Irish-Gamer — Nevaeh Quinn | Circus Darkrai

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Updates: 15th June, 2014 | Edited previous species, history, wish, personality, extras and gender.




“So what if I’m a feckin’ girl, y’pansy?”


Name: Nevaeh [Nev] Quinn

Factual Age: 19 

Gender: Male || Sex: Female

Pokémon: Beautifly

Nature: Rash – Hasty, impulsive.

Characteristic: Strong willed

Ability: Swarm: When HP is below 1/3rd, Bug’s power increases to 1.5 times. 

Job: Prince/Princess of Balance – A feat that requires strength and balance, Nevaeh stands on a podium about three metres high. He gets handed chair after chair and does handstands and holds himself parallel on the chairs. He goes higher and higher, until he is almost touching the top of the circus tent, the chairs wobble alarmingly as he descends, giving the chairs down to the ringmaster.

Faction: Etoile – Main acts of the Big Top

Wish: “I wish that I was who I was supposed to be.”

A simple wish, but easily manipulated. Nothing is certain, and Mr.Dark took advantage of that. He used his power to turn him into a girl. His powers changed him into a different Pokémon, to make him feel like he had changed Pokémon, into a ‘better’ one.

But then again, you’ve got to be careful what you wish for…



Kind | Motherly | Thoughtful | Fussy | Grumpy | Needlessly Violent


Nevaeh is a kindly but grumpy soul. He tries his best to make your life seem less miserable than it is. No matter how old or young you are, he’ll always act like a fussy old mother. It’s always been in his nature to do that. Nevaeh has a horrible habit of thinking, thinking forward, thinking backward. He’ll often think back to the kids he had to abandon, and get annoyed that he couldn’t protect them further. He also has a horrible sleeping pattern because of his stressful life. He always had something to worry about in his past life. This life is also worrisome. He worries about Mr. Dark, the circus members, his act…with no reason; he just worries, like a mother would. Because of his bad sleeping pattern, he is often grumpy.
Nevaeh is sometimes needlessly violent. He tends to get angry if he is refused something he wants that he can get easily, and will resort to needless violence, be it slapping, hitting, kicking, shaking, punching… you name it, Nevaeh will do it.


“My past, eh? C’mere so, n’ let’s hope to Arceus above ye don’t die of the boredom.”


“My mother was a Cherrim, who was young like most mothers, when I was born, my father was out of the picture, he was just a random stranger to me, because Mama told me she didn’t want to talk about it, all I knew is that he scarpered upon Mama telling him she was pregnant. I didn’t care for him, though he could have taught me to be manlier looking, instead of looking like a weak Cherubi…”

“We belonged to a gang, where everyone had to work their share. If you were sick, then boo-hoo, you’re out. Sickness, oldness, disabilities, anything that made you weak got you kicked out.”

“Mama was sick when I was about nine years old, she got kicked out, and she’d always been a delicate soul, working herself raw for me. I had sold matchsticks at the corner of the street, but more often than getting money for matchsticks, I was ignored and barely got a few Poké for us, and sometimes on the worse days, nothing at all. It wasn’t the best time. Mama got worse and worse, and I tried to help Mama by being a brave boy, but how could I be a boy when everyone called me a girl, no matter how hard I tried to tell them. I’d get hit over the head, called crazy, and abused in general, then forced into dresses and clothes I hated. I had to clean myself and nobody helped me, so nobody saw.”

“I began to get mad, mad at everyone for calling me a liar, mad at Mama for getting sick. It wasn’t right of me to be so, and I tried to channel my anger into work. Tending to the children of the alley, I became the ‘Nursery Head’ telling stories, stealing food for the kids; I taught them how to work and protected them from harm. I tried to get associated with those of my true gender, but it wasn’t easy. I isolated myself when Mama died. I hated life. I was sick of it.”

“I had more and more hatred building up inside me, just because of my stupid Pokémon. I was sixteen when the gang leader left. I saw her leave, with some strange man who was much, much taller than her and much wider. I became in charge of the gang. I got the kids in order and took care of them. One day, I was scavenging for food at the market, this huge pointy stripy thing towered over the grey buildings. I went to see what was up.”

“It was a circus, I didn’t know that when I looked up at it. The smell of funnel cake and gingerbread attacked my nostrils as I pushed my way through the crowds. I stopped nearby a Funnel Cake stand, where a Pokémon stood, chatting to a customer. I managed to steal a huge chunk and scarper. Then I grew curious. I wanted to see inside the huge thing. I could easily see a huge Feraligator standing glaring menacingly around. Gulping, I inched through the thick crowds and pressed myself against the canvas, pushing myself along until I felt I was at the back, I noticed a Cacturne and an Audino talking to each other and I dropped to my knees as if in prayer and wriggled underneath the canvas, only to see a pair of sleek, black heels inches from my nose. I looked up in fear, and sharp blue eyes met mine.”

