Joreal — Big Sister Problems Reborn: The New Arrival [NSFW]

#sissies #abdlgirl #abdl #abduction #sissy #transformation
Published: 2022-01-26 09:35:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 265172; Favourites: 851; Downloads: 88
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“Y-yuh-you DO hate me!” Soon-Yi shouted at her big sister, who was standing in front of her gaming chair holding her sister’s favorite doll. Ji-Eun was scowling at her sister, who had tears streaming down her face, preparing to give her a piece of her mind when she bolted down the stairs and slammed the front door shut behind her. Chucking the toy out of her room and against the wall next to her sister’s room, Ji-Eun went back to playing her video games, whispering “Friggin’ annoyance… good riddance…” under her breath.

"YOO JI-EUN!" Her head had snapped up, an imprint of her keyboard visible on the side of her face from where she had slept on it. “Just a dream…” Ji-Eun heard her mother call again, scrambled to get up and throw her pants, a t-shirt and ballcap on before sliding down the stairs as fast as she could, so she wouldn't be in any more trouble than she already was. Reflexively, she started filling a cup of coffee as her mother scowled at her.

Now Ji-Eun's mother was shouting at her, telling her in Korean (so she knew how badly she had messed up) how stupid she was for smashing Soon-Yi's toy. “Ah. Not a dream.” Ji-Eun thought to herself. She watched her mother slap the broken thing on the counter and pointed at the door, telling her to go find her sister. Pulling out Ji-Eun's phone, she started the phone-tracking app so Soon-Yi's position was visible. Chugging her cup of coffee, Ji-Eun grabbed for her keys before her mother snatched them from her. She told Ji-Eun she would pick both girls up after she had walked to the neighbor kids' house five miles away, where Soon-Yi was waiting for an apology from her sister.

After the first two miles, the shock of being yelled at wore off and Ji-Eun began grumbling to herself as she stared at the phone in her hand, pinging her sister's position. "Soon-Yi ran off to whine to some brats in a neighborhood FIVE MILES AWAY, and I'm supposed to walk there and apologize? Forget it!" After ranting to herself for a while, things became... strange. Ji-Eun felt her stomach growing heavier, which was odd because she didn't have a heavy breakfast. She also felt something weird happening with her shoes, which were constricting after all her walking. Her hat had been tightening, likely due to the humidity; what bothered her the most was her pants. They had been growing bulkier and swelling with each step she took. Ignoring the pain, she clenched her eyes and focused on the path ahead.

The next mile passed by more quickly, with Ji-Eun's steps becoming lighter by the minute as something odd happened. The sun beat down on her face, but something seemed to be keeping her cool. She felt a slight breeze rustle her short dress, and her Mary Janes clacked on the sidewalk as she made her way down the road. Her babydoll dress bounced as her legs spread, making way for her diaper. The ruffles on her diaper cover swished in the wind, whipping her bonnet as it, too, rustled around. She was so focused, she didn't even notice her wardrobe change until she heard someone on a bike call out: "Hey baby, Halloween's not until next month!" Looking quizzically at the cyclist, Ji-Eun moved to scratch her head. It was only when her hand touched the satin fabric of her bonnet that she realized anything had changed... and she screamed.

"WHAT THE HELL" Ji-Eun felt something tug at the back of her neck, causing her to look down at her chest. There was now a bib laying on her chest, with "BIG BABY" spelled out in baby blocks on it. BIG was on top, with BABY underneath. Ji-Eun scrambled behind a nearby fence next to an abandoned car wash before she began tugging and pulling at her new outfit, to no avail. Out of breath, face red as a beet, she set her phone down in camera mode on a nearby cinderblock and took her new look in. As she walked back to gain a better view on the phone, a set of fingerless mittens strapped themselves onto her hands with a bow at each wrist.

She had her long, black hair done in a ponytail which was currently sticking out of a hole in the back of a bright, satin, pastel green colored bonnet. It had frills around the face of the brim and a tiny, barely noticeable pink ribbon tied tightly in a bow under her chin. There was a matching satin pastel green babydoll dress, set with a peter pan collar around her neck and puff cap sleeves. Tied under the collar was the bib she had first noticed earlier, declaring for all to see that she was indeed a big baby.

