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Name: Mtoto "Child" in Swahili
Generation: 6
Residence: Rogue
Family: Ahadi(Grandfather), Kicheko(Grandmother), Hila(Mother), Tembelea(Father), Sarabi, Naanda, Diku, Dwala(Step-aunts), Taka/Scar(Uncle), Kula(Mate), Kovu(Son), Kiara(daughter in law), Imani(Grandson), Moyo(Dranddaughter in law)
Although Mtoto was born to a noble family within the Ndona Pridelands, he chose to become a rogue alongside his Mother some time after Scar's ascension. Mtoto had grown into a strong young male that proved to be quite a threat to the dark King after appearing upon the borders and greeting the lowly peasant named Kula. The two had soon fallen in love which allowed for a cub to be concieved before Mtoto's demise. His son Kovu would later become the next ruler of the Pridelands.
Source: images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca8877… (Orange cub)…
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