▶「 B A S I C 」 name [keitt] species [aevumi - pangolin]
age [20] height&weight [5'10"・179cm] [174lb・79kg]
gender [male] birthday [spring 10]
▶「 P E R S O N A L 」 orientation []
occupation [Bike Shop/Scooter Shop - worker]
[ shy・loving・jittery・caring・empathetic・innocent・analytical・j i t t e r y ]
Having grown up with a lot of love, he's full of lots of love himself! Keitt likes seeing people smile (even though it's usually not him making them smile, what with not being able to approach anyone with a 10 ft stick). He trusts so easily that he's learned to hold himself back. Because there are a lot of scary people out there after all... Even though he looks at everyone with a rose colored glass by default.
Keitt's just an extremely nice kid who wants to be friends with everybody but also simultaneously constantly afraid of them, while not actually being afraid. To clarify on that, it isn't necessarily people he's afraid of, rather it's his own reaction he wants to avoid. From many turbulent experiences, Keitt understands that he'll poof into a spikey creature at the drop of a hat and is just too mortified and embarrassed of the fact that he absolutely books it to the hills. Trying to talk to him is sort of like trying to coax a cornered animal. It's okay though! Even if he runs as soon as you open your mouth it means he likes you!
Interestingly enough, while he is shy around people, it's not as if he lacks confidence in his own judgments. It's not that hes a nervous wreck in every department. A fact more prominent outside of the social realm, he's able to make decisions for himself, gauge things for himself, and isn't wrought with anxiety over reaching conclusions even in conditions under pressure. Being a seasoned mechanic surely played a part in this, needing to be sure of the services he provides, building a necessary confidence in him. As such, he's a highly analytical type, breaking down parts of the whole and considering thoroughly before reaching a conclusion.
His father was a mechanic who had married the love of his life. The couple soon excitedly had their first child, and it was only after they were dismissed did they get to first hold him. The mother finding a small spikey animal in place of a baby was shocking indeed, and worry crossed over her face, holding back panic. His father reassured her, telling her he would love their child no matter what he is... She nodded softly as well, cradling the tiny animal.
Sadly reality wasn't as romantic, and she'd left silently without a trace. His father was heart broken, but he was a good man. Even with her abandonment, she truly was the love of his life, and so he never remarries, raising his son alone. Full of resolve, he pours all of his love into his son to make up for it all. He wants to raise him well. And indeed, Keitt grew up with support and care, never once feeling the loss of a mother that he didn't even know. And as due course, Keitt's grew as a sweet and caring child.
Eventually, it's time for him to enroll in school. He goes with full excitement and a lovely nervousness, painfully shy as he's only spent time around his father. This quickly leads into a poof and kids are holding up a armadillo looking creature cheering out "TEACHER! KEITT TURNED INTO PINE CONE" and then to a teacher yelling, "WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS EXOTIC ANIMAL? PUT IT DOWN." So it never really gets found out but there's Keitt returning home with tears in his eyes and reassurances from his father.
And so more often than not, young Keitt returns home with stumbled apologies of dad i'm sorry i lost my gym clothes again, met with a it's okay son lets get you a new pair. After the nth time of his items going missing, his dad realizes it wasn't going to work out. I'll just home school you okay..! Even though Keitt wanted to make friends, he nods in agreement. It's to sort of a relief though, his father's wary indeed, having researched what exactly Keitt is. The moment he found pangolins almost extinct due to trafficking, he pulls Keitt aside to tell him the dangers of appearing as an animal in front of others. Keitt stares with wide eyes and nods obediently, hearing his father well.
Keitt grows up well with his mechanic father, learning all the nicks and tricks and educated decently as well. He ends up helping at the shop, his father manning the reception and coming back to work alongside. Keitt's happy to assist his aging dad, though he remains as sturdy as ever. He can't deny the ache in seeing regulars coming by from where he's under a car, yearning to talk and ask how their day was but holding himself back. He knows he 'turns' very easy... just the slightest touch and he's suddenly a pine cone. (This is all due to the fact that he likes everyone too much but Keitt and his father don't know that, don't know this trigger at all) There's been quite a few ups and downs and near kidnappings in his animal form, but he's still safe.
And on a stuffy spring day of his 18th birthday, the AC suddenly goes out. They open the shop windows to escape humid suffocation. In comes a letter with the breeze. The contents were hard to believe at first, but it was too specific to not be real. His father is practically happier than he—Son. these people know...! You can finally talk to others like I know you've wanted to...! Keitt cannot deny his wanting, but is adamant to stay with his father, not wanting to leave him alone. With enough pushing and shoving and the caring eyes of his dad, Keitt eventually gives in, heart fluttering in excitement like that first day of school.
▶「 B A T T L E 」 bond [Lemnis ]
rank [2]
▶「 E X T R A 」 likes [ cars・vehicles・riding his motorcycle・his father・almost everything! ]
dislikes [ scary things...]
voice Keshi
theme tbd
- the bike was a gift from his father! (at 17) Keitt's kept it nice and well running for 3 years on now. It's practically his baby.
- likes riding to de-stress
- left after promising to call his dad everyday! which he does
- very good mechanic like his pawpaw
▶「 U S E R 」 RP [Discord・Google Docs] [lit・semi-lit・hc・draw rp]
discord [Y]
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