JHMirda — Jayden Orion meets Balto CH2 (Revised)
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*Meanwhile as Balto, Boris, Jayden, and the SITTS Fighters were walking through an alleyway, Boris tries to say something comforting… but fails. Then Balto hears something.*

Rosy: JENNA! (Balto runs towards the sound, while Jayden and
Roger Rabbit follow him from behind, and Balto almost collides with Jenna. Their noses touch)

Jenna: Oooohhhh… (Balto sits, then smiles at her)

Balto: (Nervous) Heh, Jenna… I er… heh.

Rosy's father: JENNA!

Rosy: JEN! COME ON! (She looks for Balto again, but he's gone. She sniffed around and leaves. Balto is watching from his hiding place and Jayden appears)

Jayden: Balto? What are you doing?

Balto: Uh nothing. (Comes out of hiding)

Boris: Balto, there are some things I can't do for you. I'm goose… not Cupid.

*The others laughed just then Steele appeared*

Steele: Didn't make the team, Bingo?

Boris: Don't listen to him… don't look at him. Live a long life.

Balto: My name's Balto. (Annoyed)

Boris: (To himself) But you can call him… idiot.

Steele: I'm sorry… Balto the half-breed. (His gang joins him, laughing.) Frail Goose! You a half-breed too, huh?

Boris: Oh no!

Steele: Part… turkey? (Knocks Boris into a roasting pan)

Nikki: Good word play, dere boss.

Kaltag: You are the wittiest, the quickest. You're the drollest, the cleverest. . . the sharpest. You're the most hilarious...

Star: You crack me up! Ha ha ha ha! (Kaltag whaps him again) Woo hoo hoo hoo!

Balto: Steele! Just leave him out of this!

Steele: Oh, Balto. (slaps Balto across the face with his tail) I've got a message for your mother. Awooooo! (Steele's gang joins in)

Kaltag: Hi mom! (laughing) Hey Balto, translate this for me will ya! Heh! Awooo!

Star: What's wolf for, 'Go chase your tail'? (Balto growls and starts to walk towards Steele and his gang. Boris grabs his tail and tries to hold him back)

Boris: Balto stop! Woaaahhhh!

Kaltag: Whoa. . .uh oh!

Steele: Get him. (His gang starts barking at Balto.) Get out of here, wolf dog. You'd better get back to your pack. (Spit lands on Balto's face. He gets more angry. Boris intervenes.)

Boris: Maybe it's the unrelenting fear talking, but I'm seeing wisdom in this advice. Maybe we go now, huh? NOW! (Pushes Balto away. They kick snow at Balto, and a rock hits Balto. He crashes against some trash cans and runs off)

Nikki: Half wolf in the side pocket, dere!

Kaltag: That was the most dead center, the most on target, the most down the middle...

Star: Ya hit him! Heh heh heh heh! (Kaltag gets him on the jaw. Steele laughs, and then leaves.)

*Steele then walks away while this team watched*

Nikki: Dat son of a...

Kaltag: He is the most malicious, the most disgusting, the most obnoxious, the most revolting, the most repulsive, the...

Star: He's no lap dog! A heh heh! (Whacks himself on the head.)

Jayden: (Appears along with the others) Oh yeah. Well your mother was so ugly she slapped you when you were born hard and cold face steel. (The turtles laughed at the thing that Jayden said.)

Mikey: (Laughing) That was a good one bro. (High fives Jayden)

*As Star was trying to get up he saw Jayden's face and recognized him*

Star: Jayden? Is that you?

Jayden: Yes it's me.

Star: (Jumps in excitement and pounces on Jayden who lands in the snow and licked his face many times) I can't believe it. It's really you. You've gotten bigger.

Jayden: (Wipes the dog slobber off his face) I've gotten older thank you. And I see that sled dog now.

Star: Yeah I sure am aren't I. (Then Nikki and Kaltag interrupted)

Kaltag: Star who is this fella? And how do you know him?

Star: Jayden and I go way back when I was a pup and when he was younger.

Jayden: That was a long time ago. Anyway my name is Jayden and you two might be?

Kaltag: I'm Kaltag and this is Nikki. And you've probably met Steele our boss.

Jayden: You mean bossy mick jerky. Yes. we have.

Star: Where have you been Jayden I haven't seen you in a long time.

Jayden: I was busy doing important stuff. Superhero stuff. (Looks to Balto from far away.) Anyway will talk later I have to go. (Waves to Star) SEE YA LATER STAR!! (And the others follow him. Star was very happy to see Jayden again)

Nikki: (To Star) You like him?

