ipodsmakemyheadhurt — TDH - the new Era

Published: 2011-03-08 18:53:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 1222; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 0
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<-- INFO

Descriptions of OC’s kept low. Bare in mind, this is wrote purely for DA so pasts and species make no difference (when it comes to my OC’s ANYWAY) This is based on my world of Xdantanner, a large planet where dragons are the main species but there are unicorns, Pegasus’s, sea monsters and all sorts. SORUS (the lab) has infected this planet with its presence, and humans are present on two of the islands (SORUS island and The Battle Arena) only. The haven is surrounded by huge mountains that are impassable by walking to humans, the only way into the haven is by plane or sea.

CHAPTER ONE - First warnings.

The sun began its ascent into the sky, creeping over the mountains that shielded the island from the rest of Xdantanner. The light began its daily routine of bathing the place known as The Dragons Haven in its gentle warmth as the swish of strange birds carried on the slight breeze.

The echoes of waking dragons morning calls joined in with the birds, including the sound of wings flapping. A small, pink and brown dragon was in the sky, looking happy to be alive!

As he flew, his beautifully glossy brown fur shone bright and his big ears flapped in the wind. He loved flying, he loved this place! This was Tiffin, one of the only two mammal dragons in The Haven, and he was on his way to the Haven lake lands, to met a few of his new friends. He had seen something strange occur the night before, and he wanted them to check it out with him.

He looked down at the masses of water, and grinned as he spotted the familiar shapes of the dragons he had recently got to know.
He saw the purple dragoness with the green underbelly and red mane, rushing after a smaller dragoness with pink and purple markings. That was Flames chasing Dawn.. Again!
He flicked his view to two male dragons trying to teach a small dragonet how to swim in the shallow waters together. That was Vidas and 77, or “SevSev” as Vidas called him, with their son Sedas.
He then noticed two big butch dragons play fighting, kicking and rearing at either with some force, both looking like they would give any black dragon a run for their money. That was Quuda and Flex!

And last of all, he spotting the sensible Vertis. He was looking at Tiffin and nodded to the male with a smile on his ferocious looking face. Despite all his claws, and muscle - Vertis was one of the most placid dragons in the haven.

Tiffin then began descending - aiming for the lush grass by the lake.
“Hi guys!“ he grinned, as the collection of dragons looked up just as his dog like paws as he hit the ground.
He was not the most graceful of dragons on his best days, and today was no exception. He yelped as he roly-polyed forward, his pink wings flopping over his face as he landed in a pile by someone’s leg, and groaned
“owie..“ he muttered as he shock his head and sighed.
“don’t worry mate, your get there one day..” came the voice of Vidas as he had been the dragon Tiffin landed by. The big biped dragon smiled down at the smaller fluff ball that was Tiffin, and watched him get to his feet.

Vidas was a rare one in the haven, he was one of the few Dragons that had escaped the lab on the outer island. He had met his mate 77 thanks to SORUS..but that was another story.

Tiffin Grinned at Sedas
“aww his so cute! How old is he now 77?” he asked the purple and blue striked dragon standing behind Vidas, as he watched the little stripy dragonet play in the water.
77 didn’t respond. He didn’t like anyone near his young, and started to make that clear to the pink and brown dragon who dared ask him questions! He picked up Sedas by the scruff, giving Tiffin a glare and a throaty growl before he walked off to preen his little boy.

“what did I do?” Tiffin whimpered to Vidas, his own ears flopping down in a sad manor
Vidas simply smiled at Tiffins reaction. The poor Mammal dragon was too sensitive sometimes…
“his a new father Tiffin, his still protective of him.. Much like I was when mine were dragonets..” Vidas had turned his head to look at the two brute males, who had just stoped fighting and were now talking like nothing had happened and he grinned.

“Hay Tiffy!” a bright, cheery voice sounded as Tiffin then felt himself being squeezed, then dropped and he turned to see Flames, with Dawn trotting up beside her
“HAY!” he purred as he flicked his ears up

“so what brings you here Tiffin?” Flames grinned, as she leant down on her paws to take a drink from the lake, her blue eyes locked on him. Vidas played more attention now too. Tiffin normally stayed in his home area of the haven Plaines with his brother, Jammy. and they normally had to visit him..

Tiffin turned his gaze to the sky, as if searching for something.

“well, I was out hunting on the plains, and I saw this flash of light..” he pointed up to the sky “up there! Somewhere. But it was red, and like lightning. It seemed to be coming from the black dragon clan lands, but the last time I heard of red lighting from there was…” he trailed off, and looked at them all.