“He greeted me, and asked me why anger and fear was so evident in my eyes. I turned away, muttering something around an apology and trying to walk away. Then, all of a sudden he reappeared in front of me and smiled, saying he’d like an answer. I jumped back, and then decided to tell him, just to get him out of my hair. I told him about my mistaken gender, my mother, and my life in general. He sucked on his teeth as I spoke. When I had finished, I told him that I had to go, because I had children to feed.”

“Just as I was about to leave, I was grabbed on the shoulder and spun around. I found myself practically nose to nose with him. As I took a smart step back, he chuckled quietly and offered me a wish. I questioned his actions. To which he said that he thought that a wish would be very soothing thing while living in the hardships of a life such as my own.”

“I uttered the words I curse to this very day. I said, ‘I wish I was who I was supposed to be.’ I worded it wrong, and I meant to say that I wanted to be changed to a manlier Pokémon. I had wished on the spur of the moment. He nodded, a smirk coming onto his lips as he waved his hand, sending me on my way.”

“I went home, and gave the others some funnel cake, planning to return to the Circus the next day to smuggle some more cake for the kids. I slept better that night, knowing that someone knew about how I was hurting inside. I woke up early the next morning and headed to the circus. Standing in front of the huge tent, I began looking around for some sweetmeats to tide me over until I could grab some cake. Finding a few filthy sweets, I ate them quickly, for fear someone would see me.”

“A click, click, clicking sounded as the tall dark man approached me, I easily recognised the Circus leader. ‘You came back.’ He had commented, and I looked down, rather embarrassed of my actions. ‘Yessir.’ I had said. ‘Well, now your wish can come true today, hmm?’ I was confused. From what I could decipher, he was implying that he could make my wish come true? He closed his eyes, and waved his hand in the air, and all of a sudden, pain seared through my body as I opened my mouth in a soundless wail. It felt like every bone in my body was broken beyond repair and I was given a good shaking for measure. I clawed at the ground, tears pouring down my face as I bit down on my paining tongue. My head throbbed, and the last thing I saw before everything went black was Mr. Dark, looking down at me with a satisfied smirk.”

“I woke up tired and aching, but I felt lighter and looking down upon myself, I saw new clothes upon my body. A simple, high-collared cotton shirt with puffy shoulders, long white sleeves went down my arms and ended in a triangle at the top of my hand. My fingers looked greyer than I remembered, but I blamed my headache. A long brown skirt reached down to my ankles, but upon closer inspection, I noticed that it was not a skirt, but a pair of long, silky breeches, that puffed out so that they looked like a skirt. The skin of my foot was also grey and I furrowed my brow, trying to concentrate, waiting for my skin to whiten. I put a hand to my throbbing head, and looked to my side. A full length mirror stood at the side of the room and I almost fainted in shock. There in the mirror, was not the Petilil that I had come to know myself as, oh no, in the mirror stood a Beautifly.”

“My hair was soft and dark grey, my eyes were large and a bright sky blue. Antennae sprouted from my head, and my snub nose was a dark grey.”

“The most noticeable feature was my wings. From the top of my head to my waist, they looked rather pretty in the light. It filtered through, showing the veins on the wings. I pressed my lips together and clenched my fists. My tongue felt funny and I poked it out, almost biting it off in surprise. My tongue was long and curled back like a hurdy-gurdy lollipop. I pulled it back into my mouth, confused on how the huge muscle could fit in there.”