Star: (Admiring Jayden) Yeah.

*Balto is on his way to his boat as the others catches up him from behind. He smells something, and sees a pack of wolves in the distance. They howl at him, and he is ashamed. He ignores them and goes to his boat*

Sarah: So this is where you and Balto live?

Boris: Yes. Make yourselves comfortable. (Sarah then starts coughing) Are you alright missy?

Sarah: Sorry it's just cold.

Boris: Not a dog… not a wolf. All he knows is what he's not. If only he could see what he is. Oy. (Decides to cheer him up. He acts like a dog, holding a bone in his mouth and lapping from a water bowl. Balto ignores him, and lies down. Not long after, a noisy toy rolls across the floor. Boris does a frantic Russian dance. That attempt fails, so he joins Balto. Balto sees a flock of geese flying.)

Sarah: (Looks at the flying geese) Those geese look beautiful when their flying.

Balto: Homesick, Boris? You ever think of going back?

Boris: Don't fret, Fido. I'm sticking here until I'm sure you can stand on all four feet, hmmm? (Begins mopping the floor)

Balto: You're... taking care of me?

Boris: Don't thank me.

Balto: (Balto chuckles. He gets up and sniffs the air) I smell... herring!

Boris: The herring are flying south, too.

Balto: Heeyyy… must be Muk and Luk!

Boris: Oh hah! Good news!

Muk: (From a distance) Uncle Boorrisss!

Boris: Oh no!

Balto: How sweet… 'Uncle Boris!' (Muk and Luk come bounding onto the boat)

Jayden: Uncle?

Roger Rabbit: Uncle?

Boris: No hugging! No licking!

Muk: Uncle Boris!

Boris: Hoy! (Luk grabs Boris anbd starts licking him Luk mumbles something)

Muk: He says, he's glad to see you! We love you, Uncle Boris!
(Boris loses some feathers in the struggle to get away from them. He plants them back in and snatches one from Luk's paw. Luk starts to cry)

Muk: What are you talkin' about? Of course he's glad to see us. He loves us. Don't you?

Boris: Okay, okay. Hey Boitshicks! Let's play a game.

Muk: Yes, please, Uncle Boris!

Boris: Race you to the shore, one two three go! (He lets them run off.) They win. (Then there are splashing sounds.)

Muk: Help! Help! We can't swim! Help! Help! We're drowning! We're drowning! Save us! Please (Balto and Boris race down to investigate. They are amused to discover that Muk and Luk are splashing about in very shallow water.)

Boris: Bears! Fellas! Idiot balls of fluff!

Balto: Easy Boris, you know how they are. Muk, Luk! Relax! Hey come on, you're okay. You're not drowning.

Boris: He has point, bears. You are not drowning because if you will pause one moment you will observe perhaps, tide is out! (Luk mumbles something.)

Boris: He said... what?

Muk: Oh, the shame of the polar bear who fears the water! No wonder we are shunned by our fellow bear. Woe is us! Is what he said. Kinda pathetic,really.

Sarah: (Adoring Muk and Luk) Awww… you poor things. (Give both of them a hug) It's not your fault that you can't swim. (Muk and Luk begin to blush and Boris gets really annoyed)

Boris: What, more wimpering? Between you and Balto is like Dostoyevski novel around here. Lighten up!

*Everyone laughed at Boris. As night approached Balto is watching the town, a smile on his face. Boris, Jayden, Roger Rabbit, Sarah, and Booster were intrigued.*

Jayden: Is something bothering you Balto?

Boris: Yeah, what is so interesting?

Balto: Jenna.

Sarah: Aww isn't that sweet he's in love.

Boris: Is love. So go make move! When the angels' balalaika's strum the sweet song of love? Mambo! (Does a little dance and Booster and Roger Rabbit laughed)

Balto: Nah… she's not my type.

Jayden: Why not Balto?

Boris: It's this wolf business again? And what's wrong with being half and half I like to know! Sometimes, I wish like crazy I was half eagle!

Balto: Why?

Jayden: Yeah why do you want to be half eagle?

Boris: Better profile, for one thing. And no one eats you for another!

Jayden: Yeah right. (Then Jayden got an idea as he snaps his fingers) I know. Maybe you can go talk to her.

Balto: Talk to her. I don't know…

Sarah: (Agreeing with Jayden) That's an excellent idea Jayden. I like you did with me and it was so beautiful.

Roger Rabbit: Yeah. (Cheering up Balto) Come on Romeo your Juliet is waiting for you.