Dawn tilted her head, and Flames frowned as she looked at Tiffin expectedly.
“well?” she asked, as Tiffin then flicked his ears back

“your all so new to this place, I keep forgetting..” he swallowed as if not wanting to have to tell them the story. But he did anyway as they looked at him expectantly.
“well, hundreds of years ago, according to Vergon..” He paused, as he saw their blank looks at the mention of the great dragons name.
“…the leader of the Haven? Anyway, he said that Lakazo.. The biggest bad arse in dragon history used to sacrifice dragons to the black dragon god so that he could increase his power and overthrow Vergon, which in turn meant he could take over the Haven. He nearly did it once, but he was stopped by Vergon! He kicked his arse!! Rawr!“
Tiffin then bounced around, portending to fight with his tail and kicked out too, much to the bemusement of Dawn and the others, but he carried on with the story moments after
“…anyway. Lakazo and Vergon had a great battle, and Vergon had the chance to kill Lakazo but instead he ordered Lakazo to retreat, along with the dark and shadow clans. He also demanded Lakazo stopped the sacrifices…and so the black dragon leader did so in order to live. That was 400 years ago and we have had peace since then. .. As Vergon took the quartz blade that Lakazo used to sacrifice the dragons and hid it”

“what’s that got to do with red lighting?” Vidas asked, as he lowered his head to his arms and scratched his nose, before he looked back to Tiffin who tried to think

“well as far as I remember from the stories…the red lightning takes place when there is a sacrifice going on. The Quartz blade is stabbed into the sacrifice dragons heart, and the red lightning carries the life-force up to their god!… sooo that means if there is red lightning coming from the black dragon lands, that somehow Lakazo has the quartz blade!! And that his killing dragons again!! He wants to take over the haven!”

“woah someone’s been on the berry sap!” a strong cockney voice sounded from behind, Quuda had walked over too at this point and was smirking at Tiffin
“There is no way in hell Vergon would give up the quartz blade Tiff, ya trippin mate..”

Quuda was a tough looking dragon, but he was pretty nice really. However his mouth soon ran away with him
“shut it Quu” Dawn muttered as she batted her big brother round the head.
“don’t be so mean, Tiffins only trying to tell us a story” she added as Tiffins eyes went wide

“wait what? No!” he stammered “im serious!”

Flex walked over at this point and stood by Quuda, eyeing Tiffin
“since when have you ever been serious?” he grinned, and Quuda nodded
“yeah it was only last week you pulled the prank of telling me eating that plant would make me super sexy to every dragon. 5 hours it took me, to wash my mouth free of that taste… and it didn’t even work. Pufft….”

Tiffin looked at the boys, then back to Vidas and Flames
“you believe me don’t you?” he asked, but both looked slightly bemused, Flames rubbed her arm and shrugged before gazing back at Tiffin.
“umm.. Well it all seems a bit far fetched Tiff, with lightning and sacrifices. I have never heard of any of this stuff from the other dragons. Only that the black dragon lands were out of bounds. And I didn’t see any lightning last night..”

“….and no ones been reported missing. Plus Vergon would of let the whole haven know if the blade had gone missing. I recon it was your eyes playing tricks on you” Vidas added, looking worriedly at the mammal dragon.

Tiffin sighed as his ears flopped right down and he looked miserable

“oh… well in that case..” Tiffin had never been one to fight for what he knew was right or believed in when he was outnumbered.
“I’ll.. See you guys later….”

He turned away from them, and leapt into the air. Quuda chuckled, and Flex rolled his eyes
“stupid mammal dragon..”

Flames was about to go and follow him, however Vidas grabbed her tail
“no, don’t..” he said gently
“he needs to learn he wont get attention from lies..”

Flames nodded, but still watched Tiffin fly off

“what if he wasn’t lying?…”

CHAPTER TWO. mind games

That night, Tiffin returned to his cave, unable to sleep. He watched the sky like a hawk, and frowned as he saw the glimmer of red on the horizon. It WAS happening! He growled and flicked his ears back as he got to his feet. He was going to prove to the others he was right!
He rushed from his cave in the middle of the haven plains, heading towards his oldest friend in the havens burrow - Patches.
He stood in the entrance of the earthy den, looking in. He saw the red shape of Patches and the blue shape of his brother Ossy inside, but he only wanted Patches for this little trip.
He headed inside, carefully trying not to make too much noise, but he managed to kick up a few pebbles with his feet, which despite his best efforts - landed onto Patches nose with some force.
“AH!” the red dragon opened his bright blue eyes at the shock of having the pebble thrown at him, and was about to make a protesting growl - but Tiffin already had his paws over his mouth, and looked at him pleadingly to be quiet nodding his head for Patches to follow.
Patched raised an eye ridge, but once Tiffin removed his paw from his mouth he got up and followed the brown and pink dragon outside. Ossy remained sleeping with his mouth wide open, having not heard a thing!

