Jessica-Rae-3 — Hail and Jess Role-Play: 1 by-nc-nd

Published: 2013-12-10 23:04:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 16321; Favourites: 118; Downloads: 70
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Description This features Jess meeting the characters of . Jess is .

Enjoy this part of the role-play. ^_^


Jess had leapt through the portal's other end and automatically was confused. The forest she was in was beautiful with the reds, yellows, browns and oranges that decorated the leaves that scattered the branches and ground. It was beautiful, but the bard couldn't allow that to distract her as she glanced side to side for any sign of people. None as far as she could tell. Birds were flapping overhead and making their cheerful cries, while woodland critters scampered through the leaves down below to go into hiding. She let out a sigh as she guessed that she was alone, yet she hoped she just wasn't in a different world.

Jess walked forward and carefully as she listened closely for any signs of movement. Her hand was kept inside her jacket pocket as she gripped a pocketknife. It was some form of protection if not a little bit. However, her security in having that was muffled by the sound of something not far away. She became stiff and dared not move for a moment. Her brown gaze shifted in the direction it came from as she asked quietly, "Um...hello?"


The smaller trees shifted slightly, tossing colors about as thier leaves were shaken from thier former homes. soon, the large figure of a man appeared from above the trees! he had the upper body of a man, and the lower body of a snake, and he was ENORMOUS. his snake body was at least 20 feet long, and his upper body was 5 feet in height.

He had wild, luscious red hair that swept about his head like a live fire and flowed like river over his brilliant Amber eyes...they were warm and inviting, like the dying embers of a flame..his skin was smooth, shiny with sweat, and tanned to an almost caramel color, his muscular build shifting underneath his warm skin as if striving to break free...his enormous pecs and abs rising and falling with each breath....each movement concealing the primal power within...

He paused when he spotted her, and coiled up slowly when he saw her, watching her curiously with his warm amber eyes.…the hot flames in his eyes reflecting off his smooth, Emerald scales…each scale edged like a dragons, yet so shiny it was as if they were made out of gems.

He tilted his head as he looked down at jess, his ruby bangs slipping over his left eye like a red silky curtain in a broadway show. he blew on it with no effect, and flicked his head back to reveal his warm eyes again.

"A human..? this far south?"

Although he had a light irish accent, his voice was gentle and caring, like a caring brother..but it was also silky and lyrical, as if he was used to singing. he frowns and lowered himself on his coils, trying to get a better look at her. "who are you...? are you lost?"

The boy purred out to her, letting a cool smile cross his handsome features.


The leaves falling didn't bother her that much as the girl's shoulders slouched. Maybe she was just being paranoid, Jess figured. However, that idea was thrown out the window of her mind when she heard that male voice overhead. Her chest became tight and her stance became rigidly stiff once again. The voice didn't sound threatening but something seemed off and glancing at the smile on that face so close to her...gave her reasons to be alarmed.

She took frantic steps back and away from him as she fumbled to bring out her pocket knife, but she didn't bring it out yet. She didn't want to seem too threatening to him for the giant creature to want to strike out at her. Her voice trembled as she looked over him. He was quite handsome and didn't look like a villainous monster, yet instincts of being overly-cautious were winning out over her physical appeal to him. She stammered out an answer as she kept her hand submerged in her pocket, "I-I am l-lost, but I'll be fine as long as I get pointed to some hu-humans I can talk to. Are you some kind of naga?"

Her cheeks were becoming red in embarrassment. Why was she acting so fearful, her mind screamed. 


The boy frowns at her panicky attitude, then he shifted about. Perhaps he would be less threatening on her level...? he shifted his coils so they were futher behind him, then he slipped down to rest on his chisled abs. Smooth, caramel skin kissing the cool autumn ground as he lays down. the boy then rested his head on his broad, tanned arms..now looking at her eyes to eye. there was a pause as he stared into her eyes with his warm, gentle amber orbs. he shifted his head to the side and let out a gentle sigh, his breath warm yet fresh as it blew against her...yet it left behind an cool electric tingle on the skin.

"Yea, im a naga...but im not gonna hurt ya.." he gave a brief smirk, reveiling his clean, white teeth. "why would i hurt ya anyways?" 