Her dress did nothing to hide her enormous diaper, which had a satin diaper cover set with three rows of ruffles on the seat. It peeked out just under her dress so cutely it would appear to be a deliberate choice on her part to anyone who saw her. Just under those, she found a pair of mint green socks rising halfway up to her knees out of a pair of pastel green Mary Janes. Ji-Eun groaned as she tried to pull the babyish undergarments off, finding no purchase as she suddenly realized her hands had giant, fingerless mittens on them. Not remembering them at first, she suddenly understood that whatever was doing this to her must have waited for her to set the phone down before restraining her hands.

"Okay. Okay. This is weird." Ji-Eun paced back and forth, talking to herself. "You must have heat stroke. Yeah, that's it. You walked so far, didn't take water, and now you're having a fever dream while an ambulance is driving you to a hospital." Looking at herself in the camera again, she shook her head. "This'll all be over before you know it, Ji-Eun. Just wake up." She picked up the phone, fumbling her way back to location services and seeing Soon-Yi's position... coming towards her?!

Taking the risk, Ji-Eun raced out from behind the fence. A group of runners she hadn't heard approaching called out to her, making her wish she had looked before jumping into the open. They stared for a moment before an eruption of laughter made her turn even redder than before. The leaders jeered, "Oh, baby, would you look at that!" Followed by "Hey baby, I've got a treat for you!" The others who weren't too winded wolf whistled and kept pace behind her as she ran off. She could feel their eyes crawling all over her as she waddled ahead as quickly as she could.

When the runners broke off on a turn, they all called out to her one last time before she could make it to a set of bushes she was able to hide in. She had run (well, waddled) another half-mile, crying and swaying her fat, diapered rear the entire way. Squatting to catch her breath, Ji-Eun wiped her tears with the bib dangling around her neck. She felt her knees trembling from how far she had gone, causing her to drop to the ground. She crawled over to the shade of a nearby tree and laid there, her bladder protesting her decision not to use the toilet before leaving. She groaned and wondered how much worse this day could get.

"There you are baby sis!"

Ji-Eun's question was immediately answered, the sound of Soon-Yi's voice breaking through the silence. Her head snapped up and stared at a group of three odd girls standing in a semi-circle, surrounding Soon-Yi. All the anger she had been storing up slipped away as Ji-Eun blubbered out, "S-s-s-Soon-Yi! Something's..." She stopped to sniffle, tears and snot rolling down her face. "Something's wrong... I don't understand what's going on!"

Soon-Yi and the three other girls with her grinned down at the weeping girl. She leaned over and wiped the mucus up with Ji-Eun's bib. "Oh, no, baby sis. This seems right." The new baby girl stared in confusion as her tummy groaned again, the coffee from earlier making itself known in the moment. Ji-Eun grimaced as she clutched at her belly. She tugged at the diaper and plastic panties, desperate to remove them. Pleading with the girls, she whimpered, "S... Soon-Yi... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have broken your doll... please help me-!" Her voice broke as she said, "help me", the realization she wouldn't be able to hold it in anymore dawning on her.

As Soon-Yi and her friends looked down in disgust, Ji-Eun planted her hands on the ground. She raised her bottom, clenched her eyes and held out for one more moment. She begged, "Soon-Yi... don't..." and Soon-Yi replied, "My friends know the perfect place for big babies like you!" As Ji-Eun struggled, Soon-Yi followed up with "If you mess yourself, don't worry... Ms. Emily will take good care of you!" Soon-Yi leaned in and tickled Ji-Eun under her armpit, causing her to laugh and lose her balance. As she hit the ground, she felt her bowels loosen and a messy surge fill her diaper with a loud "PHHHHHRRRRTTTT!!!"

As Ji-Eun panted, breath heavy with protestations of "Nuhhh... notta babiee...", Soon-Yi rolled her eyes. She grinned at her friends who snickered as she said "Uh-huh, definitely not a baby... have fun at Ms. Emily's, sis! Say hi to my new friends' sisters!" As she finished, Soon-Yi snapped her fingers. At that moment, Ji-Eun felt the floor fall out from under her, causing her to wet herself as she let out a short yelp. Silently, she felt grateful that she was wearing a diaper at that moment as the wormhole swallowed her. Closing her eyes to avoid vertigo, she breathed rapidly and tried not to scream. She fell for what seemed like forever, until she landed with a THUMP on solid ground. “OUCHIE!”

