Jas09n — William, Trainer of the Forgotten

#oc #pokemon #pokemontraineroc #pokemontrainer #creepypastaoc #creepypastafanart
Published: 2023-09-28 04:12:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 2769; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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Description Now that the authors that this story is about are in better places (no they didn't die, they're just not having everything happen all at once to them), it's time to officially post this to DA instead of leaving it in scraps! I loved writing all this and this commission entirely. Go give DkeyBudy some love, they absolutely deserve it. And now...


The trainer is a variation of the usual one. One who's fate wasn't nearly as kind. Native to the Kanto region, his life started just as his usual counterpart's, a fated meeting between him and a certain eevee just as he started his pokemon adventure for real. Together they soared through the gym challenge and became Kanto Champions. It was all going perfectly for him. That was until one day he woke up to the sound of nothing. No pokemon cries, no sounds from the television... there wasn't even a wind blowing... and he was alone. More than just concerned about all this and how his shouts for anyone were responded by the same silence, William got himself dressed and left his house. Sure they had just moved to small little town called Postwick, but this silence... this emptiness, wasn't right. It felt... hollow. Like any life inside the area was gutted.

As William walked towards the next town, the silence followed, broken only by the sounds of his footsteps. There was no one around, like if every person and pokemon just vanished without a trace... Surely it couldn't be like this everywhere... surely he wasn't the last person left all a sudden? And what happened to his team, what happened to Fini?!

He decided to go to the wild area... but since the trains weren't running because how no one was there to operate them, he walked alongside the tracks... getting ever more worried with each step... and then, as he spaced out during his walk to think about what could possibly be happening, a feeling of dread took over him. It caused him to stop, and look around with widened and fearful eyes. Something was watching him, and it wasn't like anything else he's ever seen before. Yet all around, he couldn't see anything. ...but that was because he wasn't looking up. For when he did... he saw it. Or rather... her.

She... it... her face took up the entirety of sky above him, looking down at him like if she was looking down at a dollhouse. He wanted to say she was human...  but with how torn and wretched her face looked, the only part of it that seemed human was the long and unkempt orange hair covering half of her face. The rest of her... it was like some sort of demon, poorly trying to masquerade as a person... or perhaps a demon who was done with pretending to be one.

Despite her- at minimum -planetary size, the words she spoke didn't harm William physically... but rather, mentally. The first thing she did that did so was call him a toy... the second thing was her teasing him about how lost he looked, searching for things that didn't exist anymore. Although his confusion to what she said was amusing, it wasn't what she wanted from him... so she went with a more direct approach.

"They're dead you idiot."
"Wha-- huh?! They-they can't be! they were-"
"There's your problem. 'Were.' They WERE alive and fine... until I erased all of them of course. I don't want anything getting in the way of my plaything."
"Pl-plaything?! I'm not your--"

Him just saying that got her to laugh, hard. "Here I thought me being bigger than your planet would make things easy, but since you're so stupid that you need it spelled out for you... You and every other living thing in this entire universe are my playthings. Toys, pawns, whatever you want to call yourselves, I'm the one calling the shots. And before you ask why, it's because I CREATED all of you. This entire plane of existence is all mine to do whatever I like with...~"

William was stunned... what she was saying sounded impossible... and yet she spoke it with such confidence that... he... She seemed rather annoyed with him that he was still standing there like a toddler to having his own reality come crashing down. "What is there lead in your ears? Need some visual cues like a child?" He didn't even get a chance to open his mouth before- to make this even easier for him to comprehend -she snapped her fingers... and all the greenery and trees that made up the area Will was standing in wilted. It all shriveled up and died, on her command.

"THAT should have gone through your thick skull now-- ...aw are you crying~? Is the wittle baby sad that everything he loves is gone~? Hah! Well get used to it, because you're mine for all eternity to do whatever I want~ Have fun wallowing, I'll be back later."

He didn't notice that she left... still reeling as all she was saying finally set in, and when he finally pieced it all together... what else could he do? William fell to his knees, tears flowing freely as he thought about them all... his family, his friends... all he ever wanted to do in his life... all ripped away by this girl in one fell swoop...