She was statuesque for a while as he shifted to a position that was less intimidating. Her grasp on the knife lessened until she finally removed her hand from her pocket to simply marvel at a naga like him move even just a little bit. There was something...comforting yet powerful about watching him just settle down and even sigh.

His words made her settle down even more so as she looked away in shame. It was a good thing that most of her face was shielded by her brown hair or else he'd be seeing an even redder face than earlier. She didn't mean to treat him like a monster instantly, so now she felt bad as she mumbled, "I-I'm sorry. Most nagas or snake-based creatures aren't nice. I'm sorry for being so..." She searched for the word before finishing with difficulty, "...prejudice. I'm sorry, so please don't be upset that I was being like that. Please?"


He blinked, then smirks and straightened his head. "its all fine. if you had met katsu or ketsuki, you might be on the other side of a six pack." he shifted to the side and ran a hand down his thick, muscular abs. he then rolled back over and let loose a warm purr, sounding like a large, happy cat. "well, what brings you around? you dont look like your from anywhere nearby..." he gently shifted so his hand was laying out infront of her in a relaxed manner...his long, strong fingers showing sighns of having played a stringed instriment for a long period of time.


Jess looked at him as he shifted and did that motion over his abdomen. She didn't know whether to be bothered or blushing at him touching his waist in such a manner, but she figured to just clear her throat and focus on his words. She didn't need to be thinking in such a sensual way after all. The girl reminded herself that she was lost and needed help. With her brown gaze kept on him as she stepped forward and gripped one of his fingers as if to shake. Her thoughts were returning to a dark corner at noticing how nice his hands were compared to her hands. Her hands and feet looked like they belonged to a middle school kid's. She frowned mentally at how he looked so awesome while she was a short bard with some childish features.

She answered with a forced smile, "Um...I was told to come to this location and possibly meet some hero or adventurer I could write about. I'm..." She hoped he wouldn't think of her in a belittling way as she sighed, "...I'm a bard."

Shaking her head, she switched to a different subject by saying, "Uh, this Katsu and Ketsi-er,...however you said the other guy's name, are those two around this land? And what is this land...if you don't mind me asking?"


The boy nodded, then shifted, resting his upper body on his coils once again. "ketsuki and katsu you mean?" he smirks and brushed off his broad, tanned arms. "yeah...but they tend to behave...names Hail by the way...first and only naga bard." he purred and gently shook her hand between his fingers. then he rose up and stretched~his massive pecs and abs shifting as he stretched. the clearing was filled by a the sounds of his purrs as he further relaxed, then turned his attention back to her with a warm chuckle. "So, whats a cutie bard like you doing here?" he smirks and wet his drying lips.


She felt bad for not asking his name now that she thought about and was quick to blurt out her name, "I'm Jess. I-its nice to meet another bard." It really was and she didn't expect one DEFINITELY as a naga.

However, she dropped her head immediately as he was stretching and making that purring sound. Dang it, was he mixed with an enchanter or something?! He was tugging on her appeal strings like a harp played by a professional. He was too good at making her blush, but she tried to focus on being formal and not going to her girly side. While ignoring the "cutie" part...at least in what she said, she stammered, "Uh...to find a hero, warrior, or bard that can tell me what it's like to be here and about one of their adventures. Do you know of any?"


He continued purring as he leaned on his coils, one large, muscular arm holding up his fair head as his other hand played around her, drawing absent minded circles and swiggles around her in the dirt. "well, the hero i can name on the spot...riot. he overthrew the last "king of fangs" and became the king of fangs for this terratory...he made the rule that humans arent food." he chuckles and rolled onto his back and folded his arms behind his head as he stared up at the sky. "as for warriors..generally any male naga you run into has been into some scrapes...but noones lifted a weapon or anything like that for a long time." he turned his head and looked at her with his warm amber eyes. "as for a bard, i think your looking at one..." he smirks. "cant be matched by what you prolly see in a mirror every day..." he purred out to her, then grinned. "so...what can i do for you?" 