Cautiously opening her eyes, Ji-Eun verified she was not dead. At least, she didn't think this was what the afterlife looked like. For one, she was still wearing her embarrassing outfit, and her diaper was still loaded and soaked. In addition to that, she had no clue where she was... but wherever it was, everything about it seemed... off.

Staggering to her feet, she pulled at her new dress, staring down in order getting a better look at it. She frowned as she felt the mess shifting around in her pants, wondering if it had something to do with how much larger it seemed to make her diaper feel. Ji-Eun took the sides of her babydoll dress in her fingertips and spread them to the sides, making the dress look shorter and showing off more of her diaper as a result. Looking down for the first time since she saw it in the camera, she was able to take in all of what she was wearing.

The satin dress shimmered as it wafted gently over a matching pair of ruffled plastic panties. “W… what is this stuff? Why am I dressed like a baby?” Her bright green, fingerless mittens which were tied securely to her wrists made any attempts nearly impossible anyway. And the bib… the bib was tied on so loosely, she felt like she should be able to pull it off without a problem; but the ribbon’s ties slipped neatly around her throat whenever she lifted it up, refusing to relinquish its grip until she let it droop down over her chest. It offered no resistance as she tugged it around her neck, leaving her puzzled as to why it would stop her from lifting it off.

She had no luck with her shoes either. It seemed like the Mary Janes were only being held down with Velcro, but no matter how hard she tugged at the material, it held fast to her shoes. The socks also refused to move at all. Her bonnet, she assumed, would be just as unwilling. Ji-Eun was reluctant to try to remove her babydoll dress at all, for fear she’d be unable to put it back on and left with no top in a strange nursery. Taking a breath, she rubbed her bottom as it still ached, despite being overly padded. "Ugh... why can’t I take any of this stuff off?" she asked to nobody in particular as she rubbed her injured bottom, crinkling noises emitting from the filled diaper seated underneath her frilly panties.

The room was brightly lit, offering a clear view of the enormous cubbies, with a potty chart directly overhead. Noticing the alphabet foam tiled mat on the floor, and the cubbies with bonnets hanging off hooks behind her, Ji-Eun assumed wherever this place was, this area was some kind of intake room. There were brightly colored walls, with light streaming in from a window overhead, supposedly to make it appear more… welcoming? “This place is creepy… how did I get here? Am I being pranked? SOON-YI?” Taking a step forward as she called out, she slipped on her shiny new Mary Janes, landing directly on her bottom once again. Flipping onto her tummy, Ji-Eun crawled up to the door, drawing herself to her feet with the help of the wall. She peeked cautiously through the window to see where it might lead to.

Before she could concentrate on whatever might be on the other side, she felt a sting emanating from her rear at the spot she landed on. Taking a breath, she rubbed her bottom with her mittened hand as it still ached, despite being overly padded. Looking back at her rear end, she realized the bonnet had enveloped her face so much she could barely see anything, her peripheral vision severely cut off. Tugging at the bonnet, she realized her earlier hypothesis that she wouldn’t be able to remove any of her clothes was correct.

In the slightly mirrored surface, Ji-Eun got a good look at her cutely enveloped face once again. "Where is this place, anyway… oh!" Breaking out of her reverie, she was surprised to see a caretaker in the room beyond. They had spotted her standing in the doorway and were walking gingerly toward her. Ji-Eun felt herself wet her diaper as she saw the intensity of the woman approaching her, belying her otherwise sweet appearance. As she waved to Ji-Eun, the new arrival felt her fight-or-flight instincts kick in, leaning heavily toward flight. She instantly spun around, quickly losing her footing in her new shoes. Ji-Eun fell chest-first to the floor, groaning in pain.

Wobbling onto her feet once again, she looked back to the main area she had arrived in. After a quick survey of the area, she realized that there were no other doors. She waddled over to the small play area to look through the pile of stuffies to see if there was a hidden exit... and found nothing. She plowed headfirst into the pile, hoping to hide herself. Sifting through the toys, she eventually collided face-first with the wall, a loud BANG sounding as she did so. As Ji-Eun rubbed her nose with her soft, mittened hand, she felt someone pull her out of the pile, hefting her up by the back of her diaper. She was shocked to see the caretaker, a petite woman in a red and white candy striper uniform, giving her a warm smile.