He stayed there and cried, too overcome by grief to do anything else. What purpose was there to DO anything else? It's not like it mattered. Nothing else mattered. Not anymore..

"...Sucks, doesn't it? How she can just do what she pleases with everything and everyone... some guardian she is."

The new voice got William to look up... and when he turned to look, there was someone behind him. Though... they were flickering... a little transparent as well... like if it was some kind of hologram. But even strangest of all... Will felt like he recognized her somewhere, despite never having met her in his life... Her purple hair, that... flame headpiece coming out of her skull, that pink dress that seemed to be looking at him... he's never seen anyone like her, and yet... he felt like he knew her. More than he could ever imagine.

"Name's Willow. I'll get straight to the point; there's a way to get rid of that bitch and get this universe- and everyone living in it -back to normal like it all was a bad dream. But I need your help." The purple-haired girl said to him.

"...whatever it is... I'll do whatever I can."

"Attaboy." Willow knew he wouldn't deny her, after all, they're... ...heh, well she wouldn't say no in his shoes. "Your job is real simple keep that so-called creator distracted."

"And... I do that by...?"

"Play her games. Follow along with whatever she does and do your best not to die. I'll help where I can, but if she finds I'm around this whole plan's kaput. So...~"

William was hit by a zap of electricity by Willow, and while he wasn't damaged... he noticed that his hair now matched hers! It was just shorter. "There. Putting that energy on ya should cover me for a while from Xeve..."


"Yeah, Xeve, short for Xeveophane. It's my nickname for her. See she's pretending to be the actual creator of this place and it reminded me of this one Sonic Creepypasta that-- bah you wouldn't get it."

She was right, he absolutely did NOT know what she was talking about. The heck was a "Sonic?" Supersonic was such an annoying move to deal with. "So! We have a plan, go distract her, don't die, and I'll do the rest. All right, break!"

"Wait a sec--" But before he could even get a word out, the girl named Willow had vanished into a show of purple flame, leaving the former trainer alone there. He stood there in silence... taking out the amulet around his neck to look inside... to look at the photo he kept in there... a family photo that was taken last Christmas with him, his mom, and his sister, and all their pokemon... Seeing their smiling faces... and believing that the strange girl wasn't lying to him, William filled himself with hope...

"I'll get you all back. I promise."


It's been months, perhaps years since that day. Day in and day out of battling these other toys Xeve had, being other pokemon and people alike from this region called "Bognore" that Will's never heard of... not until then and there. Every single time the odds got higher against the trainer... and every single time he managed to pull through. He was by far Xeveophane's favorite toy... That was, until, the day of reckoning. Willow's plan worked like a charm... and it was a really simple case of "tell the teacher on Xeveophane." It took so damn long because contacting people from the real world to this fictional one as a fictional character was a lot harder than you thought, especially when it's-- bah you don't care.

William was watching on in amazement and Willow with the biggest grin on her face as Evelyn beat the crap out of Xeveophane in their clash of goddesses. It seems like all that power went right to Xeveophane's head, and she forgot her place in this world. Their battle ended the only way it should have.. with Xeveophane being erased from reality itself. Upon looking at everything that happened, the state of the universe in its entirety, Evelyn sighed... fucker ruined absolutely everything... but maybe that was her own fault for taking so long to check back on how that guardian was supposed to be doing. She'd need someone new to handle that... the bird should do.

For now... this universe needed fixing... and with everything that happened and how long it had been going on, Evelyn only saw one thing for it... and Willow's eyes widened with fear as she picked up on what that was when from Evelyn's hands started to glow a blinding white light.

Willow ran to William and grabbed him, taking him with her as she teleported them both far out into space, outside of the universe they were both in... and William watched on in horror as that white light engulfed the entire universe....and when it faded, there was nothing.

"Wha... what... what did..." He stammered, too horrified with what he saw to even consider questioning how he was breathing in space.