Balto: Well alright. I'll do it. I'll talk to her.

*Jayden and the others cheered that Balto was gonna do it. That night at the Nome hospital where a few children were coughing and were not feeling to well and the parents begin to feel worried. Rosy was sitting by the window coughing to. Jenna is waiting outside, and barks when she sees Rosy*

Rosy: Jenna? Jenna! Jenna! Hi girl! (They start to play, but Rosy begins coughing. Her father comes outside.)

Rosy's Father: Rosy! Rosy, come on. You're gonna catch your death out here.

Rosy: Okay, Dad.

Rosy's Father: Come on, honey, the doctor's waiting. (The door closes. Jenna is concerned and sits beside the window. The doctor is examining Rosy. Balto, Jayden and Roger Rabbit see Jenna and Balto wants to talk to her. He checks himself in a puddle, and tries unsuccessfully to stop the fur on his head sticking up.)

Balto: Jenna? Uh... Jenna.

Jayden: Hello there.

Roger Rabbit: Hi.

Jenna: Balto. Hi.

Balto: Hi. (Jenna continues looking through the window) Look, uh, it's just a shot in the dark, but I was wondering if ah, I dunno, maybe you'd like to go… chase a few sticks by moonlight? A heh heh! (He notices her sad face and is concerned even Jayden and Roger Rabbit. They sit next to her at the window.)

Balto: Jenna?

Jayden: What's wrong?

Jenna: Rosy's in there.

Balto: In a hospital? Why?

Jenna: She feels warm… she has a terrible cough. Balto, what's wrong with her?

Balto: I'm not sure, but I know how to find out. Come on. (He leads her and the others to a wooden door)

Roger Rabbit: How are we gonna get in?

Balto: I have the keys to the city. (He pulls the pins out of the hinges and opens the door and Jayden was very impressed. He waits for Jenna, holding out his paw.) After you.

Jenna: (Notices his big paw) Balto!

Balto: A heh, big paws kinda run in my family. At least, ahhh... one side of my family. (Jenna follows him through the boiler room and into a tunnel.) Stay close. You guys as well.

Jayden: Okay.

Roger Rabbit: Are you its safe down here?

Jayden: Relax Roger Rabbit there’s no reason to be scared. I've snuck into places many times and never got caught. (Correcting himself) Well maybe once. But I've gotten better.

Jenna: Heh! No problem there. It's so gloomy down here… not that I'm scared or anything. (She is surprised by a large spider web, which Balto swipes away with his tail.)

Balto: Gloomy? You kiddin'? It's the most beautiful spot in the world! Dogs travel for years just to be right here.

*They see a gloomy room underneath the hospital*

Jenna: I can't see why.

Balto: That's 'cause you're looking at the bowl half empty. (Pushes broken bottles in front of the light) You see this? It's the polar icecaps.

Jenna: Balto, those are broken bottles. And they're not half empty, they're all empty.

Balto: (Motions towards the light and smiles.) The sun…

Jenna: (Amused) Balto! (Balto moves away from the bottles)

Balto: And to the North… (The wall becomes a shimmering curtain of light. Jenna, Jayden and Roger Rabbit were amazed.)

Jayden: (Amazed) Wow.

Roger Rabbit: (Amazed) Pretty.

Jenna: The Northern Lights! Oh! Balto, you're right. It's beautiful. (While Jenna continues to stare at the lights, Balto is looking at her. He sighs. )

Balto: Yeah… beautiful. (Jenna looks at him, and it looks like their noses will touch again. But they are interrupted by the disappearance of the light. The doctor has turned off the light in Rosy's room, above them.)

Doctor: Goodnight, Rosy.

Rosy: I'm so… cold…

Doctor: Well I have another blanket for you right here, you just stay warm and get some rest. (He walks to where Rosy's father is waiting.)

Rosy's Father: Doctor, how is she?

Doctor: (Tired) Exhausted from coughing. And her fever's getting worse. Looks like diphtheria. (He sees that there are no vials of diphtheria antitoxin. He picks up a bottle of Aspirin.) She's the eighteenth case this week… and I'm out of antitoxin.

*This made Jayden feel a bit worried about Rosy. As he drags Roger Rabbit quietly away from Balto and Jenna.*

Roger Rabbit: What's the problem Jayden? What's diphtheria?

Jayden: (Whispers) It's an illness Roger Rabbit. A very powerful and deadly illness. It's dangerous to children it can make them really sick. But it can also kill them.

