Actual Title: Chan Man Pok - 20th Century Remake
i'm not giving out of the Links to Public anymore cuz I don't want these logo-tards betraying me by exposing the links to public, ruined by the logo kids that ruin the logo community (that is getting toxic) or fake logo rip-offs (yes, fake companies doesn't even exist) where kids claimed "REAL, NOT FAKE!!!!!" in the description, destroy the model or any dramas like that.
I'm only give the links for my trusted Friend on notes Like & when they asked, so if I still don't know/trust you, DON'T bother me sending me the notes or asking for that in the comments.
Do not even think about mentioning my logo remakes from "SEND TO NOTE" term (I'm looking at you, joaopedreirocruz00
Here is my remake on 20th Century William Chan Man Pok Remake
In Fact i Use Neo Jaden TiernanHopkins Vincent's Parts to Match The Original!
I also Use The Byline Called, Created By JohnNarg
Credit To William Chan For The Original
All done with Blender 2.76b (Blender Render)
Up Next
21st Century Epic Remake
21st Century Crap
20th Century Box
21th Century Kevin David
& Many More Remakes