"Oh dear, I hope you didn't hurt yourself, little one~! Come here, let Ms. Emily kiss it better." The woman, Ms. Emily, brought Ji-Eun in and kissed the tip of her nose. It felt cool to the touch as Ji-Eun relaxed, all the fight in her giving way to the fear she felt at being held four feet off the ground. “So, what’s your name then?” Ji-Eun remained petrified as she reflexively stammered out “…J…J-J-J-Ji…Ji-Eu…Ji…” Ms. Emily nodded, still hefting the little one by her diaper. “Okay, Junie, we’ll get your name on the potty-training chart soon.” Ji-Eun felt an attack of vertigo as she hovered in the air and messed herself once again. Ms. Emily wrinkled her nose as the fresh smell reached her. "Oh, I'm sorry hon! You just missed changing time by five minutes... but don't you worry! After lunch, you'll have play time, nap time, and a fresh change! For now, though, let me introduce you to the others!"

Placing her left arm around Ji-Eun's waist and supporting her bottom with her right hand, Ms. Emily lightly kicked the door to the kitchen open and set the baby girl in a highchair. Next to her, Ji-Eun saw three other girls in blue, yellow and pink outfits, somewhat more grown-up than hers (but not by much) … who looked like the other little girls Soon-Yi was with. As she connected the dots, Ji-Eun gulped down a scream while smushing her mess down on the chair. Ms. Emily spread out her hands and smiled brightly.

"Great news, girls! Big baby Junie is going to be staying here with us for a while! Tiffy, Kendra, Stacey, say hello to Junie~!" The three girls eked out a cautious "Hello, Junie..." as Ms. Emily beamed a bright smile at them all. She turned her gaze back to Ji-Eun and adjusted the new toddler's bib as its baby blocks now read "Yummy Nummy". When she stopped fussing with it. She patted Ji-Eun on the head and nodded to the three girls. "It's your turn, honey! Say hello to Tiffy, Kendra, and Stacey~!"

Knowing she was likely trapped here (and antagonizing a woman who could lift her with one hand like she was a bag of chips would be a bad idea), Ji-Eun went along with it. She eked out a smile and responded, "Y-yeah... hello, Tiffy, Kendra, and S-Stacey." Smiling at the response, Ms. Emily pulled a pair of bowls of mushy purée from the counter and placed them in front of Kendra and Stacey. Going back to the counter, she took another set of bowls in her hands. While Ms. Emily was doing this, the girl who had been identified as Tiffy leaned over to Ji-Eun and whispered, "Eat everything... trust me." She sat up straight in her highchair again and looked ahead as the bowls were placed in front of them.

Ji-Eun was fed first, spoonsful of the nastiest tasting mush she'd ever had being shoveled down her mouth. Dabs of mush slid out of her mouth, landing on her bib, earning her a few “tsk, tsk”ings from Ms. Emily. As Ji-Eun ate, she noticed Tiffy and Kendra were sitting still, looking apprehensive, while Stacey was smiling, kicking her legs back and forth, humming a little tune to herself. After Ji-Eun finished her last bite, Ms. Emily strapped a Velcro-covered baby bottle of flavored milk into her mittens and tilted the bottle up to her lips. Once she began sucking, Ji-Eun was left alone and the others were fed. Tiffy, Kendra and Stacey finished quickly as they didn't spill any food and drained their milk quickly. Ji-Eun watched as their bottles were taken out of their hands, and one by one, they were burped, mouths wiped on their bibs, and taken back into the playroom.

Once everyone was in the playroom, Ms. Emily winked at the baby girls. "Okay, play nice for now! I'm going to see how the others are doing." Ji-Eun looked up at the potty-training chart, groaning internally as she saw “Junie” had been added to a newly created space at the bottom. Before Ms. Emily left, she turned back to say "Oh, this is perfect~! You girls were due to have a fourth, and now you have a new playmate! I hope you all get along~!" Blowing them all a kiss, Ms. Emily closed the door, locking it shut behind her. Immediately after, the three girls crowded around Ji-Eun.

"So? What's your story?" The girl in yellow, Kendra, aggressive in her approach, began asking questions without hesitation. The girl in pink, Stacey, put a gloved hand on the girl's shoulder, drawing her back. She smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, Kendra's kind of intense. We kind of rushed through the introductions earlier… I'm Stacey, and that's Tiffany." The girl in blue, Tiffany, waved a hand. "So, where'd you come from, Junie?"