“what’s this about Tiff?” Patches asked, as he looked at the determined look on Tiffin’s face. The pink haired dragon nodded hs head towards the black dragon clan lands, and Patches turned his head to see what Tiffin was looking at. He blinked, his eyes reflecting the red lightning that blasted across the sky, accompanied by the screaming roar of Lakazo himself
“you saw, and heard that right?” Tiffin asked, not looking at Patches as he gazed at the red lighting slowly fading away.
“yeah? it’s the blade isn‘t it.. He got it back somehow…” Patches replied meekly, his eyes wide as Tiffin snarled, it didn’t suit his normally cute face as he looked into the distance
“im gonna prove it to them, I am not a liar!” he snapped, as Patches flicked back his tiny ears and raised his eye ridge at Tiffin
“Tiff, I got a bad feeling about this..”

He received a snort as Tiffin spread his wings
“are you my friend or not Patches? Come on, we can be the Haven heroes if we get the blade away from Lakazo!”

Tiffin leapt into the air, and started to head towards the Black Dragon Lands.
Patches whimpered, and flew after his friend, spreading his lean wings and flapping them to catch up with Tiffin

“you do remember the black dragon lands are covered in the death vine, right?”
Tiffin nodded and a sly grin spread over his face
“I don’t plan to land there, Patch!”

After a half an hour they ended up at the mountains that divided the black dragon lands from the rest of the haven, Tiffin crept forward carefully, leading Patches with him. Soon they came to an opening, however it was covered in squirming death vine. Tiffin turned back to Patches, his voice nothing but a whisper
“how do we get past these?” he asked his friend, who rolled his eyes. So THAT’S why Tiffin asked him along, Tiffin knew Patches was clever enough to know about the Death Vines..
“they react to sound and vibration. So take Slow steps…we have missed the sacrifice anyway…there was no more lightning when we were flying here”

The pair of male dragons slinked carefully through the vines, and soon the vastness of the Black dragon lands was in their view. Both gasped, and their ears flicked right back at the sight of it. What a rank world it was!

The whole area of the black dragon lands were covered In the death vine and dying trees. The vast amount of open land was covered in bones of dragons and rotting copses of prey.. And right in the centre, abandoned now as the sun started to creep into the sky... Was the sacrifice stone. It was covered in blood, but there was no sign of the dragon that had been killed on it. However, unguarded and by the side of it.. Lay the blooded quartz stone.

“there it is!” Tiffin whispered, as his eyes went wide
“what do you plan to do Tiffin? Run out of here and grab it, and hope Lakazo just accepts its gone missing?” Patches scolded as he eyed the dark quartz rod, sitting by the side of the large stone slab.
Tiffin rolled his eyes
“no no, I have a much better idea!” He looked around, and seeing no dragons active at that moment, he leapt from the mountains, much to Patches dismay. What was he thinking?! However Patches followed, careful not to make too much noise with his wings as he caught up to Tiffin who had picked up the Quartz
“keep an eye out for me!” he grinned as he hovered above the ground, the death vines seemed to be getting more active around the stone, hearing the whooshing of their wings..
“whatever your going to do Tiffin, do it now!” Patches snapped as the vines started to slide from their positions..

Tiffin held the quartz up, and bit down on the end without the blood on it. He held the shard that came off in his mouth, and grabbed Patches. Time to go!!

He pulled Patches up just in time, as the death vine shot into action, missing Patches by millimetres.
“Woah!” he gasped as both of them headed into the sky, and started to head to the mountains

A massive roar sounded, and Tiffin’s ears went back as he looked behind him. Oh no!

“Get them! We need something for breakfast!” A loud, evil voice sounded as two dragons shot up into the sky, two black dragons had spotted the pair of dragons and was after them!!

Patches whimpered as Tiffin flew faster… the dragons gaining on them…. Behind them….

WwoooooooooooooOOSSSHHH BAM!!

Tiffin didn’t dare look behind him again, but Patches did. A pair of dragons had turned up, one was a large, dark black male with what looked like surgery stiches all over his body and the other was a jet black dragon who hung back.
The first dragon slammed into the smaller black dragons back, and from his maw a flame of jet black shot from it.
The young black dragon screamed in pain, as black talons tore at the flesh on its back, exposing the muscles under the black scales. The second Dragon turned to help its friend, firing a torrent of flame at the dragon on its companion.
The big male dragon chuckled , rising pure glowing white eyes to the other dragon, as its metal coloured spiked tail swung behind It, its wide black wings flared and flapped, suspending the small black dragon in the air.
“if you have any common sense, and dignity. I‘d advice you to leave..” His voice boomed as he then grasped the now fairly limp dragons head his jet black talons, and twisted its neck around causing it to snap like a twig. He flared his wings and let the other dragon fall from his paws, snarling at the remaining black dragon as a warning, its wild blonde fridge blew in the faint wind.