"...A grand reset." Willow answered, William looking to her in confused terror... "She... brought the whole universe to nothing, so she could rebuild it again. If you would have stayed there... if you were to go back there... ...you would have to be destroyed too, as a part of that tainted universe."

No... no, no... no... this couldn't... it didn't... after all that... after so long of fighting it was... it all didn't...

Processing it all and going silent, William didn't react as Willow took him away, teleporting them universe to universe... going far... far away from what once was.

Soon the pair made it to an universe Willow thought would work, and wentninside. They touched down on the ground of a quiet forest on Earth and Willow let go of William's hand. "...Here should be good. Here... here you can live peacefully. Start over and... give yourself a new life. It... I..."

"...Thank you. For everything. ...For trying."
"...I wish I could have done more than just try. You don't deserve this. After..."
"It's all right. I'll manage... I've managed so far, haven't I? Hehe..."

There was silence between them... and then Willow hugged the trainer.

"...I wanted to save them..."
"...We both did, William... we both did..."


With the money Willow gave him, William was able to get some new clothes, to fit in a bit more... but he never felt like he could. This was the Earth he knew and loved... but it wasn't his Earth. No matter how hard he tried, he always felt like an outcast... and that even went with other people that saw him. Everyone seemed to stop talking and just... watch him, as he walked along. Like he was some sort of freak. Something that didn't belong... something that shouldn't be here. And when he left, any thought of him was discarded. No one wanted to think about who that man was, or what his deal might be...

...Perhaps that's what led him to that gravestone. Misery loves company and maybe that's why his endless wandering brought him to a headstone with no name attached to it... a blank headstone that resting on it was a pink Celebi missing half its body. Was it mourning its trainer, whoever that was? The pokemon barely seemed to react to William getting closer to it, to him sitting down near the gravestone with it and staying there with it. Together they stayed there for a good chunk of time, a week or so together... Will basically lived there with her for that time, leaving only to get food and supplies for the fairy...An umbrella to cover the Celebi from the rain, potions and bandages to try and heal up what he could and stop the bleeding... Each day passed the Celebi gained a bit more energy. She started reacting more, looking a little less dead with her eye... she even started to eat again. That final day... when William went to leave again for another shopping trip... the Celebi went with him, struggling to fly alongside him before he noticed her attempts and embraced her... and carried her with him away from the grave one last time.

With William's aid, Celebi was able to regenerate more and more of her body... and eventually she became whole once more. The first thing she did after her body was fully regenerated... was sing. Her song was melancholic... filled with sadness and grief... but it was beautiful. As Celebi sang one day, William heard another voice singing along... or trying to. Following the off-key tune, William was greeted by a Wigglytuff echoing the song... but even as it faced away from him, he could tell it was like Celebi... broken... hurt... abandoned. It was getting frustrated with itself, cursing at itself as it got the notes wrong. William swore he heard it speak English sometimes...

"Sing... sing sing... why can't I sing...?" He heard it say... and just as William thought about saying something, the pokemon turned its head to look right at him, showing its hollowed out and blackened eyes... twitching and spasm-ing as it asked him one question: "Can you sing?"

"...I can. I'm learning... just like you are. Whatever happened to your voice... to your song... I can help. I promise... or at least... I know someone who can."

"Teach me... give me your sing."

...So he did. It wasn't perfect... but William sang for the Wigglytuff. She tried following along... but couldn't. Not even at his slow speed... so he went slower. He took it one note at a time... and once the Celebi found them both, the Wigglytuff could string two notes together.

The DISABLED Wigglytuff wasn't the only one that Celebi's song brought to William. Her song seemed to bring those like her... like William, to them. Those shunned by others, those considered freaks that shouldn't exist... Whether it be sentient glitches or those buried under piles of snow... William became a trainer who take those discarded and build them back up... a trainer for those that abandoned by everything and everyone else...

...a trainer of the forgotten.


Commission by DkeyBudy ! Find their profile here!

Also this story isn't done still! I think about this way too much and find myself constantly adding to it so... I might make more posts about Forgotten here! Whether that be more about the new universe he was brought to, or more about the forgotten universe he hails from!
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