Jess watched as he leisurely drew near her, yet listened closely. So this land had mainly nagas, eh? Well, at least they weren't that bad as in what Hail was telling her. Maybe this world was nicer than most of the worlds she went to before and in this one she could relax more easily. Her cheeks burnt at his comment about her and she finally looked up to see if he was joking, yet didn't find any malice in his face. That...was different but even more comforting for the girl as she gave a soft smile in return and didn't bother hiding the reddened cheeks this time. "Thanks for the compliment. You don't look too bad yourself, Hail. And...I guess I can just ask you about possible things I could write on of this land of yours so that I can tell others?"


He blinks, then he clapped his hands. "ha! there it is! i got you to blush~" he purred and rolled onto his coils, getting up. he then lowered his hands towards her carefully, like a young child trying to catch a butterfly. "let me take you to riot and the gang..he will figure out a good place for you in the village..." he purred out to her as he waited for her to step onto his hand, smiling slightly as he waited...


She wasn't one-hundred percent sure if she should trust him yet, but she figured it was worth her while to trust him. He was being so darn sweet thus far and his expressions weren't menacing. He was a good naga and Jess had to just remind herself of that until he proved otherwise or she had gained definite trust in him. Cautiously, she stepped one foot on his hand before pushing the rest of her body up on his hand with a thump in the middle of his palm. She asked, "How far is this village...and is there anything I should be careful about when I get there?"


He smiles and gently lifted her up. his hands were warm and soft, yet firm and strong. she could feel the heat from his skin through the soles of her shoes, and his skin was smooth like the inside of a seashell. he paused for a minute to stare down at her up close, then he gave a hot grin and set her down on his broad, right shoulder. "here...hold onto my neck..but be careful not to move your hands around too much...im ticklish." he let out a laugh, filling the forest with the clear, warm sound. he then turned and began to slither deeper into the woods...the trees slowly getting larger and older the deeper he slithered. "...oh." he paused for a moment, then bent down to pick some small, white berries from a red leafed bush. "gimme a sec..were gonna make a quick stop after this...i forgot something."


Jess wrapped her arms as best as she could around his neck to make sure she didn't fall off. It was a funny idea to tickle him, but she didn't want to cause any accidents by doing that. Also...she wasn't going to do that to someone she just met a few moments ago. The girl stared down below to watch how he was able to move along with that snake tail of his. IT was so amazing and interesting. When he said the last bit she nodded and said, "Oh, okay. Is there something wrong?'


He blinks, then shifted his amber eyes to her and gave her a warm smile. "nah. its just my turn to care for the prince's of the forest..." he held the small berries in his hands in a display of impressive dexterity. he then paused, looking about. "this way now..." he slithered to the right...


"Princes of the forest?" She thought for a moment what he could mean by that before she asked, "Um...are they deer? What kind of animal?"


He chuckles and shook his head. "deer? princes...? i dunno where you get that idea..." he paused, then grinned and rubbed over his abs. "albeit..i like the idea...because that means that im on a royal meal plan." he chuckles and suddenly stopped. "ok...here we are..." he purred and coiled up. his amber eyes staring into a small burrow in the ground about as big as a beach ball..


Jess smirked and was tempted on telling him she thought of that because of watching "Bambi"...but she figured it wasn't wise to talk about television to a naga that most likely didn't know a single thing about the technology of her world. Also, she became a bit apprehensive when he rubbed his waist and made that comment. She pushed to the front of her mind that it was a good thing he didn't eat humans though. She got nauseous the last times she ate deer, but that didn't mean others couldn't eat venison.

She glanced at the hole with a cocked brow as she whispered, "Uh...what's in there? A bunny? Do bunnies even eat fruit?"


He smiles at her warmly, then leaned down and left the berries a few feet from the entryway of the hole. "kinda..theyre fluffy..." he chuckles, then let out another relaxed purr.

A few moments after the berries had been placed...a small, light blue glow came from within the hole in the ground..then a sleek looking creature waddled out cautiously...

It was about the size of a fox, with large, expressive ears that were perched atop a feline face. the creature had a sleek, mink like body complete with stubby, fluffy little paws and a huge, fluffy tail as large as the rest of it!