“I was ready to punch the mirror and start chanting that it was fake, fake, fake and it was all a dream, when a voice came out from the chair that was turned away from me. It turned to reveal Mr. Dark. ‘I trust you are happy with your wish?’ He asked, smirking. ‘Wh- No! I’m not happy with this damned wish, not one bit!’ I snapped, ‘I asked for you to change me into whom I am! I am not some feckin’ butterfly! Do you understand?! I’m a man! I’m supposed to be a young man, not some girly feckin’ BUTTERFLY!’ I was almost ready to punch the blue eyes out of that fecker, when he spoke, words I wish I could ram down his snarky throat. ‘But, don’t you see, dear?’ He said, playing with a pen on his desk, staring me right in the eyes. ‘I made you who you were really supposed to be. You were supposed to be a young woman all your life, and now you are!’ I stared at him. I stared at him for a good long while, trying to suss it out in my head. ‘I-I don’t understand.’ I tried to stammer to him, ‘I told you to…to change me…I was always truly…a boy…’ I couldn’t understand how he had managed to manipulate my wish. I couldn’t understand at all. I was so hopelessly confused, that I didn’t hear what he had said next, and I asked him to repeat it. For a street child, I was fairly smart, but well below the average nineteen year olds intelligence. He repeated the same words, his tone sounding as if he relished the hell I was going through. ‘I can bring you back, you know.’ I slammed my small fists on the table and leaned over it. ‘Then do it right feckin’ now, ye magic fool!’ He stared right back at me, and didn’t move a muscle as I slammed my fists on the table again, rattling the pens and other fancy trinkets he had. ‘No.’ He said, smirking again. With a roar, I sprinted around the table and raised my fist over my head, about to slam it into his face. I hit against some sort of barrier and fell back, howling and clutching my fist. ‘WHAT IN TH’ BLOODY FECKIN’ HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?’ I screeched at him. ‘CHANGE ME BACK AND LET ME OUT OF THIS CRAZY CIRCUS YOU WENCH!’ Mr. Dark leaned back in his chair. ‘I’ll change you back once I get adequate funds.’ He said, smiling. ‘You feckin’ dope.’ I snarled, “I’m homeless, how the hell am I supposed to get money?”

‘I don’t wish for money from you.’ He said. ‘I only wish for you to serve in this circus for a number of years. You’ll perform in the circus in the Etoile or the Lune Faction or help out with the heavy work or sell things, in the Atelier Faction. We’ll give you some training and see which one you’ll fit into.’

“I had to agree, for I feared that the Pokémon in front of me was capable of more than I could ever imagine. Those icy blue eyes told me that he’s hurt or killed people, and his smirk told me he’d probably lost count of how many. He told me to forget about my home, for I now belonged here.”

“I tried to sneak away one day, but all of a sudden I felt intense pain sweep through my body, every step my bones were breaking, and blood poured out of my mouth. It was an effort to look up at Mr. Dark, who leaned down and told me that I couldn’t leave without dying. ‘For you see, dear…Your wish is a difficult one, and if you leave, you will change back, but it’ll kill you. You don’t want to die now, do you?’ So I stayed, trailing around after Mr. Dark for training.”

“I went through Atelier training first of all. All the sums and money messed with me head and I felt dizzy doing so. The controls of the rides were puzzling, and I could barely lift a three pound box, while the Cacturne I had seen on the first day here could lift three. Eventually Mr. Dark told me that he’d try me in the Circus. He and a few other Circus members reviewed my acts. Mr. Dark tried to teach me how to juggle, how to eat fire, and how to tell fortunes. I couldn’t make head nor tail or them at all. My moment came in the Etoile Faction, where I was tested in Knife Throwing, Magic, and Acrobatics.”

“Knife Throwing frightened the bejeezus out of me and magic was just plain hard. But Acrobatics was the thing that got into me. I could do incredible tricks, with a little training; I had mastered hand standing, and holding myself parallel to the ground. Mr. Dark found out by training me in High Wire that I wasn’t scared of heights. So when I came in the next day, wanting to hear my result, a large podium stood in front of me. Mr. Dark had a stack of kiddie chairs beside him. He motioned for me to climb up the podium, and I did so with ease. He handed me a chair, and told me to do handstands on it, holding onto the highest part of the chair, I did so, holding myself parallel also. Then he told me to stack the chairs, and he handed me two more. I did tricks after I had stacked them. He handed me three chairs, and the stacking went on and on and the handing went on and on until I was nearly at the top of the tent, the stack wobbling alarmingly. Mr. Dark told me to do tricks on the top of the stack. I did so, and decided to show off by doing a one handed handstand too. Mr. Dark ordered me to come down and as I stood in front of his shadowy frame, he muttered something incomprehensible. I tilted my head, ‘Come again?’ He raised his eyes to me and then to the empty seats around him. ‘Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Circus Darkrai gives you, the Princess of Balance, an act containing feats of height, strength, and obviously balance.”

“That’s how I came to be in the show, and how I came to be in the cute little heart of darkness.”

Likes: Heart to hearts, fighting, children, and learning new things.

Dislikes: Having to sit still, loud noises, and losing fights.

Move set:

Aerial Ace - Flying – Nevaeh stuns his target with speed and then slashes with his wings.

Swift – Normal - Star shaped rays materialize and he flicks them at his target with his curly tongue.

String Shot – Bug - Silk is blown from his mouth and tangles the target up, slowing them down.

Electroweb – Electric - His hands held in front of him, he spreads them wide and makes a large web. Jolting his hands forward, he pushes it onto the target and shocks them, lowering their speed.



-As you can see, although Nev is a girl, I’ve used male pronouns for him throughout the application, when referring to him OOC I’d prefer if you’d do the same.

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