InsomniKing In reply to PrinceToby [2017-09-17 15:35:32 +0000 UTC]

I'm between Ravenclaw and Slytherin so it's nice to have a change of pace

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheHagsCure [2017-09-17 06:28:05 +0000 UTC]

Omg plzzzz tell me you're making at least a second part for this.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InsomniKing In reply to TheHagsCure [2017-09-17 15:34:55 +0000 UTC]

I am don't worry!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheHagsCure In reply to InsomniKing [2017-09-17 18:03:52 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InsomniKing In reply to TheHagsCure [2017-09-17 18:32:28 +0000 UTC]

I've already started the second chaoter

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheHagsCure In reply to InsomniKing [2017-09-17 22:42:47 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BloodEater76 [2017-09-17 06:23:45 +0000 UTC]

Aaaaaaaaaa so good!

Loved the Sherlock reference by the way

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InsomniKing In reply to BloodEater76 [2017-09-17 15:34:43 +0000 UTC]

I couldn't help it whoops

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Crazy-Wolfia [2017-09-17 04:14:29 +0000 UTC]

I am in love with this!!!!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InsomniKing In reply to Crazy-Wolfia [2017-09-17 15:35:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Crazy-Wolfia In reply to InsomniKing [2017-09-17 18:19:38 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome :3 I have already reread it a few too many times.......

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InsomniKing In reply to Crazy-Wolfia [2017-09-17 18:32:09 +0000 UTC]

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I already started the second chapter!!! Do you like the length of the chapter?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Crazy-Wolfia In reply to InsomniKing [2017-09-17 19:41:47 +0000 UTC]

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Yay!!!!!!!! and yeah I enjoyed the length of it it wasn't too long or too short.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InsomniKing In reply to Crazy-Wolfia [2017-09-18 18:22:15 +0000 UTC]

I plan on keeping the chapters at that length then

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Crazy-Wolfia In reply to InsomniKing [2017-09-18 19:31:11 +0000 UTC]

Sounds good :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0