Ji-Eun took a second to collect herself, not noticing how Stacey had called her by the wrong name Ms. Emily had introduced her with. She was distracted by the fact that she was still sitting in her own mess, and now had a tummy full of food and milk begging for escape. As the girls impatiently stared, she managed to squeak out "Georgia. I don't know what happened; I was walking, and suddenly I was wearing this... I couldn't get it off. My sister was with some weird girls, and..."

Before she could finish, Tiffany, Kendra, and Stacey all rolled their eyes. Kendra chimed in again. "Yeah, your little sister snapped her fingers and something weird happened, I'm guessing?" Ji-Eun nodded. Kendra sighed, setting her face in a moue. "Ours did this to us…” She gestured to her outfit; a cute looking Goldilocks dress short enough to show off her diaper. “…so, believe me, we know how you feel, hon." Tiffany, in her Alice in Wonderland dress, patted Ji-Eun on the back, handing her a stuffed rabbit. "Here, play with this while we talk. Ms. Emily will take you to a back room to play with..." Tiffany cringed. "...something else...  if you aren't playing with these. Just trust us, doing as Ms. Emily asks is the best way to survive here." Stacey, in a pink Dorothy dress, nodded and rubbed up against Kendra. “You might actually begin to like it here, if you give it a chance… just saying…” Kendra blushed as she felt Stacey’s hand reach around and squeeze her thigh, trying her best not to moan in front of the new arrival.

Taking the bunny Tiffany had offered, Ji-Eun sat in her own filth, contemplating how drastically everything had changed from this morning. "I had no clue Soon-Yi felt this strongly about a stupid toy... or a silly prank... or..." and the more she thought about everything she'd done to her sister, the more she realized why she was sent here. Hugging her dolly, Ji-Eun laid on her side, trying her best to avoid getting a rash from her messy diaper. Tiffany, Stacey, and Kendra danced their dolls in the air, doing their best to make it look like Ji-Eun was participating.

"Okay babies, it's nap time~! Scoot along!" Stacey and Tiffy lifted Ji-Eun up and helped her crawl over to the nursery, Kendra pushing her face into the back of the exhausted baby's diaper to move her along as she sniffed the full diaper. She moaned as she moved the drowsy, anxious Ji-Eun in where Ms. Emily was able to lift Kendra and Stacey into their shared crib. As the girls crawled through the doorway, Ji-Eun noticed how their more “grown-up” dresses changed to resemble the babydoll dress she had arrived in, presumably for nap time. Looking down at Ji-Eun, Ms. Emily lifted her along with Tiffany and set them into another crib standing next to Kendra and Stacey’s, a hanging plaque denoting it belonged to Tiffy & Junie. Ji-Eun tried to find a comfortable position, to no avail. After twisting and turning one too many times, Tiffany reached out and pulled Ji-Eun to herself. Ji-Eun reversed their positions, wrapping her arms around Tiffany’s torso. Pulling a small doll tightly to her chest, wrapping it in her arms, Tiffany felt Ji-Eun burrow her face deep into the back of her neck. In the other crib, Kendra quickly burrowed her own face into the back of Stacey’s diaper. Stacey blushed as she mushed the little sissy’s face deeper, cooing to her as she did so. Once everyone was securely locked in, Ms. Emily turned out the light and whispered, "Welcome home, little Junie~."


Join me in welcoming Ji-Eun, the newest arrival to Ms. Emily's Interdimensional Daycare for Big Babies~! She was drawn by 34Qucker , who designed her for this story. There will be an additional set of images showing the rest of Ji-Eun's arrival posted shortly after this one.

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Comments: 10

Angellothefox [2023-11-23 19:04:27 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Clawblood [2023-02-10 04:06:38 +0000 UTC]

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IntoTheFilthWorld [2023-02-02 03:14:09 +0000 UTC]

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blac11gol4 [2022-11-30 02:06:08 +0000 UTC]

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gennaboo [2022-07-29 04:43:20 +0000 UTC]

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blac11gol4 [2022-01-26 21:25:22 +0000 UTC]

👍: 2 ⏩: 1

BoiOnTheMoon In reply to blac11gol4 [2022-07-29 20:59:42 +0000 UTC]

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34Qucker [2022-01-26 18:15:12 +0000 UTC]

👍: 4 ⏩: 1

Pinkhippo99 In reply to 34Qucker [2023-02-02 17:19:14 +0000 UTC]

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smokeysis [2022-01-26 12:57:35 +0000 UTC]

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