The being sniffed about with its little pink nose, the stone on its head changing from a pale blue to a light green, then a pale blue again. it paused for a moment when it saw Hail, and the stone turned a steady green! when it looked back to her the stone returned to a blue, and it tilted its head in confusion. it then folded its ears back against its head and trotted to them curiously.


To be continued...

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Comments: 65

MORROWSTRIDE In reply to ??? [2019-08-15 04:13:41 +0000 UTC]


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XxXDeadlyxShadowsXxX [2014-11-19 01:42:15 +0000 UTC]

-pouts- do you have more of this up? I really want to know what happens next.

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Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to XxXDeadlyxShadowsXxX [2014-11-19 17:07:00 +0000 UTC]

There is more. It's in my role-play section of folders. >w>

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XxXDeadlyxShadowsXxX In reply to Jessica-Rae-3 [2014-11-20 00:52:40 +0000 UTC]

Thanks that makes me very happy. And got to love role-plays.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to XxXDeadlyxShadowsXxX [2014-11-20 15:14:57 +0000 UTC]

Sometimes I do. =w= It depends.

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XxXDeadlyxShadowsXxX In reply to Jessica-Rae-3 [2014-11-21 01:07:26 +0000 UTC]

Yeah true. Sometimes god mode characters piss me off so badly that I have to break my own rp rules to just bash the hell out of them lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to XxXDeadlyxShadowsXxX [2014-12-01 03:08:11 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XxXDeadlyxShadowsXxX In reply to Jessica-Rae-3 [2014-12-01 14:30:16 +0000 UTC]

yep. luckly i am such a ass now that i make the person i am about to rp with have a power limit for their character

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Giggles325 [2014-01-07 01:43:34 +0000 UTC]

 I like it

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Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to Giggles325 [2014-01-07 01:44:58 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Giggles325 In reply to Jessica-Rae-3 [2014-01-07 01:46:03 +0000 UTC]


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DarkStormSeeker [2013-12-13 22:51:19 +0000 UTC]

LOVELY!!!!! Adorable!!

I have a question, is this a part before your comics??? Like a pre-story?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to DarkStormSeeker [2013-12-16 21:13:52 +0000 UTC]

What do you mean?

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DarkStormSeeker In reply to Jessica-Rae-3 [2013-12-22 01:11:51 +0000 UTC]

Oh, just asking if it's previous to the meeting between you and Riot.

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Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to DarkStormSeeker [2013-12-22 19:59:04 +0000 UTC]

Oh, yes. Imagine the comics never existing as you read this

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WakeUpFantasy [2013-12-12 21:03:19 +0000 UTC]

When I was reading comment about you being lucky, hot guy AND a cute little furry animal, I just had to share this 


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Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to WakeUpFantasy [2013-12-16 21:13:51 +0000 UTC]

lol I love that commercial

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WakeUpFantasy [2013-12-12 20:58:53 +0000 UTC]

You guys are a good little team with this rp ^^ I loooooooved it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to WakeUpFantasy [2013-12-16 21:13:50 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad ^_^

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ChibiFang777 [2013-12-11 18:30:28 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much jess~<3 x3 *hugs* and i loved the picture!<3 (>^u^<)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to ChibiFang777 [2013-12-11 23:10:47 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad you do. ^_^ It was fun to draw as well

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ChibiFang777 In reply to Jessica-Rae-3 [2013-12-12 18:46:10 +0000 UTC]

Yush~<3 x3 this made my day actually lol xD

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Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to ChibiFang777 [2013-12-12 19:28:27 +0000 UTC]

Well, I'm glad ^_^ Might do more...but later

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ChibiFang777 In reply to Jessica-Rae-3 [2013-12-13 23:59:59 +0000 UTC]

okie! >u< glad to hear it~

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matsuehikari [2013-12-11 12:09:36 +0000 UTC]

You were checking him out!!! You have a thing for hot naga boys huh Jesus? XD

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Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to matsuehikari [2013-12-11 15:52:36 +0000 UTC]

Well....at least this one.