Roger Rabbit: (Begins to feel worried) (Whispers) You mean there gonna…

Jayden: (Whispers) Yes. There gonna die. But only the antitoxin can save them but right now they don't have any. Which means there in real trouble.

Roger Rabbit: (Whispering as he pleading to Jayden worried) What are gonna do Jayden, what are gonna do?!

Jayden: (Whispers) I don't know.

*Jenna is upset and leaves. Balto, Jayden and Roger Rabbit follow her out of the room.*

Balto: Jenna! Jenna, I'm sorry. I… Jenna… I… I didn't mean to upset you. (They are now in the boiler room again) I shouldn't have taken you down there.

Jenna: No, I'm glad you did. (There is a crash, and Steele falls down outside the door, planks falling everywhere. He kicks them aside and enters the room. He has a chain of stolen sausages in his mouth) Steele.

Jayden: (Annoyed) Oh no.

Roger Rabbit: Not him again.

Steele: Well, well, what's wrong with this picture? Jenna, join me for dinner. (Throws the chain around her. He pulls her closer.) You start at one end, I'll start at the other, when we get to the middle, well… heh heh… you tell me!

Balto: All right, Steele. Rowf! (bites at the chain of sausages)

Jenna: No, Balto. (She begins to flirt with Steele) Gee, Steele, I have to admit your offer is very tempting.

Steele: It is… heh heh heh heh!

Jenna: (She backs him up against the boiler door… which is very hot.) But these days, I prefer my meat… cooked. (Steele's rear end begins to smoke. He yells in pain and the others escape.)

Balto: Come on! Let's go! (Steele crashes through the door and lands on top of them.)

Butcher: What's all the noise?

Rosy's Father: I think it's over here! 

Balto: Jenna, Jayden, Roger Rabbit come on! (They run off a short distance, then Steele sees that the butcher is looking for the thief. He throws the sausages at Balto and knocks him over)

Rosy's Father: Looks like Balto's found his way into your meat locker.

Butcher: It's a good thing Steele was here. (gives Steele the sausages. Steele chews them hungrily) Good boy, Steele. You've earned these. Besides, I can't do anything with them after that wild animal's touched them!

Rosy's Father: Go on! Get out of here you thief! (kicks snow at Balto, making him run away. Jenna tries to follow but Rosy's Father grabs her bandanna) Come on, Jenna. Let's go home.

Jayden: But it wasn't Balto it was…


Jayden: Crap. (Grabs Roger Rabbit) RUN!! (As he follows Balto from behind running past the front of the hospital, where Mr. Johanssen is putting up a QUARANTINE sign on the door. A telegraph is sent to Anchorage requesting medicine)

Telegraph Operator: Nome. Pack ice closing in. Cannot send antitoxin by sea. Will try by air. (a plane taxies down the runway, but stops and turns off its engine. The blizzard is worse and it cannot fly)

Telegraph Operator: Nome. Storm at airport. Planes grounded until storm clears. Many regrets. From Juneau, office of the governor. We are shipping antitoxin by rail. Stop. Train line ends at town of Nenana. Stop. Select fastest dogs for sled team to carry antitoxin from Nenana to Nome. Stop. God willing, train will make it through. Stop.
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Comments: 11

thunderwolf1930 [2020-09-13 21:22:46 +0000 UTC]

I'm interested

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JHMirda In reply to thunderwolf1930 [2020-09-13 22:36:12 +0000 UTC]

That’s just an old story from an old order but will soon be reused again

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thunderwolf1930 In reply to JHMirda [2020-09-13 22:38:40 +0000 UTC]

Ya and now I'm different from last time I read it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JHMirda In reply to thunderwolf1930 [2020-09-13 22:44:46 +0000 UTC]

Different how?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thunderwolf1930 In reply to JHMirda [2020-09-13 22:46:22 +0000 UTC]

I got a book called the truth behind the big bad wolf

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JHMirda In reply to thunderwolf1930 [2020-09-13 22:46:50 +0000 UTC]

What’s that? Is their a pic?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thunderwolf1930 In reply to JHMirda [2020-09-14 01:52:12 +0000 UTC]

I'll post it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JHMirda In reply to thunderwolf1930 [2020-09-15 00:23:04 +0000 UTC]

Gotcha sorry for delay

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thunderwolf1930 In reply to JHMirda [2020-09-15 00:28:50 +0000 UTC]

I hope u get the book

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JHMirda In reply to thunderwolf1930 [2020-09-15 12:09:16 +0000 UTC]

If I can find it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thunderwolf1930 In reply to JHMirda [2020-09-15 12:38:15 +0000 UTC]


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