The black dragon didn’t hang around, he had seen what this massive dragon could do, and he was back over the mountains within moments just as the sun came up.

“go and follow them. They will need some protection from now on” the big male, Russel grunted as he smaller dragon headed after Tiffin and Patches…

The pair had made their escape at this point, and were now far into the distance. Russel watched them go, and watched his comrade go after them, and smirked. He knew he would see them again soon.. He knew very well what Tiffin had in his mouth and the implications of It, and with this he flew off to his own cave, knowing soon he would be called on by Vergon. Hoping that his accomplice got to them before anyone else did…


Tiffin, Lakazo 1/2 Sedas etc
Patches and Ossy
unnamed dragon
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Comments: 17

ryciera [2011-03-16 23:59:22 +0000 UTC]

Hey! Can you resubmit this to DestructiveChildren? We had undergone a few technical difficulties which led your deviation to expire, but we'd love a chance to accept it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ipodsmakemyheadhurt In reply to ryciera [2011-03-17 00:44:40 +0000 UTC]

blimey, i accepted without hesitation!! thank you so much!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DarkenedSoul333 [2011-03-09 13:22:31 +0000 UTC]

I loves it!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DragonsFlameMagic [2011-03-09 02:46:10 +0000 UTC]

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are freaking brilliant!!!!!! OMG! this is amazing! XD I love Tiffin even more now!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!
The whole plot and theme to the story is amazing! It has so much depth and imagination! I love it so much! You can do so much with this colorful world you've created!
XD OMG! XD I want to do fan art NOW!!!!!!! XD
*when Tiffin and Patches are fly from the death vines!* XD SO AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG! Thank you so much for adding me!!!!!! XD Your the best! XD
Poor Tiffin! No one believes him! XD
OMG! I cant wait to read chapter 3!!!!!!!!!! Your brilliant!!!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ipodsmakemyheadhurt In reply to DragonsFlameMagic [2011-03-09 08:28:24 +0000 UTC]

yay yay yay!! you get a bigger part later!! YAY IM GLAD YOU LIKE IT!!
Yeah i canged it from the draft as i had to get some more OC's in there, and the house was too complex to get Sedas and SevSev in hehehe!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DragonsFlameMagic In reply to ipodsmakemyheadhurt [2011-03-09 18:58:54 +0000 UTC]

awe! I dont need a bigger part! XD You silly you!

XD I love how everyone is in the story! It makes a more creative and real world! XD SO MANY FAN IDEAS!!!! XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

shikamarus-slave13 [2011-03-08 22:19:57 +0000 UTC]

And 77 was so cute with Sedassss!!! Is it weird I think him growling at Tiffy is cute...??

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ipodsmakemyheadhurt In reply to shikamarus-slave13 [2011-03-09 08:28:49 +0000 UTC]

NOT AT ALL! i love 77 for that!!! XD and how he walks off like "my baby, not yours!" XP

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shikamarus-slave13 In reply to ipodsmakemyheadhurt [2011-03-09 14:31:27 +0000 UTC]

OHYUS No one will touch baby Sedas!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Dinorenk [2011-03-08 20:57:10 +0000 UTC]

Can't wait for the next.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ipodsmakemyheadhurt In reply to Dinorenk [2011-03-08 22:06:16 +0000 UTC]

great! DinoRenks up next i think!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sharradarkwater [2011-03-08 19:20:50 +0000 UTC]

Love it!!! Can't wait to

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ipodsmakemyheadhurt In reply to Sharradarkwater [2011-03-08 22:05:44 +0000 UTC]

Torn needs to get in there!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sharradarkwater In reply to ipodsmakemyheadhurt [2011-03-09 11:33:55 +0000 UTC]

Feel free to put him in there, if you need info send me a note with what you need and I will get it to you asap!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ipodsmakemyheadhurt In reply to Sharradarkwater [2011-03-10 08:20:05 +0000 UTC]

note meh!! i wanna get him correct!! maybe a few "speaches from the man himself" would help??

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

drago-w [2011-03-08 19:08:07 +0000 UTC]

very nice!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ipodsmakemyheadhurt In reply to drago-w [2011-03-08 22:06:06 +0000 UTC]

thansk, we will finds room for Sergorba!! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0