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Felina-Faerlaingal [2013-12-11 12:05:34 +0000 UTC]

A smexy and gentle naga, a cute little plushie fox thing? Are you getting lucky for once Jess? XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to Felina-Faerlaingal [2013-12-11 15:52:35 +0000 UTC]

I believe so It took a while to land in a world with nagas that don't want bard on the menu ...or at least thus far.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Felina-Faerlaingal In reply to Jessica-Rae-3 [2013-12-11 16:47:50 +0000 UTC]

I particularly like his way of saying it...
"On the other side of some six-pack"...
Confident much ain't he? XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to Felina-Faerlaingal [2013-12-11 17:18:50 +0000 UTC]

He is...I honestly got blushy over here while reading this role-play. Dang, I'm gonna take a cold shower and then look at something not smexy to calm down. >.>

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Felina-Faerlaingal In reply to Jessica-Rae-3 [2013-12-11 17:20:38 +0000 UTC]

Mhm, might even have overdone it... I mean the first description was nice, but no need to remind us every four line that he got a sunkissed skin or whatnot... We got it the five first time XD
Not that it's bad written or anything! Just maybe a itty bit too much on the physics ^^

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Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to Felina-Faerlaingal [2013-12-11 17:21:30 +0000 UTC]

Understood. He calms down with it though, so no worries, dear.

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Felina-Faerlaingal In reply to Jessica-Rae-3 [2013-12-11 17:22:43 +0000 UTC]

good then XD

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wolffreak51 [2013-12-11 03:28:43 +0000 UTC]

Yay more reads :3

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Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to wolffreak51 [2013-12-11 03:30:16 +0000 UTC]

lol enjoy then, dear

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wolffreak51 In reply to Jessica-Rae-3 [2013-12-11 03:32:16 +0000 UTC]

Hehe ok ^^

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randomcookie798 [2013-12-11 02:20:53 +0000 UTC]

Awesome Jess I am looking forwards on reading more of this story soon hopefully!

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Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to randomcookie798 [2013-12-11 02:50:33 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad

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randomcookie798 In reply to Jessica-Rae-3 [2013-12-11 03:06:33 +0000 UTC]

And I know cause of DA that's it's not until 5 more days but happy early birthday! I'm might not be on that much for a while when it's the weekend until when ever I'll be back. I'm going to visit some relatives in California and I'll be flying out on the 14th so I don't know if I'll be able to use the internet that much during that time. And that is why I wanted to say it to you now before I leave.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to randomcookie798 [2013-12-11 03:41:52 +0000 UTC]

Understood and thanks, dear.

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randomcookie798 In reply to Jessica-Rae-3 [2013-12-11 04:24:00 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome!

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Pred-Ciel [2013-12-11 00:59:30 +0000 UTC]

Oh! A roleplay! Do you do roleplay?

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Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to Pred-Ciel [2013-12-11 02:50:31 +0000 UTC]


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Pred-Ciel In reply to Jessica-Rae-3 [2013-12-12 03:08:35 +0000 UTC]

Oh... well, if you want to know you know where to look!

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Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to Pred-Ciel [2013-12-12 03:09:18 +0000 UTC]

Alright. ^_^ And thanks, dear.

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Pred-Ciel In reply to Jessica-Rae-3 [2013-12-12 03:11:33 +0000 UTC]

Of course!

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DrSquichy [2013-12-11 00:12:17 +0000 UTC]

You've been postin' quite a bit of roleplays lately. Makes me wish that my rp partners were able to reply faster. I think the one forgot about it.  

I can't wait for the next part. I'm curious to see what occurs with that little furry critter. ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to DrSquichy [2013-12-11 00:15:50 +0000 UTC]

lol I'm not fast at replying...as many will tell you.

And glad you're interested.

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DrSquichy In reply to Jessica-Rae-3 [2013-12-11 00:22:12 +0000 UTC]

Nah, I'm cool with them. I only have two going on. Well, one if you don't count the one, since I'm preeeeetty sure that she forgot about it. XD The other is apparently being occupied with things like work, so I guess I should be a bit more understanding. I just haven't heard from her since.... Some time early last month, I think. XD

I am quite interested. I'm always interested in what you have up. ^^

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Jessica-Rae-3 In reply to DrSquichy [2013-12-11 02:49:57 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I see.

And thanks, dear. ^_^

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